University of Cambridge > > Winton Discussions > Can you build a computer without using roads? Where we are going we don't need roads!

Can you build a computer without using roads? Where we are going we don't need roads!

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Nalin Patel.

A friendly discussion hosted by Prof David MacKay and Dr Chris Forman. Dr Forman is interested in applying biophysics to develop novel materials and technology to improve sustainable engineering and manufacturing.

Abstract: Can we combine catalysis and information processing? For example, biological cells are non-linear, non-equilibrium, stochastic machines that use energy to incorporate information into matter at the molecular level. Biomolecules then routinely self-assemble to manage flows of electrons, excitons, protons, photons and ions in complex colloidal environments such as soil, oceans, tissues or blood. Can we harness similar processes to make ‘a self-assembling catalytic processor’? e.g. a computer controlled battery or fuel cell?

This talk is part of the Winton Discussions series.

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