University of Cambridge > > RSE Seminars > Moving mesh methods in Firedrake

Moving mesh methods in Firedrake

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Jack Atkinson.

Mesh adaptation is a tool for varying spatial resolution. If a topology-deforming approach is taken (i.e., mesh degrees of freedom may be added, removed, or swapped) then accuracy may be improved – at an increased computational cost – in regions where a target error estimate value is not met. Such an approach also allows computational cost to be reduced in regions where accuracy is already sufficient. This seminar focuses on topology-preserving approaches, which can achieve similar aims by simply moving the mesh vertices. Whilst less flexible, parallelism and load balancing are much simpler to handle and it is possible to avoid interpolation errors when solving PDEs on a moving mesh. A Python package – Movement – is presented, which implements several mesh movement algorithms for the Firedrake finite element library

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This talk is part of the RSE Seminars series.

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