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Seminar Room 2, Newton Institute
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If you have a question about this list, please contact: . If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser. 1 upcoming talk and 1605 talks in the archive. Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Title TBCMHM - Modern History of Mathematics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Calculating Prodigies in the Nineteenth Century: Science as Spectacle or Real Skill?MHM - Modern History of Mathematics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Calculating Prodigies in the Nineteenth Century: Science as Spectacle or Real Skill?MHM - Modern History of Mathematics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Title TBCMHM - Modern History of Mathematics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Tainted by Association: The State Department’s Case Against Oswald Veblen (1953)MHM - Modern History of Mathematics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes for transdimensional sampling from flexible Bayesian survival modelsSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Fractional-order differentiation meets generalized probabilitiesSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Recurrence and Transience of Multidimensional Elephant Random WalksSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Random walk isomorphism theorems for a new type of spin systemSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A high-probability mixing time bound for Gibbs sampling from log-smooth strongly log-concave distributionsSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Piecewise Deterministic Monte Carlo for latent variable models : a case studySSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Mini-course on Geometric Functional Inequalities for Markov ChainsSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Geometric numerical methods for confined Langevin dynamicsSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Subexponential lower bounds for f-ergodic Markov processesSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Some applications of the Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm in the study of quantum automorphism groups of graphs"QIA - Quantum information, quantum groups and operator algebras
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Quantum-to-quantum games, games on hypergraphs, and some open questionsQIA - Quantum information, quantum groups and operator algebras
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Discussion session on matrix product operators and quantum groupsQIA - Quantum information, quantum groups and operator algebras
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Quantum graphs and quantum colorings, via quantum relationsQIA - Quantum information, quantum groups and operator algebras
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Analysis of Quantum Boolean Functions and ApplicationsQIA - Quantum information, quantum groups and operator algebras
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Introduction to Quantum GraphsQIA - Quantum information, quantum groups and operator algebras
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Langevin Monte Carlo Beyond Lipschitz Gradient ContinuitySSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Diffusive behaviour of non-reversible MCMC with application to Simulated Tempering.SSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series From matrix product operator algebras to quantum groupsQIA - Quantum information, quantum groups and operator algebras
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Embezzlement of entanglementQIA - Quantum information, quantum groups and operator algebras
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Categories for quantum information theoryQIA - Quantum information, quantum groups and operator algebras
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Quantum Isomorphism and Related TopicsQIA - Quantum information, quantum groups and operator algebras
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Axiomatization of Interventional Probability DistributionsSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On Convex Hulls of Stable Random WalksSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Basic ZX-calculus for students and professionalsQIA - Quantum information, quantum groups and operator algebras
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A Closed-Form Transition Density Expansion for Elliptic and Hypo-Elliptic SDEsSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Skew-symmetric schemes for robust sampling from diffusionsSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Introductions and setting the sceneQIA - Quantum information, quantum groups and operator algebras
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stable random walks in conesSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Non-monotone absorbing state phase transitionsSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Title and abstract tbaSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Title and abstract tbaSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Anomalous super-diffusion from interactionsSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Discussion: User experience for specification and verification toolsBSP - Big Specification
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series MetaCoq: verified meta-theory at scale for a certified proof assistantBSP - Big Specification
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Memory model parametric compositional symbolic executionBSP - Big Specification
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A growth-fragmentation found in the cone excursions of Brownian motion (and in the quantum disc)SSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series TBD - Rigorous networking retrospective: BGP and MetaroutingBSP - Big Specification
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Specifying and Verifying Network Behavior with NetKATBSP - Big Specification
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Convex Hulls of Higher-Dimensional Random Walks & First-Passage ResettingSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Controlling discrete and continuous state non-equilibrium systemsSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Dispersionless integrablity and twistor theory above dimension 4.TWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series First integrals for solutions of the conformal Mercator equationTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Quasi-Einstein structures on a surfaceTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Linearisable Abel equations and the Gurevich-Pitaevskii problemTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Isomonodromic Deformations and Tau FunctionsTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Two fairly recent approximations of Walsh’s spider processSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Bounds on the size of the convex hull of planar Brownian motion and related inverse processesSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Moyal quantized twistor spaces and dispersive integrable systemsTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Dispersionless integrable equations and related integrable hierarchiesTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Hyper-Lagrangians and Joyce structuresTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Flat extensions of principal connections and the Chern—Simons 3-formTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Charges and fluxes of gravitational field from the twistor connection.TWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Conformal Einstein's equationsTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Rigidity of the extremal Kerr-Newman horizonTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Intrinsic rigidity of extremal horizons and black hole uniquenessTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Matching asymptotic charges using Friedrich's cylinder at spatial infinityTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Metaphors for the twistor theory of the future.TWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Killing spinors and non-vacuum Chen-Teo metricsTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Bridging the gap: towards a unified treatment of energy-momentum at infinityTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Celestial symmetries charges at null infinity from twistor spaceTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Quasi-local mass, Kerr horizon, and causalityTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stability of spacetimes with supersymmetric compactificationsTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On a collection of techniques to model first-passage processes with discrete space-time variablesSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Curved translation principle in generalized conformal calculusTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Perturbations of Fefferman spaces over (almost) CR manifoldsTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Conformal transformation groups of Lorentzian manifoldsTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series 4-dimensional conformal structures with G2-symmetric twistor distributionTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Generalized Tanaka prolongation and its applicationsTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series (2, 3, 5)-distributions and contact linesTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Para-CR geometry and curvesTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The twistor geometry of a family of Schrödinger equationsTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Twistor construction of Coulomb branchesTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Conformal aspects of submanifolds and curvesTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Partial G-structures and partial Cartan geometriesTWT - Twistor theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series mini-course: An introduction to supersymmetry and the vertex-reinforced jump processSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Expanding the Critical Intensity of Random Connection ModelsSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series mini-course: An introduction to supersymmetry and the vertex-reinforced jump processSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The nonlinear Anderson problem: A vital, if openly recognized challengeSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stationary random walks with a switchSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Central limit theorem for superdiffusive processesSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Breakout Session - Policy ThemeMIPW01 - Modelling and inference for pandemic preparedness - a focussed workshop
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On a skew stable Lévy process (Lecture 3)SSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Perturbed random walks and a skew Brownian motion (Lecture 2)SSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lecture 1 (July 30). Generalized Skorokhod’s reflecting problem.SSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Polynomial Approximation and Interpolation with Exponential Weights: New Results and ApplicationsDRE - Discretization and recovery in high-dimensional spaces
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A Sparse, Flexible Framework with Confidence Measure Based on the Relevance Vector MachineDRE - Discretization and recovery in high-dimensional spaces
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Invariant measures of the infinite Atlas model: domains of attraction, extremality, and equilibrium fluctuationsSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stochastic epidemic models with varying infectivity and susceptibilitySSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Geometric approach to the lower estimates of the supremum of some random processesDRE - Discretization and recovery in high-dimensional spaces
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Restriction theorems for Hankel operatorsDRE - Discretization and recovery in high-dimensional spaces
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A martingale approach for the elephant random walk with stops and the Ewens-Pitman processSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Anomalous thermal relaxation of physical systemsSSD - Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Tensor cross interpolation for multivariate recovery and high--precision computation of high--dimensional integralsDRE - Discretization and recovery in high-dimensional spaces
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Selector form of Weaver's conjecture and frame sparsificationDRE - Discretization and recovery in high-dimensional spaces
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Generalised thin-plate splines and multiquadrics/inverse-multiquadrics as radial basis functions for approximationDRE - Discretization and recovery in high-dimensional spaces
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Haar characterization of Besov spaces beyond unconditionalityDRE - Discretization and recovery in high-dimensional spaces
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Towards quantum limits for subelliptic operatorsDRE - Discretization and recovery in high-dimensional spaces
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Beurling and Malliavin Theorem in Several DimensionsDRE - Discretization and recovery in high-dimensional spaces
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Segre-Verlinde correspondence for the moduli space of stable bundles on a curveEMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Colliding surface waves and other novel mechanisms of laser energy absorption by plasmaADI - Anti-diffusive dynamics: from sub-cellular to astrophysical scales
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series EMG reading group on Gopakuma-Vafa invariantsEMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series How helicity helps create finite dissipation without singularities.ADI - Anti-diffusive dynamics: from sub-cellular to astrophysical scales
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Self-gravitating bosonic and axionic systems and a minimal model for pulsar glitches.ADI - Anti-diffusive dynamics: from sub-cellular to astrophysical scales
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series tbaEMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On the higher rank Donaldson-Thomas theory of pointsEMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series EMG reading group on Gopakuma-Vafa invariants.EMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Deformations of Fano schemesEMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Towards refined curve counting on the Enriques surfaceEMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Non-archimedean integration on quotientsEMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series EMG reading group on Gopakuma-Vafa invariants.EMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Conformal Blocks from Vertex Operator AlgebrasEMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Fluid mixing in ideal systems and large--scale oceansADI - Anti-diffusive dynamics: from sub-cellular to astrophysical scales
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Okounkov's conjecture via BPS Lie algebrasEMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series MODULI SPACES OF SHEAVES AND BLOW-UPS OF PROJECTIVEEMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Products of K-moduli spacesEMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series EMG reading group on Gopakuma-Vafa invariants.EMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Unstable Bundles and Twisted Brill-Noether TheorEMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Fourier transform: from abelian schemes to Hitchin systems IIIEMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Fourier transform: from abelian schemes to Hitchin systems IIEMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Fourier transform: from abelian schemes to Hitchin systems IEMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Physics of Velocity and Magnetic Shears in Toroidal GeometriesADI - Anti-diffusive dynamics: from sub-cellular to astrophysical scales
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Temperature front formation in stably stratified turbulenceADI - Anti-diffusive dynamics: from sub-cellular to astrophysical scales
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Internal wave packet tunnelling across a thermohaline staircaseADI - Anti-diffusive dynamics: from sub-cellular to astrophysical scales
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A Critical Look at Quasilinear TheoryADI - Anti-diffusive dynamics: from sub-cellular to astrophysical scales
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Family 3-5 and δ-invariant of polarized del Pezzo surfaces.EMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Fano 3-folds with 1-dimentional K-moduli.EMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Enumerative geometry on compactified JacobiansEMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series EMG reading group on Gopakuma-Vafa invariants.EMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Large-scale structure formation by turbulent kinetic helicityADI - Anti-diffusive dynamics: from sub-cellular to astrophysical scales
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Directed Percolation: Lecture 2ADI - Anti-diffusive dynamics: from sub-cellular to astrophysical scales
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Directed Percolation: Lecture 1ADI - Anti-diffusive dynamics: from sub-cellular to astrophysical scales
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Out-of-equilibrium fluxes shape the self-organization of turbulence with local interactionsADI - Anti-diffusive dynamics: from sub-cellular to astrophysical scales
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The K-moduli of four qubitsEMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multilinear hyperquiver representationsEMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A stacky approach to graded unipotent quotientsEMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Torsion sheaves on stacky curves, or how to not quite compute a motiveEMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Relative étale slices and cohomology of moduli spacesEMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Compactified Universal Jacobians via Geometric Invariant TheoryEMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Harder-Narasimhan Filtrations of Persistence ModulesEMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Crepant transformations for nonabelian GIT quotientsEMG - New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Some landmarks in the ancient history of physical and quantitative biologySPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Selecting chemical processes and sequences at the molecular origins of lifeSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Using dynamical systems tools to incorporate active sensing into models of collective motionMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Control of the emergent collective dynamics in motile cilia from the local beating propertiesSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series MMV discussionsMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Mathematics of movement: integrating conceptual and quantitative approaches in animal ecology and cell biologyMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Tracking Movements: From Molecules to MammalsMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Mathematics of Movement: Single and Collective Cell MigrationMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Turing patterns on the move: from the dynamics of neural cells to animal movementMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Modelling collective movement: my experiences at the INIMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Outcome and Future directions on the Mathematics of Movement - IntroductionMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Modeling the Genome: A view by a physicistSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series How do forces transmitted from a cell's environment affect DNA organization?SPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A machine-learning based model of non-Newtonian hydrodynamics with molecular fidelitySPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Open problem/Discussion: Inferring collective behavior in a wild bat swarm from audio-visual dataMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Active biological flows inside cellsSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Analysis of the effects of geometry and cross-diffusion in pattern formationMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Spatial movement in structured populations: Applications to early atherosclerosisMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Reconfigurable soft active matter: From liquid crystal skyrmions to nanoswimmers and ultrasound-powered microspinnersSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Deep learning analysis of wound healing in fliesSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Ant search - Non-Markovian and indirectly coordinatedMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Intersections of the adaptive immune response and statistical physicsSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A counter to the adaptationist narrative: the importance of "entropy" and population size in evolutionSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series SATisfaction guaranteed: inverse self-assembly as a colouring problemSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Activity-induced interactions and collective response in model active matterSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Spatial organisation in 3d active matter: from colloids to fishSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Spermatogenesis: a paradigm of stem cell regulationSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Dynamics and instabilities in growing fluid membranesSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stochastic processes with resettingMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Black hole informaticsBLH - Black holes: bridges between number theory and holographic quantum information
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stochastic search processes and encounter-based models of absorptionMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series title and abstract tbaBLH - Black holes: bridges between number theory and holographic quantum information
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multivalent binding and selectivity in molecular targeting, recognition and activationSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The correspondence between black holes and fundamental stringsBLH - Black holes: bridges between number theory and holographic quantum information
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Glassy Dynamics and Jamming in Dense Persistent Active MatterSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Machine learning methods for the study of animal groups on the moveMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A tale of swirling layers and twisting columnsSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Infinite-dimensional holography: bulk reconstruction, relative entropy, and operator algebraBLH - Black holes: bridges between number theory and holographic quantum information
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series How non-Markovian stochastic processes and probability ridges help us understand space use in wild animalsMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Open problem/Discussion: Time and spatial pattern formation: a unifying frameworkMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Dynamic maximum entropy networksMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Football analyzed as a complex systemMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Rheology and StabilitySPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Non-reciprocal frustration physicsSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Combining data-driven and physics-based approaches to predict, understand, and control active matter dynamicsSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Active matter under control: Insights from Response TheorySPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Open Problem/Discussion: Modelling cell turnover in the intestinal crypt niche: the role of Paneth and Paneth-like cellsMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Integrable systems in gravity: a Riemann-Hilbert approachBLH - Black holes: bridges between number theory and holographic quantum information
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Control theory for physicists 3SPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Wetting of Lipid Membranes by Biomolecular CondensatesSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Gravity and string theory in general spacetime signatureBLH - Black holes: bridges between number theory and holographic quantum information
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Control theory for physicists 2SPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Control theory for physicists 1SPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Extreme value and sum statistics of a family of correlated variablesMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series How can we learn mathematical structures?BLH - Black holes: bridges between number theory and holographic quantum information
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On lattice gas models associated with reaction-diffusion equationsSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Modular forms and black holes in N=4 string theoriesBLH - Black holes: bridges between number theory and holographic quantum information
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Learning to work with Learning MachinesBLH - Black holes: bridges between number theory and holographic quantum information
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Linear genomes and histone marksSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Role of H4K16AC in regulation of vertebrate genomeSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Large deviations of the density and of the current in non-equilibrium systems: Lecture 3SPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Health vs economy": a false choice of pandemic modellingMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Pushy Guests: Donor ES cells impede host epiblast specification in 8-cell stage chimeras by spatial crowding and FGF4 signalingSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Transcriptional decoding of Developmental SignalsSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Large deviations of the density and of the current in non-equilibrium systems: Lecture 2SPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Learning to work with Learning MachinesBLH - Black holes: bridges between number theory and holographic quantum information
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Mechanical Frustration of Phase Separation in the Cell Nucleus by ChromatinSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series 3D single-molecule imaging of nuclear proteins and chromatin in pluripotent cellsSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Dealing with stochastic oscillations in epidemicsMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Physics of entangled polymers: from chromosome territories to melts of ringsSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Cis-regulatory control of pluripotent stem cell fatesSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Large deviations of the density and of the current in non-equilibrium systems: Lecture 1SPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Integrating analog and digital modes of gene expressionSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Mechanosensing in the pancreatic cancer microenvironmentSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Gravitational solutions, quivers and AdS/CFTBLH - Black holes: bridges between number theory and holographic quantum information
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Learning to work with Learning MachinesBLH - Black holes: bridges between number theory and holographic quantum information
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Towards effective data-driven models of morphogenesisMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Consistent truncations and D=2 gravityBLH - Black holes: bridges between number theory and holographic quantum information
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Quantum de Sitter spaceBLH - Black holes: bridges between number theory and holographic quantum information
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On the use of deep learning techniques for decoding animal movement dataMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Confined networks of stiff filamentsSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series From sea cells to sea shellsSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Newton and the apple tree -from Lincolnshire to Bariloche and backMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Playing with PDEs: research, teaching, and knowledge exchange with Visual PDEMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multiscale methods and microswimmer modelsMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The AI Mathematician, Part IIBLH - Black holes: bridges between number theory and holographic quantum information
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Emergent oscillations during cellular directional decision-making on junctionsSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Individual-based modelling of the metabolic regulation of the interaction between T cells and cancer cellsMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Indefinite theta functions-- Theory and ApplicationsBLH - Black holes: bridges between number theory and holographic quantum information
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A brain inspired electronic learning machineSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series In search of a general model to predict the group size distribution for mobile foragersMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Non-perturbative Topological String on Compact Calabi-Yau 3-foldsBLH - Black holes: bridges between number theory and holographic quantum information
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Role of Orientational Order in DevelopmentSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The AI Mathematician, Part IBLH - Black holes: bridges between number theory and holographic quantum information
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series From balls and springs to colonies and tissues’SPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Insights from quantum field theory and AdS/CFT for machine learningBLH - Black holes: bridges between number theory and holographic quantum information
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Rademacher Expansions for False and Mock Modular FormsBLH - Black holes: bridges between number theory and holographic quantum information
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Estimation of continuum models for (active) soft materials and data-driven coarse-grainingSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Equality, Diversity and Inclusion roundtable eventSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Durotaxis and frictiotaxisSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Equivariant Localization in SupergravityBLH - Black holes: bridges between number theory and holographic quantum information
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Collective random-walks: looking for new foraging currenciesMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Tissue models with and without active feedbackSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The role of cytonemes in cell-cell communicationMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Modelling effects of activity on the collective cell behaviour of epithelial tissuesSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series CompuCell3D simulation model for 3D-cells migrating on flat substrates.SPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Chromonic Twisted Hedgehogs.USM - Uncertainty quantification and stochastic modelling of materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Modelling Microtube Driven Invasion of GliomaMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multiscaling, intermittency and large deviation in limit theorems for superpositions of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type processesUSM - Uncertainty quantification and stochastic modelling of materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Solid and Fluid Mechanics for Cardiovascular EngineeringUSM - Uncertainty quantification and stochastic modelling of materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Dynamics of Hantavirus and other pestsMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Polar Fluctuations Lead to Extensile Nematic Behaviour in Confluent TissuesSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Open problem/Discussion: Dictyostelium swarms: an example of active biological fluids?MMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Large deviations of time-averaged quantities : physical examples and numerical methodsSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Is the tendency for all living systems to do work universal?SPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Leader, Follower, and Cheaters in Collective Cancer InvasionMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Open Problem/Discussion: Outer Laplace problem in a sector geometryMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Open Problem/Discussion: Biased random walks on random networks: How space heterogeneity impacts transport propertiesMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Modeling shape transformations in liquid crystal elastomers: a machine learning approach to inverse designSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Track building and locomotion in Labyrinthula zosterae: A case of stigmergy++?SPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Reformulation of elasticity theory for liquid crystals and liquid membranesSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Connecting active “hardware” to biological “softwareSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Open problem: Modelling the collective migration of astrocytesMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Interplay between emergent collective behaviour and the underlying dynamic network of interactions: from animal groups to liquid waterMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Current fluctuations in reset and run-and-tumble processesSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Moving through disorder: collective trapping, collective escaping and sub-diffusionMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Mortal active filaments & cell divisionSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Search by sharing informationMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Modelling correlated motion in heterogeneous environments and in confinementMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Methods for modelling animal paths, an overviewMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Collective behaviour of a family of power law modelsSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Control theory for collective behaviour in the presence of a diseaseSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Circadian materialscape: Timed material self-assembly orchestrated by bacterial clock proteinsSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Non-reciprocity permits novel dynamics in stochastic topological systemsSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Solvable models of energy transport: from micro to macroSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Open problems in connecting individual states with collective dynamicsMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Integrability, chaos and thermalization in a collection of hard rodsSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Collective problem solving in antsMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Physical descriptions of active biological matter 3SPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Morphing and shape control: from mechanobiology to engineeringUSM - Uncertainty quantification and stochastic modelling of materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Some mathematical aspects of uncertainty quantification for interatomic potentialsUSM - Uncertainty quantification and stochastic modelling of materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Convex Hulls of Two Dimensional Stochastic ProcessesMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Open problem: Random following of advices in ants’MMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Open questions on modelling environmental influences on collective cell behaviourMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series MRI-based Modelling of Traumatic Brain InjuryUSM - Uncertainty quantification and stochastic modelling of materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Equality in the physical sciences - challenges and opportunitiesUSM - Uncertainty quantification and stochastic modelling of materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Phagocytosis: modelling immune cells eating bugsSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Physical descriptions of active biological matter 2SPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Physical descriptions of active biological matter 1SPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Fluctuating hydrodynamics of spin chains 3SPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Fluctuating hydrodynamics of spin chains 2SPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Statistical inverse problems with (a) SMILEUSM - Uncertainty quantification and stochastic modelling of materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series What is it like to be a bee?: A brief introduction to electroreceptionUSM - Uncertainty quantification and stochastic modelling of materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series An analytical framework for metachronal coordination in ciliaSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Interacting Persistent Random WalkersSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Fluctuating hydrodynamics of spin chains 1SPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Inferring community structure and dynamics from wild tortoise data.MMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series How complex interactions between chemotactic cells and attractants drive cancer spread and allow cells to solve mazesMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Swimming cells: a dance of geometry and motionSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Large deviations and their applications in physics 3SPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Hybrid cellular Potts modeling of cell-extracellular matrix interactions driving cell shape, cell migration and collective cell behaviorMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Slender filament microrheology: Using shape fluctuations to characterize equilibrium and non-equilibrium materialsSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Self-organisation of bioinspired active systemsSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Positional information theoryMMV - Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Large deviations and their applications in physics 2SPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Macroscopic Fluctuations in Interacting Particle SystemsSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Interactions of cells with extracellular matrixSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Designing the Morphology of Separated Phases in Multicomponent Liquid MixturesSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Topological statistics of living and non-living matterSPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Large deviations and their applications in physics 1SPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Perspectives and Retrospectives in Rich and Nonlinear TomographyRNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Lippmann Schwinger Lanczos algorithm for inverse scattering problemsRNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Seeing inside trees using microwave imaging: an application to Adaptive Eigenspace InversionMWS - Mathematical theory and applications of multiple wave scattering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Summing over Dipoles for the Laplace and Helmholtz EquationsMWS - Mathematical theory and applications of multiple wave scattering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Tree-Based Diffusion Schrödinger Bridge with Applications to Wasserstein BarycentersDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Infinite-Dimensional Diffusion Models for Function SpacesDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Monte Carlo guided Diffusion for Bayesian linear inverse problemsDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Material instabilities and architected materialsMWS - Mathematical theory and applications of multiple wave scattering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Geometric neural diffusion processes Emile MathieuDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Diffusion Schrödinger Bridge Matching- Valentin De BortoliDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Interacting Particle Langevin AlgorithmDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Bayesian imaging with deep generative priorsDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Calibration of stochastic parametrizations for geophysical fluid dynamic models.DDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Deep generative models for inverse problemDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Introduction to diffusion modelsDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Gradient flows and randomised thresholding: sparse inversion and classificationDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Solving inverse source wave problem: From observability to observer designDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Estimating operational loading conditions from wave measurements using Kalman filtersDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Sub-wavelength imaging with arrays of scatterersMWS - Mathematical theory and applications of multiple wave scattering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Sequential Bayesian Methods for Parameter Estimation and Applications with Imaging DataRNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Exploiting anisotropy in Gaussian process emulation"DDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Gaussian process regression in inverse problems and Markov chain Monte CarloDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods with SmoothingDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Radar Imaging from Geosynchronous Orbit: back to Radar 101RNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Ocean wave propagation in the marginal ice zone: On the transition from consolidated to broken ice coversMWS - Mathematical theory and applications of multiple wave scattering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series an Introduction to History MatchingDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The normal Radon transform acting on 3D tensor fieldsRNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A Frequentist Perspective on the EnKF for Parameter EstimationDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Affine Invariant Ensemble Transform Methods to improve predictive uncertainty in neural networksDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A numerical analysis perspective on neural networksDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Range characterization of spherical Radon transforms and unique continuation propertyRNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Correct answers: who needs them? (a story of numerical computing)RNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Ray transforms acting on 2D m-tensor fieldsRNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Phase-contrast THz-CT for non-destructive testingRNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Dimension reduction and distance learning: Classical methods and Fermat distance.DDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series All Models are UncertainDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Extreme events: model selection and the value of dataDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Beyond-Nearest-Neighbour MetamaterialsMWS - Mathematical theory and applications of multiple wave scattering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Toward the Analysis and Control of Extreme Aerodynamic Flows with Data-Driven MethodsDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Sensing and control of turbulent flows through deep learningDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Data-based reductions and closure models for dynamical systemsDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Machine Learning for the dynamical systems approach to turbulenceDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series AI/Computing: Alloys for Flow Modeling and ControlDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series What makes turbulence tick?DDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Truly Predictive Reduced Order Modeling for Complex Multi-scale, Multi-physics ProblemsDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Real-time & offline modellingDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A Quantum Graph Approach to Metamaterial DesignMWS - Mathematical theory and applications of multiple wave scattering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Machine Learning for Radio Frequency ApplicationsRNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Wave transport through (not quite) disordered waveguidesMWS - Mathematical theory and applications of multiple wave scattering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Photoacoustic TomographyRNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Coherent elastic waves in multiple scattering media: influence of resonances and positional correlations of scatterersMWS - Mathematical theory and applications of multiple wave scattering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Boundary Recovery of Anisotropic Electromagnetic Parameters for Time Harmonic Maxwell's EquationsRNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series High Throughput Bayesian OptimisationDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The longitudinal and transverse ray transforms in the plane: applications to tomography and radarRNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Meta-learning Adaptive Deep Kernel Gaussian Processes for Molecular Property Prediction and OptimizationDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series An introduction to information-theoretic Bayesian OptimisationDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Willis couplings in one-dimensional and quasi-one-dimensional acoustic systemsMWS - Mathematical theory and applications of multiple wave scattering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multistatic SAR imaging and coherenceRNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Non-stationary and deep Gaussian processesDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Regularisation by non-standard Krylov methodsRNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Low Variance Sketched Finite Elements for Elliptic EquationsRNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Preconditioned learning rates for continual learningDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Waves in gyro-elastic structures: modelling and applications- Alexander and Natasha MovchanMWS - Mathematical theory and applications of multiple wave scattering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Energy Based Mathematical Modeling, Simulation, and Control of Energy NetworksDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Causality and the development of tunable acoustic metamaterial absorbersMWS - Mathematical theory and applications of multiple wave scattering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Homogenization of quasi-periodic photonic crystals: The cut-and-project multiple scale methodMWS - Mathematical theory and applications of multiple wave scattering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Residual Dynamic Mode Decomposition: Robust and verified Koopmanism for nonlinear dynamical systemsMWS - Mathematical theory and applications of multiple wave scattering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Robust Empirical Bayes for Gaussian ProcessesDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A robust and scalable approach to Bayesian doubly-intractable problemsDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Fast hybrid tempered ensemble transform filter for Bayesian elliptical problemsRNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Single crystal-to-polycrystal model of the neutron transmission spectra of textured polycrystalline materialsRNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Near fields, rays, and multipolesMWS - Mathematical theory and applications of multiple wave scattering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Near fields, rays, and multipoles (copy)MWS - Mathematical theory and applications of multiple wave scattering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Rich and non-rich tomography with the Core Imaging LibraryRNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Observability of nonlinear filtering problems and the filter stabilityDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A universal method for the study of transformable waves in metamaterials.MWS - Mathematical theory and applications of multiple wave scattering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Optimal control and duality for estimation problems: results and open problemsDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Nonlinear balanced truncation model reduction for controlDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Autonomous driving: a mathematical perspectiveDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Some open problems in computational nonlinear controlDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Are quasicrystals the future of metamaterial waveguides?MWS - Mathematical theory and applications of multiple wave scattering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Energy resolved neutron imaging and strain tomographyRNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Outstanding Shortcomings and Challenges For This Deep Dive - Tim Rogers and Lizzy CrossDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Classical Approaches to Identification and SHM - Tim Rogers and Lizzy CrossDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Introduction to the Deep Dive, High Level Challenges and Hawk TA1 Benchmark - Tim Rogers and Lizzy CrossDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Dynamic Reconstructions in Synthetic Aperture RadarRNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Control in Power-Electronics-Dominated Power SystemsDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Computation and optimization of multiple wave scattering using boundary integral formulationMWS - Mathematical theory and applications of multiple wave scattering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Challenges in modelling the future role of energy storage.DDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Management of energy storage theme. Stan Zachary (Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt Universities), Chris Llewellyn Smith (Oxford University), Tom Bransden (National Grid ESO) and Iain Staffell (Imperial College).DDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stability of low-inertia power systems. Shurooque Baloch (National Grid ESO) and Janusz Bialek (Newcastle University).DDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Introduction to energy deep dive fortnight, and decision support for complex systems. Chris Dent (University of Edinburgh), Mark Enzer (Mott Macdonald) and Jim Smith (Warwick University).DDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Generalized Eigenfunction, Singularity Expansion and Time-Dependent Wave ScatteringMWS - Mathematical theory and applications of multiple wave scattering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Characterisation, computation and classification of conducting magnetic objects for safety and securityRNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series UNIQUE CONTINUATION OF CERTAIN WEIGHTED RAY TRANSFORMSRNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Reconstruction problems in rich tomography I.RNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Adaptive Intrusive Methods for Forward UQ in PDE ModelsDDE - The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series PaLEnTIR: a Parametric Level Set-based Approach to Image Reconstruction and RestorationRNT - Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Helicity in dispersive continuum mechanicsHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stokes drift and impurity transport in a quantum fluidHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series From transseries to singularities in Painleve I and beyondARA2 - Applicable resurgent asymptotics: towards a universal theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Visualization and Numerical Modeling of Localized Mixing by Self-Interacting Internal Wave BeamsHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Fokas diagonalizationHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Special function solutions of Painlevé equations: some applications and some asymptoticsARA2 - Applicable resurgent asymptotics: towards a universal theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Elliptic finite-band potentials of a non-self-adjoint Zakharov-Shabat operator.HYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Mixed Gevrey AsymptoticsARA2 - Applicable resurgent asymptotics: towards a universal theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Integrable discretizations of integrable nonlinear differential equations with hodograph transformationsHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Coupled Systems of Nonlinear, Dispersive SystemsHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Localized origin at the core-mantle boundary of the 1969 geomagnetic impulseDYT2 - Frontiers in dynamo theory: from the Earth to the stars
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Singularity formation for reduced models of fluid equationsHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Hamiltonian shocksHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Water waves: Theory, computations and applicationsHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Holographic thermal correlators from supersymmetric instantons.ARA2 - Applicable resurgent asymptotics: towards a universal theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Dispersive shock waves, traveling waves, and defect solutions of the Kawahara equation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Exponential asymptotics for nonlinear waves in particle chains using numerical analytic continuationARA2 - Applicable resurgent asymptotics: towards a universal theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The threefold way to quantum periods: q-WKB periods, TBA and q-Painlevé equationsARA2 - Applicable resurgent asymptotics: towards a universal theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Gene Parker’s ScienceDYT2 - Frontiers in dynamo theory: from the Earth to the stars
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stokes waves in conformal plane: the Hamiltonian variables and instabilitiesHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A new model of strongly nonlinear latticesHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Discussions FauvetAR2W02 - Mathematics of beyond all-orders phenomena
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Resurgence in the 2d O(N) sigma-modelsARA2 - Applicable resurgent asymptotics: towards a universal theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Boundary conditions in MRI and Dynamo ExperimentsDYT2 - Frontiers in dynamo theory: from the Earth to the stars
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Global asymptotic analysis of the Painleve equations: The Isomonodromy-Riemann-Hilbert approachARA2 - Applicable resurgent asymptotics: towards a universal theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The solutions of Painlevé equations in terms of Fredholm determinants and consequences.ARA2 - Applicable resurgent asymptotics: towards a universal theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Hydrodynamics of nematic liquid crystal models in statistical thermodynamicsHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Wave patterns generated by large-amplitude rogue waves and their universal characterHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On the Algebraic Solutions of the Painlev\'e-III (D$_7$) EquationARA2 - Applicable resurgent asymptotics: towards a universal theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Dave Johnson
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Painlevé I and exact WKB: studying Stokes phenomenon analytically and numericallyARA2 - Applicable resurgent asymptotics: towards a universal theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Different Flavors of Asymptotics in Random Permutations and Their Impact on Computing Finite-Size EffectsARA2 - Applicable resurgent asymptotics: towards a universal theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Emergent spin-orbit coupling and rotating skyrmions: INI-RIMS Collaboration.HYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Emergent hydrodynamics of soliton gases in integrable systems: INI-RIMS CollaborationHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On some linear and non-linear inverse problems related to Painlevé functionsARA2 - Applicable resurgent asymptotics: towards a universal theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Soliton equations and geometric flowsHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Dispersive wave behavior in first-order hyperbolic systemsHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Mining Perturbation Theory: Resurgence-Inspired Extrapolation and Analytic ContinuationARA2 - Applicable resurgent asymptotics: towards a universal theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Continued fractions, orthogonal polynomials and hyperelliptic curvesARA2 - Applicable resurgent asymptotics: towards a universal theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On Bernstein's proof of the meromorphic continuation of Eisenstein seriesNCN2 - New connections in number theory and physics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Single-valued periods in string theoryNCN2 - New connections in number theory and physics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Deep holes in vertex operator algebrasNCN2 - New connections in number theory and physics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multiple zeta values and deformation quantizationNCN2 - New connections in number theory and physics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Doubly periodic travelling gravity-capillary and hydroelastic surface wavesHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multi-dimensional Jordan chain and Navier-Stokes equationHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Large mode-2 internal solitary waves in three-layer flowsHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Nonlocal Formulations, Inverse Problems, & Conservation Laws for Water WavesHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Padé approximations on Riemann Surfaces and applicationsHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Periodic and double periodic waves in NLS: existence and stabilityHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The search for the exotic in Subfactors and Conformal Field TheoryNCN2 - New connections in number theory and physics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Penumbral Moonshine: Relations and Implications 2NCN2 - New connections in number theory and physics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Integrable reductions of the KP-Whitham modulation systemHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Numerical spectral synthesis of soliton and breather gasHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On spectral theory of soliton gases for integrable equations, Part 2: Recent developmentsHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The concept of "mass" according to physicists and mathematiciansNCN2 - New connections in number theory and physics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Penumbral Moonshine: Relations and Implications 1NCN2 - New connections in number theory and physics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series From Drinfeld-Sokolov bihamiltonian structures to Dubrovin-Frobenius manifoldsHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On spectral theory of soliton gases for integrable equations, Part 1: Brief introduction. Part 1HYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lecture 2 - Analysis of Riemann - Hilbert problems, some nuts and bolts, and applications to the detailed description of solitonic interactions for the KdV equation and MKdV equation.HYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Ecosystem: DiscussionVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Ecosystem: CertiKOS approachesVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Ecosystem: seL4 approachesVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Ecosystem: BedRockVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Ecosystem: RefinedCVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Ecosystem: VeriFastVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Ecosystem: VSTVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Ecosystem: IntroductionVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Security and cryptoVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Security and cryptoVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Compiler verificationVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Compiler verificationVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Symplectic matrices and the Bloch groupKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Rust verificationVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Rust verificationVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Logarithmic intersection theory and enumerative geometryKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A wave-by-wave study of particle dynamics in the surf zoneHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Algebraic K-theory of monoid algebrasKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Formal Wasm: WasmCert Isabelle and WasmCert-CoqVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Counting (tropical) curvesKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The log-local-open CorrespondenceKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Effect Handlers for WebAssembly: Sam LindleyVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Formal Wasm: Wasm with capability typesVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Formal Wasm: Lightning TalksVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Formal Wasm: Wasm 2.0 and BeyondVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Model Checking: Model Checking for Hardware Design: Where do we stand?VSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Model Checking: SMT-Based Software Model CheckingVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Model Checking: Accelerating Statistical Model Checking for COVID19VSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Model checking: Neural Termination AnalysisVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Model Checking: Around verification: Explaining specifications and outputs of the model checker.VSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Model Checking: Parameter Synthesis in Probabilistic ModelsVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Model Checking: Using Model Checking Tools to Triage the Severity of Security Bugs in Xen HypervisorVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Model Checking: Reasoning about Parameterized Loop Programs sans Loop InvariantsVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Algorithms for matrix groups: success, failure, challengeGRA2 - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Rust VerificationVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Rust VerificationVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Michael Greenberg - Teaching Discrete Mathematics to Early Undergraduates using CoqVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Software Foundations, 15 years onVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Ralph-Johan BackVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Mentorship for Formal MethodsVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Teaching Mechanized SemanticsVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Tim Nelson - Getting Students to PropertiesVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Bob Harper - Principles of Programming Languages at CMUVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Calculating with fusion system and a couple of speculationsGRA2 - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Absorbing conditions for dispersive equationsHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Simplices in the Calabi-Yau webKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Synthesis United: Reactive Synthesis modulo Theories Benedikt MaderbacherVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Synthesis United: Can reactive synthesis and syntax-guided synthesis be friends? - Mark SantolucitoVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Synthesis United: Boolean Functional Synthesis: Some Recent AdvancesVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Reactive Synthesis tutorialVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stattic Analysis (Barthe)VSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Static AnalysisVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series An introduction to the theory of localitiesGRA2 - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series p-adic Hodge theory and Chow groups of Calabi-Yau 3-foldsKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Free resolutions from opposite Schubert varieties in minuscule homogeneous spacesKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Verified Software Toolchains: Towards algebraic foundations for alignmentVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Verified Software Toolchains: Separation is all you need - Foundations for Modular Verification of Realistic Concurrent ProgramsVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Verified Software Toolchains: Fiat-CryptographyVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Verified Software Toolchains: Foundational verification of C programs using VSTVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Verified Software Toolchains: CN: A separation logic refinement type system for CVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Verified Software Toolchains: Islaris: Verification of Machine Code Against Authoritative ISA SemanticsVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Mirror Clemens-Schmid SequenceKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A recursive formula for plethysm coefficients and some applicationsGRA2 - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Néron models of generalized JacobiansKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Verified Machine LearningVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Verified Machine LearningVSO2 - Verified software
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A soliton gas versus a solitonHYD2 - Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Unisingular irreducible representations of finite groups of Lie type in the natural characteristicGRA2 - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Syntomic complexes of regular schemesKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Bloch-Kato Conjectures and Rational Points on CurvesKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The soluble graph of a finite groupGRA2 - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Bott’s residue formula in A1-enumerative geometryKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series From the order of vanishing of $L$-function of elliptic curves to the universal main conjecture for eigencuspforms and backKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Localization theorem for algebraic stacksKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Monodromy groups of rational functionsGRA2 - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Motivic invariants of birational mapsKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Fusion system, p-completed classifying spaces, loops, (co)singularity categoriesGRA2 - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Title and abstract tba (copy)KAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Active Brownian Particles and ChemotaxisFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Active Brownian Particles and chemotaxisFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Active Brownian Particles and chemotaxisTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Phase Transitions in Geophysical TurbulenceFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Phase Transitions in Geophysical TurbulenceTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Phase Transitions in Geophysical Turbulence (copy)FDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Bounds for the diameters of orbital graphs of affine groupsGRA2 - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lower bound on the radius of analyticity for solutions of Navier-StokesTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Cycles in Permutation GroupsGRA2 - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Bacterial Turbulence: A comparison with its fluid-turbulence counterpartTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Adapting the Fokas transform method to solve certain fractional PDEsFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Adapting the Fokas transform method to solve certain fractional PDEsFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Adapting the Fokas transform method to solve certain fractional PDEsTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On Energy Conservation for the hydrostatic Euler equations: an Onsager ConjectureTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On Energy Conservation for the hydrostatic Euler equations: an Onsager ConjectureFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On Energy Conservation for the hydrostatic Euler equations: an Onsager ConjectureFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Convergence to equilibrium and photon condensation in the Kompaneets model of Compton scatteringFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A proof of Harris-type theorems based on semigroup argumentsFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Standard Generators of Finite Fields and their Cyclic SubgroupsGRA2 - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Elementary excitations for the 3D Navier-Stokes equationsTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series How many subgroups are there in a finite group?GRA2 - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lecture series - break
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Decomposition of spin representations of symmetric groups in characteristic 2GRA2 - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On Sharpness for Fusion SystemsGRA2 - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Methods for finding rational pointsKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Automorphic forms, Galois representationsKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series title and abstract tbcGRA2 - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Hodge theory, Mumford-Tate groupsKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Iwasawa theory : ONLINEKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Chuck Weibel: K-theory, motivic cohomology, Chow groups IIKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Akilesh Verma title and abstract tbaFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Akilesh Verma title and abstract tbaFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Akilesh Verma title and abstract tbaTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Jo Evans title and abstract tbaTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Jo Evans title and abstract tbaFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Jo Evans title and abstract tbaFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Intermittency in turbulence and the 3D Navier-Stokes regularity problem - virtual talkTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Nikita Simonov - Stability in Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev inequalitiesFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series title and abstract tbaFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Simple binary permutation groupsGRA2 - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Toward data-driven reduced-order modeling and control of flows with complex chaotic dynamicsTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series K-theory, motivic cohomology, Chow groups IKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multizeta values and associators in genus zero and oneKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Nonlocal quadratic forms with visibility constraint (joint work with Moritz Kassmann)FKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Nonlocal quadratic forms with visibility constraint (joint work with Moritz Kassmann)TUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Nonlocal quadratic forms with visibility constraint (joint work with Moritz Kassmann)FDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Self-reinforcement, superdiffusion and subdiffusionFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Self-reinforcement, superdiffusion and subdiffusionTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Self-reinforcement, superdiffusion and subdiffusionFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Kodaira-Spencer isomorphisms and Hecke correspondencesKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Free boundary limit and rate of convergence for tumour growth models with a driftFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Cluster expansion on cluster pathsFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Reduction Theorems for Generalised Block Fusion SystemsGRA2 - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Small-scale statistics at very high but finite Reynolds numbersTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A motivic Weil height machine for curvesKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series How to extract a spectrum from hydrodynamic equationsTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On the Hochschild cohomology of finite group algebrasGRA2 - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Tautological algebra of the moduli space of vector bundles on a curveKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Nearby motivic sheaves of weighted equivariant functionsKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Some open questions on defining characteristic representationsGRA2 - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Characters and character sheaves of finite groups of Lie typeGRA2 - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Vanishing negative K-theory and bounded t-structuresKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Motives with modulus over a baseKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Some computational methods for kinetic transport equationsFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A kinetic description of the strong interaction regime in a FitzHug-Nagumo neural network.FKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Height zero characters in principal blocksGRA2 - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Gravitational Settling in Turbulent Flows: Water Droplets, Ice Crystals and FilamentsTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multiple polylogarithms, and Zagier's Conjecture revisitedKAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On the incompressible limit for tumour growth models including convective effectsTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On the incompressible limit for tumour growth models including convective effectsFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The expanding configuration of radiational gaseous starsTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The expanding configuration of radiational gaseous starsFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Franchetta conjecture for vector bundles.KAH2 - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Boltzmann flows in a general framework: from the classical, to gas mixtures, to polyatomic gases - Part 2FKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Boltzmann flows in a general framework: from the classical, to gas mixtures, to polyatomic gases Part 1FKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Learning from the McKay conjectureGRA2 - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series (In)stability of an anisotropic micropolar fluidTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series (In)stability of an anisotropic micropolar fluidFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series (In)stability of an anisotropic micropolar fluidFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Uniqueness of shock waves under small perturbations for the Isentropic Euler EquationsTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Uniqueness of shock waves under small perturbations for the Isentropic Euler EquationsFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Uniqueness of shock waves under small perturbations for the Isentropic Euler EquationsFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Analysis of a rotationally constrained convection modelTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Modelling bet-hedging: A link between cancer and the emergence of multicellularityFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multi-scale modeling of Arctic sea ice: Toward a kinetic theory viewpointFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Conservation of energy, weak transport and vanishing viscosity in 2D -- Lecture 3TUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Conservation of energy, weak transport and vanishing viscosity in 2D -- Lecture 2TUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Mini course: Spectral Theory on the Fractals: Lecture 6: Airy hierarchical model and its random perturbations.FDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Carleman estimates for fractional relativistic operatorsFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Conservation of energy, weak transport and vanishing viscosity in 2D -- Lecture 1TUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Fractional Differential Equations Arising from Stochastic Dynamical SystemsFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Mini course: Spectral Theory on the Fractals: Lecture 5 Continuous hierarchical models. Localization theorem for the class of the random potentials of the finite rank.FDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Mourre estimate for non-local Schrödinger operatorsFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Transport problem for the random forced Burgers equation and the KPZ (Kardar-Parisi-Zhang) phenomenonTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Insights from numerical simulations of the dissipative Euler flowTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stochastic Rayleigh-B´enard Convective AdjustmentTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series title and abstract tbaFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Global Minimizers of a Large Class of Anisotropic Attractive-Repulsive Interaction Energies in 2DFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Navier-Stokes is Wrong at Sub-Kolmogorov Scales and Why It MattersTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Addressing anamolous diffusion of turbulent flows using fractional derivativesFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Addressing anamolous diffusion of turbulent flows using fractional derivativesTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Addressing anamolous diffusion of turbulent flows using fractional derivativesFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On some multifractal modelsFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On some multifractal modelsTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On some multifractal models (copy)FDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Uncertainty quantification for kinetic equations of emergent phenomenaFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Concentration in parabolic Lotka-Volterra equations : an asymptotic-preserving scheme Helene HivertFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Toward a Wong-Zakai approximation for big order generatorsFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Nonlocal regional operators and the corresponding stochastic processesFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Semigroup properties for multi-dimensional fractional integral operatorsFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Near-wall turbulence intensity scales as inverse of ln Re_tau, if boundedTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Mini course: Spectral Theory on the Fractals: Lecture 1 - Fractal lattices. The Sierpinski lattice as a typical example. Random walks on these lattices.FDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series RZIF? SCM?TUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On the opposite reaction of wall-bounded laminar and turbulent flow to slow perturbationsTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On a mixed singular/switching control problem with multiple regimesFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Rare events and the transition to turbulenceTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Functional time series approach for inference on multifractional partial pseudodifferential equationsFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Feedback Control with Fractional Operators: Classical and Modern Control ApproachesFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On an Elo-type ranking modelFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Kinetic Inverse ProblemsFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A fractional generalisation of the Dirichlet distributionFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Limit theorems, financial applications and entropy of fractional Brownian motion: solved and unsolved problemsFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Intermittent non-linear systems with noise. A derivation from first principles.FDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series There is Plenty of Fractional at the Botton: Fractional Calculus in MicroroboticsFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series title and abstract tbaTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A unified theory of exact coherent structures and roughness effects in shear flowsTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series High order moment scaling laws in wall-bounded turbulent shear flows and beyondTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Energy balance for weak solutions of the 2D Incompressible Euler equations.TUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Continuum models of kinetic many-particle systems with short-range interactions and clusteringFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series How to obtain quantitative hypocoercivity estimates by using Harris-type theoremsFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Energy balance for weak solutions of the 2D Incompressible Euler equations.TUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Revisit singularity formation for the inviscid primitive equationsTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Using Data to Accurately and Efficiently Model Turbulent Flows: Data Assimilation & Parameter RecoveryFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Using Data to Accurately and Efficiently Model Turbulent Flows: Data Assimilation & Parameter RecoveryFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Using Data to Accurately and Efficiently Model Turbulent Flows: Data Assimilation & Parameter RecoveryTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Asymptotic-preserving dynamical low-rank discretization of kinetic plasma models (copy) (copy)FKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Asymptotic-preserving dynamical low-rank discretization of kinetic plasma models (copy)FDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Asymptotic-preserving dynamical low-rank approximations to the Vlasov-Fokker-Planck systemTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Macroscopic behaviour in a two-species exclusion process via the method of matched asymptoticsFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Projective and Telescopic Projective Integration for Kinetic MixturesFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Non-local Schrödinger operators with eigenvalues at the spectral edgeFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Semi-Markov approach to anomalous diffusionFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Fractality and multifractality of Markov processesFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Generalized Fractional Ostrowski and Grüss type inequalities involving several Banach algebra valued functionsFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Diffusive Representations of Fractional Differential Operators and Their Use in Numerical Fractional CalculusFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Theory of Bernstein-Gamma functions and asymptotics of densities of exponential functionals of subordinatorsFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Logarithmic profile of the mean turbulent velocity and recent developments about its universality.TUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Blow-up criteria for an SPDE model of chemotaxis Speaker: Avi MayorcasTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Blow-up criteria for an SPDE model of chemotaxis Speaker: Avi MayorcasFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Blow-up criteria for an SPDE model of chemotaxis Speaker: Avi MayorcasFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Compressible flows and zero Mach number limitTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Using Data to Accurately and Efficiently Model Turbulent Flows: Data Assimilation & Parameter RecoveryTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Algebraic function based Banach space valued ordinary and fractional neural network approximationsFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Wright and Whittaker Functions in Time Fractional Diffusion ProblemsFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Random Schrödinger operator on fractalsFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Who takes part in social contact surveys? A mixed methods analysis of participation with relevance to epidemic modellingJUN - INI supports the JUNIPER consortium
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Random walks and fractional Euler-Poisson-Darboux equationFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Velocity-pressure correlation in Navier--Stokes flows and the problem of global regularityTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A back door to blow-up: Inviscid regularization for the 3D Euler and Navier-Stokes equationsTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Phase transitions, logarithmic Sobolev inequalities, and uniform-in-time propagation of chaos for weakly interacting diffusionsFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A variational approach to mean field games with control on the accelerationFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Chaos and turbulence in stochastic fluid mechanics: What is it and how could we study it?TUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The role of pressure in an incompressible Euler singularityTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Semigroup methods for the derivation of Boltzmann-type equations from deterministic particle dynamicsFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On heavy tails propagation in an Integrate and Fire NetworkFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On some interpretations of fractional-order operatorsFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Weak Martingale Solutions for the Stochastic Nonlinear Fractional Schrödinger EquationsFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Introduction to Polynomial OptimizationTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Auxiliary Functions for Bounded Time AveragesTUR - Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Chemotactic clustering with discontinuous advectionFKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Spatially dependent collision rates in the Goldstein-Taylor model (and possibly other spatially inhomogeneous kinetic equations)FKT - Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales - KineCon 2022
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Fractional diffusion of cold atoms in optical latticesFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Li-Yau inequalities for general non-local diffusion equations via reduction to the heat kernel - Rico ZacherFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series ABSTRACT FRACTIONAL MONOTONE CONSTRAINED BIVARIATE APPROXIMATIONFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On fractional Wirtinger derivatives for complex analysisFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Strong dissipativity of generalized time-fractional derivatives and quasi-linear (stochastic) partial differential equationsFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Probabilistic representation for the solutions of generalized fractional equations and generalized operator-valued Mittag-Leffler functionsFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series FDE2 Organiser talks - Non-existence of solutions to fractional stochastic heat equationsFDE2 - Fractional differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Quasi-cluster algebrasCAR - Cluster algebras and representation theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series r-adaptivity, deep learning and optimal transportMDL - Mathematics of deep learning
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Depth Without the Magic: Inductive Bias of Natural Gradient DescentMDL - Mathematics of deep learning
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Representation Theory of Neural NetworksCAR - Cluster algebras and representation theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Deep Learning in High Dimension: Neural Network Approximation of Analytic Maps of Gaussians.MDL - Mathematics of deep learning
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Pictures and Picture Groups, Lecture 3: Pro-pictures and associated Pro-groupsCAR - Cluster algebras and representation theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Scattering diagrams for generalized cluster algebrasCAR - Cluster algebras and representation theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The troublesome kernel — On AI generated hallucinations in deep learning for inverse problemsMDL - Mathematics of deep learning
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series MDL Reading GroupMDL - Mathematics of deep learning
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Wasserstein Embeddings in the Deep Learning EraMDL - Mathematics of deep learning
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Pictures and Picture Groups, Lecture II, More on Picture Groups for Valued Quivers & Cubical Structures of Cluster Morphism CategoriesCAR - Cluster algebras and representation theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Simple-mindedness in negative Calabi-Yau cluster categories of the hereditary typeCAR - Cluster algebras and representation theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Equivariant multiplicities via representations of quantum affine algebrasCAR - Cluster algebras and representation theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On super Plucker embedding and cluster algebrasCAR - Cluster algebras and representation theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On Categorifications of Non-Integer QuiversCAR - Cluster algebras and representation theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lecture Series 1CAR - Cluster algebras and representation theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On wide subcategoriesCAR - Cluster algebras and representation theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lecture series: Selected topics in the mathematics of deep learning: Sobolev regularization of stochastic gradient descent for deep learningMDL - Mathematics of deep learning
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Mean field theory in Inverse Problems: from Bayesian inference to overparameterization of networksMDL - Mathematics of deep learning
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lecture series: Selected topics in the mathematics of deep learning: Solving inverse problems with deep learningMDL - Mathematics of deep learning
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lecture series: Selected topics in the mathematics of deep learning: Neural networks and partial differential equationsMDL - Mathematics of deep learning
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series MDL Reading GroupMDL - Mathematics of deep learning
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Some structural questions about cluster algebrasCAR - Cluster algebras and representation theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Joint Reconstruction-Segmentation with Graph PDEsMDL - Mathematics of deep learning
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Double Dimer Covers on Snake Graphs from Super Cluster ExpansionsCAR - Cluster algebras and representation theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On ResNet type neural network architectures and their stability propertiesMDL - Mathematics of deep learning
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Optimal reconstruction of functions from their truncated power series at a pointARA - Applicable resurgent asymptotics: towards a universal theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series IDP EstimationIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Endemicity or EliminationIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series DataIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Estimation - SEJ - Phillip Dawid and Will ProbertIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Why is Covid such a wicked problem Bernard Silverman - Chris Dye - Andrew DobsonIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series InterventionsIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Emerging InfectionsIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Politics and PolicyIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Data RequirementsIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Data RequirementsIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Reopening of SchoolsIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Contact TracingIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series COVID -19 and higher education: speakers and titles to be advisedIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series tbaIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series tbaIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Session 2: Advanced Uncertainty Quantification: History matching and ABCIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Session 2: Advanced Uncertainty Quantification: UQ for Metawards: a spatial COVID-19 transmission modelIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Session 2: Advanced Uncertainty Quantification: Combinations of model predictionsIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Streetspace allocation analysis in London, Nicolas PalominosIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Session 1: Advanced Uncertainty Quantification: Discussion SessionIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Session 1: Advanced Uncertainty Quantification: Model CalibrationIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Session 1: Advanced Uncertainty Quantification: Multilevel EmulationIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series BreakIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Epidemic simulation and scenario planning: Gavin Shaddick, Nick MallesonIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Introduction and overview, Mark BirkinIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series DiscussionIDPW04 - Within-Host Modelling
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Modelling virus infections in the context of cancer therapies (and other diseases)IDPW04 - Within-Host Modelling
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stochastic dynamics of Francisella Tularensis infectionIDPW04 - Within-Host Modelling
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Uncertainty QuantificationIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series DiscussionIDPW03 - R - How to estimate and what does it mean?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series TBCIDPW03 - R - How to estimate and what does it mean?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lorenzo Pellis - University of ManchesterIDPW03 - R - How to estimate and what does it mean?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Frank Ball - University of NottinghamIDPW03 - R - How to estimate and what does it mean?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series DiscussionIDPW03 - R - How to estimate and what does it mean?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Katie Gostic - University of ChicagoIDPW03 - R - How to estimate and what does it mean?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series DiscussionIDPW03 - R - How to estimate and what does it mean?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Sam Abbott - London School of Hygiene and Tropical MedicineIDPW03 - R - How to estimate and what does it mean?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Eben Kenah - Ohio State UniversityIDPW03 - R - How to estimate and what does it mean?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Robin Thompson (EpiEstim)IDPW03 - R - How to estimate and what does it mean?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Jane Heffernan - York University TorontoIDPW03 - R - How to estimate and what does it mean?
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Modelling for SARS-CoV2 - what can we learn from China? Questions and discussionsIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Contact Tracing follow-up discussionsIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series DiscussionsIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series BreakIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Five Challenges for Spatial Epidemic ModelsIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Talk on PyRossGeo - Ronojoy AdhikariIDP - Infectious Dynamics of Pandemics: Mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Bobby Reiner (HME) - IHME covid19 modelIDPW02 - Models old and new
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Niel Hens - a modelling perspective on the Covid 19 coronavirus outbreak in BelgiumIDPW02 - Models old and new
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Developing monitoring indicators and models for disease outbreaks in care homesIDPW02 - Models old and new
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Statistical models for bipartite contact networks: methods and dataIDPW02 - Models old and new
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Vittoria Colizza ( INSERM) - Infection control in facilitiesIDPW02 - Models old and new
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Socio-spatial networksIDPW02 - Models old and new
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Uncertainty QuantificationIDPW02 - Models old and new
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lorenzo Pellis - ManchesterIDPW02 - Models old and new
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series LSHTM - COVID19 modelling and open outbreak scienceIDPW02 - Models old and new
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Motivic homotopy and motivic cohomology.KAH - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series K-theory and motivic cohomology (including the Lichtenbaum conjecture for zetaF(1-2i)).KAH - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Iwasawa theory, special values of L-functions, and regulators, I.KAH - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Regulators and the plectic polylogarithmKAH - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Decomposition matrices for quasi-isolated blocks of exceptional groupsGRA - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Higher arithmetic Chow groups.KAH - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Fusion systems with Benson-Solomon componentsGRA - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Chow-Witt groups and the real cycle class map.KAH - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Unipotent elements in irreducible representations of simple algebraic groupsGRA - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A construction of Witt complexes via residual complexes.KAH - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Summands of tensor powers of modules for a finite groupGRA - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The transcendental motive of a a cubic fourfoldKAH - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Higher height paining and extensions of mixed Hodge structures.KAH - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Hyperbolic generalized triangle groups, property (T) and finite simple quotientsGRA - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Motivic tt-geometryKAH - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Jordan decomposition for the Alperin-McKay conjectureGRA - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A rigid analytic approach to Hyodo-Kato theoryKAH - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series 3/2-GenerationGRA - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Mixed graded structures for the K-theory of Azumaya algebrasKAH - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Graphs with lots of symmetry - a local perspectiveGRA - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Tensor-triangular fieldsKAH - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Golyshev-Zagier Second PaperKAH - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A new look at permutation groups of simple diagonal typeGRA - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Isomorphism, derivations, and Lie representationsGRA - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Enriques surface fibrations with non-algebraic integral Hodge classesKAH - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Rational and p-local motivic homotopy theoryKAH - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On the local Tamagawa number conjecture and functional equations of Euler systemsKAH - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Automorphism orbits of groups and the MonsterGRA - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Variational Hodge conjecture and Hodge lociKAH - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Irreducible restrictions of representations of symmetric and alternating groupsGRA - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Toroidal compactifications and incompressibility of exceptional congruence covers.KAH - K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A Mystery in Finite Groups of Even OrderGRA - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On the Chebotarev invariant of a finite groupGRA - Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Towards a model of a deformable aerofoilCAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Numerical approximations of a tractable mathematical model for tissue growthGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lost in Translation: Crack Problems in Different LanguagesCAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Riemann-Hilbert problems of the theory of automorphic functions and inverse problems of elasticity and cavitating flow for multiply connected domainsCAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Some old and new moving boundary problems for Hele-Shaw flowCAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Symmetric Orthogonal PolynomialsCAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Symmetric Orthogonal PolynomialsGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Deep learning as optimal control problems and Riemannian discrete gradient descent.GCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Hamiltonian Monte Carlo on Homogeneous Manifolds for QCD and Statistics.GCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A Monte Carlo method to sample a StratificationGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Step size control for Newton type MCMC samplers Jonathan GoodmanGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series title tbaGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series CANCELLEDGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Unified Transform, Medical Imaging, Asymptotics of the Riemann Zeta Function: Part IICAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Unified Transform, Medical Imaging, Asymptotics of the Riemann Zeta Function: Part ICAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Some results in the long time analysis of Hamiltonian PDEs and their numerical approximationsGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series An Older Special Function meets a (Slightly) Newer OneCAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Random Batch Methods for Interacting Particle Systems and Consensus-based Global Non-convex Optimization in High-dimensional Machine Learning (copy)GCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Experiments ad theory for anomalous waves induced by abrupt depth changesCAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A Reynolds-robust preconditioner for the 3D stationary Navier-Stokes equationsGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Deep Neural Networks and Multigrid MethodsGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Spectral deferred correction in particle-in-cell methodsGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Challenges for modelling fusion plasmasGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Numerical treatment of charged particle dynamics in a magnetic fieldGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On structure-preserving particle-in-cell methods for the Vlasov-Maxwell equationsGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series High-order splitting for the Vlasov-Poisson equationGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Harmonic Analysis on Uniformly Rectifiable Sets and Applications to Complex Analysis of a Single and Several VariablesCAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Riemann-Hilbert method. Toeplitz determinants as a case studyCAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Riemann-Hilbert method. Toeplitz determinants as a case studyCAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Free-boundary problems, singularities and exponential asymptoticsCAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Time-dependent conformal mapping techniques applied to fluid sloshing problemsCAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Time-dependent conformal mapping techniques applied to fluid sloshing problemsCAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Collective coordinates, asymptotics and domain wall dynamics in ferromagnetsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Collective coordinates, asymptotics and domain wall dynamics in ferromagnetsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Diffeomorphisms of unit circle, shape analysis and some non-linear PDEsCAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Diffeomorphisms of unit circle, shape analysis and some non-linear PDEsCAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Approximation of eigenvalue problems arising from partial differential equations: examples and counterexamplesGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Approximation of eigenvalue problems arising from partial differential equations: examples and counterexamplesGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Numerical Computation of Hausdorff DimensionGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Numerical Computation of Hausdorff DimensionGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A heuristic introduction to the applications of Wiener-Hopf factorisation in random processesCAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A heuristic introduction to the applications of Wiener-Hopf factorisation in random processesCAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The joys and pains of multi-variable complex analysis: an informal introductionCAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The joys and pains of multi-variable complex analysis: an informal introductionCAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Conformal mapping, Hamiltonian methods and integrability of surface dynamicsCAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Conformal mapping, Hamiltonian methods and integrability of surface dynamicsCAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Newest Results in Newest Vertex BisectionGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Newest Results in Newest Vertex BisectionGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert Problems (continued)CAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert Problems (continued)CAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Energy preserving spectral methods on the real line whose analysis strays into the complex planeCAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Energy preserving spectral methods on the real line whose analysis strays into the complex planeCAT - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Energy preserving spectral methods on the real line whose analysis strays into the complex plane (copy)GCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Energy preserving spectral methods on the real line whose analysis strays into the complex plane (copy)GCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Variational systems on the variational bicomplexGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Variational systems on the variational bicomplexGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Constructing Discontinuous Galerkin methods for Vlasov-type systemsGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Constructing Discontinuous Galerkin methods for Vlasov-type systemsGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Numerical preservation of local conservation lawsGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Numerical preservation of local conservation lawsGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Conservation laws and Euler operatorsGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Conservation laws and Euler operatorsGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Numerical Integrators for the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo MethodGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Numerical Integrators for the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo MethodGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Mixed order and multirate variational integrators for the simulation of dynamics on different time scalesGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Mixed order and multirate variational integrators for the simulation of dynamics on different time scalesGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Variational formulations for dissipative systemsGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Variational formulations for dissipative systemsGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lie-Poisson methods for isospectral flows and their application to long-time simulation of spherical ideal hydrodynamicsGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lie-Poisson methods for isospectral flows and their application to long-time simulation of spherical ideal hydrodynamicsGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Computational geometric optics: Monge-AmpereGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Computational geometric optics: Monge-AmpereGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On branching of analytic functions in 2D complex spaceWHT - Bringing pure and applied analysis together via the Wiener-Hopf technique, its generalisations and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On branching of analytic functions in 2D complex spaceWHT - Bringing pure and applied analysis together via the Wiener-Hopf technique, its generalisations and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Scattering by a periodic array of slits with complex boundaries via the Wiener--Hopf methodWHT - Bringing pure and applied analysis together via the Wiener-Hopf technique, its generalisations and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Scattering by a periodic array of slits with complex boundaries via the Wiener--Hopf methodWHT - Bringing pure and applied analysis together via the Wiener-Hopf technique, its generalisations and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series High-contrast approximation for penetrable wedge diffractionWHT - Bringing pure and applied analysis together via the Wiener-Hopf technique, its generalisations and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series High-contrast approximation for penetrable wedge diffractionWHT - Bringing pure and applied analysis together via the Wiener-Hopf technique, its generalisations and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Contact Hamiltonian system and its application in solving Vlasov-Poisson Fokker-Planck systemGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Contact Hamiltonian system and its application in solving Vlasov-Poisson Fokker-Planck systemGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series More on composition methods: error estimation and pseudo-symmetryGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series More on composition methods: error estimation and pseudo-symmetryGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Finite element methods for Hamiltonian PDEsGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Finite element methods for Hamiltonian PDEsGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Numerical General RelativityGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Numerical General RelativityGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Lie algebra of classical mechanicsGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Lie algebra of classical mechanicsGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Fast approximation on the real lineGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Fast approximation on the real lineGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Optimal control and the geometry of integrable systemsGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Optimal control and the geometry of integrable systemsGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Computational methods for simulating inertial particles in discrete incompressible flows.GCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Computational methods for simulating inertial particles in discrete incompressible flows.GCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Connections Between Discrete Geometric Mechanics, Information Geometry and Machine LearningGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Connections Between Discrete Geometric Mechanics, Information Geometry and Machine LearningGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Exterior Shape CalculusGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Exterior Shape CalculusGCS - Geometry, compatibility and structure preservation in computational differential equations
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Networks for Species to Survive Climate ChangeEBD - Mathematical and statistical challenges in landscape decision making
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Networks for Species to Survive Climate ChangeEBD - Mathematical and statistical challenges in landscape decision making
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Best of Both WorldsEBD - Mathematical and statistical challenges in landscape decision making
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Best of Both WorldsEBD - Mathematical and statistical challenges in landscape decision making
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Peter AlexanderEBD - Mathematical and statistical challenges in landscape decision making
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Peter AlexanderEBD - Mathematical and statistical challenges in landscape decision making
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Model Discrepancy - Part 2EBD - Mathematical and statistical challenges in landscape decision making
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Model Discrepancy - Part 2EBD - Mathematical and statistical challenges in landscape decision making
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Model DiscrepancyEBD - Mathematical and statistical challenges in landscape decision making
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Model DiscrepancyEBD - Mathematical and statistical challenges in landscape decision making
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Optimal design problemsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Optimal design problemsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Explicit integral representations of the relaxation of non-local energies for structured deformationsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Explicit integral representations of the relaxation of non-local energies for structured deformationsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Virial inversion and microscopic derivation of density functionalsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Virial inversion and microscopic derivation of density functionalsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Sparse forms for Bochner-Riesz operatorsASC - Approximation, sampling and compression in data science
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Sparse forms for Bochner-Riesz operatorsASC - Approximation, sampling and compression in data science
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Approximation via Deep Neural NetworksASC - Approximation, sampling and compression in data science
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Approximation via Deep Neural NetworksASC - Approximation, sampling and compression in data science
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Topology optimization of structures: a review of manufacturing constraintsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Topology optimization of structures: a review of manufacturing constraintsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Quantitative immersability of Riemann metrics and the infinite hierarchy of prestrained shell modelsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Quantitative immersability of Riemann metrics and the infinite hierarchy of prestrained shell modelsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A variational perspective on wrinkling due to geometric incompatibilityDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A variational perspective on wrinkling due to geometric incompatibilityDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Hopf and Skyrme SolitonsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Hopf and Skyrme SolitonsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Gibbs Ensembles of Partitions: from limit shapes to hydrodynamic limitsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Gibbs Ensembles of Partitions: from limit shapes to hydrodynamic limitsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Recent progress in the geometric rigidity of thin domainsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Recent progress in the geometric rigidity of thin domainsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On solutions to the eikonal equation with finite entropy productionDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On solutions to the eikonal equation with finite entropy productionDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Emergence of power law in martensite microstructure of shape memory alloyDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Emergence of power law in martensite microstructure of shape memory alloyDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Magnetic skyrmions in spherical thin filmsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Magnetic skyrmions in spherical thin filmsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Medium- and particle-shape effects on electric double layersDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Medium- and particle-shape effects on electric double layersDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A homogenization result in the gradient theory of phase transitionsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A homogenization result in the gradient theory of phase transitionsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Hard and soft packing in the molecular organization of liquid crystalsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Hard and soft packing in the molecular organization of liquid crystalsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Exotic ordered structures of a thin film of a chiral liquid crystalDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Exotic ordered structures of a thin film of a chiral liquid crystalDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Passages from discrete to continuous systems allowing for fracture, external forces and heterogeneitiesDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Passages from discrete to continuous systems allowing for fracture, external forces and heterogeneitiesDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Morrey sequence spacesASC - Approximation, sampling and compression in data science
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The mathematics of charged liquid dropsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Models for self-similarity and disclinations in martensiteDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Metric Approximation of Set-Valued FunctionsASC - Approximation, sampling and compression in data science
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On some meta-materials with micro-resonators and their effective equationsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Hierarchical probabilistic forecasting of electricity demand with smart meter data : Souhaib Ben TaiebMES - The mathematics of energy systems
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Hierarchical probabilistic forecasting of electricity demand with smart meter data : Souhaib Ben TaiebMES - The mathematics of energy systems
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Marginal copula scores for multivariate foecasting evaluationMES - The mathematics of energy systems
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Marginal copula scores for multivariate foecasting evaluationMES - The mathematics of energy systems
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Generalised additive models for electricity demand forecasting : Matteo FasioloMES - The mathematics of energy systems
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Generalised additive models for electricity demand forecasting : Matteo FasioloMES - The mathematics of energy systems
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Aspect of High Dimensional Energy Modelling and ForecastingMES - The mathematics of energy systems
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Aspect of High Dimensional Energy Modelling and ForecastingMES - The mathematics of energy systems
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multiple forecasting based on time series PCAsMES - The mathematics of energy systems
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multiple forecasting based on time series PCAsMES - The mathematics of energy systems
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Effective behaviour of critical-contrast PDEs: micro-resonances, frequency conversion, and time dispersive properties.DNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Optimal design of multi-component fractured mediaDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series New directions for random searchDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Robust and online learning with the BOA algorithm : Olivier WintenbergerMES - The mathematics of energy systems
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Robust and online learning with the BOA algorithm : Olivier WintenbergerMES - The mathematics of energy systems
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Forecasting electricity consumption by aggregating forecastsMES - The mathematics of energy systems
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Forecasting electricity consumption by aggregating forecastsMES - The mathematics of energy systems
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Assisting control room operators with artificial intelligence : Antoine MarotMES - The mathematics of energy systems
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Assisting control room operators with artificial intelligence : Antoine MarotMES - The mathematics of energy systems
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Data Analytics for Short Term OperationMES - The mathematics of energy systems
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Data Analytics for Short Term OperationMES - The mathematics of energy systems
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lower semicontinuity and relaxation of nonlocal $L^\infty$ functionals.DNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Optimal honeycomb structuresDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Monotonicity formulas in linear and nonlinear potential theoryDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Zero-sum optimal switching games motivated by energy applicationsMES - The mathematics of energy systems
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Emergence of phytoplankton patchiness at small scales in mild turbulenceDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On the passage from nonlinear to linearized viscoelasticityDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Finding the optimal nets for self-folding KirigamiDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Hydrodynamic assembly of out of equilibrium colloidsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Collective coordinates, asymptotics and domain wall dynamics in ferromagnetsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Hurwitz stable and self-interlacing orthogonal polynomials.ASC - Approximation, sampling and compression in data science
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Fourier transform of a function of bounded variation: symmetry and asymmetryASC - Approximation, sampling and compression in data science
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Isoperimetric inequalities on RN with respect to homogeneous weightsDNM - The mathematical design of new materials
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A maximal function for families of Hilbert transforms along homogeneous curvesASC - Approximation, sampling and compression in data science
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Greedy algorithms in reduced modelingASC - Approximation, sampling and compression in data science
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Here Happily Have we assembledHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Pushing around, trying to stay normal and positiveHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Vanishing or non-vanishing of kappa_2HHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Spaces and cochains -- yet another approachHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Positive scalar curvature metrics on manifolds with fibred singularitiesHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Elliptic stochastic quantisationSRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Whitehead products in v_n-periodic homotopy groupsHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Wandering down the path to path homologyHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Wonderful Fulton-MacPherson operadsHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Dendroidal spaces and mapping spaces between little cubes operads.HHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series An abstract framework for a non-perturbative renormalisationSRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stochastic quantization of Yang MillsSRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Isomorphism theorems, random walks, and spin systems.SRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series More about the slice filtration and slice spectral sequenceHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Large time behavior of infinite dimensional systems under the Smoluchowski-Kramers approximationSRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Higher monoidal monomorphismsHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Spaces of merging submanifoldHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Homological stability for Artin monoidsHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On a Greenlees spectral sequenceHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Quasi-invariant Gaussian Measures for the 3D Nonlinear Wave EquationSRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Generation of random dynamical systems for SPDE with nonlinear noise.SRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Orthogonal group and adjointsHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Constructing extended AKSZ topological field theories in derived symplectic geometryHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The slice filtration and slice spectral sequenceHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Yang-Mills measure on the two-dimensional torus as a random distributionSRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Pontrjagin twistHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On the Gromov-Lawson-Rosenberg ConjectureHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Savour thy units! (or why the p-adics sometimes beats the integers)HHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Rational models for automorphisms of fiber bundlesHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Devissage theorems in algebraic K-theoryHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Kervaire invariant problem at odd primesHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A variational approach to Phi^4_3SRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Introduction to the Renormalisation GroupSRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Slice DifferentialsHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A Hermitian K-group via geometryHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series What is a pro-operad?HHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Grout (or the story of how my coauthor stopped me from naming things)HHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Introduction to the Renormalisation GroupSRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Outlining the Proof of the Kervaire Invariant TheoremHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Introduction to the Renormalisation GroupSRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Higgs MechanismSRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series E_r model structuresHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Adams before AdnamsHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Surprise!HHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Orientations old and newHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Bessel S(P)DEs : a story of renormalizationSRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Renormalisation Group Analysis of a gradient model with nonconvex interactionSRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series An introduction to topological coHochschild homologyHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Towards a non-equilibrium thermodynamics: the role of large fluctuationsSRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Towards a non-equilibrium thermodynamics: the role of large fluctuationsSRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Two skeletons in a cellular cupboardHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On the existence of ghostsHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Spooky catsHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Non-equilibrium fluctuations of interacting particle systems, lecture 3SRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Non-equilibrium fluctuations of interacting particle systems, lecture 1SRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Devissage theorems in algebraic K-theoryHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Non-equilibrium fluctuations of interacting particle systems, lecture 1SRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On the Cayley--Hamilton TheoremHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Homotopy Cobordism CategoriesHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series What does it mean to be continuous?HHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Dold-Kan correspondences and involutive factorisation systemsHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series K-theory of cuspsHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The exotic part of the Picard group of K(2)-local spectra at the prime 2HHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Tate sphere and dualityHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The 10 minute shuffleHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Orthogonal G-Spectra IIHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series TBAHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Real homotopy theoryHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Orthogonal G-Spectra IHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lecture 3 - The interacting dimer model (copy)SRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Infinite loop space machines and TQFTsHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series (Non)-formality of little discs spaces and operadsHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series To complete or make discrete? That is the question.HHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Determining the determinant sphereHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Proper, equivariant, and stable!HHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Higher THH of Z/p^m with reduced coefficientsHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The first English group theoristHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Transfer maps in A-theoryHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series 2-dimensional Yang-Mills theory and the Makeenko-Migdal equations (II)SRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Picard group of the stable module categoryHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Adelic models for Noetherian model categories (joint work with John Greenlees)HHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series 2-dimensional Yang-Mills theory and the Makeenko-Migdal equations (I)SRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Why Yang-Mills: a review of no-go results for phi^4_4SRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Rough pathsSRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series MorseTheory(On.Point) vs (MorseTheory.On)PointHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Twisted, not bitterHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Brown-Comenetz dual of some K(2)-local spectrumHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series K-theory of division algebras over local fieldsHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Why Fermions, part IISRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Slopes in homological stability, the classical wayHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Topological Hochschild homology via generalized Thom spectraHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series RO(G)-coefficient ring of constant Mackey functor via dualityHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Case of IdentityHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series BG_2 vs the JokerHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Why fermions?SRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Polynomial maps, Witt vectors and Real THHHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The mod 2 Adams spectral sequence for tmf_*HHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Reflection Positivity which plays an important role in QFT and statistical mechanics.SRQ - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Quo whatis quandles?HHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Unit groups are confusingHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multiplication, not multifariousHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Ambidexterity in the T(n)-Local Stable Homotopy TheoryHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Homology vs cohomologyHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Homotopy (Pre-)Derivators of Cofibration Categories and Quasi-CategoriesHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series T for (SL) twoHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Commutative cochainsHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Parametrised homotopy theory via symmetric retractive spectraHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series An Additivity Theorem for cobordism categories, with applications to Hermitian K-theoryHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lifting G-stable endotrivial modulesHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On the K-theory of pullbacksHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Koszul to keep coolHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A Whitehead theorem for periodic homotopy groups?HHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Unexpected and confusing PicsHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A tutorial on constructions of finite complexes with specified cohomology (after Steve Mitchell and Jeff Smith)HHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Cellular E_k-algebras and homological stabilityHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Dreamy PicsHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Galois extensions, a fairy taleHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lifting endotrivial modulesHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Linearize this!HHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Tree complexes and obstructions to embeddings.HHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Derived modular envelopes and moduli spaces of bordered Riemann surfacesHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series HHH Gong Show - Non-commutative rational spectra and marked configuration spacesHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series HHH Gong Show - Algebraic cobordism categoriesHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series HHH Gong Show - Small Picard groupsHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series HHH Gong Show - On beyond ChouinardHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Geometric models of twisted K-homologyHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Commuting homology and homotopy inverse limitsHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Labeled complexes and homological stabilityHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Have you seen this homology class??HHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Geometric DiagonalHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Categories and orbispacesHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Splittings of tmf_1(n)HHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Approaches to chromatic splittingHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stable power operationsHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Connectivity and growth in the homology of graph braid groupsHHH - Homotopy harnessing higher structures
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Managing Model Risk in BankingUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series GOAL-ORIENTED ERROR ESTIMATION FOR PARAMETER-DEPENDENT NONLINEAR PROBLEMS, APPLICATION TO SENSITIVITY ANALYSISUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series UQ: does it require efficient linear algebra?UNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series UQ: does it require efficient linear algebra?UNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series UQ: does it require efficient linear algebra?UNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A superpopulation treatment to case-control data analysisSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A superpopulation treatment to case-control data analysisSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A superpopulation treatment to case-control data analysisSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multi-agent learning: Implicit regularization and order-optimal gossipSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multi-agent learning: Implicit regularization and order-optimal gossipSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multi-agent learning: Implicit regularization and order-optimal gossipSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Tests for separability in nonparametric covariance operators of random surfacesSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Tests for separability in nonparametric covariance operators of random surfacesSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Tests for separability in nonparametric covariance operators of random surfacesSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A Bayesian Composite Gaussian Process Model and its ApplicationUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A Bayesian Composite Gaussian Process Model and its ApplicationUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A Bayesian Composite Gaussian Process Model and its ApplicationUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Classification with imperfect training labelsSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Classification with imperfect training labelsSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Classification with imperfect training labelsSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multilevel methods with importance sampling for Bayesian experimental designUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multilevel methods with importance sampling for Bayesian experimental designUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multilevel methods with importance sampling for Bayesian experimental designUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Spatial extremes: A conditional approachSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Spatial extremes: A conditional approachSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Spatial extremes: A conditional approachSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Consistency of stepwise uncertainty reduction strategies for Gaussian processesUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Consistency of stepwise uncertainty reduction strategies for Gaussian processesUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Consistency of stepwise uncertainty reduction strategies for Gaussian processesUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Parameter estimation in parametric pdesUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Parameter estimation in parametric pdesUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Parameter estimation in parametric pdesUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The remarkable flexibility of BARTSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The remarkable flexibility of BARTSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The remarkable flexibility of BARTSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stochastic Galerkin reduced basis methods for parametrized random elliptic PDEsUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stochastic Galerkin reduced basis methods for parametrized random elliptic PDEsUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stochastic Galerkin reduced basis methods for parametrized random elliptic PDEsUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Amplitude and phase variation of point processesSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Amplitude and phase variation of point processesSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Amplitude and phase variation of point processesSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stein Points: Efficient sampling from posterior distributions by minimising Stein Discrepancies.UNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stein Points: Efficient sampling from posterior distributions by minimising Stein Discrepancies.UNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stein Points: Efficient sampling from posterior distributions by minimising Stein Discrepancies.UNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multivariate Distribution and Quantile Functions, Ranks and Signs: A measure transportation approachSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multivariate Distribution and Quantile Functions, Ranks and Signs: A measure transportation approachSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multivariate Distribution and Quantile Functions, Ranks and Signs: A measure transportation approachSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Evaluating probabilistic forecasts - beyond proper skill scoresUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Evaluating probabilistic forecasts - beyond proper skill scoresUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Evaluating probabilistic forecasts - beyond proper skill scoresUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Regression with Dependent Functional Errors-in-PredictorsSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Regression with Dependent Functional Errors-in-PredictorsSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Regression with Dependent Functional Errors-in-PredictorsSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Ensuring monotonicity in emulationUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Ensuring monotonicity in emulationUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Ensuring monotonicity in emulationUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Inference for eigenstructure of high-dimensional covariance matricesSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Inference for eigenstructure of high-dimensional covariance matricesSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Inference for eigenstructure of high-dimensional covariance matricesSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Optimal Weighted Least Squares Methods for High Dimensional Approximation and Estimation.UNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Optimal Weighted Least Squares Methods for High Dimensional Approximation and Estimation.UNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Optimal Weighted Least Squares Methods for High Dimensional Approximation and Estimation.UNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Partial least squares for dependent dataSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Partial least squares for dependent dataSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stochastic Galerkin mixed finite element approximation for parameter-dependent linear elasticity equations.UNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stochastic Galerkin mixed finite element approximation for parameter-dependent linear elasticity equations.UNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stochastic Galerkin mixed finite element approximation for parameter-dependent linear elasticity equations.UNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Least squares estimation: Beyond Gaussian regression modelsSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Least squares estimation: Beyond Gaussian regression modelsSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multiple change-point estimation in high-dimensional Gaussian graphical modelsSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multiple change-point estimation in high-dimensional Gaussian graphical modelsSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Inexact computer model calibration: Concerns, controversy, credibility, and confidenceUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Inexact computer model calibration: Concerns, controversy, credibility, and confidenceUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Approximate kernel embeddings of distributionsSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Approximate kernel embeddings of distributionsSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series High-dimensional variable selection when features are sparseSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series High-dimensional variable selection when features are sparseSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Recent advances in quantum annealing and outlook on its potential in statisticsSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Recent advances in quantum annealing and outlook on its potential in statisticsSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Large numbers of explanatory variablesSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Large numbers of explanatory variablesSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Sequential detection of structural changes in irregularly observed dataSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Sequential detection of structural changes in irregularly observed dataSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Inference for the mode of a log-concave density: a likelihood ratio test and confidence intervalsSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Inference for the mode of a log-concave density: a likelihood ratio test and confidence intervalsSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Bayesian optimal design for ordinary differential equation models with application in biological scienceUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Spatiotemporal modelling and parameter estimation of anisotropic particle trajectoriesSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Spatiotemporal modelling and parameter estimation of anisotropic particle trajectoriesSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Constraining carbon emissions pathways towards Paris climate targetsUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Constraining carbon emissions pathways towards Paris climate targetsUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Causal Inference for Treatment Effects: A Theory and Associated Learning AlgorithmsSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Causal Inference for Treatment Effects: A Theory and Associated Learning AlgorithmsSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Isotonic regression in general dimensionsSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Isotonic regression in general dimensionsSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Adaptivity in Numerical Methods for ODEs and PDEsUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Adaptivity in Numerical Methods for ODEs and PDEsUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Progress on the connection between spectral embedding and network models used by the probability, statistics and machine-learning communitiesSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Metropolis-Hastings algorithms for Bayesian inference in Hilbert spacesUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Metropolis-Hastings algorithms for Bayesian inference in Hilbert spacesUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Information-theoretic perspectives on learning algorithmsSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Information-theoretic perspectives on learning algorithmsSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Bayesian Quadrature for Multiple Related IntegralsUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Bayesian Quadrature for Multiple Related IntegralsUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A Hybrid Block Bootstrap For Sample Quantiles Under Weak DependenceSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A Hybrid Block Bootstrap For Sample Quantiles Under Weak DependenceSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Nonlinear Shrinkage Estimation in Quadratic Inference Function Analysis for Correlated DataSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Nonlinear Shrinkage Estimation in Quadratic Inference Function Analysis for Correlated DataSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Uncertainty Quantification of geochemical and mechanical compaction in layered sedimentary basinsUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Uncertainty Quantification of geochemical and mechanical compaction in layered sedimentary basinsUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Adaptation in log-concave density estimationSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Adaptation in log-concave density estimationSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A compositional approach to scalable statistical modelling and computationSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A compositional approach to scalable statistical modelling and computationSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Testing for High-dimensional White NoiseSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multivariate intensity estimation via hyperbolic wavelet selectionSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Singular Value Decomposition for High-dimensional High-order DataSTS - Statistical scalability
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Probability paradigms in Uncertainty QuantificationUNQ - Uncertainty quantification for complex systems: theory and methodologies
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Biophysical force regulation in cell migrationGFS - Growth form and self-organisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Inversion of waves and current profiles using X-band radar in coastal zoneSIP - Mathematics of sea ice phenomena
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Two- and three-dimensional effects in spatial and temporal evolution of water waves excited by wind and generated mechanicallySIP - Mathematics of sea ice phenomena
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Konrad Bajer Commemorative SymposiumGFS - Growth form and self-organisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Konrad Bajer Commemorative SymposiumGFS - Growth form and self-organisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Konrad Bajer Commemorative SymposiumGFS - Growth form and self-organisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Konrad Bajer Commemorative SymposiumGFS - Growth form and self-organisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Konrad Bajer Commemorative Symposium - TEA BREAKGFS - Growth form and self-organisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Konrad Bajer Commemorative SymposiumGFS - Growth form and self-organisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Konrad Bajer Commemorative SymposiumGFS - Growth form and self-organisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Konrad Bajer Commemorative SymposiumGFS - Growth form and self-organisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Konrad Bajer Commemorative SymposiumGFS - Growth form and self-organisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Experimental modelling of waves in ice coverSIP - Mathematics of sea ice phenomena
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Structural adaptation - a statistical concept for image denoisingVMV - Variational methods and effective algorithms for imaging and vision
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The suitability of the effective wavefield as a tool to predict wave attenuation over long distancesSIP - Mathematics of sea ice phenomena
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Mechanics of a Volvox Embryo Turning Itself Inside OutGFS - Growth form and self-organisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Mixed boundary-value problems (tutorial)SIP - Mathematics of sea ice phenomena
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Interaction of wave with a body floating on a wide polynyaSIP - Mathematics of sea ice phenomena
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Parametric representation in shape optimizationSIP - Mathematics of sea ice phenomena
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Graph Methods for Manifold-valued DataVMV - Variational methods and effective algorithms for imaging and vision
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Inter-annual variability and predictability of Arctic summer sea ice - review of previous years with focus on summer 2017SIP - Mathematics of sea ice phenomena
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series How competition for light and wind resistance shape tree formsGFS - Growth form and self-organisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Learning Invariants and Representation Spaces of Shapes and FormsVMV - Variational methods and effective algorithms for imaging and vision
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Dynamic pattern evolution in growing bacterial coloniesGFS - Growth form and self-organisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series title and abstract tbaGFS - Growth form and self-organisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Shape and Function of the Nasal CavityGFS - Growth form and self-organisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Bifurcation theory in the context of nonlinear steady water wavesSIP - Mathematics of sea ice phenomena
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Recent advances in granular rheology and possible applications to large scale sea ice dynamicsSIP - Mathematics of sea ice phenomena
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Forms and Patterns of Viscous and Elastic ThreadsGFS - Growth form and self-organisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Deconstructing Tip Growth MorphogenesisGFS - Growth form and self-organisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Dissipation of wind waves by pancake and frazil ice in the autumn Beaufort SeaSIP - Mathematics of sea ice phenomena
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Current topics on sea-ice research: Led by A KorobkinSIP - Mathematics of sea ice phenomena
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Gyrotactic focussing by swimming micro-organisms in three-dimensional flowsGFS - Growth form and self-organisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Morphodynamics of cohesive objectsGFS - Growth form and self-organisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Shapes of Colloidal MembranesGFS - Growth form and self-organisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Three-Dimensional solitary water wavesNWW - Nonlinear water waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Fast computation of steady surface gravity wavesNWW - Nonlinear water waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Expanding large global solutions of the compressible Euler equationsNWW - Nonlinear water waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Coherent Lagrangian Vortices in TurbulenceNWW - Nonlinear water waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On traffic modeling and the Braess paradoxNWW - Nonlinear water waves
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Cubical and simplicial 2 - the coherent nerve of a cubical category (joint work with K Kapulkin)BPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A MathComp Library tourBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Simplicial and cubical sets - how they relate to each other (joint work with Chris Kapulkin)BPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Automated theorem proving in first-order logic: from superposition to instantiationBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Parametric Groebner basis computations and eliminationBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Social Proof Seminar (coordinated by Fenner Tanswell)BPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Modelling the way mathematics is actually doneBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series An overview of the Flyspeck projectBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Concise - a synthesis of types, grammars, semanticsBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Systems Based on Set TheoryBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Building blocks towards modeling the physical world: analysis, geometry, computer arithmeticsBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Language and automation in mathematicsBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Reasoning by equivalence: the start of proof in elementary educationBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Computer Algebra and Formal ProofBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Social proof: social session on the POPL experienceBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Socialising proofBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Go forth and multiply! Imperatives in mathematical proofsBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Combining Machine Learning and Automated Reasoning: Some Training ExamplesBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Mining Human Proofs from Machine ProofsBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A simple prover in the browserBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Auto2 prover in IsabelleBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Evaluating winding numbers through Cauchy indices in Isabelle/HOLBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series SMTCoq, a plug-in for the trustworthy integration of SAT/SMT solvers into CoqBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series CDSAT: conflict-driven theory combinationBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series An Industrially Useful ProverBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Homotopy Type Theory in AgdaBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Lean HoTT libraryBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The HoTT library in CoqBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Interpretation of the Calculus of Constructions in dictosesBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Nominal applications of the classifying space of the finitary permutation groupBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Type theory and higher categoriesBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Industrial Use of a Mechanical Theorem ProverBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Semi-Automatic Asymptotics in Isabelle/HOLBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Big Proof and Education (coordinated by Jeremy Avigad)BPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Computational Higher-Dimensional Type TheoryBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Synthetic topology in Homotopy Type Theory for probabilistic programmingBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A tutorial introduction to AgdaBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A tutorial introduction to the PVS proof assistantBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Lean Theorem ProverBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Using Agda to Explore Path-Oriented Models of Type TheoryBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Univalent type theory and modular formalisation of mathematicsBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Big Proof Agenda for Mechanizing Mathematical DiscourseBPR - Big proof
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Group actions on C*-algebras and obstruction theoryOAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Groups acting on trees: representation theory and operator algebrasOAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Strong property (T), subexponential growth of derivatives and invariant metricsNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Khovanov homology and knot Floer homology for pointed linksHTL - Homology theories in low dimensional topology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Morse Structures on Open BooksHTL - Homology theories in low dimensional topology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Introduction to continuous fields of C*-algebras and their topological invariants (Part 3)OAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Pimsner legacyOAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Introduction to continuous fields of C*-algebras and their topological invariants (Part 2)OAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Bivariant and Dynamical Versions of the Cuntz SemigroupOAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Introduction to continuous fields of C*-algebras and their topological invariants (Part 1)OAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series How to compute torus link homologyHTL - Homology theories in low dimensional topology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Are geodesic metric spaces determined by their Morse boundaries?NPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Buildings, surfaces and quaternionsNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series PETs, pseudogroup actions, and renormalisationNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Something about the Khovanov spaceHTL - Homology theories in low dimensional topology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series H^3 and twisted K-theory for compact Lie groupsOAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Nilpotent Lie groups: Fourier inversion and prime idealsOAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Uniformly recurrent subgroups and rigidity of non-free minimal actionsNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Affine actions, cohomology and hyperbolicityNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Categories of curved complexes for marked surfacesHTL - Homology theories in low dimensional topology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series L^2-Betti numbers of universal quantum groupsOAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Iterated barycentric subdivision and steerable semigroups of SL_n(R)NPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Subfactors related to certain symmetric spacesOAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Rieffel deformation, tempered distributions and the Gabor wavefront setOAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Commensurating actions of groups of birational transformationsNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The action dimensions of some discrete groupsNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Representation theory of Drinfeld doubles (Part 4)OAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Exotic lattices and simple locally compact groupsNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Free entropy dimension and the orthogonal free quantum groupsOAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Exotic lattices and simple locally compact groupsNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Representation theory of Drinfeld doubles (Part 3)OAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Finiteness conditions for classifying spaces for the family of virtually cyclic subgroups.NPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The 2-linearity of the free group and the topology of the punctured discHTL - Homology theories in low dimensional topology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Traces in non-semisimple categoriesOAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Exotic lattices and simple locally compact groupsNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Approximate groups: nilprogressions and the structure theorem.NPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Representation theory of Drinfeld doubles (Part 2)OAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Non-arithmetic latticesNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On diagonal group actions, trees and continued fractions in positive characteristicNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Herz--Schur multipliers and approximation propertiesOAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Bounding genera of singular surfacesNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Property (T) and approximate conjugacy of actionsNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Benjamini-Schramm convergence of arithmetic orbifolds.NPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Representation theory of Drinfeld doubles (Part 1)OAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Exotic lattices and simple locally compact groupsNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series RAAG subgroups of RAAGsNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Median spaces and spaces with thin triangles.NPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Exotic lattices and simple locally compact groupsNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series I-factorial quantum torsors and Heisenberg algebras of quantized enveloping typeOAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Vortices and Vermas (and other applications of 3d gauge theory to geometric representation theoryHTL - Homology theories in low dimensional topology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The oriented Thompson group, oriented links, and polynomial link invariantsOAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Topological finite generation of certain compact open subgroups of tree automorphisms.NPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Exotic lattices and simple locally compact groupsNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On the set of L-space surgeries for linksHTL - Homology theories in low dimensional topology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A relative tensor product of rational full conformal field theoriesOAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Braid monodromy, orderings, and transverse invariantsHTL - Homology theories in low dimensional topology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Weak Morita equivalence of compact quantum groupsOAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Finite-dimensional representations constructed from random walksNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series 6. Lp-cohomologyNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Approximate groups: structure theorem for special classes of groupsNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The wrapped Fukaya category of a Weinstein manifold is generated by the cocores of the critical handlesHTL - Homology theories in low dimensional topology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Approximate equivalence of measure-preserving actionsOAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Computing Kazhdan constants by computer.NPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Incompressible surfaces in closed locally symmetric manifoldsNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series 5. Lp-cohomologyNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series T-duality and the condensed matter bulk-boundary correspondenceOAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Approximate groups: basic definitions, structure theorem and geometric consequencesNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A generalization of the Temperley-Lieb algebra from restricted quantum sl2OAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Approximate groups: an introductionNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Semigroup actions on operator algebrasOAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Herz-Schur multipliers of dynamical systemsOAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Geometry of finite quotients of groups.NPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series 4. Lp-cohomologyNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Membrane Matrix Models and non-perturbative tests of gauge/gravityOAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Endomorphisms and automorphisms of the 2-adic ring C*-algebra Q_2OAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Monster groups acting on CAT(0) spacesNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Indecomposable characters of infinite dimensional groups associated with operator algebrasOAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Correction terms and the non-orientable 4-genusHTL - Homology theories in low dimensional topology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Conformal covariance and the split propertyOAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Quasi-flats in hierarchically hyperbolic spacesNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Free products in AQFTOAS - Operator algebras: subfactors and their applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series On infinite torsion subgroups of CAT(0) groupsNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series 3. Lp-cohomologyNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Generalizing Bestvina-Brady groups using branched coversNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series 2. Lp-cohomologyNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Representation theory, cohomology and L^2-Betti numbers for subfactorsOASW04 - Primer on subfactors and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Operator Algebras and Conformal Field TheoryOASW04 - Primer on subfactors and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Representation theory, cohomology and L^2-Betti numbers for subfactorsOASW04 - Primer on subfactors and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Operator Algebras and Conformal Field TheoryOASW04 - Primer on subfactors and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Random walks on random symmetric groups.NPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series 1. Lp-cohomologyNPC - Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Representation theory, cohomology and L^2-Betti numbers for subfactorsOASW04 - Primer on subfactors and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Operator Algebras and Conformal Field TheoryOASW04 - Primer on subfactors and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Representation theory, cohomology and L^2-Betti numbers for subfactorsOASW04 - Primer on subfactors and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Operator Algebras and Conformal Field TheoryOASW04 - Primer on subfactors and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Subfactors, tensor categories and conformal field theoryOASW04 - Primer on subfactors and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Introduction to subfactor theoryOASW04 - Primer on subfactors and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Subfactors, tensor categories and conformal field theoryOASW04 - Primer on subfactors and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Introduction to subfactor theoryOASW04 - Primer on subfactors and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Subfactors, tensor categories and conformal field theoryOASW04 - Primer on subfactors and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Introduction to subfactor theoryOASW04 - Primer on subfactors and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Subfactors, tensor categories and conformal field theoryOASW04 - Primer on subfactors and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Introduction to subfactor theoryOASW04 - Primer on subfactors and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series How should we assess whether a medical device is safe? What are the possible comparators?FOS - Probability and statistics in forensic science
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Bayesian networks for the evaluation of evidence when attributing paintings to paintersFOS - Probability and statistics in forensic science
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Topics in differential privacy: optimal noise and record perturbation baseddata setsDLA - Data linkage and anonymisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A Risk-Utility Balancing Approach to Generate Synthetic MicrodataDLA - Data linkage and anonymisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Strategies to facilitate access to detailed geocoding information based on synthetic dataDLA - Data linkage and anonymisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Valid inference from non-ignorable network sampling mechanismsSNA - Theoretical foundations for statistical network analysis
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The geometry of optimal experiment design for vector-valued Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes.SNA - Theoretical foundations for statistical network analysis
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Generalisation for Adaptive Data AnalysisDLA - Data linkage and anonymisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Engineering Privacy for Small GroupsDLA - Data linkage and anonymisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Evaluating modules in molecular networks in light of annotation biasSNA - Theoretical foundations for statistical network analysis
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The synapse-level wiring diagram of a center for learning and memory, the insect mushroom bodySNA - Theoretical foundations for statistical network analysis
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Circuits principles of memory-based behavioral choiceSNA - Theoretical foundations for statistical network analysis
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Measures of Utility for Synthetic DataDLA - Data linkage and anonymisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Steiner trees in the stochastic mean-field model of distanceSNA - Theoretical foundations for statistical network analysis
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series German Mathematicians and Cryptology during WWIIFOS - Probability and statistics in forensic science
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Plan for the rest of the weekDLA - Data linkage and anonymisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series My View on the Key Research Questions for Synthetic DataDLA - Data linkage and anonymisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Beond Microdata: Synthetic tweetsDLA - Data linkage and anonymisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Challenges in generating and communicating synthetic dataDLA - Data linkage and anonymisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Analysis methods and utility measuresDLA - Data linkage and anonymisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series GA Approaches to Synthetic dataDLA - Data linkage and anonymisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Generating realistic personal data for data linkage researchDLA - Data linkage and anonymisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series tbaDLA - Data linkage and anonymisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Synthetic data - more questions than answersDLA - Data linkage and anonymisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series tbaDLA - Data linkage and anonymisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series tbaDLA - Data linkage and anonymisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series tbaDLA - Data linkage and anonymisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Some Network Analysis Problems Motivated by the Smart GridSNA - Theoretical foundations for statistical network analysis
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Evaluating Data Linkage: Creating longitudinal synthetic data to provide a gold-standard linked datasetDLA - Data linkage and anonymisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The role of invariance in learning from random graphs and structured dataSNA - Theoretical foundations for statistical network analysis
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Component sizes in random graphs with given vertex degrees (the configuration model)SNA - Theoretical foundations for statistical network analysis
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Limit theorems for eigenvectors of the normalized Laplacian for random graphsSNA - Theoretical foundations for statistical network analysis
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Sanitization for sequential dataDLA - Data linkage and anonymisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The phase transition in the random d-processSNA - Theoretical foundations for statistical network analysis
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series An introduction to Forensic Voice ComparisonFOS - Probability and statistics in forensic science
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Inference and large-scale structure in networksSNA - Theoretical foundations for statistical network analysis
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A note on the F-measure for evaluating record linkage algorithms (and classification methods and information retrieval systems)DLA - Data linkage and anonymisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Extinction time for the weaker of two competing SIS epidemicsSNA - Theoretical foundations for statistical network analysis
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Microbial Community Networks in the Human MicrobiomeSNA - Theoretical foundations for statistical network analysis
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Epidemics on networksSNA - Theoretical foundations for statistical network analysis
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Talk 2: Evaluation of advanced techniques for multi-party privacy-preserving record linkage on real-world health databasesDLA - Data linkage and anonymisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Talk 1: Advanced methods for linking complex historical birth, death, marriage and census dataDLA - Data linkage and anonymisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Capacity bounds and robustness in multipath networksSNA - Theoretical foundations for statistical network analysis
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Fitting Hierarchical Models in Large-Scale Recommender SystemsSNA - Theoretical foundations for statistical network analysis
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Joint and Individual Variation Explained (JIVE)SNA - Theoretical foundations for statistical network analysis
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Privacy for Bayesian modellingDLA - Data linkage and anonymisation
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Bayesian ERGMs -- computational and modelling challengesSNA - Theoretical foundations for statistical network analysis
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Single Valued Elliptic Multizetas and String TheoryGTA - Gravity, twistors and amplitudes
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Soft Black Hole HairGTA - Gravity, twistors and amplitudes
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Memory EffectsGTA - Gravity, twistors and amplitudes
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series tbaGTA - Gravity, twistors and amplitudes
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Null InfinityGTA - Gravity, twistors and amplitudes
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Perturbative gauge theory and gravity with cosmological constantGTA - Gravity, twistors and amplitudes
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series tbaGTA - Gravity, twistors and amplitudes
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Double Field TheoryGTA - Gravity, twistors and amplitudes
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The Cluster Bootstrap for Scattering AmplitudesGTA - Gravity, twistors and amplitudes
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Landau Singularities and Cluster Structure in Scattering AmplitudesGTA - Gravity, twistors and amplitudes
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series 7D lift of 4D gravityGTA - Gravity, twistors and amplitudes
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series 4D gravity via connectionsGTA - Gravity, twistors and amplitudes
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Connection 3D gravity and its 6D interpretationGTA - Gravity, twistors and amplitudes
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lecture 15 (University of Cambrdige). Polymer model, mean looping time and interpretation of Hi-C data (Enounter frequencies data)SDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Melt migration at mid-ocean ridges: A tale in three actsMIM - Melt in the mantle
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Cross-contamination rate estimation for digital PCR in lab-on-a-chip microfluidic devicesSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series An analysis of implicit samplers in the small-noise limitSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Path-space information metrics for uncertainty quantification and coarse-graining of molecular systemsSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Mechanics of cell division by the actomyosin contractile ringSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stochastic models of gene transcription with upstream drives: Exact solution and sample path characterisationSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Scaling limits of a model for selection at two scales Joint with Shishi LuoSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Kinetics of filamentous protein self-assemblySDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Cox process representation and inference for stochastic reaction-diffusion processesSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stochastic membrane processes in biomedicineSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multi-scale modelling of stochastic gene expressionSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stochastic Mechanochemistry of the Eukaryotic CytoskeletonSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Four arguments against the reaction-diffusion master equation (and one in its favour).SDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Getting Things Right in a Noisy Milieu: Stochastic Models of Cell Cycle Dynamics in Budding Yeast and BacteriaSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lecture 13: (U. of Cambridge): Stochastic biology: stochastic telomere model and Rouse polymer model.SDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Particle tracking to elucidate cell surface receptor motion and signallingSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series An Introduction to the Mantle Convection Community Project ASPECTMIM - Melt in the mantle
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series What we have been doing while at INI for the last 5 weeks: a mathematical study on anomalous diffusionSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Modeling and stochastic analysis of autoregulation of the Krox20 transcription factor driving cellular diversification and hindbrain patterningSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Two-phase flow in strombolian volcanic conduitsMIM - Melt in the mantle
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Time Series Analysis of Diffusion with Transient BindingSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Reactive transport in a partially molten system with binary solid solutionMIM - Melt in the mantle
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Anomalous diffusion in biological membranes and their mathematical descriptionSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Absolute robustness in deterministic and stochastic chemical reaction networksSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lecture 11: (U. of Cambridge): statistics and analysis of super-resolution Single Particle trajectories.SDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Spatial stochastic models of cell polarity and personalized medicineSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Silicate and Carbonatite Melts in the Mantle: Adding CO2 to the pMELTS Thermodynamic Model of Silicate Phase EquilibriaMIM - Melt in the mantle
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multiscale Modeling of Axonal Cytoskeleton Dynamics in DiseaseSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series From melt in the pores to volcanic eruption: Links between tectonics and magmatismMIM - Melt in the mantle
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Efficient construction of optimal designs for stochastic kinetic modelsSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Metastable dynamics: rare events in cell biologySDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The use of delays in modelling and simulation of biochemical reaction systems and exact model reductionSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lecture 9: (U. of Cambridge): Oscillatory escape: a Non-Poissonnian escape processSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Probing transition zone seismic discontinuities: composition/mixing stratification near the stagnant slabMIM - Melt in the mantle
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Mathematics and physiologySDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Melt transport in the mantle: constraints from field observations and ideas for future workMIM - Melt in the mantle
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lecture 8: (U. of Cambridge): Oscillatory escape: a Non-Poissonnian escape processSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Non-periodic homogenization for seismic forward and inverse problemsMIMW02 - From the grain to the continuum: two phase dynamics of a partially molten, polycrystalline aggregate
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Application to McKenzie model (2)MIMW02 - From the grain to the continuum: two phase dynamics of a partially molten, polycrystalline aggregate
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Multiscale Models for New Antibiotic TechnologiesSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Inverse problems in seismology with a view to the mantleMIM - Melt in the mantle
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Iterative methods for coupled flow and geomechanics problemsMIM - Melt in the mantle
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Jets and plumes in Earth system: how they ascendMIM - Melt in the mantle
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stochastic Modeling of Species-Rich EcosystemsSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stochastic Fluctuations in Suspensions of Swimming MicroorganismsSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stochastic Aspects of ChoanoflagellatesSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Emerging fractal structure in freezing of brineMIM - Melt in the mantle
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Reaction rates for nearest-neighbor reactions in the reaction-diffusion master equationSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lecture 7: (U. of Cambridge): Additive property of the MFPT, Fokker-Planck with a killing term, Non-Poissonnian escapeSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stochastic coagulation-fragmentation models for the study of protein aggregation phenomenaSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Tensor Methods for Parameter Estimation and Bifurcation Analysis of Stochastic Reaction NetworksSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series No lectureSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series The diversity of eruption styles of silicic magmasMIM - Melt in the mantle
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stochastic simulation of high order molecular interactions with spatial resolution and individual molecule detail: A generalised Smoluchowski theorySDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lecture 5: (U. of Cambridge): Activation escape through a potential well.SDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Building a community model for robustness and extensibilityMIM - Melt in the mantle
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lecture 4SDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Modelling gonadotrophin-releasing hormone signalling: dynamics, noise and reliabilitySDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stochastic modelling and immunologySDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series A novel biophysical method for the study of tethered signalling reactionsSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Framework for Construction of Caricature Chemical Reaction SystemsSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Equilibrium distributions of simple biochemical reaction systems for time-scale separation in stochastic reaction networksSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Subdiffusive fluctuations in bacterial chromosomesSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Lecture 1: Stochastic modeling, asymptotics, simulations and data analysis of super-resolution trajectories: application to cellular biologySDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Supersymmetry and IntegrabilityQIM - Mathematical aspects of quantum integrable models in and out of equilibrium
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Open problems in stochastic cell biology: information transfer, macromolecular crowding, and filament simulationSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Fidelities in the spin-boson modelQIM - Mathematical aspects of quantum integrable models in and out of equilibrium
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Stochastic modelling and immunologySDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series String-charge duality in integrable lattice modelsQIM - Mathematical aspects of quantum integrable models in and out of equilibrium
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Non-Equilibrium Transport at Quantum Critical PointsQIM - Mathematical aspects of quantum integrable models in and out of equilibrium
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Heating and breakdown of adiabaticity in Floquet systems through many-body resonancesQIM - Mathematical aspects of quantum integrable models in and out of equilibrium
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series New perspectives on the Riemann HypothesisQIM - Mathematical aspects of quantum integrable models in and out of equilibrium
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Dynamics and Transport in a Kondo ChainQIM - Mathematical aspects of quantum integrable models in and out of equilibrium
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Correlation functions of quantum integrable models: recent advancesQIM - Mathematical aspects of quantum integrable models in and out of equilibrium
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Cellular Systems Biology of Chromosome DynamicsSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Role and dynamics of cytoskeletal actin bundlesSDB - Stochastic dynamical systems in biology: numerical methods and applications
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series Disjoint NP-pairs, automatizability and gamesSemantics and Syntax: A Legacy of Alan Turing
Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series ABC and other challenges in computational statisticsMathematical and Statistical Approaches to Climate Modelling and Prediction
Please see above for contact details for this list. |
Other listsCambridge Infectious Disease M&EM: The Medieval & Early Modern Workshop Graham Storey LectureOther talksXZ: X-ray spectroscopic redshifts of obscured AGN Title to be confirmed Panel Discussion: Climate Change Is Now Mandatory Madness: Colonial Psychiatry and British Mandate Palestine, 1920-48 The genetic framework of germline stem cell development The Global Warming Sceptic 'Honouring Giulio Regeni: a plea for research in risky environments' Cambridge - Corporate Finance Theory Symposium September 2017 - Day 1 Formation and disease relevance of axonal endoplasmic reticulum, a "neuron within a neuron”. Rhys Jones: Temporal Claustrophobia at the Continental Congress, 1774-1776 |