University of Cambridge > > Engineering - Dynamics and Vibration Tea Time Talks > Decarbonising logistics: Challenges and opportunities

Decarbonising logistics: Challenges and opportunities

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Rebecca Loving.

It has been estimated that logistical activities are responsible for around 6% of global greenhouse emissions. Within a low carbon economy, the level of emissions will have to be drastically reduced. In this seminar, Prof McKinnon will examine how companies can reduce the carbon footprint of their logistics operations. He will begin by considering how logistics-related emissions should be measured and allocated. An analytical framework will then be presented which identifies the key factors influencing the carbon intensity of logistics systems. Prof McKinnon will assess the opportunities for modifying these factors through the application of new technology and changes to current business practices. He will outline research being undertaken to estimate the relative cost-effectiveness of these measures and related government policy initiatives. These mitigation measures will need to be supplemented by efforts to adapt logistical systems to the effects of climate change. Ironically, many of these adaptation measures are likely to increase greenhouse gas emissions from logistics. What then are the prospects of achieving low carbon logistics over the next few decades?

This talk is part of the Engineering - Dynamics and Vibration Tea Time Talks series.

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