Just listen they're scared: The application of hostage negotiation in everyday life.
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Richard Mullender, Former member of the Hostage and Crisis Negotiation Unit, Scotland Yard
Tuesday 13 October 2009, 17:30-18:30
Lecture Theatre 9, Mill Lane.
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Gregory Jordan.
Richard is a former Scotland Yard hostage negotiator and Lead Trainer at the National Hostage & Crisis Negotiation Unit.
With experience training staff at the U.N., security forces in Afghanistan, FBI agents and the Metropolitan Police, when it comes to language and listening, Richard’s tools and techniques are truly cutting edge.
A communication specialist, he has delivered specialised courses in the art of influence, power of language and active listening skills for organisations all over the world.
This talk is part of the Gates Distinguished Lecture Series series.
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