University of Cambridge > > Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series > Hyper-Lagrangians and Joyce structures

Hyper-Lagrangians and Joyce structures

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TWT - Twistor theory

Joyce structures were introduced by Bridgeland in work relating to Donaldson-Thomas invariants and bear resemblance to Frobenius structures. We will discuss aspects of complex hyper-Kähler manifolds with relevance to Joyce structures. We will define the notion of a projectable hyper-Lagrangian foliation: a foliation by submanifolds which are Lagrangian for the sphere of complex structures, and which leads to a reduction of Plebański’s equations. These foliations are a feature of many of the examples of Joyce structures constructed thus far. We will also consider reductions of Plebański’s equations by the Euler vector field associated to a Joyce structure. 

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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