Use of a novel haemostatic sponge following alarvestibuloplasty in French Bull Dogs
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Sebastian Prior, Department of Veterinary Medicine
Friday 29 November 2024, 08:45-10:00
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Fiona Roby.
Seb graduated from Liverpool University in 2005 and spent the first part of his career in central London charity hospitals. Seb held clinical and management roles at the RSPCA , Blue Cross, Battersea as well as teaching with the RVC ’s shelter medicine team. In 2020 he embarked on specialist training and is now a 3rd year ECVS resident in Small Animal Surgery having joined the QVSH in Jan 2022.
Chaired by Olivier Restif
This talk is part of the Friday Morning Seminars, Dept of Veterinary Medicine series.
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