If you have a question about this list, please contact: Alison Ming; phh1; Chris Howland. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser.
13 upcoming talks and 1957 talks in the archive.
British Antarctic Survey
For any external attendees, please email the organiser, so help can be arranged to access BAS or a zoom link provided.
Dr. Takashi Kikuchi, Director of Institute of Arctic Climate and Environment research, Research Institute for Global Change, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology. (IACE/RIGC/JAMSTEC).
British Antarctic Survey, Seminar Room 2.
Friday 08 November 2024, 16:00-16:30
British Antarctic Survey
For any external attendees, please email the organiser, so help can be arranged to access BAS or a zoom link provided.
Junji Sawamura, Associate Professor, Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan.
British Antarctic Survey, Seminar Room 2.
Friday 08 November 2024, 14:30-15:00
Fluid Mechanics (DAMTP)
Ali Mashayek, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge.
Friday 28 April 2023, 16:00-17:00
Fluid Mechanics (DAMTP)
James Cummins, Tom Daggitt, William Oxley, Alistair Hales, Jenny Dingwall, Matt Davison, Elvinas Ribinskas, James Mason, Joseph Webber.
MR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge.
Friday 27 May 2022, 14:45-17:01
British Antarctic Survey
If you wish to attend this talk but are not a member of staff at the British Antarctic Survey, you are very welcome but could you please contact us at kelgan@bas.ac.uk to let us know that you are coming. Thank you.
Alexander P. Wolfe Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta .
British Antarctic Survey, Room 330B.
Thursday 26 November 2015, 14:00-15:00
British Antarctic Survey
If external to BAS, please email the organiser in advance to gain access to the building
Eric Steig, Leverhulme Visiting Professor, University of Edinburgh. Professor, Departments of Atmospheric Sciences and Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington.
British Antarctic Survey, Room 330B.
Thursday 30 April 2015, 12:15-13:15
British Antarctic Survey
If you wish to attend this talk are not a member of staff at the British Antarctic Survey please contact me at jonngs@bas.ac.uk to let me know that you are coming. Thank you
Geoff Evatt, University of Manchester.
British Antarctic Survey, Room 330B.
Wednesday 18 February 2015, 14:00-15:00
British Antarctic Survey
Attendees external to BAS please contact Norman Ratcliffe beforehand so I can arrange admittance with reception
Hanna Granroth-Wilding, Edinburgh University / BAS.
British Antarctic Survey.
Thursday 03 April 2014, 15:00-16:00
British Antarctic Survey
If external to BAS, please email the organiser in advance to gain access to the building
Charles Kennel, Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Sustainability Solutions Institute (Previous Director of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 1998-2006) (University of California).
British Antarctic Survey, conference room.
Friday 21 February 2014, 14:00-15:00
British Antarctic Survey
If you are coming from outside BAS please let the organiser know in advance to gain access to the building
William Lipscomb, Los Alamos National Laboratory and Xylar Asay-Davis, New York University, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Los Alamos National Laboratory.
British Antarctic Survey, Room 187.
Wednesday 25 September 2013, 15:30-16:30
British Antarctic Survey
If you are coming from outside BAS please let the organiser know in advance to gain access to the building
S. Gogineni, The Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets, The University of Kansas.
British Antarctic Survey, Room 187.
Tuesday 03 September 2013, 11:00-12:00
British Antarctic Survey
If you wish to attend this talk are not a member of staff at the British Antarctic Survey please contact me at jonngs@bas.ac.uk to let me know that you are coming. Thank you
Ian Hewitt, Universtiy of Oxford.
British Antarctic Survey, Room 187.
Friday 28 June 2013, 13:00-14:00
BAS Chemistry & Past Climate Seminars
If external to BAS, please email the organiser in advance to gain access to the building.
Sarah Bradley, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK.
room 307, British Antarctic Survey, High Cross, Cambridge, CB3 0ET.
Tuesday 29 May 2012, 15:30-16:30
Fluid Mechanics (DAMTP)
A. Holyoake, D. Takagi, K. Drescher, R. Robison, I. Vlahou, H. Rein, J. Gjorgjieva, R. Wood, K. Richardson, A. Barker, D. Pihler.
MR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge.
Friday 22 May 2009, 14:15-17:15
British Antarctic Survey
Open to non-BAS; please contact Christian Franzke (chan1@bas.ac.uk or 221350) or Anje Neutel (anjute@bas.ac.uk or 221322) if you would like to attend
Peter Boakes, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester.
British Antarctic Survey, Room 187.
Thursday 01 May 2008, 10:00-11:00
British Antarctic Survey
Open to non-BAS; please contact Christian Franzke (chan1@bas.ac.uk or 221350) or Anje Neutel (anjute@bas.ac.uk or 221322) if you would like to attend.
Sandra C. Chapman (University of Warwick).
British Antarctic Survey, Room 307.
Thursday 24 April 2008, 10:30-12:00
British Antarctic Survey
Open to non-BAS; please contact Christian Franzke (chan1@bas.ac.uk or 221350) or Anje Neutel (anjute@bas.ac.uk or 221322) if you would like to attend. Note change of time.
Greg King (University of Warwick, UK and Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia, Portugal).
British Antarctic Survey, Room 330B.
Tuesday 05 February 2008, 10:00-11:00
British Antarctic Survey
Open to non-BAS; please contact Deb Shoosmith (drsho@bas.ac.uk or 221702) if you would like to attend.
Dr Alberto Naveira Garabato (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton).
British Antarctic Survey.
Wednesday 27 June 2007, 16:00-17:00
British Antarctic Survey
Open to non-BAS; please contact Michael Flowerdew (mf@bas.ac.uk or 221638) if you would like to attend.
Dr Doug Rumble, Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington DC..
British Antarctic Survey.
Monday 25 June 2007, 15:00-15:45
Please see above for contact details for this list.