Chemically Synthesised Carbon Nanomaterials
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Catherine Pearson.
This talk will explore the concept of ‘hierarchal’ reactions at the surface of formed carbon nanostructures as these reactions have been found not to obey a single mechanism. A large number of processes may occur, which are characterised by different relaxation times; long-lived states including defects and dislocations, and layer formation, that have been directly observed in our non-equilibrium carbon systems. Most recently, our chemically synthesised graphene sheets have provided a model system, which represents both locally high quality graphene and disorder over large scales. As such we have been able to directly employ the graphene material for electron spin resonance and muon spectroscopy studies to detail the nature of the defects present and their interaction with hydrogen.
This talk is part of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF) series.
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