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A personal list of talks.

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If you have a question about this list, please contact: Giorgio Divitini. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser.

3 upcoming talks and 2017 talks in the archive.

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Today's Challenges

UserJennifer Humphries and Louie Swallow.

HouseCUED, LT 6.

ClockThursday 27 February 2025, 16:30-18:00

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

Innovations in Nuclear Energy

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseCUED, LT 6.

ClockThursday 20 February 2025, 16:30-18:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

CSAR lecture: Psychological Inoculation Against Misinformation

UserProfessor Sander L. van der Linden, Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge.

HouseLocation: Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, and Zoom.

ClockMonday 10 February 2025, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

CSAR lecture: Geological disposal of our radioactive waste legacy.

UserProfessor Neil Hyatt is Chief Scientific Adviser to Nuclear Waste Services, Aegis Professor of Deep Time at The University of Bristol.

HouseLocation: Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, and Zoom.

ClockMonday 02 December 2024, 19:30-21:00

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

A Business Case for Nuclear Energy - Panel Discussion

UserSimon Taylor and Tony Roulstone.

HouseCUED, LR3.

ClockThursday 28 November 2024, 16:45-15:45

RSE Seminars

Moving mesh methods in Firedrake

UserJoe Wallwork - ICCS & RCS, University of Cambridge.

HouseRayleigh Seminar Room, Maxwell Centre, West Cambridge.

ClockThursday 28 November 2024, 13:00-14:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Symposium on Energy and Environmental Flows

UserJeremy Phillips (Bristol), Steve Sparks (Bristol), IEEF and Dept Earth Sci Faculty.

HouseOpen Plan Area, Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 28 November 2024, 11:00-17:30

Centre for Climate Repair

Good COP, bad COP: first reflections on COP29

Please register here:

UserHugh Hunt (University of Cambridge).

House Cambridge University Engineering Department, James Dyson Seminar Room.

ClockWednesday 27 November 2024, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Winter Symposium

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseDAMTP, Mathematics.

ClockTuesday 26 November 2024, 09:00-18:00

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

The Nuclear Solution? Facts and Fear in the Energy Debate

UserEugene Shwageraus and Sannah van Balen.

House Lecture Theatre 2.

ClockMonday 25 November 2024, 17:45-18:45

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

CSAR lecture: Is recycling just a load of rubbish?

UserDr. Claire Barlow, Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge.

HouseLocation: Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, and Zoom.

ClockMonday 18 November 2024, 19:30-21:00

Quaternary Discussion Group (QDG)

Do look back – what can the palaeo record tell us about Antarctica’s Doomsday glacier(s)?

This talk is run in association with the Cambridge Centre for Climate Science (CCfCS).

UserDr. James Smith (British Antarctic Survey).

HouseLatimer Room, Clare College.

ClockWednesday 06 November 2024, 17:30-19:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

CSAR lecture: Celebrating the contribution of viral sequencing to the COVID-19 pandemic response.

UserProfessor Sharon Peacock, Professor of Public Health and Microbiology, University of Cambridge; Director and Chair of the COVID-19 Genomics UK (COG-UK) consortium.

HouseLocation: Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, and Zoom.

ClockMonday 21 October 2024, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

CSAR lecture: Segmenting the biological causes of hearing loss

UserProfessor Karen P. Steel PhD, FMedSci, FRS, Wolfson Sensory, Pain and Regeneration Centre, King's College London.

HouseLocation: Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, and Zoom.

ClockMonday 10 June 2024, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

CSAR lecture: Physics IS Enhancing Machine Learning

UserDr Alice Cicirello, Data, Vibration and Uncertainty Group, Department of Engineering.

HouseLocation: Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, and Zoom.

ClockMonday 27 May 2024, 19:30-21:00

Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy Seminar Series

Novel manufacturing approaches to improving Li and Na ion batteries

Refreshments and cakes will be available!

UserProfessor Patrick Grant FREng, Department of Materials, Oxford University, UK.

HouseGoldsmiths 2 &

ClockThursday 16 May 2024, 15:15-16:45

Centre for Atmospheric Science seminars, Chemistry Dept.

The role of methane for chemistry-climate interactions: rapid radiative adjustments and climate feedbacks

Zoom link:

UserLaura Stecher, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre (Engl: German Aerospace Center, Institute of Atmospheric Physics).

HouseChemistry Dept, Unilever Lecture Theatre and Zoom.

ClockTuesday 07 May 2024, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

CSAR lecture: What to do about plastics?

UserProfessor Jonathan Cullen, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge.

HouseLocation: Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, and Zoom.

ClockMonday 29 April 2024, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

CSAR lecture: Picking raspberries with robots.

UserProfessor Martin Fodstad Stølen, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences/Fieldwork Robotics Ltd..

HouseLocation: Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, and Zoom.

ClockMonday 04 March 2024, 19:30-21:00

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

Nuclear Business Case

UserSimon Taylor, JBS and Abigail Luxton, H M Treasury.

House Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 6.

ClockThursday 22 February 2024, 16:30-18:00

History and Economics Seminar

'Patient Planet': An Environmental History of Globalization

UserJeremy Adelman (Princeton University / University of Cambridge).

HouseSeminar Room 3, Cripps Court, Magdalene College.

ClockTuesday 20 February 2024, 17:00-18:00

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

Interested in Nuclear Energy and Fuel?

Tea and cakes will be available from 16:15

UserNick Bachmann and Clara Waggett.

House Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 6.

ClockThursday 15 February 2024, 16:30-18:00

Kelvin Club - Peterhouse Scientific Society

Sunlight-powered chemical industries

UserProfessor Erwin Reisner (Department of Chemistry, Cambridge).

HousePeterhouse Theatre.

ClockTuesday 13 February 2024, 20:30-22:00

Cambridge Philosophical Society

Going beyond emissions reduction – Climate Repair

Check website for latest updates and booking information

UserDr Shaun Fitzgerald FREng OBE, Director of Research, Centre for Climate Repair, Department of Engineering.

HouseBristol-Myers Squibb Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockMonday 12 February 2024, 18:00-19:00

Physics and Chemistry of Solids Group

Discovering the 2D world with XPS

UserShaoliang Guan, Cavendish Laboratory.

HouseMott Seminar Room, Cavendish Laboratory.

ClockThursday 08 February 2024, 15:00-16:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

CSAR lecture: A multi-cancer early detection test - TBC

UserProfessor Mark Middleton, University of Oxford Department of Oncology; Cancer Research UK Oxford Centre.

HouseLocation: Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, and Zoom.

ClockMonday 05 February 2024, 19:30-21:00

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

Interested in Nuclear Energy Innovation?

UserMark Davies from USNC and Daniel Theobald from Last Energy.

House Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 6.

ClockThursday 01 February 2024, 16:30-18:00

Cabinet of Natural History

Re-enacting past experiments: how and why

UserHasok Chang (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockWednesday 31 January 2024, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge University Energy Technology Society

Energy Policy: Road to Net Zero

UserTerry Macalister, Guy Buckenham and Dr Shobana Sivanendran.

HouseMain Lecture Theatre, Old Divinity School, St John’s College.

ClockThursday 25 January 2024, 19:00-20:00

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

Interested in Nuclear for Climate?

UserAuden Botterud, David Reiner and Henry Phillips.

House Cambridge University Engineering Department.

ClockThursday 18 January 2024, 16:30-18:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Social prescribing - beyond pills

UserProfessor Sir Sam Everington, Bromley by Bow Health Partnership, Tower Hamlets.

HouseLocation: Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, and Zoom.

ClockMonday 30 October 2023, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Developments in neuroscience (TBC)

UserProfessor Jack Price, Institute for Psychiatry, Psychology, & Neuroscience. King’s College London.

HouseLocation: Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, and Zoom.

ClockMonday 12 June 2023, 19:30-21:00

Cavendish HEP Seminars

The Climate Emergency: can Particle Physics ever be sustainable?

UserProf Veronique Boisvert (RHUL).

HouseRyle Seminar Room.

ClockTuesday 23 May 2023, 11:00-12:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Can Enzymes Help Address the Climate Crisis?

UserSam Cobb ( Research Fellow, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Reisner Lab).

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 18 May 2023, 12:00-13:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Light, sight and the wonders of the eye…. with a focus on the lens

UserProf. Barbara Pierscionek, Medical Technology Research Centre, Anglia Ruskin University.

HouseLocation: Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, and Zoom.

ClockMonday 15 May 2023, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Energy Seminars

Empirically grounded technology forecasts and the energy transition

UserDr Rupert Way, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment. Oxford Martin School.

HouseMaxwell Centre, JJ Thomson Avenue, cambridge.

ClockFriday 10 March 2023, 14:00-15:00

Darwin College Science Seminars

Can enzymes help address the climate crisis?

Grab some lunch from the Darwin servery and enjoy an interesting science talk and discussion over lunch (talk starts 13.10, so make sure you're seated by then). Looking forward to seeing you there.

UserSam Cobb.

House1 Newnham Terrace, Darwin College.

ClockThursday 09 March 2023, 13:10-14:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

The adolescent brain

UserProfessor Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge.

HouseLocation: Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, and Zoom.

ClockMonday 06 March 2023, 19:30-21:00

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

Nuclear Business Case

UserMike Crawforth from Rolls-Royce SMR and Jean Lavarenne from Jacobs.

House Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 6.

ClockThursday 02 March 2023, 16:30-18:00

EPRG Energy & Environment Seminars

"The cost of capital and the energy transition"

UserBen Caldecott (Oxford University) .

HouseCambidge Judge Business School, W4.03.

ClockTuesday 21 February 2023, 12:30-13:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Advanced Raman Spectroscopy and Emerging Applications

UserProfessor Pavel Matousek, Central Laser Facility, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell, UK..

HouseLocation: Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, and Zoom.

ClockMonday 06 February 2023, 19:30-21:00

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

Nuclear Energy for Climate

Tea and cakes to be available from 16:15

UserHannah Fenwick and Dominic Brennan.

House Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 6.

ClockThursday 26 January 2023, 16:30-18:00

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

Small reactors and the energy transition, fighting climate change with the Holtec SMR

To book your place please go to:

UserGareth Thomas, Director of Operations, Holtec Britain.

HouseThe Old Library Pembroke College Cambridge CB2 1RF.

ClockFriday 02 December 2022, 15:30-17:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

An Overview of Rolls-Royce SMR.

User Tom Peacock, Component Lead, Steam Generator & Heat Exchangers, Rolls-Royce SMR..

HouseLocation: Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, and Zoom.

ClockMonday 28 November 2022, 19:30-21:00

EPRG Energy & Environment Seminars

Why do firms issue green bonds?

UserJulien Daubanes (University of Geneva).

HouseCambidge Judge Business School, Castle Teaching Room.

ClockTuesday 22 November 2022, 12:30-13:30

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

Monte Carlo on Rails: The Random Ray Method of Neutron Transport

Tea and cakes will be available from 16:15

UserDr John Tramm, Argonne National Lab.

HouseDepartment of Engineering - Lecture Theatre 6.

ClockTuesday 15 November 2022, 16:30-18:00

EPRG Energy & Environment Seminars

Electricity market design and the impact of decarbonisation

UserDavid Robinson (Oxford Institute for Energy Studies).

HouseCambidge Judge Business School, W4.05.

ClockTuesday 25 October 2022, 12:30-13:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

CSAR lecture - Where do we do go next with antimicrobial resistance?

UserProf. Stephen Baker, Cambridge Inst. for Therapeutic Immunology & Infectious Disease.

HouseLocation: Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, and Zoom.

ClockMonday 17 October 2022, 19:30-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Engineering with Droplets

UserPallav Kant (Department of Earth Science).

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 13 October 2022, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

CSAR lecture: Are we alone?

UserDr. Robin Catchpole, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge.

HouseLocation: Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, and Zoom.

ClockMonday 13 June 2022, 19:30-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

See Below

UserPaddy Mortimer, BPI and Holly Smith, BPI.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 09 June 2022, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Harnessing cancer patients’ own immune system to control disease.

UserProfessor Ann Ager, Professor of Cellular Immunity and Immunotherapy, Cardiff University.

HouseLocation: Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, and Zoom.

ClockMonday 30 May 2022, 19:30-21:00

Engineering - Mechanics and Materials Seminar Series

Emerging Energy Materials: Electrified Heating and Wood

UserProf Liangbing Hu, Herbert Rabin Distinguished Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering Center for Materials Innovation University of Maryland.

HouseMeeting ID: 849 1452 9444 .

ClockFriday 20 May 2022, 14:00-15:00

Darwin College Science Seminars

Do we have enough energy resources for a net-zero 2050?

UserJennifer Hawkin, Department of Engineering.

HouseKing Richard Room, Darwin College.

ClockThursday 12 May 2022, 13:00-14:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Interactions between barchan dunes

UserWillian Righi Assis, University of Campinas (UNICAMP). School of Mechanical Engineering.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 12 May 2022, 11:30-12:30

EPRG Energy & Environment Seminars

Variable pricing and the cost of renewable energy

UserImelda (Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies) .

House Webinar (via Zoom online).

ClockTuesday 10 May 2022, 14:00-15:00

EPRG Energy & Environment Seminars

The long-run effects of air pollution on human capital, knowledge and innovation accumulation

UserHongyu Nian (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, visiting Cambridge University EPRG) .

HouseThe Judge Business School (JBS) W2.02.

ClockTuesday 26 April 2022, 12:30-14:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Interaction between Planetary Wave and Gravity Waves in the Middle Atmosphere

UserProfessor Hye-Yeong Chun, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Yonsei University.

HouseBritish Antarctic Survey.

ClockThursday 21 April 2022, 11:00-12:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Early Careers Symposium

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseDAMTP, Mathematics.

ClockThursday 07 April 2022, 13:30-15:30

Cambridge Energy Seminars

Ethics of Energy - Cambridge Festival 2022

UserDr Shaun Fitzgerald (Centre for Climate Repair at Cambridge), Dr Mette High (Centre for Energy Ethics).


ClockMonday 04 April 2022, 14:00-15:15

Cambridge Energy Seminars

UK Energy Price Crisis: A Panel Discussion - Cambridge Festival 2022

UserDr David Reiner (Professor in Technology Policy, Cambridge Judge Business School), Claire Dykta (UK Head of Strategy, National Grid), Dan Alchin (Deputy Director, Retail at Energy UK).

HouseMaxwell Centre, JJ Thomson Avenue, cambridge.

ClockThursday 31 March 2022, 14:30-16:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Machine learning workshop

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseBritish Antarctic Survey.

ClockWednesday 23 March 2022, 11:00-15:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Gravitational waves: space-time mavericks in the cosmos.

UserProfessor Alberto Vecchio PhD, FRAS, Professor of Astrophysics, Director of the Institute of Gravitational Wave Astronomy, University of Birmingham.

HouseLocation: Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, and Zoom.

ClockMonday 07 March 2022, 19:30-21:00

EPRG E&E Seminars Series

Behavioural insights-based policies for the energy transition

UserLucia Reisch (University of Cambridge) .


ClockTuesday 01 March 2022, 14:00-15:00

Darwin College Science Seminars

Can we use electrical energy to reduce carbon emissions? An investigation into the electrochemical approaches for carbon capture

Grab some lunch from the Darwin servery and enjoy an interesting science talk and discussion over lunch. Looking forward to seeing you there.

UserNiamh Hartley, Department of Chemistry.

HouseKing Richard Room, Darwin College.

ClockThursday 17 February 2022, 13:00-14:00

EPRG E&E Seminars Series

Electricity markets in resource-rich countries of the MENA: Adapting for the transition era

UserAnupama Sen (Oxford Institute for Energy Studies) .


ClockTuesday 15 February 2022, 14:00-15:00

Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series

UQ in Modelling of Fusion Power Plants for the UK National Grid

TGM110 - The Role of Uncertainty in Mathematical Modelling of Pandemics

UserRob Akers (United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority), Wayne Arter (United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Newton Institute.

ClockWednesday 09 February 2022, 13:35-14:00

Sensors CDT seminars

The Right Stuff? Promising and Failing Technologies for Chemical Sensors

Register on Eventbrite for in-person and zoom link -

UserJohn Saffell - Chairman of The Council of Gas Detection and Environmental Measurement (CoGDEM).

HouseCEB, LT1 and Zoom link .

ClockThursday 03 February 2022, 17:00-18:00

Darwin College Science Seminars

Assessing Implications of the Deployment of Sustainable Flight in the UK

This talk will be delivered remotely, but people are welcome to still join from the Richard King Room and have lunch during the talk. We will put the talk on the projector screen.

UserMike Lau, University of Princeton.

HouseKing Richard Room, Darwin College.

ClockThursday 03 February 2022, 13:00-14:00

Department of Earth Sciences Seminars (downtown)

Reconstructing CO2 change on 100 to 100 million year timescales

This is a hybrid event. It will be live in the Tilley Lecture Theatre and broadcast on Zoom (

UserJames Rae, University of St. Andrews.

HouseDepartment of Earth Sciences, Tilley Lecture Theatre.

ClockThursday 27 January 2022, 15:00-16:00

EPRG E&E Seminars Series

China CO2 targets and the Paris Agreement

UserPierre Noel (Columbia University) .


ClockTuesday 25 January 2022, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Next-Generation Solar Photovoltaics

UserDr. Sam Stranks, Chemical Eng. & Biotechnology/Cavendish Lab.

HouseLocation: With luck, Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 24 January 2022, 19:30-21:00


Heat Pump Choices

UserWarren Pope, RetrofitWorks .

House Webinar (via Zoom online).

ClockThursday 20 January 2022, 18:30-19:30

Department of Earth Sciences Seminars (downtown)

Disentangling polar biogeochemistry through (silicon) isotope geochemistry

This is a hybrid event. It will be live in the Tilley Lecture Theatre and broadcast on Zoom (

UserKate Hendry, British Antarctic Survey.

HouseDepartment of Earth Sciences, Tilley Lecture Theatre.

ClockThursday 20 January 2022, 15:00-16:00

Theory - Chemistry Research Interest Group

Exploring the interface between carbon based materials and electrolytes: Insights from simulations Meeting ID: 986 7184 0072 Passcode: 366353

UserDr Céline Merlet, Université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier .

HouseZoom and Dept of Chemistry, Wolfson Lecture Theatre.

ClockWednesday 01 December 2021, 14:30-15:30

Machine Learning Reading Group @ CUED

Energy-Based Models

UserStratis Markou and James Allingham (University of Cambridge).

House Cambridge University Engineering Department ,LR3A.

ClockWednesday 01 December 2021, 11:00-12:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Early detection of cancer: learning from the oesophagus, or how long is a piece of string?

UserProfessor Rebecca Fitzgerald, Professor of Cancer Prevention and Interim Director at the MRC Cancer Unit, University of Cambridge.

HouseLocation: Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, and Zoom.

ClockMonday 29 November 2021, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Deep AI Research in Health and Life Sciences

UserDr. Kenji Takeda, Director of Academic Health and AI Partnerships, Microsoft Research, Cambridge.

HouseLocation: Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, and Zoom.

ClockMonday 15 November 2021, 19:30-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Six Features of Sand Dunes

UserNathalie Vriend (University of Cambridge).

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 11 November 2021, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Welcome event

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseBritish Antarctic Survey, Aurora Conference Room.

ClockTuesday 19 October 2021, 13:00-15:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

The Productivity Puzzle

UserProfessor Diane Coyle, Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS), University of Cambridge.

HouseLocation: With luck, Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 18 October 2021, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

CSAR Forum - Bridging the Gap

UserSpeakers from Arm, Microsoft and the University of Cambridge..

HouseLocation: Zoom. See CSAR website for joining information..

ClockTuesday 06 July 2021, 18:00-19:15

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Ocean Plastics

UserErick van-Sebille, Utrecht University, Netherlands.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 27 May 2021, 11:30-12:30

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

On Tornado Dynamics

UserProfessor Bruce Sutherland, University of Alberta, Canada.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 13 May 2021, 15:00-16:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

CSAR webinar: Sounding out wearable and audio data for health diagnostics.

UserProfessor Cecilia Mascolo, Professor of Mobile Systems, Department of Computer Science and Technology; Co-director for the Centre for Mobile, Wearable Systems and Augmented Intelligence, Cambridge University.

HouseLocation: Zoom. See CSAR emails for joining information..

ClockMonday 10 May 2021, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

CSAR webinar: Graphene and GaN - From Basic Science to Manufacturing Devices

UserProf Sir Colin Humphreys, Professor of Materials Science, Queen Mary University of London..

HouseLocation: Zoom. See CSAR emails for joining information..

ClockMonday 19 April 2021, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Early Careers Event

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.


ClockTuesday 13 April 2021, 11:00-15:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

CCfCS event on Climate, economics and policy

UserHector Pollitt (Cambridge Econometrics).


ClockTuesday 16 March 2021, 14:00-15:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

Quantum Computing

UserProf Mike Payne (Department of Physics, University of Cambridge).


ClockWednesday 10 March 2021, 19:00-20:30

Centre for Atmospheric Science seminars, Chemistry Dept.

Right ozone, wrong reasons

UserMat Evans - University of York.


ClockMonday 01 March 2021, 11:00-12:00


ONLINE WEBINAR - Aircraft Electrification

Full details and booking at

UserDr. Cuauhtemoc Rodriguez, Ultra Electronics.

House Webinar (via Zoom online)- link to follow.

ClockThursday 25 February 2021, 18:30-19:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

The Higgs boson as a portal to new physics

UserDr Maria Ubiali (DAMTP, University of Cambridge).


ClockWednesday 24 February 2021, 19:00-20:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

CSAR webinar: Driving Insurance Innovation: Data Science and Research at Aviva

UserSimon Warsop, FIA, Life Analytics Director | Partner, Aviva Quantum Data Science and Research at Aviva.

HouseLocation: Zoom. See CSAR emails for joining information..

ClockMonday 22 February 2021, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

The Hunt for Exoplanets

UserProfessor Didier Queloz, Department of Physics, University of Cambridge.

HouseLocation: Your choice. See CSAR website or emails for joining information..

ClockMonday 08 February 2021, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Scaling down the laws of thermodynamics

UserProfessor Christopher Jarzynski (University of Maryland).


ClockWednesday 03 February 2021, 19:00-20:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

The curious case of the pulsating star - the discovery of pulsars

UserProf Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell (Oxford University).

HouseOnline: CUPS Zoom.

ClockWednesday 27 January 2021, 19:00-20:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

Quantum Matter Out of Equilibrium

UserProf Vedika Khemani (Stanford University).

HouseOnline: CUPS Zoom.

ClockWednesday 20 January 2021, 19:00-20:30

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

BP Sustainability Lecture 2021

UserProfessor Emily Allyn Weiss - Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Director, Photo-Sciences Research Center (PSRC) Northwestern University .

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 14 January 2021, 14:15-15:15

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

The End of the World (again) .... or, Lessons from the Black Death

UserProfessor John Robb, Professor of European Prehistory, University of Cambridge Department of Archaeology.

HouseLocation: Zoom. See CSAR emails for joining information..

ClockMonday 11 January 2021, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Quantum Gravity, String Theory and the Structure of Space and Time

UserProf. Elias Kiritsis, Université de Paris, Crete Center for Theoretical Physics.


ClockWednesday 02 December 2020, 19:00-20:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Tooth Regeneration and Repair: Dentistry in the 21st century

UserProfessor Paul Sharpe, King's College London, Head of the Centre for Craniofacial & Regenerative Biology, Dickinson Professor of Craniofacial Biology..

HouseLocation: Zoom. See CSAR emails for joining information..

ClockMonday 30 November 2020, 19:30-21:00


Online Webinar - Renewable Energy. How to Balance the Electric Grid

UserProfessor Peter Tavner, Durham University.

House Webinar (via Zoom online)- link to follow.

ClockThursday 26 November 2020, 18:30-19:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

Quantum matter: emergent phenomena when electrons team up

UserProfessor Stephen Blundell, Correlated Electrons Group, University of Oxford.


ClockWednesday 25 November 2020, 19:00-20:30

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Impact of Covid19 on Climate

UserJames Weber, Sanna Markkanen, Paul Young.


ClockTuesday 24 November 2020, 13:30-15:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

How to measure the spin of a black hole

UserProf. Christopher Reynolds, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge.

House &

ClockWednesday 18 November 2020, 19:00-20:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

Making NanoMachines move

in collaboration with CU NanoSoc

UserProfessor Jeremy Baumberg, NanoPhotonics Centre, University of Cambridge.


ClockTuesday 17 November 2020, 19:30-20:30

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Extreme temperatures in the Antarctic

UserJohn Turner.


ClockThursday 12 November 2020, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Unconventional computing with liquid light

Note unusual time

UserProf Natalia Berloff, DAMTP, University of Cambridge.


ClockTuesday 10 November 2020, 19:00-20:30

Quantitative Climate and Environmental Science Seminars

Jet Regimes and the Predictability of Euro-Atlantic Weather

UserKristian Strommen, Department of Physics, University of Oxford.

HouseZoom webinar - link to follow.

ClockMonday 09 November 2020, 13:00-14:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

See Below

UserPatrick Mortimer, BPI and Eric Newland, BPI.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 05 November 2020, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

Quantum computation with superconducting qubits

UserDr. Abhinav Kandala, IBM Corporation.


ClockWednesday 04 November 2020, 19:00-20:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Osseointegration, approaching 1,000 cases.

UserProfessor Munjed Al Muderis, MB ChB FRACS FAOrthA; Orthopedic Surgeon, School Of Medicine, University Of Notre Dame Australia, Sydney; School of Medicine Macquarie University.

HouseLocation: Zoom. See CSAR website or emails for joining information..

ClockMonday 02 November 2020, 09:00-10:30

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)


UserKieran Gilmore, BPI and Sandy Armstrong, BPI.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 29 October 2020, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

Topological Quantum Matter, Entanglement, and the Second Quantum Revolution

Nobel Prize in Physics 2016

UserProf. Duncan Haldane, Princeton University.


ClockWednesday 28 October 2020, 19:00-20:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

Finding Hidden Order with your Cell Phone

UserProf. Paul Chaikin, New York University.


ClockWednesday 21 October 2020, 19:00-20:30

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Welcome event

UserAlison Ming (University of Cambridge).

HouseZoom and

ClockFriday 16 October 2020, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Quantum Field Theory (in a Nutshell)

Annual Maxwell Talk (in collaboration with the Archimedeans)

UserProf. Anthony Zee, University of California, Santa Barbara.


ClockWednesday 14 October 2020, 18:00-19:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Electronics on the brain

UserProfessor George Malliaras, Prince Philip Professor of Technology, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge.

HouseLocation: Your choice. See CSAR website or emails for joining information..

ClockMonday 12 October 2020, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Soft matter quasicrystals: when can they exist and when will we observe them?

UserDr Priya Subramanian, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford.


ClockWednesday 07 October 2020, 19:00-20:30

Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series

Existential Risk

IDPW06 - Future pandemics

UserMartin Rees (University of Cambridge).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Newton Institute.

ClockFriday 25 September 2020, 10:00-11:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Zero cases - the lessons from New Zealand

UserProfessor Michael Baker, Department of Public Health, University of Otago, Wellington, New Zealand..

HouseLocation: Your choice! See email reminders or "Attending Lectures" for details of how to join in..

ClockWednesday 17 June 2020, 10:00-11:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

What policy makers need to know about COVID-19 protective immunity.

UserProfessor Danny Altmann, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Immunology and Inflammation, Imperial College Hammersmith Hospital Campus..

HouseLocation: Your choice! See email reminders or "Attending Lectures" for details of how to join in..

ClockWednesday 03 June 2020, 12:00-13:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Modelling Dispersal of Aerosols in Buildings

UserAndy Woods - BP Professor ( BP Institute for Multiphase Flow, University of Cambridge).

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 28 May 2020, 11:30-12:30

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Making rubber gloves

UserAlexander F. Routh CEB and BP Institute ( BP Institute and Bob Groves, BP Institute visitor).

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 30 April 2020, 11:30-12:30

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Cleaning soil layers by impinging liquid jets

UserIan Wilson, Dept of Chemical Engineering (University of Cambridge).

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 12 March 2020, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Let food be thy medicine.

UserProfessor Nita Forouhi, MRC Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge.

HouseThe Wolfson Hall, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge, CB3 0DS.

ClockMonday 09 March 2020, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Quantum Theory, Relativity and Cryptography

UserProfessor Adrian Kent, DAMTP, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 26 February 2020, 19:30-20:30

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)


UserProf Stephen Belcher, Chief Scientist, Meteorological Office .

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences, meeting room MR2.

ClockThursday 30 January 2020, 17:00-18:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

A fusion power plant — why not

UserDr. Justin Ball, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Swiss Plasma Center.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 22 January 2020, 19:30-20:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Air pollution and human health. Lessons learnt and challenges ahead.

UserProfessor Frank Kelly, Department of Analytical, Environmental and Forensic Sciences, King's College London.

HouseThe Wolfson Hall, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge, CB3 0DS.

ClockMonday 13 January 2020, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Decoding the mysteries of quantum physics

UserProfessor Jiannis K. Pachos, University of Leeds.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 04 December 2019, 19:30-20:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

You Can Achieve Anything - with a Laser

There will be hands-on activities involving Laser Beam equipment.

UserDr Ray Davies, Photonics Academy of Wales @ Bangor.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 13 November 2019, 19:30-20:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

The Next Generation of Children

UserProfessor Lucy Raymond, Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, University of Cambridge.

HouseThe Wolfson Hall, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge, CB3 0DS.

ClockMonday 11 November 2019, 19:30-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Hydrological networks and flow of the Greenland ice sheets

UserDr Poul Christoffersen, Scott Polar Institute (University of Cambridge).

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 07 November 2019, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

The Force Awakens

UserProfessor Ben Allanach, DAMTP, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 06 November 2019, 19:30-20:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

The Modern Bootstrap

Annual Maxwell Talk (Collaboration with Archimedeans) - Free Entry

UserProfessor J Cardy FRS, University of California, Berkeley.

HouseBristol-Meyers Squibb lecture theatre, Chemistry Department, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 30 October 2019, 19:30-20:30

Wolfson College Lunchtime Seminar Series

Lunchtime Seminar - The contradictions of the authoritarian developmental state: energy boom and bureaucratic autonomy in Rwanda

UserDr Benjamin Chemouni, JRF Wolfson College, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, Department of Politics and International Studies.

HouseCombination Room, Wolfson College.

ClockWednesday 23 October 2019, 13:00-14:00

Wolfson College Science Society

James Watt (1736-1819): The Power to Change the World

UserDr Malcolm Dick, University of Birmingham.

HouseWolfson College, Gatsby Room.

ClockFriday 18 October 2019, 17:45-19:10

Cambridge University Physics Society

Understanding the Iceland mantle plume: Imaging deep Earth processes with seismic waves

Since this is our first talk, the talk is free admission!

UserDr. Jennifer Jenkins, Bullard Laboratories University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 16 October 2019, 19:30-20:30

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Symposium on Polar Tropical Teleconnections

UserLesley Gray (University of Oxford), Matt Collins (University of Exeter), Liz Thomas (British Antarctic Survey), Andrew Turner (University of Reading).

HouseSmall Lecture Theatre, Department of Geography.

ClockWednesday 16 October 2019, 14:00-17:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Big Data Psychometrics

UserDr. David Stilwell, Cambridge University Judge Business School.

HouseThe Wolfson Hall, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge, CB3 0DS.

ClockMonday 14 October 2019, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Welcome event!

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseDavid Attenborough Building.

ClockSunday 06 October 2019, 14:30-17:30

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

The Fukushima Accident and its Aftermath

To reserve your place, please register at:

UserMr Naomi Hirose and Professor Gerry Thomas.

HouseDepartment of Engineering - Lecture Theatre 6.

ClockWednesday 22 May 2019, 14:00-17:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Gene eating

UserDr. Giles Yeo, Principal Research Associate, Metabolic Research Laboratories and MRC Metabolic Diseases Unit, Addenbrooke's Hospital, University of Cambridge.

HouseThe Wolfson Hall, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge, CB3 0DS.

ClockMonday 13 May 2019, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Relativistic fluid flows

UserProfessor Nils Andersson, University of Southampton.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 13 March 2019, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

The Butterfly Effect: what does it really signify?


UserProfessor Tim Palmer, University of Oxford.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 13 February 2019, 19:30-20:30

Graphene CDT Advanced Technology Lectures

Graphene In Batteries

UserProf. Vasant Kumar, University of Cambridge, UK.

HouseCambridge Graphene Centre, 9 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 OFA, UK.

ClockFriday 07 December 2018, 16:00-17:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Multiphase Aspects of Ice Sheet Dynamics

UserProfessor Ian Hewitt, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 29 November 2018, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge Energy Seminars

Energy Efficient Cities

UserDr Ruchi Choudhary, University of Cambridge.

HouseSeminar Room SG1, Alison Richard Building.

ClockTuesday 27 November 2018, 12:30-14:00

Physics and Chemistry of Solids Group

Borates as electrodes for lithium and magnesium-ion batteries

UserSiân Dutton, Quantum Matter Group, Cavendish Laboratory.

HouseMott Seminar Room, Cavendish Laboratory.

ClockThursday 22 November 2018, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

From deep learning to the dark universe

UserProfessor Ofer Lahav, University College London.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 14 November 2018, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

From brain descriptions to brain explanations

UserProfessor Robert Turner, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 07 November 2018, 20:00-21:00

EPRG E&E Seminars Series

The Solar Revolution – Who Made It Happen?

UserFelix Muesgens (Brandenburg University of Technology) .

HouseKeynes Room, 4th Floor of Faculty of Economics on Sidgwick Site.

ClockTuesday 06 November 2018, 12:30-14:00



UserEric Chan, Ricardo Cambridge.

HouseCUED, LT0.

ClockThursday 01 November 2018, 18:30-20:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Climate Change and Technology

UserMyles Allen, Erwin Reisner, Corinne Le Quéré, Jerome Neufeld .

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockThursday 01 November 2018, 13:30-17:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Randomness in classical and quantum dynamics

UserProfessor Thomas Spencer, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 24 October 2018, 20:00-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Unstructured Mesh Generation and Its Applications

UserDr Hang Si, Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 18 October 2018, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

The long road to the Higgs boson

UserProfessor Sir Tejinder Virdee, Imperial College London.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 10 October 2018, 20:00-21:00

EPRG E&E Seminars Series

Electric Power Distribution in the World: Today and Tomorrow

UserSinan Kufeoglu (EPRG, University of Cambridge) .

HouseCambridge Judge Business School room W2.02.

ClockTuesday 09 October 2018, 12:30-14:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

See details

UserEdward Hinton, BP Institute and Neeraja Bhamidipati, BP Institute.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 04 October 2018, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

Unsolved mysteries of fundamental physics

UserProfessor John Baez, University of California, Riverside.

HouseBristol-Meyers Squibb lecture theatre, Chemistry Department, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 03 October 2018, 20:00-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Extreme Environments and Dynamic Morphology: Anticipating and harnessing evolving structure-property relationships

User Jessica Krogstad, Department of Materials Science and Engineering University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 28 June 2018, 11:30-12:30

Winton Discussions

The impact of policy on the low-carbon transition: opening the black box of energy technologies

UserProfessor Laura Diaz Anadon, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge.

HouseMaxwell Centre, Rayleigh Seminar Room.

ClockTuesday 26 June 2018, 14:30-15:30

Winton Discussions

Hidden problems in the global wind industry

UserDr Jim Platts, Institute of Manufacturing, University of Cambridge.

HouseMaxwell Centre, Rayleigh Seminar Room.

ClockFriday 15 June 2018, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Energy Seminars

Fukushima and the law

User Dr Julius Weizdorfer, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge.

HouseSeminar Room SG1, Alison Richard Building.

ClockTuesday 22 May 2018, 12:30-14:00

Cambridge Energy Seminars

Electricity market reform and development in China

User Professor Guy Liu, Peking University HSBC Business School.

HouseSeminar Room SG1, Alison Richard Building.

ClockTuesday 08 May 2018, 12:30-14:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Plasma Spray and Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Coatings

UserProfessor Bill Clyne, Dept of Materials Science & Metallurgy, Uni of Cambridge.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 26 April 2018, 11:30-12:30

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Transport and Settling of Sediments in River Plumes

UserBruce Sutherland, Depts. Physics / Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 15 March 2018, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Data Visualisation

UserProf. Ed Hawkins, University of Reading.

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 13 March 2018, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Energy Seminars

Fukushima and the law

UserJulius Weitzdörfer, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge.

HouseSeminar Room SG1, Alison Richard Building.

ClockTuesday 13 March 2018, 12:30-14:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Volcanoes and Explosions

UserProfessor Andy Woods (BP Institute, Department of Earth Sciences).

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 28 February 2018, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Emergence in Physics: Life, the Universe and the Nature of Reality

UserProfessor Stephen Blundell (Correlated Electrons Group, University of Oxford).

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 21 February 2018, 20:00-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Developing and Selecting Tribological Coatings

UserProfessor Allan Matthews, School of Materials, the University of Manchester, Director BP International Centre for Advanced Materials.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 08 February 2018, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

Tying Knots in Wavefunctions

UserProfessor Mark Dennis (Theoretical Physics Group, University of Bristol).

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 07 February 2018, 20:00-21:00

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

Decommissioning the UK’s nuclear legacy: the war between cost and value

UserDr Anna Clark,Head of Decommissioning and Remediation from Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA).

HouseDepartment of Engineering - LT6.

ClockThursday 01 February 2018, 16:30-18:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

A Turbulent World (...and what happens if you spin it)

UserProfessor Alexander Schekochihin (Theoretical Astrophysics and Plasma Physics, University of Oxford).

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 31 January 2018, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Polariton Graph Optimisers

UserProfessor Natalia Berloff (DAMTP, Quantum Fluids Group).

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 24 January 2018, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Energy Seminars

Can electricity networks cope with mass uptake of Electric Vehicles (EVs)?

UserTim Jarratt, Group Head of Strategy, National Grid.

HouseRayleigh Seminar Room, Maxwell Centre.

ClockFriday 19 January 2018, 12:00-13:00

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

Compact Fusion - How Small?

UserProfessor Steve Cowley, University of Oxford.

HouseDepartment of Engineering - LT6.

ClockThursday 18 January 2018, 16:30-18:00

Cambridge Energy Seminars

Behavioural science around policy incentives to reduce energy consumption

UserDr Sander van der Linden, Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge.

HouseSeminar Room SG1, Alison Richard Building.

ClockTuesday 16 January 2018, 12:30-14:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Geocentric or Heliocentric models of the Cosmos? It’s the Physics, stupid.

UserDr Piers Bursill-Hall, Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics (DPMMS).

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 29 November 2017, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Energy Seminars

Solar Energy, Skills Development and Employment Opportunities in India

UserDr Shailaja Fennell (Centre of Development Studies, University of Cambridge).

HouseSeminar Room SG1, Alison Richard Building.

ClockTuesday 28 November 2017, 12:30-14:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Towards Durable Hydrophobicity and Omniphobicity

UserNenad Miljkovic, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaing (UIUC).

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 23 November 2017, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

A Mechanical Basis of Morphogenesis

UserDr John Biggins, University of Cambridge (Theory of Condensed Matter).

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 22 November 2017, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Nature's Optics and our Understanding of Light

UserProfessor Sir Michael Berry, Melville Wills Professor of Physics (Emeritus), University of Bristol.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 15 November 2017, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Energy Seminars

Politics and political ecology of charcoal in Uganda

UserDr Adam Branch (POLIS, University of Cambridge).

HouseSeminar Room SG1, Alison Richard Building.

ClockTuesday 14 November 2017, 12:30-14:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

What is an Elementary Particle?

UserDr Claudio Castelnovo, Cavendish Laboratory (Theory of Condensed Matter).

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 08 November 2017, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

The Physics of the Everyday

UserProfessor Dame Athene Donald, Churchill College (Biological and Soft Systems).

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 01 November 2017, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

The Future of Particle Physics

Note unusual time

UserProfessor Ian Shipsey, Univeristy of Oxford (ATLAS Oxford Group, Large Synoptic Survey Telescope).

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 25 October 2017, 19:30-20:30

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

CCfCS Welcome Event 2017

Userseveral speakers -- see abstract.

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockWednesday 25 October 2017, 13:30-16:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

The Quest of Modelling Complex Systems

UserProfessor Kim Christensen, Imperial College London.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 18 October 2017, 20:00-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Technical challenges in the upstream oil industry

UserDr Fereidoun Abbassian, BP Wells, Production and Facilities.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockTuesday 17 October 2017, 12:00-13:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

The Novel Worldview Suggested by Quantum Gravity

Maxwell Lecture - Free entry

UserProfessor Carlo Rovelli, Centre de Physique Theorique.

HouseBristol-Meyers Squibb lecture theatre, Chemistry Department, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 11 October 2017, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Energy Seminars

What's under the pot? Rural women and cooking energy in South Asia

UserProfessor Bina Agarwal, University of Manchester.

HouseSeminar Room SG2, Alison Richard Building.

ClockTuesday 03 October 2017, 12:30-14:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Mutational processes in the human genome

UserDr Serena Nik-Zainal, Wellcome Trust Intermediate Clinical Fellow & CDF Group Leader, Cancer Genome Project, Sanger Institute. .

HouseChurchill College, Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Storeys Way, CB3 0DS .

ClockMonday 19 June 2017, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Energy Seminars

Defining “Good” in “Good Energy Policy”: Insights from Theologies and Religions

UserDr Jonathan Chaplin (Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics).

HouseSeminar Room SG2, Alison Richard Building.

ClockTuesday 06 June 2017, 12:30-14:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

"The world in 2050" - Human extinction risks

UserLord Martin Rees OM FRS FREng FMedSci, Trinity College and Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge. Astronomer Royal..

HouseChurchill College, Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Storeys Way, CB3 0DS .

ClockMonday 05 June 2017, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Energy Seminars

Evaluation of US energy programme on clean energy startups

UserDr Laura Diaz Anadon (POLIS, University of Cambridge).

HouseSeminar Room SG2, Alison Richard Building.

ClockTuesday 23 May 2017, 12:30-14:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Bumps and Ramps in the Glacial CO2 Record

UserProfessor Wally Broecker (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University.

HouseBMS Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockWednesday 17 May 2017, 17:00-19:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Measuring Ocean Mixing

UserGreg Ivey, UWA Oceans Institute, University of Western Australia.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 11 May 2017, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge Energy Seminars

The role of law in energy transitions: lessons from community renewables

UserDr Annalisa Savaresi (Law School, University of Stirling).

HouseSeminar Room SG2, Alison Richard Building.

ClockTuesday 09 May 2017, 12:30-14:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Architecture for Resilience - surviving earthquakes, tornadoes, fire and floods.

UserDr Emily So MEng CEng MICE, Magdalene College, University of Cambridge, Director of Cambridge Architectural Research Ltd..

HouseChurchill College, Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Storeys Way, CB3 0DS .

ClockMonday 08 May 2017, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Energy Seminars

Influence and the role of the expert

UserProf Susan Owens (Dept. of Geography, University of Cambridge).

HouseSeminar Room SG2, Alison Richard Building.

ClockTuesday 25 April 2017, 12:30-14:00

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

ABWR Seminar

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseDepartment of Engineering.

ClockThursday 23 March 2017, 09:30-17:30

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

ABWR Seminar

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseDepartment of Engineering.

ClockWednesday 22 March 2017, 09:30-17:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Towards General Artificial Intelligence

UserDr Demis Hassabis, Co-founder and CEO of DeepMind, Vice President of Engineering at Google DeepMind.

HouseChurchill College, Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Storeys Way, CB3 0DS .

ClockMonday 20 March 2017, 19:30-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Internal BPI Student Seminars

UserEd Hinton, Neerjana Bhamidipati and Thomasina Ball.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 16 March 2017, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge Energy Seminars

Clean Air Act panel

UserDr Christine Corton, Dr Jacqueline Lam and Prof Michael Pollitt (University of Cambridge).

HouseSeminar Room SG1, Alison Richard Building.

ClockTuesday 14 March 2017, 12:30-14:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

A trick of the light? Development, function and evolution of plant nanostructures that influence animal behaviour

UserProf. Beverley Glover FLS, Dept of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge and Director of the Cambridge University Botanic Gardens.

HouseChurchill College, Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Storeys Way, CB3 0DS .

ClockMonday 06 March 2017, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Energy Seminars

Energy Transitions in the 20th Century

UserProfessor Frank Trentmann, Dept. of History, Classics and Archaeology, Birkbeck.

HouseSeminar Room SG2, Alison Richard Building.

ClockTuesday 28 February 2017, 12:30-14:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Warm periods of the past

UserSee abstract for programme.

HouseMR9, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 22 February 2017, 14:00-17:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Citizens, Science and Science for Citizens

UserProf. Dame Athene Donald DBE FRS, Dept Physics, Churchill College, University of Cambridge.

HouseChurchill College, Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Storeys Way, CB3 0DS .

ClockMonday 20 February 2017, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Energy Seminars

Inherent Inconsistency of EU Energy Policymaking

UserDr Oliver Geden, German Institute for International and Security Affairs.

HouseSeminar Room SG2, Alison Richard Building.

ClockTuesday 14 February 2017, 12:30-14:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Black Holes at Work

Userprof. Andy Fabian OBE FRS, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge.

HouseChurchill College, Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Storeys Way, CB3 0DS .

ClockMonday 06 February 2017, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Energy Seminars

Ethics and Energy

UserProfessor Simon Caney, Dept. of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford.

HouseSeminar Room SG2, Alison Richard Building.

ClockTuesday 31 January 2017, 12:30-14:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

CCfCS poster session

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseDepartment of Earth sciences, Downing Site.

ClockThursday 26 January 2017, 14:00-17:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Creating and erasing memories with epigenetics

UserProf. Wolf Reik FRS FMedSci, Babraham Institute, University of Cambridge.

HouseChurchill College, Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Storeys Way, CB3 0DS .

ClockMonday 23 January 2017, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Energy Seminars

The New Institutional Economics of Chinese Power Sector Reform

UserProfessor Michael Pollitt, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge.

HouseSeminar Room SG2, 1st Floor, Alison Richard Building.

ClockTuesday 17 January 2017, 12:30-14:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Manufacturing - the vital capability for effective innovation

UserProf. Sir Mike Gregory FREng, Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge.

HouseChurchill College, Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Storeys Way, CB3 0DS .

ClockMonday 09 January 2017, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Energy Seminars

Europe’s Energy Security in the Wake of TTIP and Brexit:-A Legal Perspective

UserDr Anna Marhold, Tilburg Law School, Tilburg University.

HouseSeminar Room SG2, Alison Richard Building.

ClockTuesday 29 November 2016, 12:30-14:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Leonardo, Rapunzel and the Physics of Hair

UserProf. Raymond Goldstein FRS FInstp, Dept of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics and Churchill College, University of Cambridge.

HouseChurchill College, Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Storeys Way, CB3 0DS .

ClockMonday 28 November 2016, 19:30-21:00

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF)

UserLars Hallstadius from Westinghouse.

HouseDepartment of Engineering - LR6.

ClockThursday 24 November 2016, 16:30-18:00

Cambridge Energy Seminars

Investigating Cultures of Community Energy

UserRebecca Willis, Independent Researcher.

HouseSeminar Room SG2, 1st Floor, Alison Richard Building.

ClockTuesday 15 November 2016, 12:30-14:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

FEniCS-Shells: solving thin structural theories using a high-level finite element language

UserDr Jack S. Hale, Research Unit in Engineering Science, Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering, University of Luxembourg..

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 10 November 2016, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge Energy Seminars

Sino-Russian Oil and Gas Cooperation: Where it stands and how far it can go?

User Professor Keun-Wook Paik, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, University of Oxford.

HouseSeminar Room SG2, Alison Richard Building.

ClockTuesday 01 November 2016, 12:30-14:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

What shapes the human immune system?

UserDr Michelle Linterman, Babraham Institute and Churchill College, University of Cambridge.

HouseChurchill College, Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Storeys Way, CB3 0DS .

ClockMonday 31 October 2016, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Nanostructured steel: the challenge of manufacture

UserProf. Sir Harry Bhadeshia FRS FREng FNAE, Dept of Material Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge.

HouseBristol Myers-Squibb lecture theatre Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Rd, Cambridge, CB2 1EW.

ClockMonday 24 October 2016, 18:00-19:00

Cambridge Energy Seminars

The Highway Boom: Politics, Energy demand and Emissions in China

UserDr Kun-Chin Lin, Dept. of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge.

HouseSeminar Room SG2, Alison Richard Building.

ClockTuesday 18 October 2016, 12:30-14:00

Cambridge Energy Seminars

The History of Prediction and Energy Systems of the Future

UserDr Paul Warde, Faculty of History, University of Cambridge.

HouseSeminar Room S1, Alison Richard Building.

ClockTuesday 04 October 2016, 12:30-14:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Landing on a Comet

UserProfessor Monica Grady CBE, Professor of Planetary and Space Science, The Open University.

HouseChurchill College, Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Storeys Way, CB3 0DS .

ClockMonday 06 June 2016, 19:30-21:00

Winton Discussions

Energy Catalyst

UserMichael Priestnall, Lead Technologist in Energy for Innovate UK.

HouseMaxwell Centre, JJ Thomson Seminar Room.

ClockThursday 19 May 2016, 16:00-17:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Physics of Surfing

UserChristophe Clanet, LadHyx, GK Batchelor Lecturer - DAMTP.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 19 May 2016, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Probing the Polar Oceans

UserDr Emily Shuckburgh, Deputy Head of Polar Oceans, British Antactic Survey.

HouseChurchill College, Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Storeys Way, CB3 0DS .

ClockMonday 16 May 2016, 19:30-21:00

Winton Discussions

Fuel cells and hydrogen – moving towards a low carbon economy

UserGareth Hinds, National Physical Laboratory (NPL).

HouseMaxwell Centre, JJ Thomson Seminar Room.

ClockThursday 21 April 2016, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

EDSAC Reborn: A computer detective story

UserDr Nigel Bennee FBCS, The EDSAC Replica Project, The Computer Conservation Society.

HouseChurchill College, Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Storeys Way, CB3 0DS .

ClockMonday 29 February 2016, 19:30-21:00

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

Fusion Power - within our grasp?

UserProfessor Steve Cowley, CCFE.

HouseDepartment of Engineering - LR6.

ClockThursday 25 February 2016, 16:30-18:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Einstein’s Brane

UserProf Paul Townsend (DAMTP Cambridge).

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 24 February 2016, 20:00-21:00

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

Licensing New Reactors in the UK

UserBen Lindley, AMEC Foster Wheeler.

HouseDepartment of Engineering - LR6.

ClockThursday 04 February 2016, 16:30-18:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

The Higgs boson and beyond

UserProf John Ellis (King's College London).

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 03 February 2016, 20:00-21:00

Winton Discussions

Living Laboratory for Sustainability

UserEmily Dunning - Coordinator of the Living Laboratory for Sustainability.

HouseMaxwell Centre, JJ Thomson Seminar Room.

ClockThursday 21 January 2016, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Technology Development

The lecture will be preceded by a short presentation entitled "In the African Bush: Researching the Rhino Poaching Crisis in South Africa" given by Katrin Pfeil

UserDr Hermann Hauser KBE, FRS, FREng, FinstP, C Phys Co-Founder and Partner, Amadeus Capital Partners.

HouseChurchill College, Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Storeys Way, CB3 0DS .

ClockMonday 07 December 2015, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Quantum Computing and Teleportation

UserProf Richard Jozsa (DAMTP University of Cambridge).

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 02 December 2015, 20:00-21:00

iz220's list

Oil Sands in Canada

UserProf Michael Northcott (Divinity, U. of Edinburgh); Dr Jonathan Chaplin (Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics, Tyndale House, Divinity, U. of Cambridge); Rachel Soares tbc (Trade Commission of Canada).

HouseAlison Richard Building, Sidgwick Site, Seminar Room SG1.

ClockTuesday 01 December 2015, 12:30-14:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Earthquake Science and Vulnerability in Asia

This lecture will be dedicated to the memory of Professor Sir Sam Edwards, Past President of CSAR who died earlier this year

UserProfessor James Jackson CBE, FRS, Professor of Active Tectonics, University of Cambridge.

HouseChurchill College, Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Storeys Way, CB3 0DS .

ClockMonday 30 November 2015, 19:15-21:00

Collaboration Skills Initiative

Selling for researchers

Numbers are limited. Please indicate your interest by emailing the organiser, Jo Griffiths (

UserMarcel Dissel.

HouseMoller Centre, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 30 November 2015, 10:00-16:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Title to be confirmed

UserProf Roland Smith (Imperial College).

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 25 November 2015, 20:00-21:00

Biophysical Seminars

Microtechnologies for biomolecular complex analysis and cryo-microscopy

All welcome

UserDr Thomas Burg, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry.

HouseDepartment of Chemistry, Cambridge, Wolfson Lecture Theatre.

ClockWednesday 18 November 2015, 15:00-16:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Addressing the Challenges of Feeding the World Sustainably

This lecture will be preceded by the CSAR AGM

UserProfessor Tim Benton FSB,FLS, Professor of Population Ecology, University of Leeds.

HouseChurchill College, Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Storeys Way, CB3 0DS .

ClockMonday 16 November 2015, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science: Understanding the Paris Climate Summit (COP21)

Open to all, but space is limited so please register in advance

UserEmily Shuckburgh, Prof. John Pyle, Sir David King, Prof. Sir Richard Friend.

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 16 November 2015, 14:00-18:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

News from the Large Hadron Collider

UserProfessor Andy Parker (University of Cambridge).

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 04 November 2015, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science: water vapour and clouds in the climate system

Free Registration

UserLouise Sime, Chris Holloway, Constantino Listowski, Tamsin O'Connell, Jan Zika, Peter Haynes.

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockTuesday 03 November 2015, 14:00-18:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Maths and the Arts

The Lecture will be preceded by a five minute presentation entitled "Balancing food production and the environment in Mexico" by CSAR Award Student David Williams.

UserProfessor John Barrow FRS, Research Professor of Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge.

HouseChurchill College, Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Storeys Way, CB3 0DS .

ClockMonday 02 November 2015, 19:30-21:00

The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)

Future Energy Needs and Engineering Reality

UserProfessor Michael Kelly ( Centre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, University of Cambridge).

House Lecture Theatre, Trinity Hall..

ClockFriday 30 October 2015, 17:00-18:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

Ghost Imaging

UserProf Miles Padgett (University of Glasgow).

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 28 October 2015, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Pioneer Colonists and Indigenous Response: Resistance and Collaboration

Jointly with "The Cambridge Festival of Ideas"

UserProfessor Mark Horton FSA, Professor of Archaeology, University of Bristol.

HouseChurchill College, Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Storeys Way, CB3 0DS .

ClockMonday 19 October 2015, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Engaging stakeholders about the science of climate change

Free Registration

UserEric Wolff, Ailsa Benton, John Pyle, Neil Harris, Ian Ellison, David Webb, Linda Capper, Athena Dinar.

HouseScott Polar Research Institute.

ClockMonday 19 October 2015, 14:00-17:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Addressing the Challenges of Feeding the World Sustainably

UserProfessor Tim Benton FSB,FLS, Professor of Population Ecology, University of Leeds.

HouseChurchill College, Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Storeys Way, CB3 0DS .

ClockFriday 16 October 2015, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science: Welcome Event

UserRepresentatives from each CCfCS department/institute .

HouseScott Polar Research Institute.

ClockTuesday 13 October 2015, 15:00-18:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Dicing with Fate; the statistical physics of cell biology

Joint meeting with the Cambridge Philosophical Society

UserProfessor Benjamin D Simons, Herchel Smith Professor of Physics.

HouseBristol-Myers Squibb Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockMonday 12 October 2015, 18:00-19:00

"Life Sciences Masterclass"

How to make your research reproducible (5 selfish reasons to work reproducibly)

UserFlorian Markowetz & Gordon Brown (Cancer Research UK) & Stephen Eglen (Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics).

HouseGurdon Institute Tea Room.

ClockWednesday 08 July 2015, 18:30-20:00

Entrepreneurship Centre at Cambridge Judge Business School

Ignite 2015

UserVarious speakers and contributors.

HouseCambridge Judge Business School.

ClockSunday 05 July 2015, 09:00-17:00

Sainsbury Laboratory Seminars

Connecting Biology to Mathematics by way of Symbolic Computing

UserProfessor Eric Mjolsness, Leverhulme visiting Professor.

HouseAuditorium of The Sainsbury Laboratory (Bateman Street).

ClockWednesday 17 June 2015, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Gallium Nitride LEDs: How can they save energy, purify water, improve our health (and be made here in the UK)

This talk will be preceeded by a short presentation by Olivia Macleod on her research

UserProf. Sir Colin Humphreys, Director of Research, Dept. Materials Science & Metallurgy, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 15 June 2015, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

The Saga of the Miles M-52 Britain’s Wartime Supersonic Project

Please note this lecture is different to that previously advertised. It will be preceeded by a short presentation by Vaibhav Bhardwaj on his research "Algae-bacteria symbiosis: Using molecular biology to improve algae cultivation for biofuels"

UserRod Kirkby, Retired Aerodynamics Research/Project Feasibility Engineer.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 08 June 2015, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Finding Patterns in Genes and Proteins

The Lecture will be preceded by a brief presentation by Bursary Student Siang Koh, entitled “It takes two to tango: Combination therapy in cancer”

UserDr Sarah Teichmann, Sanger Institute/EMBL.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 01 June 2015, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge AWiSE

Energy for the future: Plugging the decline in energy supply, a gap too big?

UserIman Hill, Oil and gas sector; Jenny Nelson, Photovoltaics and Renewables; Clare Grey, Energy Storage; Sir Brian Heap, Smart Villages.

House Lecture Theatre, Trinity Hall..

ClockThursday 21 May 2015, 19:00-21:30

Winton Discussions

Piezoelectric nanogenerators: Power solutions for autonomous devices

UserDr Sohini Kar-Narayan, Lecturer Department of Materials Science.

HouseTCM Seminar room, 530 Mott.

ClockThursday 21 May 2015, 16:00-17:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Dynamics and Instability of straight and helical Vortices

UserProf Maurice Rossi, CNRS-Institut D'Alembert University of Paris 6.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 14 May 2015, 12:00-13:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

The Evolution of Dragonfly Wings

The lecture will be preceded by a short presentation by Jan Mertens on new materials

UserDr Robin Wootton, University of Exeter.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 11 May 2015, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

The first CCfCS student symposium

Registration by May 1st required

UserJenny Turton.

HouseScott Polar Research Institute.

ClockFriday 08 May 2015, 09:00-18:00

Food Futures in the World

Can GM crops help to feed the world?

Last talk of term!

UserProfessor Sir Brian Heap.

HouseBiffen Lecture Theatre, Department of Genetics, Downing Site.

ClockWednesday 06 May 2015, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

New Developments in Machine Intelligence

This talk will be preceeded by a short presentation from Laura Burzynski on her research into blood clotting proteins

UserProf. Chris Bishop, Microsoft Research, Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 27 April 2015, 19:30-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Kinneyia, a fossil hydrodynamic instability

UserLucas Goering, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics, Germany.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 23 April 2015, 12:00-13:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

The Tropical Tropopause Layer

UserStephan Borrmann (Mainz), Neil Harris (Cambridge), Alison Ming (Cambridge) and Amanda Maycock (Cambridge).

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 21 April 2015, 14:30-17:30

Winton Discussions

Patents in theory and in practice

UserDr Anwar Gilani - Venner Shipley.

HouseTCM Seminar room, 530 Mott.

ClockThursday 16 April 2015, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Meet the Authors

Held in association with the Cambridge Science Festival

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseMill Lane Lecture Theatre, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 16 March 2015, 19:30-21:00

Winton Discussions

A remarkable set of contemplations

UserCraig Bennett - Friends of the Earth.

HouseTCM Seminar room, 530 Mott.

ClockThursday 12 March 2015, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Topological insulators: an experimentalist's perspective

Postponed due to speaker illness - until start of Easter term

UserProfessor Thorsten Hesjedal (University of Oxford).

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre, Tennis Court Road.

ClockWednesday 11 March 2015, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Earth’s past, present, and future climate

UserProf Eric Wolff (Earth Sciences), Dr Emily Shuckburgh (BAS), Dr Amanda Maycock (Chemistry).

HouseMill Lane Lecture Rooms, 8 Mill Lane, CB2 1RW.

ClockWednesday 11 March 2015, 18:00-19:30

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

CCfCS poster session

UserCCfCS Members from across Cambridge.

HouseEarth Sciences.

ClockMonday 09 March 2015, 13:30-15:00

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

Nuclear Technology Special Interest Group Student Webinar

Free wine and food! Please email Bob Skelton if you wish to attend (

UserTo include Paul Haigh (retired expert in waste treatment) and Ben Salisbury (EDF Energy).

HouseCripps Court, Magdalene College.

ClockThursday 05 March 2015, 18:30-20:30

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

CCfCS Arctic Change meeting

UserJulienne Stroeve, Ed Hawkins, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, Phil Wookey, Duncan Depledge.

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockThursday 05 March 2015, 14:00-18:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Title to be confirmed

UserFelicity Bartholomew and Finn Box, BP Institute.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 05 March 2015, 12:00-13:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Silicon in the 21st century

UserProfessor Gabriel Aeppli (UCL).

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre, Tennis Court Road.

ClockWednesday 04 March 2015, 20:00-21:00

BSS Formal Seminars

Quantitative high spatiotemporal resolution imaging of biological processes

UserDr Melike Lakadamyali, NEST fellow, ICFO, Barcelona.

HousePippard Lecture Theatre, Cavendish Laboratory.

ClockFriday 27 February 2015, 14:00-15:00

CEB Career Talks

"A career in design"

Talk is free but advance registration is required on

UserHarry Claxton, Technology Development Manager Johnson Matthey Davy Technologies.

HouseDept Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Pembroke St, New Museums Site, Shell Building, Lecture Theatre 1.

ClockThursday 26 February 2015, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Making light from the dark universe

UserDr Joseph Conlon (University of Oxford).

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre, Tennis Court Road.

ClockWednesday 25 February 2015, 20:00-21:00

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

Tribulations and lots of trails: Nuclear Fuel Technology Development

UserDr Julian Kelly, Chief Technology Officer, Thor Energy AS.

HouseDepartment of Engineering - LR3.

ClockThursday 19 February 2015, 16:30-18:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Resource efficiency: what are the limits?

UserJonathan Cullen, Dept of Engineering, Uni of Cambridge.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 19 February 2015, 12:00-13:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Some of my Accidents

UserProf. Stephen Richardson, Chemical Engineering, Imperial College.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 16 February 2015, 19:30-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

BPI Speakers

UserStefano Rocco, Tim Beeson-Jones, Tom Eaves - BPI.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 12 February 2015, 12:00-13:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Title to be confirmed

UserDr Philip Campbell (editor-in-chief, Nature).

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre, Tennis Court Road.

ClockWednesday 11 February 2015, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Philosophical Society

Lighting the Future: Next generation LED lighting to save energy and improve our health

UserProfessor Sir Colin Humphreys CBE FREng FRS, Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy.

HouseBristol-Myers-Squibb Lecture theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockMonday 09 February 2015, 18:00-19:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Gaia satellite / 3D map of the galaxy

UserProfessor Gerry Gilmore (IoA, Cambridge University).

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre, Tennis Court Road.

ClockWednesday 04 February 2015, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Ripping up the Rule Book in Formula One

UserProf. Tony Purnell, Systems Design, Royal Academy of Engineering.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 02 February 2015, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Cosmology/inflation talk (title TBC)

UserDr Daniel Baumann (DAMTP, Cambridge University).

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre, Tennis Court Road.

ClockWednesday 28 January 2015, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Energy Seminars

International Legal Constraints on Energy Transitions

UserProfessor Jorge E. Vinuales, Harold Samuel Professor of Law and Environmental Policy.

HouseRoom B3, Institute of Criminology, Sidgwick Site.

ClockThursday 22 January 2015, 18:00-19:00

The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)

International Legal Constraints on Energy Transitions

CUEN Evening Seminars are open to everyone, free of charge, without any registration.

UserProfessor Jorge E. Vinuales, Harold Samuel Professor of Law and Environmental Policy.

HouseRoom B3, Criminology Department, Sidgwick Site.

ClockThursday 22 January 2015, 18:00-19:00

Winton Discussions

An ideal limit for the performance of large wind farms

UserDr Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz.

HouseTCM Seminar room, 530 Mott.

ClockThursday 22 January 2015, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

From gas to stars in galaxies

UserDr Adrianne Slyz (University of Oxford).

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre, Tennis Court Road.

ClockWednesday 21 January 2015, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Innovation in Practise

UserProf. Andy Hopper, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 19 January 2015, 19:30-21:00

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

Global outlook for nuclear

UserMr Tony Roulstone ( Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge).

HouseCambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 5.

ClockThursday 11 December 2014, 16:00-17:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

BPI End of Term Seminar

Note unusual time

UserAndy Hogg, Dave Pritchard, Jerry Phillips, Pete Smith.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 04 December 2014, 14:00-15:20

Cambridge University Physics Society

Everything from nothing

Change of speaker; Prof Bower will now be giving a talk.

UserProfessor Richard Bower (University of Durham).

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre, Tennis Court Road.

ClockWednesday 03 December 2014, 20:00-21:00

The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)

Sino-Russian Gas and Oil Cooperation : The Reality and Its Impacts towards Regional and Global Trading

UserProfessor Keun Wook Paik, associate fellow of the energy, environment, resource department at Chatham House and senior research fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies.

HouseRoom B3, Criminology Department, Sidgwick Site.

ClockTuesday 02 December 2014, 17:00-00:00

British Antarctic Survey - Director's Choice

Fossil pollen and algae reveal Antarctica’s climate as the dinosaurs died out 66 million years ago

If external to BAS, please email the organiser in advance to gain access to the building

UserVanessa Bowman (British Antarctic Survey).

HouseBritish Antarctic Survey, conference room.

ClockThursday 27 November 2014, 13:00-13:30

Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series

Plenary Lecture 7: Lignocellulose degradation by enriched microbial consortia from cow rumen and termite gut

Understanding Microbial Communities; Function, Structure and Dynamics

UserHernandez-Raquet, G (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique - LISBP INSA, Toulouse).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Newton Institute.

ClockThursday 27 November 2014, 10:05-10:40

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

Can information and communication technologies save the environment?

UserProfessor Victor O.K. Li from Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Hong Kong.

HouseCambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 6.

ClockWednesday 26 November 2014, 12:00-13:30

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)


UserAlex Evans, Nicola Mingotti, Kate Miller - BPI.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 20 November 2014, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

The Living Time Machine: Non-verbal intelligence

UserProf. Nicky Clayton FRS, Dept of Psychology, University of Cambridge and Clive Wilkins.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 17 November 2014, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Title to be confirmed

UserProfessor David Tong (DAMTP, Cambridge University).

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre, Tennis Court Road.

ClockWednesday 12 November 2014, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Capturing light on the nanoscale

UserProfessor Sir John Pendry (Imperial College).

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre, Tennis Court Road.

ClockThursday 06 November 2014, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Human Metabolic Disease: Lessons from the extremes.

UserProf. Sir Stephen O'Rahilly, Clinical Biochemistry, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 03 November 2014, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report Discussion Meeting

UserProfessor Eric Wolff, Professor Douglas Crawford-Brown, Dr David Reiner, Professor David MacKay.

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences, meeting room MR2.

ClockMonday 03 November 2014, 14:00-18:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Chromatin and antisense transcript dynamics in seasonal timing

Enid MacRobbie Woman in Science Lecture

UserCaroline Dean, John Innes Centre.

HouseDepartment of Plant Sciences, Large Lecture Theatre.

ClockThursday 30 October 2014, 13:00-14:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Surface texturing for turbulent friction reduction

UserRicardo Garcia-Mayoral, Engineering, University of Cambridge.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 30 October 2014, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

Nanomagnetism: from green computing to cancer therapy

UserProfessor Russell Cowburn (Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University).

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre, Tennis Court Road.

ClockWednesday 29 October 2014, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

How quantum physics democratized music

UserProfessor Sir Michael Berry (University of Bristol).

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre, Tennis Court Road.

ClockWednesday 22 October 2014, 20:00-21:00

sa345's list

Shell Lecture 2014 Deploying gas technology for a sustainable energy future

UserAndy Brown, Upstream International Director, Shell.

HouseMcGrath Centre, St Catharine's College.

ClockWednesday 22 October 2014, 17:30-19:30

sa345's list

Ecomachines: Designing the Cars of the Future

UserIndustry leaders debate the future of the car with special guest Richard Noble, land speed record breaker.

HouseSt Catharine's College.

ClockTuesday 21 October 2014, 18:00-19:30

Cambridge Centre for Data-Driven Discovery (C2D3)

Horizon 2020 Opportunities in Big Data

UserRenata Schaeffer, European Policy Manager, Research Operations Office.

HouseMill Lane Lecture Room 2, 8 Mill Lane .

ClockThursday 02 October 2014, 14:00-15:30

Culture of Scientific Research

Discussion Event: The Culture of Scientific Research

Calling all researchers – what’s it like being you?

UserSpeakers listed below.

HouseMill Lane Lecture Theatres Room 1, University of Cambridge.

ClockMonday 15 September 2014, 11:30-13:00

Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series

A Direct Coupling Coherent Quantum Observer

Quantum Control Engineering: Mathematical Principles and Applications

UserPetersen, I (UNSW Canberra, at ADFA).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Newton Institute.

ClockTuesday 05 August 2014, 09:45-10:25

Nanoscience Centre Seminar Series

Mass Fabrication of Micro/Nano Dual-scale Structures and its Applications in Energy Harvesting

Everyone is welcome

UserProf. Haixia (Alice) Zhang, Institute of Microelectronics, Peking University, China.

HouseKapitza Building Seminar Room 16, Cavendish Laboratory, Department of Physics.

ClockFriday 04 July 2014, 14:00-15:00

Winton Discussions

Energy vs materials availability. Equivalent or different?

UserProfessor David Cahen, Weizmann Institute of Science.

HouseTCM Seminar room, 530 Mott.

ClockMonday 23 June 2014, 16:00-17:00

DAMTP Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics

IPCC Climate Change 2014: Key Findings on Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability in Asia and the Role of the Asian Network on Climate Science and Technology note unusual venue

UserProf. Joy Pereira, Southeast Asia Disaster Prevention Research Initiative, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

HouseWinstanley Lecture Hall, Trinity College.

ClockThursday 19 June 2014, 17:00-18:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Noise in audio and electronics

UserDr Chris Hicks, Engineering Director of CEDAR Audio, Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 16 June 2014, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

CCfCS Modelling Workshop

Registration is required

UserModel users and developers across Cambridge.

HouseBritish Antarctic Survey, conference room.

ClockFriday 13 June 2014, 14:00-17:00

The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)

Gas - An (Un)Conventional Pathway towards our Energy Future? - CUEN Annual Energy Conference

Please register: (coffee breaks, lunch and wine reception included)

User14 speakers from academia, policy and industry.

HouseJesus College Cambridge.

ClockMonday 09 June 2014, 08:30-18:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Methane in the Earth System Symposium

UserJohn Burrows, Nic Gedney, Euan Nisbet, Matt Rigby, Philip Sargent .

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences, meeting room MR2.

ClockThursday 05 June 2014, 14:00-18:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Synovial Fluid Lubrication of Artificial Joints

UserPhillipa Cann, Tribology Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 05 June 2014, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Should We Engineer The Climate? The SPICE Project

The listed speaker is not available; Dr Hunt has very kindly agreed to deliver this lecture in his place

UserDr Hugh Hunt, Engineering Department, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 02 June 2014, 19:30-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)


UserPietro Cicuta, Physics, University of Cambridge.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 29 May 2014, 11:30-12:30

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

The Comfort Controversy

UserProfessor Fergus Nicol, Professor Michael Humphreys.

HouseCRASSH Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DT.

ClockWednesday 28 May 2014, 12:00-14:00

The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)

Shell and Natural Gas

This event kicks-off our Annual Conference on Gas - An (Un)Conventional Pathway towards our Energy Future? Sign-up for conference and poster session via our website:

UserEmile de Jong, General Manager Expertise and Deployment, Shell.

HouseJudge Business School.

ClockWednesday 14 May 2014, 18:00-19:30

Winton Discussions

Current Issues in Energy Policy

UserDr Chi-Kong Chyong (Energy Policy Research Group, University of Cambridge).

HouseTCM Seminar room, 530 Mott.

ClockMonday 12 May 2014, 16:00-17:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Chemically Synthesised Carbon Nanomaterials

UserDr Mohammad Choucair, Dept of Chemistry, University of Sydney.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 17 April 2014, 11:30-12:30

Winton Discussions

The future of Artificial Photosynthesis - academic curiosity or real-world application?

UserDr. Erwin Reisner (Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge).

HouseTCM Seminar room, 530 Mott.

ClockMonday 31 March 2014, 16:00-17:00

Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology occasional seminars

Process intensification technologies at ExxonMobil: Reverse-Flow Reforming, and On-Board Fuel Separation

UserDr. Frank Hershkowitz and Dr. Randall Partridge. Corporate Strategic Research Laboratory, ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company.

HouseLecture Theatre 1, Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, New Museums Site.

ClockMonday 24 March 2014, 15:30-16:30

Cambridge Energy Seminars

Sustainable cities in an uncertain future

This event is part of the Cambridge Science Festival 2014

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseRoom 3 8 Mill Lane Cambridge CB2 1RW .

ClockWednesday 19 March 2014, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Energy Seminars

Open Meeting for Early Career Researchers – 19 March 2014

Membership of Energy@Cambridge is free and open to researchers at the University of Cambridge or affiliated institutes who are actively engaged in research related to energy.

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HousePostdoc Centre, 16 Mill Lane.

ClockWednesday 19 March 2014, 17:45-19:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

New Book Evening

In association with the Cambridge Science Festival

UserProfs. Spiegelhalter, Ahmed and Longair.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 17 March 2014, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Energy Seminars

Horizon2020 Information Meeting for members of Energy@Cambridge

Membership of Energy@Cambridge is free and open to researchers at the University of Cambridge or affiliated institutes who are actively engaged in research related to energy.

UserRenata Schaeffer, European Policy Manger, Research Office.

HouseMill Lane Lecture Room 1.

ClockThursday 13 March 2014, 14:00-15:30

Darwin Society

Quantum effects in biology and organic materials: photosynthesis, solar cells and nanomachines.

This talk is free and open to all, and will be followed by refreshments. No registration is necessary.

UserDr. Alex Chin, University of Cambridge.

HouseLloyd Room, Christ's College.

ClockThursday 06 March 2014, 19:00-20:30

Cambridge Energy Seminars

It’s magnetic resonance – but not as you know it

Live video stream available at this web address

UserProfessor Lynn Gladden is Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Shell Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Cambridge.

HouseThe Royal Society, 6-9 Carlton House Terrace London SW1Y 5AG.

ClockTuesday 04 March 2014, 18:30-19:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Why aircraft may soon grow bumps on their wings

UserProfessor Holger Babinsky, Professor of Aerodynamics, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 03 March 2014, 19:30-21:00

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

Title to be confirmed

UserDr Linda Ashton/Christophe Junillon from Atkins.

HouseCambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Theatre 1.

ClockThursday 20 February 2014, 16:30-18:00

Trinity College Science Society (TCSS)

Baroness Worthington

UserBaroness Worthington (House of Lords).

HouseWinstanley Lecture Theatre.

ClockTuesday 18 February 2014, 17:45-19:30

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Title to be confirmed

UserAlan Eales, Fanny Yuen and Alan McCreanor, BP Institute.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 13 February 2014, 11:30-12:30

Darwin College Science Seminars

Cassandra's Climate

UserMichael Sheppard, Emeritus Schlumberger Fellow, Schlumberger.

House1 Newnham Terrace, Darwin College.

ClockThursday 06 February 2014, 13:10-14:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Can Research Prevent Crime?

UserProfessor Lawrence Sherman, Director, Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 03 February 2014, 19:30-21:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

**EVENT POSTPONED** Cambridge's Future: Green Jobs, Green Growth

UserDr Julian Huppert, Member of Parliament for Cambridge.

HouseMill Lane Lecture Room 3.

ClockThursday 30 January 2014, 20:00-21:00

Commercialisation Seminar Series

Commercialising your research via consultancy

Lunch will be provided. Please reply to to express your interest in attending so that we can estimate the numbers required for lunch by 15 Jan 2014.

UserCambridge Enterprise and Engineering Department.

HouseOatley Meeting Room, Engineering Department, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1PZ.

ClockThursday 23 January 2014, 12:00-14:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Community Energy Initiatives and Energy Behaviours

UserSarah Inge Parker, DPHil candidate, The Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford.

HouseCRASSH Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DT.

ClockWednesday 22 January 2014, 12:00-14:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Community Energy Initiatives and Energy Behaviours

UserSarah Inge Parker, DPHil candidate, The Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford.

HouseCRASSH Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DT.

ClockWednesday 22 January 2014, 12:00-14:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Validation of EEG-neurofeedback for optimising performance

UserProfessor John Gruzelier, Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths, University of London.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 20 January 2014, 19:30-21:00

Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) Cambridge Branch

RAF Bomber Command Pathfinder Force

UserJohn Clifford, WO James Blackwood & Andy anderson (RAF Pathfinder Museum).

HouseHughes Hall, Cambridge University.

ClockThursday 12 December 2013, 19:00-21:00

The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)

'Careers in Renewables' + 'Shale Gas in the UK: will it solve our energy issue?'

Refreshments will be provided!

UserMr Vince Pizzoni, Executive Search Consultant, Peng and Associates, London.

HouseGraduate Union Lounge, 17 Mill Lane, Cambridge.

ClockSaturday 07 December 2013, 18:00-19:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

Photonics in Nature

UserDr Silvia Vignolini, University of Cambridge.

HousePlant Sciences Lecture Theatre, Downing Site.

ClockMonday 02 December 2013, 20:00-21:00

The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)

'Second coming: the rebirth of nuclear power in the UK' - CUEN Seminar Series

Refreshments will be provided!

UserDr. Simon Taylor and Dr. Eugene Shwageraus, University of Cambridge.

HouseRoom LT3, Judge Business School, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1AG.

ClockMonday 02 December 2013, 18:00-19:30

Winton Discussions

Jugaad Innovation: A Frugal, Flexible and Inclusive Way to Grow

UserProf Jaideep Prabhu, Judge Business School.

HouseTCM Seminar room, 530 Mott.

ClockMonday 02 December 2013, 16:00-17:00


Applications for Synthetic Biology in Industrial Biotechnology

UserProfessor Robert Edwards , Chief Scientist, The Food and Environment Research Agency.

HouseCineworld: The O2, Peninsula Square, London, SE10 0DX.

ClockFriday 29 November 2013, 09:00-17:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Prof. George Efstathiou – The Birth of the Universe

UserProf. George Efstathiou, Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge.

HousePlant Sciences Lecture Theatre, Downing Site.

ClockMonday 25 November 2013, 20:00-21:00

Centre for Industrial Sustainability Seminars

Change-Inspired Scholarship Toward Sustainable Enterprise: Applications in Green Supply Chain Management

UserDr. Timothy Smith, NorthStar Initiative for Sustainable Enterprise, University of Minnesota.

HouseLecture Block, room 6.

ClockFriday 22 November 2013, 14:00-15:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Notes on Notes: The musicology of performance

The CSAR AGM will precede this lecture at 19:15

UserProfessor John Rink, Professor of Musical Performance Studies, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 18 November 2013, 19:15-21:00

Engineering - Mechanics Colloquia Research Seminars

Inversion and perversion in biomechanics: from microscopic anisotropy to macroscopic chirality

UserProfessor Alain Goriely, OCCAM, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford.

HouseDepartment of Engineering - LR4.

ClockFriday 15 November 2013, 14:30-16:00

Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) Cambridge Branch

Operation ELLAMY - The RAF in Libya 2011

Notification of attendance required: please send full name to Jon Land at or call 01223 373033

UserSqn Ldr Smith RAF.

HouseMarshall Aerospace Conference Room No 1. Cambridge City Airport, Newmarket Road, Cambridge.

ClockThursday 14 November 2013, 18:00-20:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Quantum Bits and their relation to Nanotechnology

UserProf. Charles Marcus, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen.

HousePlant Sciences Lecture Theatre, Downing Site.

ClockMonday 11 November 2013, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Beyond Nano: Manipulating Matter at the Single Bond Limit

UserProf. Philip Moriarty, University of Nottingham .

HousePlant Sciences Lecture Theatre, Downing Site.

ClockMonday 04 November 2013, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Murphy's Law and the Large Hadron Collider

UserDr Chris Lester, University of Cambridge.

HousePlant Sciences Lecture Theatre, Downing Site.

ClockMonday 28 October 2013, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

The Key Drivers in the World Economy: Why we should be positive

The ‘Festival of Ideas’ Lecture

UserDr Gerard Lyons, Economic Adviser to the Mayor of London.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 28 October 2013, 19:30-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Nanotechnology for the Oilfield

UserJames Tour, BP Lecturer, Rice University, Houston.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 24 October 2013, 11:30-12:30

Wolfson College Humanities Society talks

Energy and the industrial revolution: opening Pandora's box

This talk is open to the public and may be podcast

UserProf. Sir Tony Wrigley, Cambridge.

HouseGatsby Room, Wolfson College.

ClockTuesday 22 October 2013, 17:45-19:15

Department of Chemistry

Graphene Growth & Applications

BP Lectures 2013

UserProfessor James M. Tour, Rice University, Texas.

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockTuesday 22 October 2013, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Applied and not-yet-applied

UserProfessor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz, Vice-Chancellor, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge CB3 0DS.

ClockMonday 21 October 2013, 19:30-21:00

The Postdocs of Cambridge (PdOC) Society

Sustainable Energy - from academia to Whitehall

UserProf David MacKay ( Regius Professor of Engineering at the University of Cambridge and Chief Scientific Advisor to the Department of Energy and Climate Change).

HouseAuditorium, Robinson College.

ClockMonday 21 October 2013, 18:00-19:00

The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)

CUEN squash event

Refreshments will be provided

Userthe CUEN committee.

HouseThe Cambridge Union Society, 9a Bridge Street, Cambridge CB2 1UB.

ClockTuesday 15 October 2013, 19:00-20:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

IPCC Fifth Assessment Report: what have we learned, and where do we go next?

UserProf Mat Collins, Prof Gabi Hegerl, Prof Ted Shepherd, Prof David Vaughan.

HouseMcGrath Centre, St Catharine's College, Cambridge.

ClockThursday 10 October 2013, 14:00-18:00

Winton Discussions

Winton 2nd Annual Symposium on Materials Discovery

UserFor full list of speakers visit

HousePippard Lecture Theatre, Cavendish Laboratory.

ClockMonday 30 September 2013, 09:00-18:00

Winton Programme for the Physics of Sustainability

Winton Symposium on Materials Discovery

UserFor full list of speakers visit

HouseCavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre,.

ClockMonday 30 September 2013, 09:00-18:00

Microsoft Research Cambridge, public talks

Disciplined Approximate Computing: From Language to Hardware, and Beyond

This event may be recorded and made available internally or externally via Microsoft will own the copyright of any recordings made. If you do not wish to have your image/voice recorded please consider this before attending

UserLuis Ceze, University of Washington.

HouseAuditorium, Microsoft Research Ltd, 21 Station Road, Cambridge, CB1 2FB.

ClockWednesday 18 September 2013, 10:00-11:00

Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) Cambridge Branch

SR71 - Flying a Secret Mission

A unique insight into the history, development and flying of the SR-71 from a distinguished SR-71 Blackbird Pilot.

UserCol. Richard H Graham USAF (Ret'd).

HouseLecture Theatre '0' of the Cambridge University Engineering Department on Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1PZ..

ClockTuesday 10 September 2013, 19:00-21:00

Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series

Ancillary service to the grid from deferrable loads: the case for intelligent pool pumps in Florida

Stochastic Processes in Communication Sciences

UserMeyn, S (University of Illinois).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Newton Institute.

ClockWednesday 14 August 2013, 13:30-14:15

Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series

Lattice Boltzmann Methods for multi-phase turbulent flows

Mathematical Modelling and Analysis of Complex Fluids and Active Media in Evolving Domains

UserBiferale, L (Universit degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Newton Institute.

ClockWednesday 24 July 2013, 11:30-13:00

Bioenergy Initiative

The Cambridge University/BAS Innovation Centre - Potential for New Collaborations

Bioenergy Initiative

UserProf Lloyd Peck, British Antarctic Survey.

HouseBiochemistry, Hopkins Bldg, Seminar Rm 1 .

ClockFriday 05 July 2013, 09:30-12:00

Transition Cambridge

Insulating Solid Walls

UserMargaret Reynolds RIBA - architect (independent consultant, formerly with AC Architects).

HouseSt Lukes Community Centre, Victoria Road.

ClockThursday 27 June 2013, 19:30-21:30

Communications Research Group Seminar

Energy-efficient wireless communications

UserDr. Fernando Rosas, Wireless Technologies Laboratory, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

HouseSigProC seminar room (3rd floor of Dept. of Engineering).

ClockThursday 20 June 2013, 11:30-12:30

Optoelectronics Group

Probing charge carriers in carbon materials with optical pulses

UserDr. Enrico Da Como, Department of Physics, University of Bath, UK.

HouseKapitza Building Seminar Room, Cavendish Laboratory, Department of Physics.

ClockTuesday 18 June 2013, 10:00-11:00

Winton Discussions

Creating Impact from Research

UserDr Andrea Cantone and Dr Gillian Davis, Cambridge Enterprise.

HouseTCM Seminar room, 530 Mott.

ClockMonday 17 June 2013, 16:00-17:00

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series - 43rd Annual Series of Lunchtime Lectures

Is Venice UNESCO World Heritage Site sustainable?

UserProf. Giorgio Gianighian, Visiting Scholar, St. John's College, University of Cambridge.

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 12 June 2013, 13:15-14:15

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Building Business in the Sunshine

UserStuart Elmes, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Viridian Solar.

HouseWolfson Lecture Hall, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 10 June 2013, 19:00-21:00

gl332's list

Progress in making organic solar cells highly efficient and stable

UserProf. Michael McGehee, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University, USA.

HouseKapitza Building Seminar Room, Cavendish Laboratory, Department of Physics.

ClockFriday 31 May 2013, 14:30-15:30

CUED Control Group Seminars

Next-Generation Smart Grid: Completely Autonomous Power Systems (CAPS)

UserQing-Chang Zhong, IET Fellow, SMIEEE Chair in Control and Systems Engineering Dept. of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering The University of Sheffield.

HouseCambridge University Engineering Department, LR3B.

ClockFriday 31 May 2013, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Alumni Energy Society

Energy Project Finance : Oil & Gas

Details and registration at:

UserDavid Cole – Global Head of Energy Project Finance at BNP Paribas.

HouseOxford & Cambridge Club, London.

ClockThursday 30 May 2013, 18:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Plan Bee: Ensuring the Future of Pollination

UserMike Brown, Head of National Bee Unit, The Food and Environmental Research Agency, DEFRA.

HouseWolfson Lecture Hall, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 27 May 2013, 19:00-21:00

ajb295's list

“Energy, water, food and the nine billion."

Booking Required contact organiser

UserLord Oxburgh.

HouseRobinson College Auditorium.

ClockThursday 23 May 2013, 18:00-19:15

CEB Alumni Speaker Series

“Teaching Sustainability to Chemical Engineering students”

Students, visitors, academics and alumni are invited to attend this talk. Register your name on

UserProfessor Ryszard Pohorecki Emeritus Professor of Chemical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology (WUT).

HouseDept Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, New Museums Site, Pembroke Street, CB2 3RA.

ClockThursday 23 May 2013, 16:00-17:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Mineral Separation by Froth Flotation: Research Tools and Techniques

UserProfessor Jan Cilliers FREng, Department of Earth Science and Engineering Royal School of Mines, Imperial College London.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 23 May 2013, 11:30-12:30

Winton Discussions

Biological photovoltaic systems

UserProf Chris Howe, Department of Biochemistry.

HouseTCM Seminar room, 530 Mott.

ClockMonday 20 May 2013, 16:00-17:00

IET Cambridge Network - Lectures

The UK'S facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements

Tea is served from 6pm

UserJamie Trembath, FAAM, Cranfield University.

HouseBritish Antarctic Survey, High Cross, Madingley Road.

ClockThursday 16 May 2013, 18:30-20:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Organic Electronics: a story of science and technology

UserProfessor Sir Richard Friend, Cavendish Professor of Physics, Optoelectronics Group, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Hall, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 13 May 2013, 19:00-21:00

SCI Cambridge Science Talks

Carbon nanotubes - Laboratory to Industry

UserProf Alan Windle, FRS, Dept of Material Science & Metallurgy, Cambridge.

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road, Cambridge.

ClockThursday 09 May 2013, 19:00-20:00

lb447's list

University-Industry Interactions and Research in Construction at IIT, Madras

Construction Lecture for All

UserDr Koshy Varghese.

HouseLecture Room 6 Engineering Department.

ClockThursday 09 May 2013, 13:00-14:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Why did the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption cloud last so long?

UserMark Jellinek, Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences University of British Columbia.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 09 May 2013, 11:30-12:30

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series - 43rd Annual Series of Lunchtime Lectures

Low Energy Buildings: CFD Modelling for Natural Ventilation and Thermal Comfort Prediction

UserProf. Malcolm Cook,Professor of Building Performance Analysis,Loughborough University, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU.

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 08 May 2013, 13:15-14:15

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series - 43rd Annual Series of Lunchtime Lectures

Contested Fields: Our Lost pastoral

UserTom Holbrook,Director, 5th Studio,Design Advisor for the Greater London Authority, a member of the Quality Panel for the London Legacy Development Corporation, and a Built Environment Expert for Design Council CABE..

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 01 May 2013, 13:15-14:15

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Volcanology Applied to Emergencies

UserProfessor Stephen Sparks CBE, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol.

HouseWolfson Lecture Hall, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 29 April 2013, 19:00-21:00

CEB Alumni Speaker Series

“Technology Management in a large integrated Oil Company”

if you would like to attend this free talk just register your name on

UserDr David Söderberg, BP Group Technology, Director Technology Management.

HouseDept Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, New Museums Site, Pembroke Street, CB2 3RA.

ClockThursday 25 April 2013, 16:00-17:00

Materials Chemistry Research Interest Group

BP 3rd Years PhD Talks

Talks by 3rd Yr PhD students in the Materials RIG


HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockThursday 25 April 2013, 10:15-16:30

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series - 43rd Annual Series of Lunchtime Lectures

URBAN RESILIENCE - addressing risk and uncertainty in rapidly growing cities in the developing world

UserTony Lloyd Jones, Architect-planner, Development Practitioner, Reader and Course Director of Westminster’s International Planning and Sustainable Development Masters programme, Director of Research and Consultancy at the Max Lock Centre.

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 24 April 2013, 13:15-14:15

Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series

Modelling and Forecasting of Network Time Series

Stochastic Processes in Communication Sciences

UserNason, G (University of Bristol).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Newton Institute.

ClockTuesday 23 April 2013, 11:30-12:00

Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series

Wind Problems for the Electricity Planner and Operator

Stochastic Processes in Communication Sciences

UserPlumptre, P (National Grid).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Newton Institute.

ClockTuesday 23 April 2013, 10:15-10:45

Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series

Semi-Parametric Models for Electricity Consumption Forecasting

Stochastic Processes in Communication Sciences

UserGoude, Y (EDF, France).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Newton Institute.

ClockMonday 22 April 2013, 14:45-15:15

Centre for Atmospheric Science seminars, Chemistry Dept.

Relationship between Greenhouse Gases and Global Temperature

This is a special additional talk taking place outside of term time.

UserProf Murry Salby (Macquarie University).

HousePfizer Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockMonday 22 April 2013, 14:00-15:00

Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series

A Range of Methods for Electricity Consumption Forecasting

Stochastic Processes in Communication Sciences

UserBrossat, X (EDF, France).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Newton Institute.

ClockMonday 22 April 2013, 14:00-14:30

Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series

Electricity Market Reform in the UK

Stochastic Processes in Communication Sciences

UserPollitt, M (University of Cambridge).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Newton Institute.

ClockMonday 22 April 2013, 11:00-11:45

Cambridge and Anglian Materials Society meetings

Energy saving when manufacturing high value castings

Our talks are open to all with an interest in the topic. Light refreshments will be available from 7:00 pm.

UserProf. Mark Jolly, Cranfield University.

HouseDepartment of Materials Science and Metallurgy, New Museums Site, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3QZ.

ClockWednesday 17 April 2013, 19:30-21:00

Transition Cambridge

Rolling out energy efficiency for homes and community buildings

UserNicola Terry, Transition Cambridge & Cambridge Carbon Footprint.

HouseStoneyard Centre (Lower hall), 43 St Andrews Street, CB2 3AR.

ClockWednesday 03 April 2013, 19:00-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Consider the Icicle

UserStephen Morris, Dept of Physics, University of Toronto.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 21 March 2013, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Our Fluid Earth

Joint Event with Cambridge Science Festival and BlueSci.

UserProfessor Dan McKenzie.

HouseMill Lane Lecture Rooms, 8 Mill Lane, Cambridge.

ClockWednesday 20 March 2013, 20:00-21:00

Sustainable Development: 11th Distinguished Lecture Series 2013

Economics for a Finite Planet

UserProfessor Tim Jackson, Professor of Sustainable Development, University of Surrey.

HouseLecture Theatre 0, Engineering Department, Trumpington Street.

ClockWednesday 20 March 2013, 18:00-19:30

Engineering Department Geotechnical Research Seminars

Seismic behaviour pile foundations in improved and unimproved soft clays

UserProfessor K.K. “Muralee” Muraleetharan, Kimmell-Bernard Chair in Engineering, David Ross Boyd and Presidential Professor, School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science, University of Oklahoma.

HouseSchofield Centre.

ClockTuesday 19 March 2013, 14:00-15:00

Winton Discussions

Can you build a computer without using roads? Where we are going we don't need roads!

UserDr Chris Forman, Institute for Manufacturing (IfM).

HouseTCM Seminar room, 530 Mott.

ClockMonday 18 March 2013, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

CCfCS Lent Symposium: Time scales in Climate Science.

UserProf. David Beerling, Dr. Pierre Dutrieux, Dr. Dan Lunt.

HouseScott Polar Research Institute.

ClockFriday 15 March 2013, 14:20-17:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Cambridge College Retrofit and Energy Efficiency

UserPeter Armitage, PhD Student, University of Cambridge.

HouseCRASSH, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP.

ClockThursday 14 March 2013, 13:30-15:30

Cambridge and Anglian Materials Society meetings

The Next Generation of Lighting for our Homes and our Health

Our meetings are open to anyone with an interest in the topic. Light refreshments available from 19:00

UserProfessor Sir Colin Humphreys.

HouseDepartment of Materials Science and Metallurgy, New Museums Site, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3QZ.

ClockWednesday 13 March 2013, 19:30-21:00

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series - 43rd Annual Series of Lunchtime Lectures

Good Daylighting and Compliance – Pulling in the Same Direction?

UserProfessor John Mardaljevic, Professor of Building Daylight Modelling, University of Loughborough.

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 13 March 2013, 13:15-14:15

Cambridge University Physics Society

From Mars to the Multiverse

Note the different venue (BMS)! Free for all - outreach talk.

UserProf. Martin Rees, Baron Rees of Ludlow, University of Cambridge .

HouseBristol-Myers Squibb Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockMonday 11 March 2013, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Philosophical Society

Low Carbon Road Freight Transport

UserProfessor David Cebon, Department of Engineering.

HouseBristol-Myers-Squibb Lecture theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockMonday 11 March 2013, 17:30-18:30

Graphene CDT Advanced Technology Lectures

Leaf-Like Materials Capable Of Solar Energy Conversion

UserProf. Bao-Lian Su (University of Namur, Belgium).

House9, JJ Thomson Ave. Cambridge, CB3 0FA.

ClockFriday 08 March 2013, 16:00-17:00


The Bayesian Approach To Inverse Problems

UserAndrew Stuart, University of Warwick.

HouseMR12, CMS, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB.

ClockFriday 08 March 2013, 16:00-17:00

Engineering Department Geotechnical Research Seminars

Learning from the Mistakes of Others…

UserProfessor David J Elton Ph.D., P.E., S.M., F. ASCE, Civil Engineering Department, Auburn University, USA.

HouseEngineering Department - Lecture Room 4.

ClockThursday 07 March 2013, 16:00-17:30

Sustainable Development: 11th Distinguished Lecture Series 2013

Overcoming peak water: moving to sustainability

UserDr Peter Gleick, President of the Pacific Institute, Oakland , California.

HouseLecture Theatre 0, Engineering Department, Trumpington Street.

ClockWednesday 06 March 2013, 18:00-19:30

British Antarctic Survey

Climate models and Earth system models: why the differences are and why they're important

If external to BAS, please email the organiser in advance to gain access to the building

UserManoj Joshi (UEA).

HouseBritish Antarctic Survey, Room 307.

ClockWednesday 06 March 2013, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

To Higgs or not to Higgs?

UserProf John Ellis, King's College London.

HousePlant Sciences Lecture Theatre, Downing Site.

ClockMonday 04 March 2013, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

CSAR Book Evening

UserDr Paula Gomes, Dr Richard Preece, Dr Tim Sparks, Charles Cotton.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 04 March 2013, 19:00-21:00

The Triple Helix Lecture Series

Panel Debate: Climate change control strategies: Top-down or bottom-up?

FREE refreshments; Note later start time

UserChair: Prof Howard Griffiths, Speakers: Prof Steve Yearly, Bob Ward, more speakers TBC.

HouseMcCrum Lecture Theatre, Bene't Street, Next to the Eagle Pub.

ClockFriday 01 March 2013, 19:30-21:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Energy Retrofit

UserDr Anna Mavrogianni and Dr Rokia Raslan.

HouseCRASSH, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP.

ClockThursday 28 February 2013, 13:30-15:30

Sustainable Development: 11th Distinguished Lecture Series 2013

Next generation sustainability at the University of British Columbia

UserProfessor John Robinson, Associate Provost, Sustainability, University of British Columbia.

HouseLecture Theatre 0, Engineering Department, Trumpington Street.

ClockWednesday 27 February 2013, 18:00-19:30

Cambridge Conservation Seminars

Making Poverty History – what role for biodiversity conservation?

UserDr Dilys Roe, International Institute for Environment & Development (IIED).

HouseLarge Lecture Theatre, Department of Geography, Downing Site.

ClockWednesday 27 February 2013, 17:00-18:00

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series - 43rd Annual Series of Lunchtime Lectures

The Fabric of Place

UserDiane Haigh, Director of Allies and Morrison Architects and Fellow Commoner, Trinity Hall.

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 27 February 2013, 13:15-14:15

Cambridge University Physics Society

Quantum Physics and Medical Imaging

UserDr Richard Ansorge, University of Cambridge.

HousePlant Sciences Lecture Theatre, Downing Site.

ClockMonday 25 February 2013, 20:00-21:00

Winton Discussions

Sustainability and Architecture

UserProf Koen Steemers, Head of the Department of Architecture.

HouseTCM Seminar room, 530 Mott.

ClockMonday 25 February 2013, 16:00-17:00

Optoelectronics Group

Charge separation in bulk heterojunctions

UserDr. Martijn Kemerink, Department of Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.

HouseKapitza Building Seminar Room, Cavendish Laboratory, Department of Physics.

ClockTuesday 19 February 2013, 14:30-15:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Graphene Future Emerging Technology

UserProfessor Andrea C. Ferrari, Professor of Nanotechnology, Department of Engineering.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 18 February 2013, 19:00-21:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Linkages between plants, soil microbes, and the carbon cycle

CPPS seminar

UserRichard Bardgett, Lancaster Environment Centre.

HouseDepartment of Plant Sciences, Large Lecture Theatre.

ClockThursday 14 February 2013, 16:00-17:00

Sustainable Development: 11th Distinguished Lecture Series 2013

Commercialising Sustainability

UserDr Mike Biddle, Chief Executive and Founder of MBA Polymers.

HouseLecture Theatre 0, Engineering Department, Trumpington Street.

ClockWednesday 13 February 2013, 18:00-19:30

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series - 43rd Annual Series of Lunchtime Lectures

Transforming River Catchments - Linking Ecology, Society and the Economy

UserProf. Philip James, Professor of Ecology, School of Environment and Life Sciences, University of Salford.

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 13 February 2013, 13:15-14:15

Cambridge University Physics Society

Synchronization of Eukaryotic Flagella

UserProf. Raymond E. Goldstein, University of Cambridge.

HousePlant Sciences Lecture Theatre, Downing Site.

ClockMonday 11 February 2013, 20:00-21:00

Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) Cambridge Branch

‘Airbus A400M Flight Test Programme’

The 13th Sir Arthur Marshall Lecture Cambridge Branch Prestige Event

UserEd Strongman, Airbus Military Chief Test Pilot .

HouseHoward Theatre, Downing College, Cambridge.

ClockThursday 07 February 2013, 18:00-20:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Multiphase Hele-Shaw Flows: from Beaches to Dredgers

UserOnno Bokhove, Astro- & Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, University of Leeds.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 07 February 2013, 11:30-12:30

Sustainable Development: 11th Distinguished Lecture Series 2013

The revolution of capitalism

UserPeter Bakker, Chief Executive of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.

HouseLecture Theatre 0, Engineering Department, Trumpington Street.

ClockWednesday 06 February 2013, 18:00-19:30

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

Engineering Challenges of Realising Fusion Power

UserProfessor Steve Cowley, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy.

HouseCambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 6.

ClockWednesday 06 February 2013, 16:30-18:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

The Genius of Michael Faraday

Note the different venue (BMS)! Free for all - outreach talk.

UserProf. Sir John Meurig Thomas, University of Cambridge.

HouseBristol-Myers Squibb Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockMonday 04 February 2013, 20:00-21:00

The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)

FLOW the documentary - screening

The event is FREE of charge.

UserDocumentary screening.

HouseWolfson College (Barton Road). Roger Needham Room (W Block).

ClockSunday 03 February 2013, 20:00-22:00

Plant Sciences Research Seminars

Big Trees for Big Problems

UserSam Brockington, Molecular Development.

HouseDepartment of Plant Sciences, Large Lecture Theatre.

ClockFriday 01 February 2013, 13:00-13:30

CEB Alumni Speaker Series

" Multiphase flow in oil and gas production "

if you would like to attend thsi free talk just register your name on

UserTrevor Hill, BP Exploration Operating Co Ltd.

HouseDept Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, New Museums Site, Pembroke Street, CB2 3RA.

ClockThursday 31 January 2013, 16:00-17:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Control design for amplifier and oscillator flows

UserProfessor Peter Schmid, LadHyX - CNRS - Ecole Polytechnique.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 24 January 2013, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge and Anglian Materials Society meetings

Intelligent Nanomaterials - Will It Answer Energy Problems?? And What Policies Will Make Them Attractive For Commercialisation.

Talks open to anyone with an interest in the topic. Light refreshments available from 19:00.

UserBy Dr. Satheesh Krishnamurthy, Open University.

HouseDepartment of Materials Science and Metallurgy, New Museums Site, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3QZ.

ClockWednesday 23 January 2013, 19:30-21:00

Optoelectronics Group

Loss mechanisms in Polymer-Fullerene Solar Cells

UserPD Dr. Carsten Deibel, Experimental Physics VI, Faculty of Physics and Astronomy Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg Am Hubland, Germany .

HouseKapitza Building Seminar Room, Cavendish Laboratory, Department of Physics.

ClockTuesday 22 January 2013, 14:30-15:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

Black Holes, Holograms and Hard Problems

Free for all!

UserProf. David Tong, University of Cambridge.

HousePlant Sciences Lecture Theatre, Downing Site.

ClockMonday 21 January 2013, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Keeping the Lights on in 2050: how can we do it and how much will it cost?

UserProfessor David MacKay, Chief Scientific Advisor, Department of Energy and Climate Change.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 21 January 2013, 19:00-21:00

Cambridge Carbon Footprint

Chasing Ice and Q&A Session at the Arts Picturehouse

UserDr Ed King, British Antartic Survey glaciologist.

HouseArts Picturehouse Cinema, 38-39 St. Andrews Street.

ClockSaturday 15 December 2012, 15:00-17:15

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Piezoelectric Polymer Nanowires For Energy Harvesting Applications

UserDr Sohini Kar-Narayan (Materials Science and Metallurgy, Cambridge, UK).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 14 December 2012, 16:00-17:00

Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) Cambridge Branch

HP Hampden - More than a Restoration

Parkig: Please use nearby Queen Anne car park or Grand Arcade car park.

UserDarren Priday, RAF Museum Cosford.

HouseHughes Hall, Cambridge University.

ClockThursday 06 December 2012, 19:00-21:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Computational Building Performance Analysis

UserSam Wilkinson, PhD Candidate, University College London.

HouseCRASSH, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP.

ClockThursday 29 November 2012, 13:30-15:30

Land Economy Departmental Seminar Series

Good City Process

UserMichael Neuman, Professor of Sustainable Urbanism at the University of New South Wales.

HouseMill Lane Lecture Room 1.

ClockWednesday 28 November 2012, 16:00-17:00

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series

Borderlands of the EU: The Spanish Enclave of Ceuta in Morocco

UserDr. Max Sternberg + Dr. Felipe Hernandez, Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge.

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 28 November 2012, 13:15-14:15

Cambridge Zero Carbon Society

Food for Thought: ‘Effects of Ocean Acidification on Marine Organisms’

User Emma Cross, PhD Student, Dept. of Earth Science, British Antarctic Survey..

HouseWordsworth Room, St John's College, First Court (on left hand side).

ClockWednesday 28 November 2012, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

An Introduction to Econophysics

Last talk of term. Please note this talk is on Monday.

UserDr Alex Baldon, University of Manchester.

HousePlant Sciences Lecture Theatre, Downing Site.

ClockMonday 26 November 2012, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

The Lost Soldiers of Fromelles

UserProfessor Margaret Cox, Emeritus Professor, Department of Forensic Anthropology, Cranfield University and Founder of the International Centre for Forensic Excellence.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 26 November 2012, 19:00-21:00

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

Nuclear Reactors - New Build, Future Designs and Novel Applications

A copy of the slides are available by emailing you request to

UserDr John Lillington, AMEC.

HouseCambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 6.

ClockThursday 22 November 2012, 16:30-18:00

CEB Alumni Speaker Series

"Made Happy" Designing in Sustainability in a Fast Moving Consumer Goods Business

Free talk - just register your name on

UserSimon Fox MA CEng FIChemE Senior Principal Engineer – Mondelēz International (Kraft Foods UK R&D Ltd).

HouseDept Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, New Museums Site, Pembroke Street, CB2 3RA.

ClockThursday 22 November 2012, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge University Self-Build Society

Self-building in Cambridge: what are the options?

This meeting is organised through the Cambridge Self-Build Society and CambPlants, but is open to all.

UserDr Helen Mulligan, Cambridge Architectural Research; Adam Broadway, Instinctively Green; Jon Seaman, Integrity Buildings.

HouseComputer Lab, William Gates Bldg, Room F11, CB3 0FD (directions:

ClockWednesday 21 November 2012, 16:30-18:00

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series

Temporary Urbanism

UserProfessor Ali Madanipour, Professor of Urban Design and the Director of Global Urban Research Unit (GURU), School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University.

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 21 November 2012, 13:15-14:15

Cambridge Zero Carbon Society

Food for Thought: ‘Carbon Foot-Printing’

UserJon Coello, PhD Student, Dept. of Engineering & the Environment, University of Southampton..

HouseWordsworth Room, St John's College, First Court (on left hand side).

ClockWednesday 21 November 2012, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

The Pointless Universe

Please note this talk is on Monday

UserProf. Michael Green, University of Cambridge.

HousePlant Sciences Lecture Theatre, Downing Site.

ClockMonday 19 November 2012, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Philosophical Society

Sustainable Materials: with both eyes open

UserDr Julian Allwood, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge.

HouseBristol-Myers-Squibb Lecture theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockMonday 19 November 2012, 17:30-18:30

Engineering - Mechanics and Materials Seminar Series

Aspects of science, technology and government

Please note that this is a Mechanics Colloquia and will be held in LR4 at 2.30pm

UserProfessor Roderick Smith, Imperial College.

HouseCambridge University Engineering Department, LR4.

ClockFriday 16 November 2012, 14:30-15:30

Cambridge Carbon Footprint

The Bioregional Economy - A talk by Molly Scott Cato

UserMolly Scott Cato, professor of Strategy and Sustainability at Roehampton University, Green Party spokesperson on economics and a Director of Transition Stroud..

HouseSt. Philip’s Church Centre, 185 Mill Road, Cambridge, CB1 3AN.

ClockThursday 15 November 2012, 19:30-22:30

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Sustainability Measures in Universities: Cambridge as a Case Study

UserDavid Green, Superintendent of Engineering Workshops, University of Cambridge.

HouseCRASSH, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP.

ClockThursday 15 November 2012, 13:30-15:30

Land Economy Departmental Seminar Series

Predicting health and wealth performance within cities using network models

UserProfessor Chris Webster, Professor of Urban Planning and Head of the School of Planning and Geography at Cardiff University.

HouseMill Lane Lecture Room 1.

ClockWednesday 14 November 2012, 16:00-17:00

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series

From Self Build to Passivhaus

UserBob Hayes and Jonathan Hines, Directors, Architype.

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 14 November 2012, 13:15-14:15

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Are We Alone?

UserDr. Robin Catchpole, Emeritus Researcher, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 12 November 2012, 19:00-21:00

The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)

EDF R&D: creating value today and preparing for tomorrow

Refreshments will be provided!

UserDr Filomena La Porta - Head of Smart Energy Supply, EDF Energy R&D UK Centre.

HouseLecture Room 4, Baker Building, Department of Engineering, Trumpington Street.

ClockMonday 12 November 2012, 17:15-18:30

Winton Discussions

Smart energy meters for all - sustainability panacea or waste of money?

UserDr Michael Pollitt, Judge Business School.

HouseTCM Seminar room, 530 Mott.

ClockMonday 12 November 2012, 16:00-17:00

Wolfson College Science Society

Issues in fuel supply and utilisation

UserDr John C. Jones, School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen.

HouseOld Combination Room (OCR), Wolfson College.

ClockFriday 09 November 2012, 18:00-19:15

Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) Cambridge Branch

JARIC - The Eyes that guide the Talons

Advance notification of attendance required: Please email

UserGp Capt Steve Thornber.

HouseMarshall Aerospace Conference Room No 1. Cambridge City Airport, Newmarket Road, Cambridge.

ClockThursday 08 November 2012, 19:00-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)


UserPeter Dudfield, Daan van Sommeren, BP Institute.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 08 November 2012, 11:30-12:30

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series

The Frailty of Certainty

UserGordon Benson OBE RA AADip SADG ARIBA FRIAS, Director of Benson + Forsyth LLP Architects.

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 07 November 2012, 13:15-14:15

Department of Earth Sciences Seminars (downtown)

Fingerprints of past carbon cycle-climate changes in the Bern3D model

UserFortunat Joos, Climate and Environmental Physics, Physics Institute and Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Bern.

HouseHarker 1 seminar room, Department of Earth Sciences.

ClockTuesday 06 November 2012, 16:30-17:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

Physics in the Science of Social Systems

Please note this talk is on Wednedsay

UserProf. Dirk Helbing, ETH Zürich.

HousePlant Sciences Lecture Theatre, Downing Site.

ClockWednesday 31 October 2012, 20:00-21:00

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series

Nature, Design and Digital Production

UserProfessor Richard Weston, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University.

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 31 October 2012, 13:15-14:15

Cambridge University Physics Society

Colour Vision

Please note this talk is on Monday

UserProf. Mohamed Sobhy, University of Kent.

HousePlant Sciences Lecture Theatre, Downing Site.

ClockMonday 29 October 2012, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

CSAR Green Energy Debate

UserProfessor Keith Tovey,Professor Andy Woods,Lucy Fielding,Megan Davies Sykes,Hugh Parnell,Robin Nicholson.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 29 October 2012, 19:00-21:00

BP Lectures 2012

Functionalized Antibodies

UserProfessor Akira Harada, Osaka University, Japan.

HouseBP Institute.

ClockThursday 25 October 2012, 11:30-12:30

BP Lectures 2012

Polyrotaxanes and Supramolecular Catalysis

UserProfessor Akira Harada, Osaka University, Japan.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockWednesday 24 October 2012, 14:30-15:30

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series

Associations between Urban Form and Mortality Rates in Great Britain

UserDr. Daniela Fecht, Research Associate, Small Area Health Statistics Unit (SAHSU), Imperial College.

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 24 October 2012, 13:15-14:15

BP Lectures 2012

Macroscopic Self-Assembly and Self-Healing through Molecular Recognition

UserProfessor Akira Harada, Osaka University, Japan.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockTuesday 23 October 2012, 14:30-15:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

Pulsars and Extreme Physics

Please note this talk is on Monday

UserProf. Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell, University of Oxford.

HousePlant Sciences Lecture Theatre, Downing Site.

ClockMonday 22 October 2012, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Climate Challenges

UserProf. Rowan Suttion, University of Reading. Prof. Seymour Laxon, University College London. Dr Phillip Goodwin, University of Cambridge. Prof. David Fowler, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology..

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockThursday 18 October 2012, 14:00-17:30

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

GreenBRIDGE 2012 Symposium Summary

UserAaron Gillich (PhD Candidate, University of Cambridge).

HouseCRASSH, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP.

ClockThursday 18 October 2012, 13:30-15:30

Land Economy Departmental Seminar Series

Energy efficiency and house prices: Is there a link?

UserDr Franz Fuerst, Department of Land Economy.

HouseMill Lane Lecture Room 1.

ClockWednesday 17 October 2012, 16:00-17:00

DIAL seminars

Boeing research and technology

UserWilliam Krechel, Boeing Research and Technology.

HouseSeminar room 3, Institute for Manufacturing, Cambridge.

ClockWednesday 17 October 2012, 13:30-14:30

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series

From Parish to Neighbourhood Planning in England

UserProfessor Nick Gallent, Professor of Housing and Planning and Head of the Bartlett School of Planning at UCL.

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 17 October 2012, 13:15-14:15

Cambridge University Physics Society

Metallic Glasses: Order in Disorder

Please note this talk is on Monday

UserProf. Lindsay Greer, University of Cambridge .

HousePlant Sciences Lecture Theatre, Downing Site.

ClockMonday 15 October 2012, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Impacts of a Disappearing Arctic Sea Cover

UserProfessor Peter Wadhams, Professor of Ocean Physics and Head of the Polar Oceans Physics Group,Dept. Applied Maths and Theoretical Physics.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 15 October 2012, 19:00-21:00

British Antarctic Survey

Phase-synchronization of tropical variability in global climate model simulations of the recent past

If external to BAS, please email the organiser in advance to gain access to the building

UserScott Osprey (University of Oxford).

HouseBritish Antarctic Survey, conference room.

ClockMonday 15 October 2012, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

A century of the proton: from Rutherford to Higgs

Please note this talk is on Wednedsay

UserProf. James Stirling, University of Cambridge.

HouseBristol-Myers Squibb Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockWednesday 10 October 2012, 20:00-21:00

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series

‘Meetings with Machines’ - Architecture, Health and the Tyranny of 'Standards'

UserRory Coonan Hon. FRIBA, Former Director of Architecture, Design and Planning for Circle Healthcare.

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 10 October 2012, 13:15-14:15

BAS Chemistry & Past Climate Seminars

Why changes in snow fall matter when interpreting temperature from polar ice cores

All welcome. If external to BAS, please email the organiser in advance to gain access to the building.

UserDr. Louise Sime, British Antarctic Survey.

Houseroom 187, British Antarctic Survey, High Cross, Cambridge, CB3 0ET.

ClockTuesday 09 October 2012, 15:30-16:30

British Antarctic Survey

Antarctic and Arctic temperature trends

If you are external to BAS please email the organiser in advance

UserChristian Franzke (British Antarctic Survey).

HouseBritish Antarctic Survey, Room 330B.

ClockWednesday 03 October 2012, 14:00-15:00

Winton Programme for the Physics of Sustainability

Winton Inaugural Symposium on Energy Efficiency

UserFor a list of confirmed speakers, visit event website:

HouseCavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre,.

ClockMonday 01 October 2012, 09:00-18:30

Winton Discussions

Climate finance: barriers and opportunities

UserDr Aled Jones, Anglia Ruskin University.

HouseTCM Seminar room, 530 Mott.

ClockMonday 24 September 2012, 16:00-17:00

The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)

NUCLEAR: CLEAR OR UNCLEAR? - CUEN Annual Conference 2012

Sustainability, policy and prospects

UserFor a list of confirmed speakers, please visit the conference website:

HouseLaw Faculty, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ.

ClockTuesday 26 June 2012, 09:00-17:00

British Antarctic Survey

Is the increase of Southern Ocean winds, and SAM, caused by the ozone hole rather than by increased greenhouse gases?

If you are external to BAS please email the organiser in advance

UserHoward Roscoe (BAS).

HouseBritish Antarctic Survey, Room 307.

ClockWednesday 20 June 2012, 14:00-15:00

Microsoft Research Cambridge, public talks

The RCUK Digital Economy Theme – A Catalyst for Change

This event may be recorded and made available internally or externally via Microsoft will own the copyright of any recordings made. If you do not wish to have your image/voice recorded please consider this before attending

UserDr. John G. Baird, Lead for the RCUK Digital Economy Theme, EPSRC.

HouseSmall lecture theatre, Microsoft Research Ltd, 7 J J Thomson Avenue (Off Madingley Road), Cambridge.

ClockWednesday 20 June 2012, 11:00-12:00

Microsoft Research Cambridge, public talks

Energy Debugging in Smartphones

This event may be recorded and made available internally or externally via Microsoft will own the copyright of any recordings made. If you do not wish to have your image/voice recorded please consider this before attending

UserY. Charlie Hu, Purdue.

HouseSmall lecture theatre, Microsoft Research Ltd, 7 J J Thomson Avenue (Off Madingley Road), Cambridge.

ClockTuesday 19 June 2012, 10:00-11:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Behaviour and Energy Use

UserIrina Shaorshadze, Margaret Thorley, Dr Rosie Robison, Aaron Gillich.

HouseCRASSH, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP.

ClockThursday 14 June 2012, 12:00-14:30

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Granular segregation in driven binary monolayers

UserDraga Pihler-puzovic, Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics, Uni of Manchester.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 14 June 2012, 11:30-12:30

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series

Collaborative Design Platform

UserProfessor Dr. Ing. Frank Petzold + Gerhard Schubert, Technische Universität München.

HouseGround-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 13 June 2012, 13:15-14:15

Cambridge Carbon Footprint

PlanEAT: Dinner and a Movie

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseRoss Street Community Centre.

ClockFriday 08 June 2012, 18:30-21:00

Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks

Investigation of some electrostatic effects in aircraft fuel systems

CCA Industrial Seminar

UserDr J. Ogilvy, EADS.


ClockThursday 07 June 2012, 14:00-15:00

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series

Of Its Time and of Its Place

UserRichard Murphy OBE, Director, Richard Murphy Architects.

HouseGround-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 06 June 2012, 13:15-14:15

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Sensing the Historic Environment – Its Nature and Relevance


HouseCRASSH, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP.

ClockThursday 31 May 2012, 12:00-14:30

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series

Solar 'Affordances' – Research and Observation Retrospective

UserProfessor Colin Porteous, Professor of Architectural Science, University of Glasgow.

HouseGround-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 30 May 2012, 13:15-14:15

The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)


Refreshments will be provided!

UserMr Hamish Watson - CEO, Polysolar Ltd - Cambridge.

HouseLecture Room 4, Baker Building, Department of Engineering, Trumpington Street.

ClockTuesday 29 May 2012, 18:30-19:30

Materials Chemistry Research Interest Group

Title to be confirmed

Departmental Lecture

UserProfessor Andrea Ferrari, Department of Engineering.

HouseScott Polar Lecture Theatre, Scott Polar Institute.

ClockTuesday 29 May 2012, 16:00-17:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Bacteria as Active Colloids

UserProfessor Wilson Poon, Professor of Condensed Matter Physics SUPA and School of Physics & Astronomy, The University of Edinburgh.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 28 May 2012, 19:30-21:00

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series

Towards Urban Energy Micro-simulation – the Primordial Role of the Urbanite

UserProfessor Darren Robinson, Chair in Building and Urban Physics, University of Nottingham.

HouseGround-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 23 May 2012, 13:15-14:15

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Understanding climate model biases in Southern Hemisphere mid-latitude variability.

NOTE - unusual time and venue

UserDr Isla Simpson, Department of Physics, University of Toronto.

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences, meeting room MR14.

ClockWednesday 23 May 2012, 13:00-14:00

Plant Sciences Talks

Plant power at the Botanic Garden

UserPlant scientists, biochemists, horticulturists and representatives from the plant science industries.

HouseCambridge Botanic Garden.

ClockSaturday 19 May 2012, 10:30-16:00

Cambridge Carbon Footprint

What makes us happy?

UserProfessor Felicia Huppert, The Well-being Institute.

HouseCambridge Arts Picturehouse, St. Andrews Street.

ClockFriday 18 May 2012, 18:30-21:00

Engineering Department Structures Research Seminars

Hammersmith Flyover – What is the problem?

UserDr Chris Burgoyne Department of Engineering (CUED).

HouseEngineering Department - **LR5**.

ClockFriday 18 May 2012, 15:00-16:00

Cambridge and Anglian Materials Society meetings

High Efficiency III-V Solar Cells: past, present and future

Light refreshments from 19:00. Open to anyone with an interest in the topic.

UserDr Ned J Ekins-Daukes, Imperial College.

HouseDepartment of Materials Science and Metallurgy, New Museums Site, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3QZ.

ClockThursday 17 May 2012, 19:30-21:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Special GreenBRIDGE Seminar - Key-requirements for Evaluating Smart and Sustainable Development in Cities and Communities

UserDr Patrizia Lombardi - Politecnico di Torino, DIST – Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning.

HouseCRASSH, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP.

ClockWednesday 16 May 2012, 17:00-19:00

Wednesday Seminars - Department of Computer Science and Technology

Energy efficiency and the design of brains

User Professor Simon Laughlin, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge.

HouseLecture Theatre 1, Computer Laboratory.

ClockWednesday 16 May 2012, 14:15-15:15

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series

Iron Curtains: Gates, Suburbs and Privatization of Space in the Post-socialist City

UserProfessor Sonia Hirt, Associate Professor, Urban Affairs & Planning, Virginia Tech and Harvard University.

HouseLecture Room, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 16 May 2012, 12:00-13:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

What are the Chances? Living with Risk and Uncertainty

UserProfessor David Spiegelhalter, Winton Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 14 May 2012, 19:30-21:00

Materials Chemistry Research Interest Group

Physical properties of metal organic frameworks

UserProfessor Anthony K Cheetham, Materials Science, Cambridge.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockThursday 10 May 2012, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

CCfCS Easter Term Young Scientist Afternoon

UserYama Dixit, Emilie Capron, Zadie Stock, Jo Johnson, Steve Fuller, Scott Hosking.

HouseScott Polar Research Institute, Lensfield Road.

ClockThursday 10 May 2012, 14:20-17:00

The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)

GASLAND the documentary - screening

The event is FREE of charge. Due to the limited number of spaces, please sign up at our webite:

UserDocumentary Screening.

HouseWolfson College (Barton Road). Roger Needham Room (W Block).

ClockWednesday 09 May 2012, 20:00-22:00

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series

The Other Cambridge

UserDr. Marco Iuliano, Senior Research Associate and Research Fellow, University of Cambridge.

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 09 May 2012, 13:15-14:15

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Building Energy Performance for Refurbishment – Baselines, Monitoring and Benchmarks

UserKerry Sykes from the University of Cambridge, George Bartley from Building Sustainability.

HouseCRASSH, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP.

ClockThursday 03 May 2012, 12:00-14:30

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

(What's the Story) Internal Solitary Waves?

UserBruce Sutherland, Dept of Physics and of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 03 May 2012, 11:30-12:30

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series

Rafael Moneo and the Problem of the Arbitrary

UserNicholas Ray, Director of NRAP Architects and Reader Emeritus, Jesus College.

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 02 May 2012, 13:15-14:15

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Rethinking Research Objectives for the 21st Century

UserProfessor Sir David King, Director, the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 30 April 2012, 19:30-21:00

Winton Discussions

Energy Efficient Lighting

UserWinton Community.

HouseTCM Seminar room, 530 Mott.

ClockMonday 30 April 2012, 16:00-17:00

Sedgwick Club talks

Geohazards in On-shore Energy Projects

UserDavid Shilston - president designate of the Geological Society.

HouseHarker Room 1, Department of Earth Sciences.

ClockThursday 26 April 2012, 17:00-18:00

Cambridge and Anglian Materials Society meetings

Engineering challenges in Antarctica

Light refreshments from 19:00. All welcome

UserMike Rose, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge.

HouseDepartment of Materials Science and Metallurgy, New Museums Site, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3QZ.

ClockWednesday 25 April 2012, 19:30-21:00

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series

Observational Abstraction

UserJonathan Hendry, Principal of Jonathan Hendry Architects and Design Fellow, University of Cambridge.

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 25 April 2012, 13:15-14:15


The Road to Rio: Recommitting to sustainable development

UserHelen Clark (Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme and Chair of the United Nations Development Group; former Prime Minister of New Zealand).

HouseCRASSH, Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DT.

ClockTuesday 17 April 2012, 17:00-18:30

Winton Discussions


UserWinton community.

HouseTCM Seminar room, 530 Mott.

ClockMonday 16 April 2012, 16:30-17:30

British Antarctic Survey

Symposium: “Joining up the atmos-spheres” organised by BAS and CCfCS

UserRichard Horne, Hua Lu, Howard Roscoe, Tom Bracegirdle and John Pyle.

HouseBritish Antarctic Survey, conference room.

ClockMonday 02 April 2012, 14:00-17:30

Cambridge Philosophical Society

"When Antarctica was green: Fossil plants reveal Antarctica's climate history"


UserProfessor Jane Francis, Professor of Palaeoclimatology, of the University of Leeds.

HouseBristol-Myers-Squibb Lecture theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockWednesday 28 March 2012, 18:00-19:00

Microsoft Research Cambridge, public talks

Your Abstractions are Worth^H^H^H^H^HPowerless!Non-Volatile Storage and Computation on Embedded Devices*(*Batteries Not Included)

This event may be recorded and made available internally or externally via Microsoft will own the copyright of any recordings made. If you do not wish to have your image/voice recorded please consider this before attending

UserKevin Fu, University of Massachusetts Amherst.

HouseSmall lecture theatre, Microsoft Research Ltd, 7 J J Thomson Avenue (Off Madingley Road), Cambridge.

ClockWednesday 21 March 2012, 11:00-12:00

Global Sustainability Institute Seminars & Events

Climate models and uncertainty

UserErica Thompson (Imperial College London) and Emma Boland (University of Cambridge).

HouseCoslett 408 (Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge Campus).

ClockMonday 19 March 2012, 13:00-14:00

Microsoft Research Cambridge, public talks

Understanding variability and temporal trends in biosphere-atmosphere CO2 exchange through integrating models with data

This event may be recorded and made available internally or externally via Microsoft will own the copyright of any recordings made. If you do not wish to have your image/voice recorded please consider this before attending

UserDr. Trevor Keenan, Harvard University.

HouseLarge lecture theatre, Microsoft Research Ltd, 7 J J Thomson Avenue (Off Madingley Road), Cambridge.

ClockMonday 19 March 2012, 10:00-11:00

Engineering Department Structures Research Seminars

“Buro Happold – Innovations and SMART Solutions”

UserDr Shrikant Sharma & Colin McKinnon of Buro Happold SMART Solutions.

HouseEngineering Department - *LR3B*.

ClockFriday 16 March 2012, 15:00-16:00

Cambridge Carbon Footprint

Story of Stuff - The Next Chapter

UserBev Sedley, Trustee CCF.

HouseFriends Meeting House, 12 Jesus Lane.

ClockWednesday 14 March 2012, 19:30-21:30

10th Annual Sustainable Development Lecture Series 2012

The next 40 years

UserProfessor Jorgen Randers (Professor of Climate Strategy at the Norwegian Business School ; Co-author of Limits to Growth).

House Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR0.

ClockWednesday 14 March 2012, 18:00-19:30

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series

An Integrated Approach to Modelling the Direct and Indirect Impacts of Heatwaves in London

UserDr. Katie Jenkins, Researcher, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford.

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 14 March 2012, 13:15-14:15

Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series

Risk aversion in LP models of investment in electricity plants

Open for Business

UserRalph, D (University of Cambridge).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Newton Institute.

ClockMonday 12 March 2012, 11:45-12:15

Microsoft Research Cambridge, public talks

Short and long-term effects of climate, disturbance, and forest management on regional carbon storage and emissions under current and proposed policy plans

This event may be recorded and made available internally or externally via Microsoft will own the copyright of any recordings made. If you do not wish to have your image/voice recorded please consider this before attending

UserTara W. Hudiburg, Oregon State University.

HouseSmall lecture theatre, Microsoft Research Ltd, 7 J J Thomson Avenue (Off Madingley Road), Cambridge.

ClockMonday 12 March 2012, 10:00-11:00

Wolfson College Science Society

The Jet Engine: What Happens If....?

UserDr Ivor Day, Department of Engineering.

HouseOld Combination Room (OCR), Wolfson College.

ClockFriday 09 March 2012, 18:00-19:15

PhD Colloquium - Dept of Architecture

PhD Colloquium at the Department of Architecture

Open to all. Followed by drinks reception.

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseLecture Theatre, Dept of Architecture.

ClockFriday 09 March 2012, 14:00-17:00

Cambridge and Anglian Materials Society meetings

Prospects for economic CCS using mineral carbonation

Light refreshments from 19:00. All welcome.

UserMichael Priestnall, Cambridge Carbon Capture Ltd.

HouseDepartment of Materials Science and Metallurgy, New Museums Site, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3QZ.

ClockThursday 08 March 2012, 19:30-21:00

The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)


Refreshments will be provided!

UserMr Vince Pizzoni - Executive Search Consultant, Preng and Associates, London.

HouseLecture Room 4, Baker Building, Department of Engineering, Trumpington Street.

ClockThursday 08 March 2012, 18:30-19:30

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

GE - PRISM Fast Reactor for UK

UserDavid Powell, Vice President Europe Region, GE Hitachi.

HouseCambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 3.

ClockThursday 08 March 2012, 16:30-18:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

GreenBRIDGE Society Presents: Energy Consumption in the UK Non-Domestic Building Stock

UserDr James Keirstead, Research Fellow, Dept. of Civil & Env. Eng., Imperial College London.

HouseCRASSH, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP.

ClockThursday 08 March 2012, 11:45-14:00

10th Annual Sustainable Development Lecture Series 2012

Making peace with the Earth

UserDr Vandana Shiva ( Navdanya International, India and the International Forum on Globalisation).

House Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR0.

ClockWednesday 07 March 2012, 18:00-19:30

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

The ITER project

UserProfessor Steve Cowley, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy.

HouseCambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 3.

ClockWednesday 07 March 2012, 16:30-18:00

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series

Ends Middles Beginnings

UserTed Cullinan, Chairman, Edward Cullinan Architects.

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 07 March 2012, 13:15-14:15

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Genetic Screens in Embryonic Stem Cells

UserProfessor Allan Bradley, Director Emeritus, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 05 March 2012, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Public Policy Seminar Series

Algae for energy and industrial biotechnology

UserDr Beatrix Schlarb-Ridley, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge.

House Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 4.

ClockFriday 02 March 2012, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Carbon Footprint

Advanced Recycling

UserMark Buckton, Cambridge City Council.

HouseSt Luke’s Church Centre, Victoria Road, Cambridge CB4 3DZ.

ClockThursday 01 March 2012, 19:30-21:30

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Do's and Don'ts in Chemistry-Climate Modelling

UserDr Peter Braesicke, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge.

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockThursday 01 March 2012, 16:15-17:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

Chaos in Action

UserProf. Mohamed Sobhy, University of Kent.

HousePlant Sciences Lecture Theatre, Downing Site.

ClockWednesday 29 February 2012, 20:00-21:00

10th Annual Sustainable Development Lecture Series 2012

Sustainable capitalism: if not now, when?

UserJonathon Porritt CBE (Director of Sustainability, Forum for the Future).

House Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR0.

ClockWednesday 29 February 2012, 18:00-19:30

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series

Architectural Design between Ethics and Aesthetics

UserProf. Christian Illies, Chair for Practical Philosophy (Ethics), Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg.

HouseLecture Room 1, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 29 February 2012, 13:15-14:15

CamCREES seminars (Cambridge Committee for Russian and East European Studies)

The Political Challenges of an Oil Boom: Resource Curses and Resource Blessings in Post-Soviet Countries

Coffee and tea are available from 4:45pm

UserHeiko Pleines (Centre for East European Studies, Bremen).

HouseLatimer Room, Clare College.

ClockTuesday 28 February 2012, 17:00-19:00

Winton Discussions

Tea time conversation

UserWinton community.

HouseTCM Seminar room, 530 Mott.

ClockMonday 27 February 2012, 16:30-17:30

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

GreenBRIDGE Society Presents a Special Event: Post Durban Panel Discussion

UserSpeakers include: Prof. Doug Crawford-Brown, Jazmin Burgess, Dr Alison Cooke.

HouseBuckingham House, Murray Edwards College.

ClockFriday 24 February 2012, 17:00-19:00

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

Nuclear Reactors - Present New Build, Future Designs and Novel Applications

UserJohn Lillington, Chief Technologist, Nuclear Power Generation, Serco Assurance.

HouseCambridge University Engineering Department, LR5.

ClockThursday 23 February 2012, 16:30-18:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Climate Science Symposium II

UserProf Corinne Le Quéré, Prof Peter Cox and others.

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences, Meeting Room 3, Clarkson Road, Cambridge.

ClockThursday 23 February 2012, 14:00-17:30

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

GreenBRIDGE Society Presents: Promoting Sustainability Through Knowledge Exchange

UserNicholas Ridley, Managing Director of NC Real Estate Consulting Ltd and Ex-President of British Council for Offices.

HouseCRASSH, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP.

ClockThursday 23 February 2012, 11:45-14:00

The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)

HOME the movie - screening

The event is free of charge. Due to the limited number of seats available, please sign up at

UserDocumentary Screening.

HouseWolfson College (Barton Road). Roger Needham Room (W Block).

ClockWednesday 22 February 2012, 20:00-22:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

Size Matters

UserDr Mark Miodownik, King's College London.

HousePlant Sciences Lecture Theatre, Downing Site.

ClockWednesday 22 February 2012, 20:00-21:00

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series

Palladio’s Palazzo Della Torre, Verona, 1551

UserProfessor Lionel March, Emeritus Professor in Design and Computation, University of California, Los Angeles.

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 22 February 2012, 13:15-14:15

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

The Science of Well-Being and its Application to Policy

UserProfessor Felicia Huppert, Director of the Well-being Institute University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 20 February 2012, 19:30-21:00

Winton Discussions

Hydrogen fuel cells

UserWinton community.

HouseTCM Seminar room, 530 Mott.

ClockMonday 20 February 2012, 14:30-15:30

Cambridge Carbon Footprint

The Economics of Happiness

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseCambridge Arts Picturehouse, St. Andrews Street.

ClockSunday 19 February 2012, 02:30-04:00

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

AP1000 Projects and Prospects

UserMike Tynan, Chief Executive, Westinghouse UK.

HouseCambridge University Engineering Department, LR5.

ClockThursday 16 February 2012, 16:30-18:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

CCfCS Post Grad/Post Doc Poster Afternoon

UserAround 25 post-grads and post-docs from CCfCS.

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockThursday 16 February 2012, 16:15-17:30

Melville Laboratory Seminars

New Materials for Phosphorescent OLEDs and Polymer Photovoltaics

Please note the change in the time

UserDr Youtian Tao, Melville Laboratory for Polymer Synthesis, Univeristy of Cambridge.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockThursday 16 February 2012, 15:00-16:00

10th Annual Sustainable Development Lecture Series 2012

Making Progress Toward Sustainable Societies in the Context of Global Climate Change

UserDr Don Huisingh (Senior Scientist in Sustainable Development, University of Tennessee ).

House Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR0.

ClockWednesday 15 February 2012, 18:00-19:30

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series

Lessons from Earthquakes

UserDr. Emily So, Lecturer, Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge.

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 15 February 2012, 13:15-14:15

Materials Chemistry Research Interest Group

Light-in, Light-out - the yin and yang of sustainable materials chemistry

RSC Lecture (Sustainable Energy Award)

UserDr Ed Constable, University of Basel.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 10 February 2012, 14:00-15:00

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

EDF Keeping the AGR running

UserNeale Brittain, Head of Fleet Critical Programmes, EDF Energy.

HouseCambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 4.

ClockThursday 09 February 2012, 16:30-18:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Cambridge University Environmental Consulting Society: Green League Table Decomposed

UserDr Ben Russell, Research Fellow, Cambridge Centre for Micromechanics (CCM).

HouseCRASSH, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP.

ClockThursday 09 February 2012, 11:45-14:00

Stokes Society, Pembroke College

Organic Electronics

UserProf Henning Sirringhaus.

HouseNihon Room, Pembroke College.

ClockWednesday 08 February 2012, 21:00-22:00

10th Annual Sustainable Development Lecture Series 2012

The power of markets to protect nature

UserIan Cheshire (Group Chief Executive, Kingfisher Group).

House Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR0.

ClockWednesday 08 February 2012, 18:00-19:30

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

EPR Projects

UserRobert Davies, Vice President, New Plants, AREVA UK.

HouseCambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 4.

ClockWednesday 08 February 2012, 16:30-18:00

Cavendish Physical Society

Graphene: Materials in the Flatland

UserSir Konstantin S. Novoselov FRS, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, M13 9PL, UK.

HousePippard Lecture Theatre, Cavendish Laboratory.

ClockWednesday 08 February 2012, 16:00-17:00

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series

Modelling Approaches to Urban Energy Systems: Optimization, Simulation, and More

UserDr. James Keirstead, Research Fellow, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London.

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 08 February 2012, 13:15-14:15

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Boosting your Brain:Cognitive Enhancement and Neuroethics

UserProfessor Barbara Sahakian, Department of Psychiatry, School of Clinical Medicine, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 06 February 2012, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Different types of El Niño and impact on Eurasian Climate

UserProf Hans Graf, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge.

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockThursday 02 February 2012, 16:15-17:30

10th Annual Sustainable Development Lecture Series 2012

Sustainable Materials - with both eyes open

UserDr Julian Allwood (Cambridge University Engineering Department).

House Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR0.

ClockWednesday 01 February 2012, 18:00-19:30

Cambridge Philosophical Society

Bulk High Temperature Superconductors for High Field Engineering Applications


UserProfessor David Cardwell, Professor of Superconducting Engineering, Department of Engineering.

HouseBristol-Myers-Squibb Lecture theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockMonday 30 January 2012, 17:30-18:30

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

WNA Uranium Resources

UserSteve Kidd, Director, Strategy and Research, World Nuclear Association.

HouseCambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 4.

ClockThursday 26 January 2012, 16:30-18:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Applying Sustainability in Universities

Complimentary tea coffee and biscuits will be served

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseCRASSH, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP.

ClockThursday 26 January 2012, 12:00-14:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

PlaqueTec Limited

UserJoseph Corrigan, Head of R&D, PlaqueTec Limited.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 26 January 2012, 11:30-12:30

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series

Forgetting Architecture

UserKevin Fellingham, Principal of Kevin Fellingham Architecture + Urbanism.

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture.

ClockWednesday 25 January 2012, 13:15-14:15

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Science and Non-science in Drug Policy

Held jointly with the Cambridge Philosophical Society

UserProfessor David Nutt, Edmund J Safra Professor of Neuropsychopharmacology and Director of the Neuropsychopharmacology Unit Division of Experimental Medicine.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 23 January 2012, 19:30-21:00

Global Sustainability Institute Seminars & Events

I don't believe in Climate Change

UserDr David Viner, Red Kite Enterprise and Environment.

HouseHelmore 201 (Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge Campus).

ClockMonday 23 January 2012, 13:00-14:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Encapsulation of microorganisms in colloidosomes / Encapsulation of Inhibitors for Down-well Applications

UserPolly Keen, BP Institute, University of Cambridge / Wei Jin Gun, BP Institute, University of Cambridge.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 19 January 2012, 11:30-12:30

The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)

Screening of FUEL - the documentary

This event is FREE of charge. Due to limited spaces available, please SIGN UP at

UserDocumentary Screening.

HouseClubroom, Wolfson College (Barton Road).

ClockMonday 12 December 2011, 20:00-22:00

Centre for Atmospheric Science seminars, Chemistry Dept.

Geoengineering Mini Symposium.

Note unusual time and location

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockMonday 12 December 2011, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge and Anglian Materials Society meetings

Thermal Spray Coating Developments at TWI

Light refreshments from 19:00. All welcome.

UserHeidi Lovelock, Section Manager, Surfacing, TWI Ltd.

HouseDepartment of Materials Science and Metallurgy, New Museums Site, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3QZ.

ClockThursday 08 December 2011, 19:30-21:00

Engineering Department Structures Research Seminars

Structural Analysis for Sub-sea Engineering

UserDr Andrew Lennon - Senior Analysis Engineer and Lead Engineer (Cambridge Office), Aquaterra Energy Ltd..

HouseEngineering Department - **LR5**.

ClockFriday 02 December 2011, 15:00-16:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Brine Fluxes from Sea Ice

UserProf. Grae Worster, DAMTP, University of Cambridge.

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockThursday 01 December 2011, 16:15-17:30

CQIF Seminar

Quantum Reading of Digital Memories

UserStefano Pirandola (University of York).

HouseMR4, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockThursday 01 December 2011, 14:15-15:15

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

On the propagation of non-isothermal gravity currents in an inclined porous layer / Propulsion in Stokes flow

User Will Rayward-Smith, BP Institute, University of Cambridge / Tom Johnson, University of Birmingham.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 01 December 2011, 11:30-12:30

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series - 42nd Annual Series of Lunchtime Lectures

How to Live in Low Energy Architecture

UserProf. Chris Tweed - BRE Trust Research Chair, Director of the BRE Centre for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment, Cardiff University..

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture, 1-5 Scroope Terrace, Cambridge, CB2 1PX,

ClockWednesday 30 November 2011, 13:15-14:15

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

RNA Silencing in Plant and Animal Biotechnology

UserProfessor Sir David Baulcombe, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 28 November 2011, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

A geological perspective on climate change: forcings, feedbacks and tipping points.

UserDr Luke Skinner, University of Cambridge, Department of Earth Science.

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockThursday 24 November 2011, 16:15-17:30

CEB Alumni Speaker Series

Delivering sustainable development

Attendees' registration is required on

UserAnthony Hyde, Director at ARCADIS UK.

HouseDept Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, New Museums Site, Pembroke Street, CB2 3RA.

ClockThursday 24 November 2011, 16:00-17:30

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Energy Consumption in the UK Non-Domestic Building Stock

Unfortunately, this talk has had to be postponed until later in the academic year

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseCRASSH Seminar Room 17 Mill Lane.

ClockThursday 24 November 2011, 12:00-14:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Photonic quantum information science and technologies

UserProf. Jeremy O'Brien, Centre for Quantum Photonics, University of Bristol.

HousePlant Sciences Lecture Theatre, Downing Site.

ClockWednesday 23 November 2011, 20:00-21:00

Cavendish Physical Society

Polymer Solar Cells

UserProf Neil Greenham, Cavendish Laboratory.

HousePippard Lecture Theatre, Cavendish Laboratory.

ClockWednesday 23 November 2011, 16:00-17:00

Pembroke Papers, Pembroke College

Capitalism, the Anthropocene, and climate process?

Room changed

UserDr Barbara Bodenhorn, Newton Trust Lecturer, Social Anthropology, Cambridge University.

HouseGraduate Parlour (GP), Pembroke College.

ClockTuesday 22 November 2011, 19:30-20:30

The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)

Some inconvenient economics of energy and climate policy

Refreshments will be provided!

UserDr Michael Pollitt - Judge Business School, University of Cambridge.

House Lecture Room 4, Baker Building, Department of Engineering, Trumpington Street.

ClockMonday 21 November 2011, 18:30-19:30

Cambridge Philosophical Society

Metallic Glasses: record-breaking properties for alloys from parvenus in the world of glasses

UserProfessor A Lindsay Greer, Head of Department, Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy.

HouseBristol-Myers-Squibb Lecture theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockMonday 21 November 2011, 17:30-18:30

EPRG Energy and Environment (E&E) Series Michaelmas 2011

Investment in Generation and Network-Capacity

UserDominik Ruderer (University of Munich) and Stephen Ashley (EPRG).

HouseMeade Room, Faculty of Economics.

ClockMonday 21 November 2011, 12:30-14:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

The Recent Increase of Antarctic Sea Ice Extent

UserProf. John Turner, British Antarctic Survey.

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockThursday 17 November 2011, 16:15-17:30

Climate Histories Interdisciplinary Seminar Series

Past Climates and Modern Histories: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change

UserMark Aldenderfer, University of California, Merced and chief editor of Current Anthropology.

HouseCRASSH, 17 Mill Lane.

ClockWednesday 16 November 2011, 14:30-16:30

BP Lectures 2011

What are the battery technologies around the corner with or without Li

UserProfessor Jean-Marie Tarascon, University of Picardie.

HouseBP Institute.

ClockWednesday 16 November 2011, 11:30-12:30

BP Lectures 2011

The Li-ion technology: its state of the art

UserProfessor Jean-Marie Tarascon, University of Picardie.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockTuesday 15 November 2011, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

How Thorium Could Save the Planet

UserProfessor Robert Cywinski, School of Applied Sciences, University of Huddersfield.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 14 November 2011, 19:30-21:00

BP Lectures 2011

Energy: Stakes and challenges of sustainable Electrochemical storage

UserProfessor Jean-Marie Tarascon, University of Picardie.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockMonday 14 November 2011, 16:00-17:00

Lucy Cavendish College public lecture series

Towards a Silent Aircraft

UserProfessor Ann Dowling (Head of the Cambridge University Engineering Department).

HouseWoodlegh Seminar Rooms, Strathaird, Lucy Cavendish College.

ClockThursday 10 November 2011, 18:00-18:45

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Ice-atmosphere-ocean interactions around Greenland

(Please note unusual location)

UserDr Poul Christoffersen, University of Cambridge, Scott Polar Research Institute.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockThursday 10 November 2011, 16:15-17:30

Melville Laboratory Seminars

Melville Lecturer 2011 - Development of New Routes to Benign Polymeric Materials

UserProf Geoffrey Coates, Cornell University, Chemistry and Chemical Biology.

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockThursday 10 November 2011, 16:00-17:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Carbon Markets and Eastern Europe

Complimentary tea coffee and biscuits will be served

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseCRASSH Seminar Room 17 Mill Lane.

ClockThursday 10 November 2011, 12:00-14:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

The Existence and Significance of Deeply Buried Landscapes

UserDr Nicholas White, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 10 November 2011, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

Neutrinos - ghost particles of the cosmos

UserProf. Frank Close, University of Oxford.

HousePlant Sciences Lecture Theatre, Downing Site.

ClockWednesday 09 November 2011, 20:00-21:00

Physics and Chemistry of Solids Group

Organic electronics: Applied nanotechnology

UserPaul Dastoor, Centre for Organic Electronics, University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.

HouseMott Seminar Room, Cavendish Laboratory, Department of Physics.

ClockThursday 03 November 2011, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks

The mathematics of the oil industry

CCA Industrial Seminar

UserTerry Redshaw, BP Exploration Operating Company.


ClockThursday 03 November 2011, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Climate Science Symposium

(Note unusual time and location)

UserDr Andrew Friend, University of Cambridge, Prof. Eric Wolff, British Antarctic Survey and Prof. Julia Slingo, Met. Office..

HouseRiley Auditorium, Gillespie Centre, Memorial Court (off Queens Road), Clare College..

ClockThursday 03 November 2011, 15:00-17:30

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Interfaces and mixing in CO2 sequestration

UserDr Jerome Neufeld, BP Institute and DAMTP, University of Cambridge.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 03 November 2011, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Science and the Media

The lecture will be preceeded by the AGM of the society

UserVivienne Parry, OBE, Science writer and broadcaster.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 31 October 2011, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Electrons in a spin: the physics of gadgets

UserDr Gareth Conduit, University of Cambridge.

HousePlant Sciences Lecture Theatre, Downing Site.

ClockWednesday 26 October 2011, 20:00-21:00

Materials Chemistry Research Interest Group

Water Photolysis in Biology: Photosystem II

Joint Materials/Biological Colloquia

UserProfessor Bill Rutherford, Imperial College, London.

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 21 October 2011, 14:00-15:00

aa596's list

The Regenerative Economy: a technical solution to meet world's population needs while preserving the environment.

Open to all - please send email if not from Darwin College

UserAleix Altimiras-Martin, Land Economy Dept, 4CMR.

HouseDarwin College, Entertaining Room.

ClockTuesday 18 October 2011, 13:10-14:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Impacts of a Disappearing Artic Sea Cover

UserProfessor Peter Wadhams, Professor of Ocean Physics and Head of the Polar Oceans Physics Group,Dept. Applied Maths and Theoretical Physics.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockSaturday 15 October 2011, 19:00-21:00

SCI Cambridge Science Talks

Science in the House of Commons (PLEASE NOTE NEW START TIME 19:45)

Organised by SCI Cambridge & Great Eastern Region & RSC Mid-Anglia Section

UserDr Julian Huppert, Liberal Democrat MP for Cambridge.

HouseTodd-Hamied Room, Department of Chemistry, Cambridge.

ClockThursday 13 October 2011, 19:45-20:45

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Summer School Proceeedings

Complimentary tea coffee and biscuits will be served

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseCRASSH Seminar Room 17 Mill Lane.

ClockThursday 13 October 2011, 12:00-14:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Natural ventilation of double-skin facades, Energy Implications of Stratification

UserNicola Mingotti, BP Institute, University of Cambridge, Andrea Kuesters, BP Institute, University of Cambridge.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 13 October 2011, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

100 years of superconductivity

UserProf. Stephen Blundell, University of Oxford.

HousePlant Sciences Lecture Theatre, Downing Site.

ClockWednesday 12 October 2011, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

The Larmor Lecture

This lecture is held jointly with the Cambridge Philosophical Society

UserProfessor John Papaloizou, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics University of Cambridge.

HouseBristol-Myers Squibb Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockMonday 10 October 2011, 17:30-19:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

"Transparency Creates Values: Corporate Environmental and Social Disclosure in China"

Open to all. No registration required. Refreshments will be provided.

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseEngineering Department LR6.

ClockSaturday 08 October 2011, 14:00-16:30

Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

Climate Change -- A summary of latest IPCC results

UserProf John Pyle, University of Cambridge, Dept. of Chemistry.

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockThursday 06 October 2011, 16:15-17:30

4cmr seminar

Technology and "Green" Innovation

UserPaul Haynes, Land Economy, Cambridge University.

HouseLaundress Lane, Seminar Room 1.

ClockTuesday 27 September 2011, 12:00-13:30

Laboratory for Scientific Computing

47th UKELG One Day Discussion meeting on “Condensed and Gas Phase Detonation Phenomena”

UserProfessor Martin Braithwaite, LSC academic visitor and Organiser of UKELG meeting.

HouseCavendish laboratory.

ClockFriday 23 September 2011, 10:00-16:00


Future Technologies in Downstream Processing

UserJohn Moys, Sartorius Stedim.

HouseThe Penridge Suite, 470 Bowes Road, London N11 1NL.

ClockFriday 16 September 2011, 09:00-17:00

4cmr seminar

Ecological Economics: Sustainability in Practice

UserDr Stanislav E. Shmelev, University of Oxford.

HouseLaundress Lane Seminar Room 1.

ClockTuesday 06 September 2011, 12:00-13:30

British Antarctic Survey

ESF-IMCOAST: a European South American integrated study of coastal climate change at King-George Island

If you are external to BAS please email the organiser in advance

UserDoris Abele (AWI).

HouseBritish Antarctic Survey, Room 307.

ClockThursday 28 July 2011, 14:00-15:00

alm1000's list

Planning in an age of climate and energy uncertainty

UserAaron Tuley, Meta-pattern.

HouseThe Cafe Project, 22 Jesus lane.

ClockThursday 21 July 2011, 20:00-21:00

British Antarctic Survey - Polar Oceans seminar series

Ice edge to island blooms: carbon cycling in the Southern Ocean

If you are external to BAS please email the organiser in advance

UserElizabeth Jones (NIOZ).

HouseBritish Antarctic Survey, Room 307.

ClockWednesday 20 July 2011, 11:00-12:00

Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series

Optimal model-based design for experiments: some new objective and constraint formulations

Design and Analysis of Experiments

UserMacchietto, S (Imperial College London).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Newton Institute.

ClockMonday 18 July 2011, 11:30-12:30

4cmr seminar

No Policy Without Discourse?

UserRichard Dent, University College London's Environment Institute & CEO of Climatecom Strategies.

House4CMR board room, 21 Silver Street.

ClockTuesday 05 July 2011, 12:00-13:00

Corporate Associates Scheme

Corporate Associates Summer Event

UserDepartment of Chemistry, Cambridge.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 01 July 2011, 11:00-16:00

4cmr seminar

Overview of AIM (Asia-Pacific Integrate Assessment Model) projects

UserDr. Tatsuya Hanaoka, 4CMR, and National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES).

House4CMR board room, 21 Silver Street.

ClockTuesday 28 June 2011, 12:00-13:00

The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)

Gale Force: Offshore Wind Power - 2011 CUEN Annual Conference

UserElke Delnooz (Operation Support Manager, Shell/NordZee Wind); Stephanie McGregor (Director of Offshore Transmission, Ofgem); Richard McMahon (Electricity, Power and Energy Conversion Group, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge) and others.

HouseLaw Faculty, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ.

ClockTuesday 28 June 2011, 09:00-18:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Qualitative Methods for Technical Topics II: issues workshop

Talk postponed until Michaelmas 2011

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseCRASSH Seminar Room 17 Mill Lane.

ClockThursday 16 June 2011, 12:00-14:00

DIAL seminars

Industrial Energy Efficiency with Automation

UserIkechukwu Ofodu Postgraduate Student, DIAL, IfM.

HouseSeminar 2, Institute for Manufacturing, 17 Charles Babbage Road, Cambridge.

ClockThursday 16 June 2011, 11:00-12:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Controlled Synthesis Of Graphene For Electronics And Energy Storage

UserDr Xinliang Feng (Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 10 June 2011, 16:00-17:00

Inorganic Chemistry

Soft and hard nanomaterials made by self-assmebly

UserProfessor Ullrich Steiner, Cambridge.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockThursday 09 June 2011, 14:00-15:00

Theoretical Chemistry

What's wrong with density-functional theory?

UserProfessor Nicola Marzari, University of Oxford.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockWednesday 08 June 2011, 14:15-15:15

4cmr seminar

Comparing Public Rationales for Justice in Mitigation and Adaptation Climate Policy Dilemmas

UserDr. Sonja Klinsky, Department of Economics, Cambridge University (Simon Fraser University/University of British Columbia).

Houseseminar room 1, Laundress Lane.

ClockTuesday 07 June 2011, 12:00-13:00

Inorganic Chemistry

Molecules and nanostructures for solar energy conversion

UserProfessor James Durrant, Imperial College London.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockThursday 02 June 2011, 14:00-15:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Qualitative Methods for Technical Topics I: a survey of local practice

Part II is postponed until Michaelmas 2011

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseCRASSH Seminar Room 17 Mill Lane.

ClockThursday 02 June 2011, 12:00-14:00

Centre for Atmospheric Science seminars, Chemistry Dept.

Australian HFC, PFC and SF6 emissions: atmospheric verification

Note unusual day and time

UserDr Paul Fraser, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockWednesday 01 June 2011, 15:30-16:30

Theoretical Chemistry

Simulations of ionic liquids for energy applications

UserProfessor Mathieu Salanne, Université Pierre et Marie Curie.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockWednesday 01 June 2011, 14:15-15:15

BSS Formal Seminars

Porous Multilayers: Novel Multifunctional Optical Materials for Applications

UserDr. Hernán Míguez, Institute of Materials Science of Seville, Spain.

HouseSmall Lecture Theatre, Cavendish Laboratory.

ClockFriday 27 May 2011, 14:00-15:00

Physics and Chemistry of Solids Group

Polymer solar cells

UserNeil Greenham, Optoelectronics Group, Cavendish Laboratory.

HouseMott Seminar Room, Cavendish Laboratory, Department of Physics.

ClockThursday 26 May 2011, 16:00-17:00

Engineering - Mechanics and Materials Seminar Series

What NanoAssembly can do for real world Nano-applications

UserProfessor Jeremy Baumberg, Cavendish Lab, University of Cambridge.

HouseOatley Seminar Room, Department of Engineering.

ClockFriday 20 May 2011, 14:00-15:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Experiential Learning, Ecological Literacy and Sustainable Design Training

Complimentary tea coffee and biscuits will be served

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseCRASSH Seminar Room 17 Mill Lane.

ClockThursday 19 May 2011, 12:00-14:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

How little we know about geological carbon storage

UserProf Mike Bickle, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 19 May 2011, 11:30-12:30

Inorganic Chemistry

Design of New Catalytic Reactions for Sustainable Chemistry

Lewis Lecture 2011

UserProfessor David Milstein, Weizmann Institute, Israel.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockFriday 13 May 2011, 16:00-17:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Effects of natural convection on thermal explosions in a closed vessel

UserTing-Yueh Liu, PhD Candidate, Chemical Engineering, University of Cambridge.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 12 May 2011, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge University Science and Policy Exchange (CUSPE)

Efficiency, sufficiency, growth: which way to a low carbon society?

Talk open to All - Registration required:

UserDr Julia Steinberger, Lecturer in Ecological Economics at the University of Leeds.

HouseMill Lane Lecture Room 9.

ClockTuesday 10 May 2011, 17:30-19:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Doing Mathematics online, and in the open

UserProfessor Tim Gowers, Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 09 May 2011, 19:30-21:00

10th Annual Sustainable Development Lecture Series 2012

Urban water security - a possibility or pipedream?

UserDr Kalanithy Vairavamoorthy, Director, School of Global Sustainability, University of South Florida.

House Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR0.

ClockWednesday 04 May 2011, 18:00-19:30

Engineering Department Energy, Fluids and Thermo seminars

New Wine in Old Wineskins – Nuclear Safety & Fukushima

UserMr Tony Roulstone, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge.

HouseLecture Theatre 2, Engineering Department.

ClockWednesday 04 May 2011, 17:00-18:00

Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Seminars

New Wine in Old Wineskins – Nuclear Safety & Fukushima

UserMr Tony Roulstone, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge.

HouseCambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Theatre 2.

ClockWednesday 04 May 2011, 17:00-18:00

EPRG Energy and Environment Seminar Series

A new payment rule for package auctions

UserAytek Erdil (University of Cambridge).

HouseJudge Business School Room W2.01.

ClockMonday 02 May 2011, 12:30-14:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Experimental and Theoretical Modeling of Internal Tide Generation

UserMorris R. Flynn, Ph.D., P.Eng., Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Alberta.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 28 April 2011, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge Carbon Footprint

Why We Resist The Truth

UserClive Hamilton, Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, Canberra.

HouseMichaelhouse, St. Michael’s Church, Trinity Street, Camb CB2 1SU.

ClockWednesday 27 April 2011, 19:30-21:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

DNA Profiling of Horses

Please note this lecture is on Tuesday not Monday

UserSusan Gurney, University of Cambridge Institute of Continuing Education.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockTuesday 26 April 2011, 19:30-21:00

fzr20's list

Designing the Urban Environment

A public panel discussion open to the University, alumni of the Programme for Sustainability Leadership's executive education programmes, and current students on our Masters in Sustainability Leadership. Followed by refreshments till 7pm.

UserTerry A'Hearn, WSP Energy & Environment; Paul King, UK Green Building Council; Sebastian Moffatt, Consensus Institute; Professor Randall Thomas, Engineering Department.

House Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 0.

ClockWednesday 06 April 2011, 17:00-18:30

4cmr seminar

The value of nature and the nature of value

UserNigel Cooper, Anglia Ruskin University.

House4CMR board room.

ClockTuesday 05 April 2011, 12:00-13:00

DIAL seminars

Software testing in Safety Related Systems: A case study from Nuclear Industry

UserNirav Chokshi, C&I Engineer, Data Processing & Control Systems Group C&I Services Branch EDF.

HouseSeminar room 1, Institute for Manufacturing, Cambridge.

ClockThursday 31 March 2011, 14:00-15:00

Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology occasional seminars

The current nuclear situation in Japan

UserBob Skelton, Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology.

HouseLecture Theatre 1, Department of Chemical Engineering.

ClockWednesday 30 March 2011, 15:00-16:00

Climate week Seminar

Climate Change and India: Between energy, environment and development

This seminar is a Climate Week event, open to all

UserSharachchandra Lele, Senior Fellow and Convenor of the Centre for Environment and Development at the Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology & the Environment (ATREE).

HouseLaundress Lane Seminar Room 1.

ClockTuesday 22 March 2011, 12:00-13:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

High Temperature Superconductors

Venue back to normal

UserProfessor David A Cardwell, Professor of Superconducting Engineering, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 21 March 2011, 19:30-21:00

IET Cambridge Network - Lectures

Heat Pumps for Energy Conservation

Tea is served from 6pm, all welcome (its free).

UserDaikin and the Cambridge Renewable Energy Centre.

HouseLecture Theatre 0, University of Cambridge Engineering Department, Trumpington Street, Cambridge.

ClockThursday 17 March 2011, 18:00-20:00

Cambridge University Science and Policy Exchange (CUSPE)

Drivers, Challenges and Approaches to Innovation in the Construction Sector

UserProf. Jeremy Watson, Chief Scientific Advisor for the Department for Communities & Local Government and Global Research Director of Arup.

HouseMill Lane Lecture Room 9.

ClockThursday 17 March 2011, 17:30-19:00

Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series

Time-series modelling of aggregated wind power output

Stochastic Processes in Communication Sciences

UserSturt, A (Heriot-Watt).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Newton Institute.

ClockThursday 17 March 2011, 11:20-11:40

Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series

Modelling problems posed to the electricity system planner and operator by wind power

Stochastic Processes in Communication Sciences

UserPlumptre, P (National Grid).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Newton Institute.

ClockThursday 17 March 2011, 09:50-10:10

Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series

Generation adequacy in future power systems

Stochastic Processes in Communication Sciences

UserDent, C (Durham).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Newton Institute.

ClockThursday 17 March 2011, 09:30-09:50

10th Annual Sustainable Development Lecture Series 2012

Decarbonising the transport system

UserProfessor David Cebon and Professor Nick Collings ( Cambridge University Engineering Department) and Mark White (Jaguar Land Rover).

House Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR0.

ClockWednesday 16 March 2011, 18:00-19:30

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series - 41st Annual Series of Lunchtime Lectures

The Sustainable Mobility Paradigm

UserProf. David Banister Professor of Transport Studies and Director of the Transport Studies Unit, Oxford University.

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture, 1-5 Scroope Terrace, Cambridge, CB2 1PX,

ClockWednesday 16 March 2011, 13:15-14:15

10th Annual Sustainable Development Lecture Series 2012

Managing the risks of regional climate change using knowledge action networks

UserProfesor Charles Kennel (University of California, San Diego; formerly , Director of the Scripps Institute of Oceanogaphy).

House Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR0.

ClockWednesday 09 March 2011, 18:00-19:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Mathematics of Complex Systems


UserDr Ray Goldstein, Schlumberger Professor of Complex Physical Systems, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge.

HouseThe Møller Centre, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 07 March 2011, 19:30-21:00

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series - 41st Annual Series of Lunchtime Lectures

Urban Metabolism at MIT

UserProf. John Fernandez, Associate Professor, Building Technology, Architecture Department, MIT, Cambridge, MA, US.

HouseFirst-floor Classroom, Department of Architecture, 1-5 Scroope Terrace, Cambridge, CB2 1PX,

ClockMonday 07 March 2011, 18:00-19:00

Cambridge Energy Conference

Cambridge Energy Conference

Please sign-up online

UserDr Nuttall ( University of Cambridge), Jean-Pierre Hansen (GDF SUEZ), Pr Michael Kelly (University of Cambridge), David White (Schlumberger), Dr Cleevely (University of Cambridge), Pr Kevin Anderson (University of Manchester), Jim Krane (EPRG).

HouseUniversity Centre, Granta Place.

ClockFriday 04 March 2011, 10:00-18:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Part III Presentations

UserHarry Frankish Becky Welbourn Paul Verhaak Earth Sciences Part III students.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 03 March 2011, 11:30-12:30

10th Annual Sustainable Development Lecture Series 2012

A Sustainable Future- The Leadership Challenge of our Time

UserDr Goran Carstedt ( Chairman of the Natural Step International and Senior Director of the Clinton Climate Change Initiative).

House Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR0.

ClockWednesday 02 March 2011, 18:00-19:30

4cmr seminar

Urban energy systems: applied and academic perspectives

UserSarah Cary: Sustainable Developments Executive at British Land.

House Room 7 of the Mill Lane Lecture Rooms.

ClockTuesday 01 March 2011, 13:00-14:00

IET Cambridge Network - Lectures

Smart Building Lighting Controls

Tea is served from 6pm, all welcome (its free).

UserStephen Ades, Simmtronic Ltd.

HouseLecture Theatre 0, University of Cambridge Engineering Department, Trumpington Street, Cambridge.

ClockThursday 24 February 2011, 18:00-20:00

Jean Monnet - Marie Curie Seminar Series

The politics of EU energy policy

UserDavid Buchan, Senior Research Fellow, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies.

House Senior Common Room, Polis, 17 Mill Lane..

ClockThursday 24 February 2011, 17:00-18:30

DIAL seminars

Sustainable Computing

UserGerard Briscoe.

HouseSeminar room 1, Institute for Manufacturing, Cambridge.

ClockThursday 24 February 2011, 14:00-15:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

How to Enhance Value to Historic Context Through Contemporary Interventions

Complimentary tea coffee and biscuits will be served

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseCRASSH Seminar Room 17 Mill Lane.

ClockThursday 24 February 2011, 12:00-14:00

10th Annual Sustainable Development Lecture Series 2012

Sustainable Energy - an industry view on the obstacles and opportunities

UserProfessor Ellen Williams ( BP Chief Scientist, formerly Director of University of Maryland Material Research Science and Engineering Centre).

House Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR0.

ClockWednesday 23 February 2011, 18:00-19:30

Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Departmental Seminars

Technical context for deepwater drilling and oil spill response

UserDr Ellen Williams – Chief Scientist BP, Dr Andy Leonard – Cambridge coordinator BP.

HouseLecture Theatre 1, Department of Chemical Engineering.

ClockWednesday 23 February 2011, 14:00-15:00

4cmr seminar

Recent trends in the emissions and sinks of carbon dioxide

UserCorinne Le Quéré: Professor of Climate Change Science and Policy at the University of East Anglia and Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research.

House4CMR board room.

ClockTuesday 22 February 2011, 12:00-12:45

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Peanut Allergies


UserDr Andrew Clark, Consultant in Paediatric Allergy, Addenbrooke's NHS Foundation Trust.

HouseThe Møller Centre, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 21 February 2011, 19:30-21:00

Energy and Environment Seminar, Lent 2011

Evaluating the Carbon-Macroeconomy Relationship

UserJulian Chevallier (University Paris Dauphine).

HouseRoom W2.02 , Judge Business School.

ClockMonday 21 February 2011, 12:30-14:00

Inorganic Chemistry

Form Matters: Catalysis with "Butterflies"

UserProfessor Hansjorg Grutzmacher, ETH Zurich.

HouseUnilever Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockThursday 17 February 2011, 14:00-15:30

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Numerical modelling of the respiratory system.

UserBertrand Maury, Laboratoire de Mathématiques, Université Paris Sud.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 17 February 2011, 11:30-12:30

Melville Laboratory Seminars

Probing nanostructures and optoelectronic properties of plastic solar cells by scanning probe microscopy

UserThuc-Quyen Nguyen, Center for Polymers and Organic Solids and Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA.

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockTuesday 15 February 2011, 15:30-16:30

Cambridge Carbon Footprint

Zero Carbon Britain 2030

UserGodfrey Boyle (Professor of Renewable Energy and director of the Energy and Environment Research Unit at the UK Open University. Visiting professor at The Energy and Resource Institute (TERI) University in New Dehli,India) and Alex Randall (Media Officer.

HouseSt Luke’s Church Centre, Victoria Road, Cambridge CB4 3DZ.

ClockFriday 11 February 2011, 19:30-21:30

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Implementation of System-Wide Reduced Carbon Emissions Solutions

Complimentary tea coffee and biscuits will be served

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseCRASSH Seminar Room 17 Mill Lane.

ClockThursday 10 February 2011, 12:00-14:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Effects of turbulence on the ignition of flames.

UserProf. Epaminondas Mastorakos, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 10 February 2011, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Ocean forcing of ice sheet change in West Antarctica


UserDr Adrian Jenkins, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge.

HouseThe Møller Centre, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 07 February 2011, 19:30-21:00

10th Annual Sustainable Development Lecture Series 2012

Sustainability and the Perfect Storm (title to be confirmed)

UserProfessor Sir John Beddington (Government Chief Scientific Advisor and Head of the Government Office for Science).

House Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR0.

ClockWednesday 02 February 2011, 18:00-19:30

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Carbon Capture from Solid Fuels

Complimentary tea coffee and biscuits will be served

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseCRASSH Seminar Room 17 Mill Lane.

ClockThursday 27 January 2011, 12:00-14:00

10th Annual Sustainable Development Lecture Series 2012

Energy Security and UK Energy Policy

UserProfessor Ian Fells (Emeritus Professor of Energy Conversion at Newcastle University).

House Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR0.

ClockWednesday 26 January 2011, 18:00-19:30

4cmr seminar

Going Beyond Dangerous: brutal numbers and tenuous hope: Exploring the void between reality and rhetoric on climate change mitigation

UserProfessor Kevin Anderson, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research (Manchester).

House4CMR board room.

ClockTuesday 25 January 2011, 14:00-15:00

clp31's list


UserSeung Yeon Lee, Andrea Kuesters, BP Institute.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute.

ClockThursday 02 December 2010, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Human Contact Networks

UserDr Jon Crowcroft, Marconi Professor of Communications, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 29 November 2010, 19:30-21:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

The key stakeholders' response to climate change

Complimentary tea coffee and biscuits will be served

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseCRASSH Seminar Room 17 Mill Lane.

ClockThursday 25 November 2010, 12:00-14:00

clp31's list

Numerical studies of droplet impacting and splashing.

UserKensuke Yokoi, Uni of Cardiff.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute.

ClockThursday 25 November 2010, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

The Physics of Wind Turbine Placement

UserTim French, Technical Manager, RES Group.

HouseBateman Auditorium , Gonville and Caius College.

ClockWednesday 24 November 2010, 20:00-21:00

ELCF - Engineering for a Low Carbon Future (seminar series)

Towards a sustainable hydrogen economy

UserJohn Andrews - Associate Professor RMIT University.

HouseLT6, Engineering Department.

ClockWednesday 24 November 2010, 16:30-17:30

4cmr seminar


UserStephen Stretton, co-founder, E3 Foundation.

HouseLaundress Lane Seminar Room 1.

ClockTuesday 23 November 2010, 12:00-13:00

clp31's list


UserRichard Trueman, Richard Mott, BP Institute.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute.

ClockThursday 18 November 2010, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

Dark Matter Searches with Cryogenic Detectors

UserProfessor Hans Kraus, University of Oxford.

HouseBateman Auditorium , Gonville and Caius College.

ClockWednesday 17 November 2010, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Sustainable Energy in the UK

UserDr Bernie Bulkin, Commissioner for Energy & Transport, UK Sustainable Development Commission.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 15 November 2010, 19:30-21:00

Sustainable Development Research Seminars

Towards a sustainable hydrogen economy

UserAssociate Professor John Andrews, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.

HouseEngineering Department - Sir Arthur Marshall Meeting Room (2nd floor, Inglis Building).

ClockFriday 12 November 2010, 11:00-12:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Energy consumption from dwellings : do we understand it?

Complimentary tea coffee and biscuits will be served

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseCRASSH Seminar Room 17 Mill Lane.

ClockThursday 11 November 2010, 12:00-14:00

clp31's list

Polymeric Multilayer Capsules in Materials- and Biosciences

UserProf Helmuth Mohwald, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute.

ClockThursday 11 November 2010, 11:30-12:30

clp31's list

Lagrangian Coherent Structures in Urban Flows

UserWengbo Tang, ASU.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute.

ClockThursday 04 November 2010, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

Einstein's Universe

UserProfessor Brian Foster and Jack Liebeck.

HouseWest Road Concert Hall, West Road.

ClockWednesday 03 November 2010, 20:00-21:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Molecular Modelling of Anaesthetics

This lecture will be preceded by the society's AGM

UserDr Pak-Lee Chau, Bioinformatique Structurale, CNRS URA 2185, Institut Pasteur, Paris.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 01 November 2010, 19:30-21:00

Friends of Scott Polar Research Institute lecture series

Melting ice - rising seas: Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment

Doors open 7:30PM

UserDr. Colin Summerhayes, a marine geologist, is a past Director of the UK's Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory and a former Deputy Director of the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton..

HouseSPRI Lecture Theatre, Lensfield Road.

ClockSaturday 30 October 2010, 20:00-21:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Conservation + Sustainability: Can Conservation and Retrofits Work Together?

Complimentary tea coffee and biscuits will be served

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseCRASSH Seminar Room 17 Mill Lane.

ClockThursday 28 October 2010, 12:00-14:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Getting Organized at the Nanoscale with Liquid Crystals

UserDavid L. Patrick, Department of Chemistry, Western Washington University.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 28 October 2010, 11:30-12:30

4cmr seminar

Modelling co-benefits of climate change mitigation with an application to Mexico

UserTerry Barker ( 4CMR - Department of Land Economy).

HouseLaundress Lane Seminar Room 1.

ClockTuesday 26 October 2010, 12:00-13:00

clp31's list

From Confinement to Composites: Bio-inspired Crystallisation

UserFiona Meldrum, Uni of Leeds.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute.

ClockThursday 21 October 2010, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

On High Power Laser Physics

UserProfessor Cristina Hernandez-Gomez, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.

HousePfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 20 October 2010, 20:00-21:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Social scientific methods for understanding climate change policy

Complimentary tea coffee and biscuits will be served

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseCRASSH Seminar Room 17 Mill Lane.

ClockThursday 14 October 2010, 12:00-14:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

String Theory - A unifying principle in theoretical physics

Please note that this lecture is not at the usual spacetime coordinates.

UserProfessor Michael Green, FRS, Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, DAPTP, University of Cambridge.

HouseBabbage Lecture Theatre, New Museum Site.

ClockMonday 11 October 2010, 17:30-19:00

clp31's list

How to control structure and rheology of particle-laden interfaces

UserJan Vermant, Uni of Leuven.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute.

ClockThursday 07 October 2010, 11:30-12:30

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

BPI Research Colloquium:

UserJoel Taylor, BPI & Harry McLelland, Earth Sciences.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 10 June 2010, 11:30-12:30

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Engineering in the cryosphere

UserBen Lishman (Earth Sciences, University College, London).

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 27 May 2010, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Happy Danes

Please note that this lecture is on Tuesday not Monday

UserDr Luisa Corrado, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockTuesday 25 May 2010, 19:30-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Soil Mechanics at the Particle Scale - Discrete Element Modelling and Micro Computed Tomography

UserCatherine O'Sullivan & Joana Fonseca Civil & Environmental Engineering, Imperial College, London.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 13 May 2010, 11:30-12:30

10th Annual Sustainable Development Lecture Series 2012

Taming leviathan - dealing with (dis)integrated water management (RESCHEDULED from 21st April)

This talk has been re-scheduled for 12th May, (postponed from 21st April)

UserProfessor Richard Ashley, Peninne Water Group, Sheffield University.

House Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR0.

ClockWednesday 12 May 2010, 18:00-19:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Holographic Technologies

UserDr T D Wilkinson, Reader in Photonic Engineering, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 10 May 2010, 19:30-21:00

10th Annual Sustainable Development Lecture Series 2012

Sustainability in action at University of California San Diego: the campus as a living laboratory

UserProfessor Paul Linden, Director Sustainability Solutions Institute, University of California, San Diego.

House Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR0.

ClockWednesday 05 May 2010, 18:00-19:30

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Taking Stock: Methods for Built Environment Research

Pecha Kucha evening will be on the 29th April and include complimentary wine and cheese for all participants of the conference

UserNick Baker, Alan Blackwell, Paul Chamberlain, Robert Evans, Wybo Houkes, Michael Pollitt.

HouseCRASSH Seminar Room 17 Mill Lane.

ClockFriday 30 April 2010, 09:00-17:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Brood Parasitism

UserDr Clair Spottiswoode, Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellow, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 26 April 2010, 19:30-21:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Sustainable Development: Answers from Different Actors, such as State, NGOs and Business

Open to all. No registration required. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served during the seminar

UserKsenia Gerasimova.

HouseCRASSH Seminar Room 17 Mill Lane.

ClockThursday 15 April 2010, 12:00-14:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Energy Efficient Cities

Complimentary tea coffee and biscuits will be served

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseCRASSH Seminar Room 17 Mill Lane.

ClockThursday 18 March 2010, 12:00-14:00

EPRG Public Events

Will the lights go out? : Energy policy in the UK to 2020

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseLittle Hall.

ClockThursday 11 March 2010, 17:30-18:30

ELCF - Engineering for a Low Carbon Future (seminar series)

The Energy Efficient Cities Initiative

UserSteven Barret, Ruchi Choudary and Ying Jin - University of Cambridge.

HouseLT2, Engineering Department, Inglis Building.

ClockWednesday 10 March 2010, 17:00-18:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Evolution of Biological Complexity

UserRaymond E. Goldstein (University of Cambridge).

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre.

ClockWednesday 03 March 2010, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Sustainable Building in the UK

UserDavid Adamson, Director of Smarter Construction in the Office of Government Commerce.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 01 March 2010, 19:30-21:00

10th Annual Sustainable Development Lecture Series 2012

Cities of the Future

UserPaul Brown, Executive Vice President CDM Camp Dresser and McKee Inc..

House Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR0.

ClockWednesday 24 February 2010, 18:00-19:30

ELCF - Engineering for a Low Carbon Future (seminar series)

Chemical Looping Combustion: One Technology for the Clean Utilisation of Coal

UserDr John S Dennis - Reader in Chemical Reaction Engineering, University of Cambridge.

HouseLT2, Engineering Department, Inglis Building.

ClockWednesday 24 February 2010, 17:00-18:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Imaging Cancer

Please note this week the lecture is on Tuesday not Monday

UserDr Kevin Brindle, Cancer Research Institute/Dept. Biochemistry, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockTuesday 16 February 2010, 19:30-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Part III Reports

UserAlice Mannion, Peter Breen & Adam Brewer (Chemistry).

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 11 February 2010, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

Self-assembling colloids under the guidance of DNA

UserErika Eiser (University of Cambridge).

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre.

ClockWednesday 10 February 2010, 20:00-21:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Scenarios for strategic planning in the built environment

Tea, Coffee and Biscuits will be served throughout the presentation

UserJeff Vickers.

HouseCRASSH Seminar Room 17 Mill Lane.

ClockThursday 04 February 2010, 12:00-14:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

How to be a Quantum Realist

UserDr. Andreas Doering, Oxford University Computing Laboratory.

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre.

ClockWednesday 03 February 2010, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Stem Cells: Overcoming the Embryo

Please Note this lecture is not on a Monday

UserProfessor Austin Smith, School of Biological Sciences, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockTuesday 02 February 2010, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Probing the Dark Side of the Universe with Gravitational Waves

UserDr. Martin Hendry, University of Glasgow.

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre.

ClockWednesday 27 January 2010, 20:00-21:00

10th Annual Sustainable Development Lecture Series 2012

Roadmap to 2050

UserProfessor David MacKay, Chief Scientific Advisor to the Department of Energy and Climate.

House Cambridge University Engineering Department, LR0.

ClockWednesday 27 January 2010, 18:00-19:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Gravitational Lensing

UserDr Lindsay King, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 18 January 2010, 19:30-21:00

ELCF - Engineering for a Low Carbon Future (seminar series)

Concentrator Photovoltaics (CPV) for Europe: Economics, Technical and Social Issues

UserDavid Faiman - Ben Gurion University of the Negev (Israel), Ben Gurion National Solar Energy Centre.

HouseLR4, Engineering Department, Baker Building.

ClockMonday 07 December 2009, 17:00-18:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Robotic Surgery

UserProfessor David Neal, Professor of Surgical Oncology, Cancer Research UK.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 30 November 2009, 19:30-21:00

ELCF - Engineering for a Low Carbon Future (seminar series)

Cambridge University Eco-Racing: Solar Cars

UserMartin McBrien - Cambridge University Eco Racing Founder.

HouseLR4, Engineering Department, Baker Building.

ClockWednesday 25 November 2009, 17:00-18:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

High-throughput Applications for Heterogeneous Catalysts

UserProfessor Avelino Corma Canos - Universidad Politécnica de Valencia ().

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 19 November 2009, 11:00-12:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Laser Photonics

Please note the return to our usual venue

UserDr Bill O'Neill, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 16 November 2009, 19:30-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Flow through and around groups of bodies

UserIan Eames, Mechanical Engineering, University College, London.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 12 November 2009, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

Third Generation Machine Intelligence

UserProfessor Chris Bishop, Microsoft Research Laboratory, Cambridge.

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre.

ClockWednesday 11 November 2009, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

The Physics Challenges of Fusion Power

UserProfessor Steve Cowley, Director of the JET Fusion lab.

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre.

ClockWednesday 04 November 2009, 20:00-21:00

The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)

Dr. Michael Pollitt: Delivering the Low Carbon Electricity System

UserDr. Michael Pollitt, Electricity Policy Research Group, Judge Business School.

HouseDepartment of Pathology, (Tennis Court Road), Lecture Theatre.

ClockWednesday 04 November 2009, 19:30-20:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Science and the Media

Please note our temporary venue

UserQuentin Cooper, Presenter of BBC's "Material World".

HouseBiochemistry Lecture Theatre, Sanger Building, Tennis Court Road.

ClockMonday 02 November 2009, 19:30-21:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

An interdisciplinary approach for decarbonising the built environment

UserTina Fawcett (Environmental Change Institute Oxford).

HouseCRASSH Seminar Room 17 Mill Lane.

ClockThursday 29 October 2009, 12:00-14:00

Engineering Department Energy, Fluids and Thermo seminars

Pulsed Detonation Engine (PDE) Research

UserDr. Fred Schauer, Head, Emerging Propulsion Research, Air Force.

HouseLecture Room 6 Engineering Department.

ClockThursday 22 October 2009, 14:00-16:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Plagiarism in Science

Please note our temporary venue

UserProfessor Brian J Ford, President of the CSAR.

HouseBiochemistry Lecture Theatre, Sanger Building, Tennis Court Road.

ClockMonday 19 October 2009, 19:30-21:00

Sustainable Development Research Seminars

Sustainable Transportation System in China

UserDr Y-C Du, School of Traffic Engineering, Tongji University, China.

HouseLR11, Engineering, Department of.

ClockFriday 16 October 2009, 09:00-10:00

Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE)

Heritage and Sustainable Development

UserTatiana Vakhitova (Centre for Sustainable Development).

HouseCRASSH Seminar Room 17 Mill Lane.

ClockThursday 15 October 2009, 12:00-14:00

10th Annual Sustainable Development Lecture Series 2012

Cradle to Cradle Design

UserBill McDonough William McDonough and Partners.

House Cambridge Unuiversity Engineerintg Department, LR0.

ClockWednesday 07 October 2009, 18:00-19:30

Engineering Department Energy, Fluids and Thermo seminars

Dynamic Processes in Fundamental and Applied Turbulent Combustion

UserAdam M. Steinberg, German Aerospace Centre (DLR) Institute of Combustion Technology.

HouseLecture Room 6 Engineering Department.

ClockFriday 02 October 2009, 10:30-11:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

"Just one more try will do it!" The Psychology of Gambling

Rescheduled from February

UserDr Luke Clarke (Behavioural and Clinical Neurosciences Institute, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge).

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 01 June 2009, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

"Bringing new medicines to market" How the biopharmaceutical industry works

UserDr Melanie Lee DSc (Hon) FMedSci (Executive Vice President of Research and Development, UCB Belgium ).

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockTuesday 26 May 2009, 19:30-21:00

Engineering Department Energy, Fluids and Thermo seminars

Recent Particle Measurements at the Center for Diesel Research

UserAdam Ragatz, Center for Diesel Research, University of Minnesota.

HouseLecture Room 5, Engineering Department.

ClockThursday 14 May 2009, 13:30-14:30

Engineering Department Energy, Fluids and Thermo seminars

Advanced Design Integration for Radical Energy Efficiency

UserAmory B Lovins, Chairman and Chief Scientist of Rocky Mountain Institute.

HouseLecture Room 5, Engineering Department.

ClockThursday 07 May 2009, 11:00-12:00

10th Annual Sustainable Development Lecture Series 2012

William MCDonough (CANCELLED)

UserWilliam McDonough Author of "Cradle to Cradle".


ClockWednesday 06 May 2009, 00:00-00:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Cracking during lateral drying of alumina suspensions

UserDr W. J. Clegg, from the Gordon Laboratory, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 23 April 2009, 11:30-12:30

10th Annual Sustainable Development Lecture Series 2012

Innovating to sustainability

UserProfessor Charles Ainger, MWH Ltd and Centre for Sustainable Development, Cambridge University.

HouseLecture Theatre 0, Engineering Department, Trumpington Street.

ClockWednesday 11 March 2009, 18:00-19:30

Engineering Department Energy, Fluids and Thermo seminars

Errors in Combustion LES

UserDr Andreas Kempf, Imperial College.

HouseHopkinson Meeting Room.

ClockWednesday 11 March 2009, 14:00-15:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Internal wave beams: Transport and attractors.

UserJeroen Hazewinkel, Netherlands Institute for Sea Research.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 05 March 2009, 11:30-12:30

ELCF - Engineering for a Low Carbon Future (seminar series)

The role of fuel cell technology in a low carbon economy

UserNigel Brandon, Professor of Sustainable Development in Energy - Imperial College.

HouseLR2, Engineering Department, Inglis Building.

ClockWednesday 04 March 2009, 17:00-18:00

Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Departmental Seminars

Sustainable Organic Fuels for Transport

UserDr Richard Pearson, Lotus Engineering, Norwich, Norfolk, UK.

HouseLecture Theatre 1, Department of Chemical Engineering.

ClockWednesday 04 March 2009, 15:30-16:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

"Where is it safe to go on holiday?" Antigenic Cartography; a mathematical method for mapping the spread of viruses

UserProfessor Derek Smith (Professor of Infectious Disease Informatics Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge).

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 02 March 2009, 19:30-21:00

Engineering Department Energy, Fluids and Thermo seminars

TBC - Combustion

UserProfessor David Kittelson, TBC.

HouseLecture Room 6, Engineering Department.

ClockThursday 26 February 2009, 13:30-14:30

Wildlife and Environment

Alternatives to Fossil Fuels

David MacKay is a wonderful speaker: lively, funny, wonderfully clear and easy to follow. Do not think that you cannot understand the problem, or that talks by professors of physics are not for you. Professors are not what they used to be!

UserDavid MacKay, Professor in the Department of Physics, CU.

HouseSt John's Church Hall, Hills Road, opposite Homerton College.

ClockWednesday 25 February 2009, 19:30-21:45

Engineering Department Energy, Fluids and Thermo seminars

Extinction of laminar partially premixed flames

UserProf. S.K. Aggarwal, University of Illinois at Chicago.

HouseLecture Theatre 3, Engineering Department.

ClockWednesday 25 February 2009, 14:00-15:00

ELCF - Engineering for a Low Carbon Future (seminar series)

Transportation in a Climate-Constrained World

UserAndreas Schäfer, Lecturer in Architecture - University of Cambridge.

HouseLR2, Engineering Department, Inglis Building.

ClockWednesday 18 February 2009, 17:00-18:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

"Genetics and Cancer" The BRCA2 gene (discovered by Professor Stratton and his team), and its involvement in human breast and prostate cancer

UserProfessor Michael Stratton (Deputy Director of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Head of the Cancer Genome Project).

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 16 February 2009, 19:30-21:00

The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)

Discussion Group: Energy Policy and Security of Supply

UserNeta Luria (International Relations, Centre Of International Studies) and Thomas Triebs (Electricity Policy Research Group, Judge Business School).

HouseThe Bun Shop (downstairs), King Street, Cambridge.

ClockThursday 12 February 2009, 19:30-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

BPI Research Colloquia

UserLotty Gladstone, Michael O'Sullivan, Maynard Marrion - BP Institute.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 12 February 2009, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

"Why study insulators?"

UserProf J F Scott, Earth Sciences Department.

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre.

ClockWednesday 11 February 2009, 20:00-21:00

10th Annual Sustainable Development Lecture Series 2012

Water, health and sustainable development

UserDr Jamie Bartram, Co-ordinator of Water, Sanitation and Health at the World Health Organisation.

HouseLecture Theatre 0, Engineering Department, Trumpington Street.

ClockWednesday 11 February 2009, 18:00-19:30

Engineering Department Energy, Fluids and Thermo seminars

Turbulent boundary layers and the quest for high Reynolds numbers

UserHenrik Alfredsson, Professor of Fluid Physics, Department of Mechanics, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden.

HouseLecture Room 6, Engineering Department.

ClockThursday 05 February 2009, 13:30-14:30

ELCF - Engineering for a Low Carbon Future (seminar series)

Energy use in the University of Cambridge

UserPaul Hasley, University Energy Manager - University of Cambridge.

HouseLR2, Engineering Department, Inglis Building.

ClockWednesday 04 February 2009, 17:00-18:00

Engineering Department Energy, Fluids and Thermo seminars

Solid looping cycles and clean fossil fuels

UserProfessor John Dennis, Chemical Engineering, University of Cambridge.

HouseLecture Room 6, Engineering Department.

ClockThursday 29 January 2009, 13:30-14:30

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Colloidal interfaces in confinement

UserDirk Aarts, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, University of Oxford.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 29 January 2009, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

All things bright and beautiful: The science of biological colour

UserProf Peter Vukusic, University of Exeter.

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre.

ClockWednesday 21 January 2009, 20:00-21:00

The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)

Natural Ventilation and Low Energy Buildings

UserAndy Woods - BP Professor ( BP Institute for Multiphase Flow, University of Cambridge).

HouseDepartment of Pharmacology, Tennis Court Road, Cambridge..

ClockTuesday 20 January 2009, 19:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

"We know who you are, from the way you sound" Computer voice-recognition systems and what they can do

This lecture is joint with the Cambridge Philosophical Society

UserDr Kirsty McDougall (Faculty of Modern & Medieval Languages, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 19 January 2009, 19:30-21:00

Engineering Department Energy, Fluids and Thermo seminars

The Behaviour of Inertial Particles in a Turbulent, Variable Temperature Flow >

UserJames J Riley, PACCAR Professor of Engineering, University of Washington.

HouseLecture Room 6, Engineering Department.

ClockThursday 04 December 2008, 14:15-16:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Sustainable Energy - without the hot air

UserProf David J C Mackay (Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge).

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 01 December 2008, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Particles and the Universe

UserProf. Peter Kalmus, Queen Mary University of London.

HouseBristol-Myers Squibb Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockWednesday 26 November 2008, 20:00-21:00

ELCF - Engineering for a Low Carbon Future (seminar series)

Energy efficiency opportunities from heat pumps

UserAlex White - Senior Lecturer in Thermofluids, University of Cambridge.

HouseLR4, Engineering Department, Baker Building.

ClockWednesday 26 November 2008, 17:00-18:00

The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)

Alternative means of harnessing solar energy

UserBen Taylor, Polymer Fluids Group, Dept of Chemical Engineering and Paolo Bombelli, Centre for Research in Electrochemical Science and Technology (CREST).

HouseThe Maypole (upper floor), Portugal Place, Cambridge.

ClockTuesday 18 November 2008, 19:30-21:30

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Snowflakes: Letters from the sky and scientific messages from far beyond.

UserProfessor John Wettlaufer, Bateman Professor of Geophysics & Physics, Yale University.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 13 November 2008, 11:30-12:30

ELCF - Engineering for a Low Carbon Future (seminar series)

Britain’s building stock: a carbon challenge

UserMichael Kelly - Professor of Technology, University of Cambridge.

HouseLR4, Engineering Department, Baker Building.

ClockWednesday 12 November 2008, 17:00-18:00

Engineering Department Energy, Fluids and Thermo seminars

Experimental Investigations of Combustion Instabilities in Gas Turbine Model Combustors

UserWolfgang Meier, Deutsche Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) Stuttgart, Institut fuer Verbrennungstechnik (Institute for Combustion Technology).

HouseLecture Room 6, Engineering Department.

ClockThursday 06 November 2008, 15:15-17:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Dynamics of fluid-filled gelatin cracks

UserOnno Bokhove, Department of Mathematics, University of Twente.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 06 November 2008, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

What scientists and engineers need to know about patents and related things

UserDr. Rhian Granleese, Marks & Clerk Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys.

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre, Tennis Court Road.

ClockWednesday 05 November 2008, 20:30-21:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

"Something’s come up": The Discovery of New Drugs, (including Cardura, Norvasc and Viagra)

UserDr Simon Campbell CBE (Former President of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Former Pfizer Senior Vice-President for Discovery).

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 03 November 2008, 19:30-21:00

ELCF - Engineering for a Low Carbon Future (seminar series)

Energy plans that add up

UserDavid MacKay - Professor of Natural Philosophy, University of Cambridge.

HouseLR4, Engineering Department, Baker Building.

ClockWednesday 29 October 2008, 17:00-18:00

ELCF - Engineering for a Low Carbon Future (seminar series)

Carbon aspects of the cycles of metals

UserThomas Graedel - Professor of Industrial Ecology, Yale University.

HouseLR4, Engineering Department, Baker Building.

ClockFriday 17 October 2008, 17:00-18:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Turbulent jets with off-source heating

UserAndy Aspden, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 16 October 2008, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

The Larmor Lecture: "Seeing Nano: optics on the smallest scale"

This lecture is jointly with the Cambridge Philosophical Society

UserProfessor Jeremy J Baumberg (NanoPhotonics Centre Department of Physics. University of Cambridge).

HouseBristol-Myers Squibb Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road.

ClockMonday 13 October 2008, 17:30-19:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

The dynamics of Vulcanian plumes: Insights from laboratory analogue experiments

The talk will be followed by a bread and cheese lunch

UserJerry Phillips, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 09 October 2008, 11:30-12:30

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Mixing by turbulent plumes

UserAndy Woods - BP Professor ( BP Institute for Multiphase Flow, University of Cambridge).

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 25 September 2008, 09:30-10:30

The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)

Clean Coal Technologies – towards a low carbon economy

UserChair: Dr Jeff Chapman, Chief Executive of the Carbon Capture and Storage Association.

HouseThe Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 24 June 2008, 09:00-18:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Title to be confirmed

Lunch in the open plan area at 12.30

UserTej Bhinde and Seung Yeon Lee, BP Institute.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 12 June 2008, 11:30-12:30

Engineering Department Energy, Fluids and Thermo seminars

Application of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition in Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer Problems

UserProfessor Sanjeev Sanghi, Visiting Professor, Thermo Fluid Mech. Research Centre, University of Sussex.

HouseHopkinson Meeting Room, Engineering Department.

ClockThursday 29 May 2008, 14:15-16:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

An adaptive numerical method for multi-scale problems arising in phase-field modelling of solidification

Lunch in the open plan area at 12.30

UserProf Peter Jimack, Computational PDEs Unit, University of Leeds.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 29 May 2008, 11:30-12:30

Engineering Department Energy, Fluids and Thermo seminars

Imaging based combustion and flow diagnostics

UserDr Yang Zhang, School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, University of Manchester.

HouseLecture Room 6, Engineering Department.

ClockThursday 22 May 2008, 14:15-16:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Encapsulation by microcapsules

Lunch in the open plan area at 12.30

UserGrace Yow, BP Institute.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 15 May 2008, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

"I was nowhere near there at the time Guv - honest"

UserProfessor Sir Bob Hepple, Chair of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, former Master of Clare College.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 12 May 2008, 19:30-21:00

Engineering Department Energy, Fluids and Thermo seminars

Grid Turbulence: How Important are Initial Conditions?

UserPhilippe Lavoie, Flow Control Group, Imperial College London.

HouseLecture Room 6, Engineering Department.

ClockThursday 01 May 2008, 14:15-16:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Buckling of elastic plates: theory and experiment

Lunch in the open plan area at 12.30

UserProf Richard Craster, Imperial College Dept. of Mathematics.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 01 May 2008, 11:30-12:30

10th Annual Sustainable Development Lecture Series 2012

Climate Change and Ecosystem Services: Science, Economics and Ethics

UserProfessor Robert Watson (Chief Scientific Advisor, DEFRA and Director of Strategic Development at the Tyndall Centre).

HouseLecture Theatre 0, Engineering Department, Trumpington Street.

ClockWednesday 30 April 2008, 18:00-19:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

UserDr Jonathan Milner, Abcam plc, Cambridge Science Park.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 28 April 2008, 19:30-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Pattern formation in permafrost

Lunch in the open plan area at 12.30

UserDr Lucas Goehring, BP Institute.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 24 April 2008, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Not Mammoth Steaks Again?!

UserProfessor Martin Jones, Archaeological Sciences, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 17 March 2008, 19:30-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Title to be confirmed

Lunch in open plan area

UserWY Chow, I Stöcker, L Foley and C Smith.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 13 March 2008, 11:30-12:30

ELCF - Engineering for a Low Carbon Future (seminar series)

Lighting for the 21st Century

UserColin Humphreys - Professor of Material Science, University of Cambridge.

HouseLR1, Engineering Department, Inglis Building.

ClockWednesday 12 March 2008, 17:00-18:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Transport in heterogeneous porous media

Lunch in open plan area

UserDr Diogo Bolster, Dept. of Geotechnical Engineering, Polytechnic University of Catalunya.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 06 March 2008, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge University Physics Society

A Critical Point for Science?

UserProfessor Brian Josephson, University of Cambridge.

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre, Tennis Court Road.

ClockWednesday 05 March 2008, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Nanoelectronics and Quantum Computing

UserDr David Williams, Head of the Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 03 March 2008, 19:30-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Stratified flows: From the lab to the ocean

Lunch in the open plan area

UserProfessor Tom Peacock, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, MIT.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 28 February 2008, 11:30-12:30

ELCF - Engineering for a Low Carbon Future (seminar series)

Can we live on renewables?

UserDavid MacKay - Professor of Natural Philosophy, University of Cambridge.

HouseLR1, Engineering Department, Inglis Building.

ClockWednesday 27 February 2008, 17:00-18:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

How oscillating collapsible tubes extract energy from a viscous flow

Lunch afterwards in the Open Plan Area

UserProfessor Matthias Heil, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Manchester.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 21 February 2008, 12:00-01:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Rebuilding the Colossus of the Modern World

UserTony Sale, Hon Fellow of the British Computer Society.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 18 February 2008, 19:30-21:00

The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)

Should we use nuclear energy to tackle climate change?

UserStephen Stretton, Cambridge Centre for Climate Change Mitigation Research, and Ian Ralls, Cambridge Friends of the Earth.

HouseThe Anchor (bottom floor), Silver Street, Cambridge..

ClockWednesday 13 February 2008, 19:30-21:30

ELCF - Engineering for a Low Carbon Future (seminar series)

High efficiency, low emissions: Power generation on the road to thermotopia

UserJohn Young - Professor of Applied Thermodynamics, University of Cambridge.

HouseLR1, Engineering Department, Inglis Building.

ClockWednesday 13 February 2008, 17:00-18:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Plume dynamics associated with volcanism: atmospheric flows; submarine flows and lake eruptions

Lunch is in the Open Plan Area afterwards

UserAndy Woods - BP Professor ( BP Institute for Multiphase Flow, University of Cambridge).

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 07 February 2008, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

The Journey of the Future

UserDr Liz Orme, Director of Transport, Cambridge Consultants.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 04 February 2008, 19:30-21:00

The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)

Cambridge University Energy Network - Nuclear Fusion lecture

UserDr. Bill Nuttall, the Judge Business School and the Engineering Department, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Dept. of Chemistry.

ClockThursday 31 January 2008, 19:00-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Internal solitary waves in shallow water

Lunch in the Open Plan Area afterwards

UserProfessor Peter Davies, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Dundee.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 31 January 2008, 11:30-12:30

ELCF - Engineering for a Low Carbon Future (seminar series)

Directions to 2050

UserDavid Hone - Group Climate Change Adviser, Royal Dutch Shell.

HouseLR4, Engineering Department, Baker Building.

ClockWednesday 30 January 2008, 17:00-18:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Life at High Peclet Numbers

Lunch will be provided after the seminar

UserProfessor R. Goldstein, DAMTP.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 22 November 2007, 11:30-12:30

ELCF - Engineering for a Low Carbon Future (seminar series)

Material, Energy and Climate Change

UserErnst Worrell, Lead-author of the Fourth IPCC Assessment Report.

HouseLR4, Engineering Department, Baker Building.

ClockWednesday 21 November 2007, 17:00-18:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Lives and Letters (the Robert Hooke Portfolio)

UserProfessor Lisa Jardine CBE, Queen Mary College, University of London.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 19 November 2007, 19:30-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Numerical models for dam-break flows at the intitial stage

Lunch will be provided after the seminar

UserDr Dongfang Liang, Engineering, Cambridge.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 08 November 2007, 11:30-12:30

ELCF - Engineering for a Low Carbon Future (seminar series)

‘The weather within’; 9 Bio-climatic designs

UserAlan Short, Professor of Architecture - University of Cambridge.

HouseLR4, Engineering Department, Baker Building.

ClockWednesday 07 November 2007, 17:00-18:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Ancient Vaults

UserProfessor Jacques Heymen, Former Head of Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 05 November 2007, 19:30-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Stirring the Cahn-Hilliard fluid

Lunch will be provided after the seminar

UserDr Lennon O'Naraigh, Chemical Engineering, Imperial College.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 01 November 2007, 11:30-12:30

ELCF - Engineering for a Low Carbon Future (seminar series)

Sequestration of carbon from conventional fossil fuel power plants

UserAndy Woods, BP Professor - BP Institute for Multiphase Flow, University of Cambridge.

HouseLR4, Engineering Department, Baker Building.

ClockWednesday 24 October 2007, 17:00-18:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

The invention of the High Power Microscope

Celebrating Antony van Leeuwenhoek's 375th Birthday

UserProfessor Brian J Ford, President of the CSAR.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 22 October 2007, 19:30-21:00

ELCF - Engineering for a Low Carbon Future (seminar series)

Engineering for a Low Carbon Future: challenges and opportunities

UserJulian Allwood, Senior Lecturer - Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge.

HouseLR4, Engineering Department, Baker Building.

ClockWednesday 10 October 2007, 17:00-18:00

Cambridge Energy Forum

Energy Technology

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseRobinson College.

ClockWednesday 20 June 2007, 09:00-17:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Take the Eurostar to Stratford...

UserDr Mike Glover, Director, Arup Engineering, London, project manager of the High-Speed link.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockSaturday 09 June 2007, 19:30-21:00

ELCF - Engineering for a Low Carbon Future (seminar series)

The role of packaging in society

UserDick Searle, Chief Executive of the Packaging Federation.

HouseLecture Room, Institute for Manufacturing IfM.

ClockWednesday 06 June 2007, 17:00-18:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

"Actually you were' and I can prove it"

UserMr Skip Palenik, President, Microtrace, Illinois, USA.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockSaturday 02 June 2007, 19:30-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Long wave transition to instability of flows in horizontally extended domains of porous media

UserProfessor Andrej Il'ichev, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Science and Professor George Tsypkin, Institute for Problems in Mechanics.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockThursday 31 May 2007, 10:30-11:30

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Oil spill detection and prediction in the Mediterranean Sea

UserJose M Redondo, Dept. Fisica Aplicada, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockMonday 07 May 2007, 14:00-15:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Professor Andy Woods

sandwiches at 12.30

UserProfessor AW Woods, BP Institute.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockFriday 04 May 2007, 13:00-14:00

10th Annual Sustainable Development Lecture Series 2012

Sustainable Development

UserProfessor Sir David King (Chief Scientific Advisor to HM Government).

HouseLecture Theatre 0, Engineering Department, Trumpington Street.

ClockWednesday 02 May 2007, 18:00-19:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

DNA Repair Mechanisms in the Central Nervous System

UserProfessor Robin Franklin. Neurosciences Laboratory (Department of Veterinary medicine) and the Cambridge Centre for Brain Repair, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 30 April 2007, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Energy Forum

Energy Insecurity

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseLaw Faculty, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ.

ClockThursday 19 April 2007, 16:30-20:45

Cambridge University Physics Society

The Physics of Volcanic Eruptions

UserProfessor Herbert Huppert.

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre.

ClockWednesday 14 March 2007, 20:00-21:00

10th Annual Sustainable Development Lecture Series 2012

One Planet Living

UserPooran Desai OBE (Technical Director and co-founder of Bioregional).

HouseLecture Theatre 0, Engineering Department, Trumpington Street.

ClockWednesday 07 March 2007, 18:00-19:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

The Calving of Larson-B and other phenomena: Climate Change in the Antarctic

UserProfessor David Vaughan, Deputy Director, British Antarctic Survey, High Cross, Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 19 February 2007, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

The Young Universe

UserDr Mike Hobson.

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre.

ClockWednesday 31 January 2007, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

A Stitch in Time: The molecular Basis of DNA repair

joint meeting with Cambridge Philosophical Society

UserProfessor Steve Jackson, Wellcome Trust, CRUK Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 22 January 2007, 19:30-21:00

ELCF - Engineering for a Low Carbon Future (seminar series)

Nanotechnology and precautionary risk management

NOTE: Rescheduled from Tuesday 5th.

UserProfessor Roland Clift (Centre for Environmental Strategy, University of Surrey).

HouseLecture Room, Institute for Manufacturing IfM.

ClockWednesday 06 December 2006, 17:00-18:00

Cambridge University Physics Society

Title to be confirmed

UserProfessor Gilmore.

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre.

ClockWednesday 22 November 2006, 20:00-21:00

ELCF - Engineering for a Low Carbon Future (seminar series)

Well Dressed? The present and future sustainability of clothing and textiles in the UK

UserJulian M.Allwood, Søren E Laursen, Cecilia M de Rodriguez, Nancy M P Bocken (IfM, University of Cambridge).

HouseLecture Room, Institute for Manufacturing IfM.

ClockWednesday 15 November 2006, 17:00-18:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Mother Nature Knows Best: Making Heat-Stable Vaccines

UserDr Bruce Roser, Chief Scientific Officer, Cambridge Biostability, Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 06 November 2006, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Soft Small and Interesting - Soft Matter: towards Soft Nanotechnology

UserProfessor Ullrich Steiner, Professor of Physics of Materials, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 23 October 2006, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Energy Forum

Financing Energy Innovation

UserWhite, Davidson, Workman, McGregor, Gillespie.

HouseLaw Faculty, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ.

ClockThursday 19 October 2006, 16:30-20:45

Cambridge University Physics Society

Quantum Chaos: Kicking Atoms About

UserMischa Stocklin, UCL.

HousePharmacology Lecture Theatre.

ClockWednesday 18 October 2006, 20:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Sentient Computing- Larmor Lecture

Note unusual time and venue

UserProfessor Andy Hopper, The Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge.

HouseCockcroft Lecture Theatre, Cockcroft Building.

ClockMonday 16 October 2006, 20:30-22:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Colision Course - How Science is abused by the Media

UserProfessor Brian J Ford, Writer, Broadcaster and CSAR Member of Council.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 09 October 2006, 19:30-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Yield stress liquids

UserProfessor Richard Buscall, MSACT Consulting: Visiting Professor at the Universities of Melbourne and Leeds; formerly of ICI.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockFriday 06 October 2006, 14:00-15:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Yield stress liquids

UserProfessor Richard Buscall, MSACT Consulting: Visiting Professor at the Universities of Melbourne and Leeds; formerly of ICI.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockFriday 06 October 2006, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Looking inside a star (and other stories) - Developments in Radio Astronomy made here in Cambridge

UserProfessor Richard Hills, Professor of Radio Astronomy, the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockTuesday 06 June 2006, 19:30-21:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Hydrodynamic modes of resuspension

UserDr Stuart B. Dalziel, GK Batchelor Laboratory & DAMTP.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockFriday 02 June 2006, 11:00-12:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

The collapse of granular columns

UserProfessor Rich Kerswell, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockFriday 26 May 2006, 11:00-12:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Soft particle liquids

UserDr David Heyes, Division of Chemistry, University of Surrey.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockFriday 19 May 2006, 11:00-12:00

ELCF - Engineering for a Low Carbon Future (seminar series)

Emissions trading, energy efficiency, and the law of unintended consequences

UserMichael Grubb, Director of the Carbon Trust, and professor of economics in Cambridge and Imperial College.

HouseLecture Room, Institute for Manufacturing IfM.

ClockMonday 08 May 2006, 17:00-18:00

Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF)

Colloids and coatings for colours

UserDr Andrew M. Howe, Kodak European Research, Cambridge.

HouseOpen Plan Area, BP Institute, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.

ClockFriday 05 May 2006, 11:00-12:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Defence research: Changing world, changing priorities (R&D in the MoD)

UserProfessor Phil Sutton, Director-General (Research and Development), Ministry of Defence, Whitehall.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 24 April 2006, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Antibiotics, 75 years on - New antibiotics, using genes cloned from Streptomyces species

UserProfessor Sir David Hopwood, FRS, Department of Molecular Microbiology, John Innes Centre, Norwich.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 20 February 2006, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Just print me another computer, will you? - The world of plastic electronics

UserDr Henning Sirringhaus, Chief Scientist at Plastic Logic, Cambridge Science Park, Hitachi Professor of Electron Device Physics at the University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockTuesday 07 February 2006, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Hush, here comes an aircraft! - The Silent Aircraft Initiative

UserProfessor Ann Dowling, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Cambridge Department of Engineering.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 23 January 2006, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Eve, Uncovered - Sequencing the human X-chromosome

UserDr Alison Coffey, The Sanger Centre and the Human Genome Project, Hinxton Hall, Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 07 November 2005, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

The eyes: gateway to the soul? - Iris Recognition Technology

UserDr John Daugman OBE, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College.

ClockMonday 24 October 2005, 19:30-21:00

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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