A Weak Gravity Theorem
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Francesca Chadha-Day.
In a gravitational theory with a massless photon the maximum charge-to-mass ratio of black holes approaches the prediction of
the Einstein-Maxwell theory as black hole mass increases: Q_ext/M = 1 + a/ M^2 for some constant a. I will show that a>0 if
below the quantum gravity scale (\Lambda) there are many degrees of freedom with a hierarchically small mass gap, log(\Lambda/m)>>1.
In this regime one can derive field-theoretic sum-rules for the coefficients of the leading corrections to the Einstein-Maxwell theory
that imply a>0. Hence gravitational force among maximally charged black holes keeps getting weaker with respect to the electric force as
the black hole size becomes smaller.
This talk is part of the Theoretical Physics Colloquium series.
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