University of Cambridge > > Cosmology Lunch > Open EFTs: assessing the quantum information properties of inflationary models

Open EFTs: assessing the quantum information properties of inflationary models

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Dong-Gang Wang.

Nearly scale-invariant, Gaussian and adiabatic scalar perturbations from quantum mechanical origin have been extensively tested using CMB and LSS data. Effective Field Theories (EFTs) aim at providing a systematic way to consider extensions, incorporating the knowledge of unknown physics in a parametrically controlled manner. In order to grasp the implications of hidden sectors on the quantum information properties of inflationary models, the formalism needs to incorporate non-unitary effects such as dissipation and decoherence. In this talk, I will present the Open EFT program which aims at capturing these effects and exhibit situations where the quantum dynamics of cosmological inhomogeneities evade what was known so far in the lab.

This talk is part of the Cosmology Lunch series.

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