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Joe Smith: Climate Change in the Media

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All Welcome - Free for CUGS members (with membership card), £2 for non-members

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity, and at the same time a story that the mainstream media seem to have little appetite for. What is going wrong, and who is responsible? Joe is the Professor of Environment and Society in The Open University’s Geography Department. He will explore the roles of media organisations, environmental NGOs, the research and policy communities and audiences/citizens/publics (us!) in constructing climate change as a ‘difficult story’. He will draw on twenty years of experience of research but also practical projects at the join between media decision-making and environmental research and policy to sketch out some answers. Joe will also test and invite ideas about how we can all play a part in devising new storylines – above all some hopeful ones.

This talk is part of the Cambridge University Geographical Society (CUGS) talks series.

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