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Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

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CSAR exists to encourage an appreciation of the application of research through lectures, visits, the CSAR PhD student awards and outreach to schools. We make time around these for conversation and interaction, providing excellent opportunities to meet people, make new friends, expand horizons, and network. Since late 2021 we have run hybrid events, with live events at Churchill College simultaneously broadcast via Zoom.

Recent speakers include Professor Neil Hyatt, on the UK program for geological disposal of radioactive waste; Professor Sharon Peacock on the contribution of viral sequencing to the COVID -19 pandemic response; Professor Karen P. Steel on uncovering the biological causes of hearing loss; Dr Martin Unwin on the ESA HydroGNSS Scout satellite mission for sensing climate variables; and Dr. Giles Yeo on truths and fallacies surrounding diets and obesity.

Recent visits included the Cavendish Laboratory’s Maxwell Centre to see inside one of the world’s leading physics research laboratories and its Centre dedicated to industrial and societal applications; TWI to see world-leading materials joining and engineering processes as applied in industry; and Cambridge University’s Faculty of Education Research Centres and University Primary School to see recent advances in education.

Members are a broad mix of people, from students and researchers to entrepreneurs and business professionals, from those still at school to those already retired – all from a wide range of backgrounds. We welcome new members to our lectures and other events, and you can apply to join CSAR online. If you’d like to try a lecture or two before you join please select ‘Pay-As-You-Go’ registration.

Donations to the charity allow us to subsidise attendance by students, school students and teachers.

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If you have a question about this list, please contact: John Cook. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser.

0 upcoming talks and 264 talks in the archive.

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