'Dear Tom, Dear Richard': The Kuhn-Rorty Exchange (1976-86)
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact T.S. Thompson.
This talk will show the debate between Thomas Kuhn and Richard
Rorty, which took place particularly during the lapse 1976-86, and is
scattered over letters, talks, and unpublished papers. A widespread opinion
is that Rorty’s theses on Kuhn and his relation with relativism and
pragmatism were never appropriately answered by this latter—even though
it was pretty clear that Kuhn did not agree with Rorty’s interpretation of
his work. In this talk I would like to show that Kuhn did answer Rorty—
and what the answer was.
This talk is part of the Darwin College Humanities and Social Sciences Seminars series.
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