Rain Water Harvesting with Graham Cross
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Beejal Parekh.
Hear Graham Cross of Halsted Rain, UK leaders in the collection and use of rainwater in the urban environment, talking about a new approach to the rainwater harvesting market with a focus on affordable, easy to install and visually discreet solutions that help reduce mains water consumption and manage sustainable drainage.
The aim of this workshop is to promote rainwater harvesting as a means of living more sustainably.
There is not enough fresh water to meet the demands of a growing population, changing climate will affect water availability.
There are many uses of water that do not require treated drinking water, such as irrigation, vehicle washing, and toilet flushing.
This workshop will introduce the participants to rainwater harvesting techniques and innovative prototypes being developed
To Book:
Email info@cambridgecarbonfootprint.org, Tel: 07837 183271 www.cambridgecarbonfootprint.org Registered Charity No. 1127376
This talk is part of the Cambridge Carbon Footprint series.
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