University of Cambridge > > Centre for Atmospheric Science seminars, Chemistry Dept. > Marine emissions of methanethiol increase aerosol cooling in the Southern Ocean

Marine emissions of methanethiol increase aerosol cooling in the Southern Ocean

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Ocean-emitted dimethylsulfide (DMS) is a major source of climate-cooling aerosols. However, most of the marine biogenic sulfur cycling is not routed to DMS but to methanethiol (MeSH), another volatile whose reactivity has hitherto hampered measurements. Therefore, the global emissions and climate impact of MeSH remain unexplored. We compiled a database of seawater MeSH concentrations, identified their statistical predictors, and produced monthly fields of global marine MeSH emissions adding to DMS emissions. Implemented into a global chemistry-climate model, MeSH emissions increase the sulfate aerosol burden by 30-70% over the Southern Ocean and enhance the aerosol cooling effect while depleting atmospheric oxidants and increasing DMS lifetime and transport. Accounting for MeSH emissions reduces the radiative bias of current climate models in this climatically relevant region. ————- CAS UnionRoad is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: CAS Seminar: Charel Wohl Time: Oct 28, 2024 11:00 AM London

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This talk is part of the Centre for Atmospheric Science seminars, Chemistry Dept. series.

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