University of Cambridge > > Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series > Reformulation of elasticity theory for liquid crystals and liquid membranes

Reformulation of elasticity theory for liquid crystals and liquid membranes

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SPL - New statistical physics in living matter: non equilibrium states under adaptive control

In this talk, we re-examine the classic question: What are the elastic modes of a nematic liquid crystal or a lipid membrane? For a liquid crystal, the analysis uses a recent mathematical construction, which breaks the director gradient tensor into four distinct types of mathematical objects—splay, twist, bend, and a fourth mode related to saddle-splay. With this construction, the Oseen-Frank free energy can be written as the sum of squares of the four modes. Similarly, the Helfrich free energy for lipid membranes can be written as the sum of squares of two modes. Based on this analysis, we discuss how molecular shape and ordering leads to modulated phases of liquid crystals, or curved microstructures of lipid membranes.

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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