If you have a question about this list, please contact: Alan Blackwell; Espen Koht; Janet Gibson. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser.
2 upcoming talks and 1123 talks in the archive.
Darwin College Science Seminars
Grab some lunch from the Darwin servery and enjoy an interesting science talk and discussion over lunch (talk starts 13.10, so make sure you're seated by then). Looking forward to seeing you there.
Sandra Petrus-Reurer.
1 Newnham Terrace, Darwin College.
Thursday 26 January 2023, 13:10-14:00
Darwin College Science Seminars
Grab some lunch from the Darwin servery and enjoy an interesting science talk and discussion over lunch (talk starts 13.10, so make sure you're seated by then). Looking forward to seeing you there.
Jasmin Taubenschmid-Stowers.
1 Newnham Terrace, Darwin College.
Thursday 10 November 2022, 13:10-14:00
Darwin College Science Seminars
This talk will be delivered remotely, but people are welcome to still join from the Richard King Room and have lunch during the talk. We will put the talk on the projector screen.
Jenaid Rees, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge.
King Richard Room, Darwin College.
Thursday 03 March 2022, 13:00-14:00
Darwin College Science Seminars
This talk will be delivered remotely, but people are welcome to still join from the Richard King Room and have lunch during the talk. We will put the talk on the projector screen.
Mike Lau, University of Princeton.
King Richard Room, Darwin College.
Thursday 03 February 2022, 13:00-14:00
Darwin College Science Seminars
This week the talk will be starting at 1pm. Grab some lunch from the Darwin servery and enjoy an interesting science talk and discussion over lunch. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Lara Perez, British Antarctic Survey.
King Richard Room, Darwin College.
Thursday 25 November 2021, 13:00-14:00
Darwin College Science Seminars
This talk will be virtual but we will project the talk in the Richard King room, so, as usual, grab some lunch from the Darwin servery and enjoy an interesting science talk and discussion over lunch. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Ben Hodkinson, Experimental High Energy Physics.
King Richard Room, Darwin College.
Thursday 28 October 2021, 13:00-14:00
Darwin College Science Seminars
Grab some lunch from the Darwin servery and enjoy an interesting science talk and discussion over lunch. First come first served up to 30 people capacity. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Barbara Joo, Department of Genetics.
Richard King room, Darwin College.
Thursday 14 October 2021, 13:00-14:00
Darwin College Science Seminars
We are back hosting the science seminar series in person, so do come and join us for the first talk of the term. Grab some lunch from the Darwin servery and enjoy an interesting science talk and discussion over lunch. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Katharine Criswell, Research Associate, Department of Zoology.
King Richard Room, Darwin College.
Thursday 07 October 2021, 13:00-14:00
Financial History Seminar
Professor Charles Goodhart (LSE) and Dr Manoj Pradhan (Talking Heads Macro).
Monday 01 February 2021, 17:00-18:30
Darwin College Science Seminars
In coordination with the Astrobiology workshop taking place at Darwin College, the keynote speech from this workshop will be open to all Darwin members. Note the talk will take place in the Old Library rather than the Entertaining Rm.
Prof. Monica M. Grady, The Open University.
Old Library, Darwin College.
Thursday 24 November 2011, 13:10-14:00
Please see above for contact details for this list.