Variable resolution and uniform second and third Order approximation order
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Mustapha Amrani.
Multiscale Numerics for the Atmosphere and Ocean
Approximations on polygonal grids, such as cube sphere or icosahedral require a slightly irregular grid, as for high resolution no uniform polygonal cover by cells is possible. For variable resolution sudden refinement is considered not possible by some authors and a gradual change of resolution is preferred,such as with the new MPAS model of NCAR . It will be shown that such problems can be traced back to a decrease of approximation order to 1 in points where the resolution is irregular. Examples will be given to show that a jump of resolution is possible without problems when care is taken that in such points an approximation order 2 or 3 is maintained.
This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.
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