University of Cambridge > > Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series > Bridging the gap: towards a unified treatment of energy-momentum at infinity

Bridging the gap: towards a unified treatment of energy-momentum at infinity

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TWT - Twistor theory

It is well-known that energy-momentum in GR can be rigorously defined in two different asymptotic regimes: the Bondi-Sachs energy-momentum at null infinity and the ADM momentum at space-like infinity. It is unclear how to relate these two regimes and unify the two different notions of energy-momentum. In this talk, we revisit an old conjecture by Horowitz and Tod from 1982, which asserts that this could be achieved provided that there are solutions to the (appropriately rescaled) Weyl equation which reduce to solutions of the Witten equation on an initial data hypersurface. We use Friedrich’s cylinder representation of space-like infinity, which connects the two regimes, to show that such solutions can exist, at least in terms of formal expansions, in space-times, which are asymptotically Schwarzschild.

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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