University of Cambridge > > Darwin College Humanities and Social Sciences Seminars > Dust, Animacies and Distributions: VR, AR and Digital Arts Pedagogies for Complex Times

Dust, Animacies and Distributions: VR, AR and Digital Arts Pedagogies for Complex Times

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In this talk Dr Annouchka Bayley will discuss posthuman and new materialist education practices that think through digital technologies, asking, what does the education of the future look like? How do new technologies require and create new epistemological approaches to how we ‘know things’? What kind of educational worlds do we want to create in (post)pandemic times?

Dr Annouchka Bayley (SFHEA) is the director of the Arts, Creativities & Education MPhil programme at the Faculty of Education, and the Chiar of the Arts & Creativities Research Group, University of Cambridge. She is a practicing artist, an Emerging Director with the Royal Shakespeare Company, and has written and performed over 20 one woman and ensemble shows in Europe, Asia and North America.

This talk is part of the Darwin College Humanities and Social Sciences Seminars series.

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