Kick Off Meeting of the Cambridge RNA Club
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Miriam Llorian (Biochemistry), Antony Rodriguez (Sanger Insitute), Kin-Mei Leung (PDN), Jernej Ule (MRC-LMB)
Wednesday 26 September 2007, 18:30-20:00
Gurdon Institute Tea Room.
If you have a question about this talk, please contact eam29.
no tie required, food and drink provided
2007-2008 series Cambridge RNA Club1
Miriam Llorian (Chris Smith Lab)
Department of Biochemistry
Antony Rodriguez (Allan Bradley Lab)
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Kin-Mei Leung (Christine Holt Lab)
Department of Physiology, Development
and Neuroscience
Jernej Ule
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
This talk is part of the Cambridge RNA Club series.
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