University of Cambridge > > compiler socials > User-extensible and Productive Programming of Specialized Hardware

User-extensible and Productive Programming of Specialized Hardware

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Emma Urquhart.

As single-core performance has reached its limit, exploiting the peak performance of heterogeneous accelerators and specialized instructions has become crucial in many applications. Compilers struggle to keep pace with the diverse and rapidly evolving hardware targets, and automatic optimization often fails to guarantee state-of-the-art performance. Consequently, high-performance libraries are still commonly coded and optimized by hand, at great expense, in low-level C and assembly. User-schedulable languages (USLs) have been proposed to address this challenge by decoupling algorithms and scheduling. I will share our work on Exo, a USL based on the principle of exocompilation, which externalizes hardware-specific code generation and scheduling library implementation in the user code, decoupled from the compiler. Additionally, I will discuss other projects that borrow ideas from USLs and the lessons we have learned from the industry adoption of Exo.

This talk is part of the compiler socials series.

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