University of Cambridge > > Number Theory Seminar > Local epsilon-isomorphisms in families

Local epsilon-isomorphisms in families

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  • UserRebecca Bellovin (Imperial)
  • ClockTuesday 21 November 2017, 14:30-15:30
  • HouseMR13.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact Beth Romano.

Given a representation of Gal_{Q_p} with coefficients in a p-adically complete local ring R, Fukaya and Kato have conjectured the existence of a canonical trivialization of the determinant of a certain cohomology complex. When R=Z_p and the representation is a lattice in a de Rham representation, this trivialization should be related to the \varepsilon-factor of the corresponding Weil—Deligne representation. Such a trivialization has been constructed for certain crystalline Galois representations, by the work of a number of authors. I will explain how to extend these trivializations to certain families of crystalline Galois representations. This is joint work with Otmar Venjakob.

This talk is part of the Number Theory Seminar series.

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