University of Cambridge > > Theoretical Physics Colloquium > Large Spin Pertubation Theory

Large Spin Pertubation Theory

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Shahar Hadar.

A conformal field theory is characterised by the CFT data, namely the spectrum of scaling dimensions and OPE coefficients. The idea of the conformal bootstrap is to use associativity of the operator algebra together with the symmetries of the theory to constraint the CFT data. For the sector of operators with large spin one can actually use these ideas to obtain analytical results. It was recently understood how to set up a systematic expansion around this sector, leading to analytic results to all orders in inverse powers of the spin. We will show how to use this large spin perturbation theory to obtain analytic results for vast families of CFTs. Some of the applications include vector models, weakly coupled gauge theories and the computation of loops for scalar theories in AdS.

This talk is part of the Theoretical Physics Colloquium series.

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