If you have a question about this list, please contact: Juha Jäykkä. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser.
20 upcoming talks and 1915 talks in the archive.
RSE Seminars
Boris Bolliet - Cavendish Laboratory & Kavli Institute for Cosmology, University of Cambridge.
West 2, West Hub.
Thursday 27 February 2025, 13:00-14:00
Theoretical Physics Colloquium
*Please note change of time and location*
Professor Carl Bender: University of Washington in Saint Louis..
Wednesday 09 October 2024, 16:15-17:15
RSE Seminars
Thomas Zwagerman, BAS, Charlie Gao, Hibiki AI, Jack Atkinson, ICCS/University of Cambridge.
West Hub, South Room.
Thursday 09 May 2024, 13:00-14:00
RSE Seminars
Paul Richmond, Institute of Computing for Climate Science.
Virtual Only.
Thursday 01 June 2023, 13:00-14:00
CCIMI Seminars
Francois-Xavier Vialard (Université Gustave Eiffel).
Wednesday 01 June 2022, 14:00-15:00
Cosmology Lunch
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/97482661322; Link to recording (Raven users only): https://sms.cam.ac.uk/media/3830532; Link to slides: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9wontsndxxy33xm/AADqD09rMiwT59lm5x6WfTWAa?dl=0.
Hannah Tillim - University of Oxford.
CMS, Pav. B, CTC Common Room (B1.19) [Potter Room].
Monday 07 March 2022, 13:00-14:00
Cosmology Lunch
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/97344028603; Link to recording (Raven users only): https://sms.cam.ac.uk/media/3819248; Link to slides: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9wontsndxxy33xm/AADqD09rMiwT59lm5x6WfTWAa?dl=0.
Chiara Mingarelli - University of Connecticut.
CMS, Pav. B, CTC Common Room (B1.19) [Potter Room].
Monday 28 February 2022, 13:00-14:00
Cosmology Lunch
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/92346158374; Link to recording (Raven users only): https://sms.cam.ac.uk/media/3809537; Link to slides: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/m0hrsxgg1tgltyy/AAASAcgjbsNBj6yQapKg6C_za?dl=0.
Pasquale di Bari - Southampton University.
CMS, Pav. B, CTC Common Room (B1.19) [Potter Room].
Monday 21 February 2022, 13:00-14:00
Cosmology Lunch
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/96741593305; Link to recording (Raven users only): https://sms.cam.ac.uk/media/3791761; Link to slides: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9wontsndxxy33xm/AADqD09rMiwT59lm5x6WfTWAa?dl=0.
Jorinde van de Vis - DESY.
CMS, Pav. B, CTC Common Room (B1.19) [Potter Room].
Monday 07 February 2022, 13:00-14:00
Cosmology Lunch
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/95590833146; Link to recording (Raven users only): https://sms.cam.ac.uk/media/3779733; Link to slides: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9wontsndxxy33xm/AADqD09rMiwT59lm5x6WfTWAa?dl=0.
Eloy de Lera Acedo - The Cavendish Laboratory.
CMS, Pav. B, CTC Common Room (B1.19) [Potter Room].
Monday 31 January 2022, 13:00-14:00
Cosmology Lunch
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/93841774901; Link to the recording (raven users only): https://sms.cam.ac.uk/media/3772149; link to the slides: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/m0hrsxgg1tgltyy/AAASAcgjbsNBj6yQapKg6C_za?dl=0.
Gabriele Franciolini - University of Rome, La Sapienza.
CMS, Pav. B, CTC Common Room (B1.19) [Potter Room].
Monday 24 January 2022, 13:00-14:00
Tamara Broderick, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Friday 17 January 2020, 14:00-15:00
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
Free pizza lunch from 12.30. Industrial seminar
James Thomas, Cambridge Enterprise and Steve Brierley, Riverlane Research.
Wednesday 22 May 2019, 12:45-13:45
CCIMI Seminars
José Miguel Hernández-Lobato, Department of Engineering (University of Cambridge).
CMS, MR14.
Wednesday 20 February 2019, 14:30-15:30
Alexandros Beskos, University College London .
Friday 25 January 2019, 16:00-17:00
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
Industrial Seminar
Neil Lawrence, Director of Machine Learning, Amazon and Professor of Machine Learning, University of Sheffield.
Tuesday 23 January 2018, 16:00-17:00
Sébastien Bubeck (Microsoft Research Redmond).
Wednesday 04 October 2017, 16:00-17:00
CCIMI Seminars
Note late change of room!
David Gomez-Ullate (ICMAT and Universidad Complutense de Madrid).
Wednesday 31 May 2017, 14:00-15:00
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
This course will run Tuesdays and Thursdays 10-12, starting 10 May. There will be 8 examinable 2 hour lectures followed by 4 non-examinable 2 hour lectures.
Professor Stéphane Boucheron, Université Paris Diderot.
Tuesday 10 May 2016, 10:00-12:00
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
Course notes available from http://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/postgrad/cca/files/darrylholmrevised.pdf
Professor D.D.Holm, Imperial College London.
Friday 31 May 2013, 15:00-17:00
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
Course notes available from http://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/postgrad/cca/files/darrylholmrevised.pdf
Professor D.D.Holm, Imperial College London.
Thursday 30 May 2013, 15:30-17:30
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
Course notes available from http://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/postgrad/cca/files/darrylholmrevised.pdf
Professor D.D.Holm, Imperial College London.
Wednesday 29 May 2013, 15:00-17:00
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
Course notes available from http://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/postgrad/cca/files/darrylholmrevised.pdf
Professor D.D.Holm, Imperial College London.
Tuesday 28 May 2013, 15:00-17:00
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
Course notes available from http://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/postgrad/cca/files/darrylholm.pdf
Professor D.D.Holm, Imperial College London.
Monday 27 May 2013, 14:00-16:00
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
Short course: "Finite element exterior calculus" 21 January - 1 February
Professor Douglas N. Arnold, University of Minnesota.
Friday 01 February 2013, 15:00-16:30
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
Short course: "Finite element exterior calculus" 21 January - 1 February
Professor Douglas N. Arnold, University of Minnesota.
Thursday 31 January 2013, 16:00-17:30
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
Short course: "Finite element exterior calculus" 21 January - 1 February
Professor Douglas N. Arnold, University of Minnesota.
Wednesday 30 January 2013, 15:00-16:30
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
Short course: "Finite element exterior calculus" 21 January - 1 February
Professor Douglas N. Arnold, University of Minnesota.
Tuesday 29 January 2013, 15:00-16:30
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
Short course: "Finite element exterior calculus" 21 January - 1 February
Professor Douglas N. Arnold, University of Minnesota.
Friday 25 January 2013, 15:00-16:30
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
Short course: "Finite element exterior calculus" 21 January - 1 February
Professor Douglas N. Arnold, University of Minnesota.
Thursday 24 January 2013, 16:00-17:30
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
Short course: "Finite element exterior calculus" 21 January - 1 February
Professor Douglas N. Arnold, University of Minnesota.
Wednesday 23 January 2013, 15:00-16:30
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
Short course: "Finite element exterior calculus" 21 January - 1 February
Professor Douglas N. Arnold, University of Minnesota.
Tuesday 22 January 2013, 15:00-16:30
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
Short course: "Finite element exterior calculus" 21 January - 1 February
Professor Douglas N. Arnold, University of Minnesota.
Monday 21 January 2013, 16:00-17:30
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
This is a short course and will take place every weekday, starting Monday 7th May and ending on Friday 18th May 2012.
Professor G. Kerkyacharian & Professor D. Picard, Université Paris VII.
Friday 18 May 2012, 14:00-15:00
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
This is a short course and will take place every weekday, starting Monday 7th May and ending on Friday 18th May 2012.
Professor G. Kerkyacharian & Professor D. Picard, Université Paris VII.
Thursday 17 May 2012, 15:00-16:00
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
This is a short course and will take place every weekday, starting Monday 7th May and ending on Friday 18th May 2012.
Professor G. Kerkyacharian & Professor D. Picard, Université Paris VII.
Wednesday 16 May 2012, 14:00-15:00
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
This is a short course and will take place every weekday, starting Monday 7th May and ending on Friday 18th May 2012.
Professor G. Kerkyacharian & Professor D. Picard, Université Paris VII.
Tuesday 15 May 2012, 14:00-15:00
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
This is a short course and will take place every weekday, starting Monday 7th May and ending on Friday 18th May 2012.
Professor G. Kerkyacharian & Professor D. Picard, Université Paris VII.
Monday 14 May 2012, 15:00-16:00
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
This is a short course and will take place every weekday, starting Monday 7th May and ending on Friday 18th May 2012.
Professor G. Kerkyacharian & Professor D. Picard, Université Paris VII.
Friday 11 May 2012, 14:00-15:00
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
This is a short course and will take place every weekday, starting Monday 7th May and ending on Friday 18th May 2012.
Professor G. Kerkyacharian & Professor D. Picard, Université Paris VII.
Thursday 10 May 2012, 14:00-15:00
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
This is a short course and will take place every weekday, starting Monday 7th May and ending on Friday 18th May 2012.
Professor G. Kerkyacharian & Professor D. Picard, Université Paris VII.
Wednesday 09 May 2012, 14:00-15:00
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
This is a short course and will take place every weekday, starting Monday 7th May and ending on Friday 18th May 2012.
Professor G. Kerkyacharian & Professor D. Picard, Université Paris VII.
Tuesday 08 May 2012, 14:00-15:00
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
This is a short course and will take place every weekday, starting Monday 7th May and ending on Friday 18th May 2012.
Professor G. Kerkyacharian & Professor D. Picard, Université Paris VII.
Monday 07 May 2012, 15:00-16:00
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
This is a short course taking place each day from Monday 13 February to Friday 17 February
Professor John Ball, University of Oxford.
Monday 13 February 2012, 15:00-17:00
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
This is a short course taking place at 2--4pm each day in MR3 from Monday 7th November -- Friday 11th November 2011.
Professor E.B. Davies, King's College London.
Friday 11 November 2011, 14:00-16:00
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
This is a short course taking place at 2--4pm each day in MR3 from Monday 7th November -- Friday 11th November 2011.
Professor E.B. Davies, King's College London.
Thursday 10 November 2011, 14:00-16:00
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
This is a short course taking place at 2--4pm each day in MR3 from Monday 7th November -- Friday 11th November 2011.
Professor E.B. Davies, King's College London.
Wednesday 09 November 2011, 14:00-16:00
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
This is a short course taking place at 2--4pm each day in MR3 from Monday 7th November -- Friday 11th November 2011.
Professor E.B. Davies, King's College London.
Tuesday 08 November 2011, 14:00-16:00
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks
This is a short course taking place at 2--4pm each day in MR3 from Monday 7th November -- Friday 11th November 2011.
Professor E.B. Davies, King's College London.
Monday 07 November 2011, 14:00-16:00
Applied and Computational Analysis
(Note that this talk has been delayed by 30 mins to allow attendance at Terence Tao's talk at INI)
Sergey Konyagin (Steklov Institute, Moscow).
MR14, CMS.
Thursday 17 February 2011, 15:30-16:30
Applied and Computational Analysis
This talk will be of wide interest to all those interested in history of mathematics and astronomy and in the way they impact on modern computational practice
Gerhard Wanner (University of Geneva).
MR14, CMS.
Thursday 23 April 2009, 15:00-16:00
Please see above for contact details for this list.