University of Cambridge > > CCIMI short course: Quantum Computing - Theory and Practice > Quantum Computing - Theory and Practice: Introduction and overview

Quantum Computing - Theory and Practice: Introduction and overview

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  • UserLior Horesh, IBM
  • ClockTuesday 01 May 2018, 14:00-16:30
  • HouseCMS, MR3.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact Rachel Furner.

This is part of the short course ‘Quantum Computing – Theory and Practice’,

This course covers fundamental theoretical concepts of quantum computation and quantum information will be covered. In addition, hands-on experimentation of quantum algorithms will be demonstrated on actual quantum devices. Special consideration will be given to realization of limitations of current, non-fault tolerant quantum systems, as well as means to mitigate them when possible.

Specifically, lecture 1 covers: a. Introduction and overview – historical review, quantum bits, quantum computation, quantum algorithms, quantum information, models of computation, complexity analysis b. Algebraic preliminaries – Pauli matrices, adjoint, Hermitians and unitary operators, tensor product spaces, commutative and anti-commutative relations c. Brief introduction to quantum mechanics – the postulates of quantum mechanics (state space, evolution, quantum measurement and composite systems)

There will be a 15 minute break in the middle of the lecture.

It is useful for students to have a laptop/tablet (or even a smartphone) for some of the more practical examples, but this is not necessary. Those without computer access can follow a demo shown by the instructor.

This talk is part of the CCIMI short course: Quantum Computing - Theory and Practice series.

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