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1 upcoming talk and 583 talks in the archive.

Peter Whittle Lecture

A new coefficient of correlation

UserSourav Chatterjee (Stanford) .

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences MR2.

ClockWednesday 18 October 2023, 16:30-17:30

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Introduction to Representation Theory of the Symmetric Groups

UserZain Kapadia, Queen Mary University of London.

HouseCMS MR11.

ClockFriday 10 March 2023, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Continuous linear endomorphisms of holomorphic functions

UserFinn Weirsig, University of Oxford.

HouseCMS MR11.

ClockFriday 03 March 2023, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

A survey on enveloping algebras of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras

UserLucas Buzaglo, University of Edinburgh.

HouseCMS MR13.

ClockFriday 11 November 2022, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Realising The Smooth Representations of GL(2,Zp)

UserTom Adams, University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS MR13.

ClockFriday 04 November 2022, 15:00-16:00

Peter Whittle Lecture

Resampling methods for networks

UserLiza Levina (Michigan).

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences MR2.

ClockThursday 27 October 2022, 17:00-18:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Representations of GL_2 and p-adic Symmetric Spaces

UserJames Taylor, University of Oxford.

HouseCMS MR11.

ClockFriday 06 May 2022, 15:00-16:00

Peter Whittle Lecture

Demystifying Deep Learning

UserRob Nowak (U. Wisconsin).

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences MR2.

ClockThursday 17 March 2022, 17:00-18:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

The derived category of a quiver

UserIsambard Goodbody, University of Glasgow.

HouseCMS MR11.

ClockFriday 04 March 2022, 15:30-16:30

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Deformations of diagonal Hilbert Eisenstein series

UserHåvard Damm-Johnsen, University of Oxford.

HouseCMS MR15.

ClockFriday 25 February 2022, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

The diameter of the modular McKay graph of SLn(Fp).

UserMiriam Norris, King's College London.


ClockFriday 11 February 2022, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

How loud is an arithmetic drum?

UserRadu Toma, University of Bonn.


ClockFriday 04 February 2022, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Dimensions of Iwasawa algebras and their representations

UserJames Timmins, University of Oxford.

HouseCMS MR15.

ClockFriday 28 January 2022, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

The search for p-adic automorphic forms

UserGuillem Garcia Tarrach, University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS MR11.

ClockFriday 03 December 2021, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

The Smooth Representations of GL(2,O)

UserTom Adams, University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS MR11.

ClockFriday 26 November 2021, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Quivers, the Ringel-Hall algebra and the cohomological Hall algebra

UserSarunas Kaubrys, University of Edinburgh.

HouseCMS MR11.

ClockFriday 19 November 2021, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Categorical composable cryptography

UserMartti Karvonen (University of Ottawa).

HouseZoom (Meeting ID 937 8091 1329, passcode 001582).

ClockTuesday 25 May 2021, 16:15-17:15

Category Theory Seminar

The Gödel fibration

UserDavide Trotta (University of Pisa).

HouseZoom (Meeting ID 945 3662 6774, passcode 086714).

ClockTuesday 11 May 2021, 16:15-17:15

Category Theory Seminar

On the categorical structure behind Galois theories

UserDavid Blázquez-Sanz, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

HouseZoom (Meeting ID 993 6591 2480, passcode 493042).

ClockTuesday 16 February 2021, 16:15-17:15

Category Theory Seminar

Large categories and quantifiers in topos theory

UserMichael Shulman (University of San Diego).

HouseZoom (Meeting ID 943 7534 6045, passcode 252455).

ClockTuesday 26 January 2021, 16:15-17:15

Category Theory Seminar

Large categories and quantifiers in topos theory

UserMichael Shulman (University of San Diego).

HouseZoom (Meeting ID 943 7534 6045, passcode 252455).

ClockTuesday 26 January 2021, 16:15-17:15

Category Theory Seminar

Isotropy Groups of Quasi-Equational Theories

UserJason Parker, Brandon University.

HouseZoom (Meeting ID 916 7928 3736, passcode 844306).

ClockTuesday 01 December 2020, 14:15-15:15

Category Theory Seminar

Quillen model structures from models of HoTT

UserSteve Awodey (Departments of Philosophy and Mathematics, Carnegie Mellon University).

HouseZoom (Meeting ID 916 7928 3736, passcode 844306).

ClockTuesday 20 October 2020, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Title to be confirmed

UserEoghan McDowell, Royal Holloway, University of London.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockFriday 29 May 2020, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Title to be confirmed

UserTed Jones-Healey, University of Manchester.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockFriday 01 May 2020, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Title to be confirmed

UserYunxi Shi, University of Birmingham.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockFriday 24 April 2020, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Faithfulness of highest weight modules for Iwasawa algebras

UserStephen Mann, University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockFriday 13 March 2020, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Several approaches to Kazhdan-Lusztig theory

UserAmy Zhu, University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockFriday 06 March 2020, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

D-modules on singular varieties

UserHaiping Yang, Imperial College London.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockFriday 21 February 2020, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Kazhdan-Lusztig Positivity Conjectures - The Algebraic Viewpoint

UserRobert Spencer, University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockFriday 14 February 2020, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

D-ultrafilter monads

UserLurdes Sousa (CMUC, University of Coimbra & IP Viseu).

HouseMR4, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 11 February 2020, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Saturated fusion Systems on a Sylow p-subgroup of a rank 2 Lie Type Group

UserMartin Van Beek, University of Birmingham.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockFriday 07 February 2020, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Characterizing weakly Schreier extensions of monoids

UserPeter Faul (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR4, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 04 February 2020, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Finite primitive groups

UserBen Stratford, University of Warwick .

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockFriday 24 January 2020, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

A Formal Approach to Generalisations of Monads

UserGabriele Lobbia (University of Leeds).

HouseMR4, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 21 January 2020, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Abstract Regular Polytopes

UserRob Nicolaides, University of Manchester.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockFriday 06 December 2019, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Zariski-type spectra of localic rings and monoids

UserGraham Manuell (University of Edinburgh).

HouseMR4, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 03 December 2019, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Irrational Variants of Thompson's Group F

UserNick Winstone, Royal Holloway, University of London.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockFriday 29 November 2019, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Ring constructions and generation of the unbounded derived module category

UserCharley Cummings, University of Bristol.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockFriday 22 November 2019, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Embedding of PSL(2,q) in exceptional groups of Lie type

UserAndrea Pachera, University of Birmingham.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockFriday 15 November 2019, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Finite Singular Orbit Modules for Algebraic Groups

UserAluna Rizzoli, Imperial College London.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockFriday 08 November 2019, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Algebra PhD event

UserVarious speakers.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockFriday 01 November 2019, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Some Classes of Generalized Graph Groups

UserMehmet Sefa Cihan, University of Essex.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockFriday 25 October 2019, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Random Walks on Groups: Shuffling Cards and the Cutoff Phenomenon

UserOliver Matheau-Raven, University of York.

HouseCMS, MR9.

ClockFriday 18 October 2019, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Toposes for modified realizability

UserDr. Benno van den Berg (University of Amsterdam).

HouseMR4, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockThursday 17 October 2019, 14:15-15:15

Category Theory Seminar

On the Theory of Higher Subtopoi

UserEric Finster (Inria - Nantes).

HouseMR4, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 28 May 2019, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Schaper Layers of Specht Modules

UserLiam Jolliffe.

HouseCMS, MR9.

ClockThursday 23 May 2019, 16:00-17:00

Category Theory Seminar

Metric Algebra

UserMarcelo Fiore (University of Cambridge) .

HouseMR4, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 07 May 2019, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Homomorphisms between Specht modules of KLR algebras

UserGeorge Witty, University of East Anglia.

HouseCMS, MR21.

ClockFriday 08 March 2019, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Internal Language of Higher Categories

UserKarol Szumiło (University of Leeds).

HouseMR4, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 26 February 2019, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Tame but not exactly harmless

UserJoe Allen, University of Bristol.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 15 February 2019, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Locally graded categories

UserPaul Levy (University of Birmingham).

HouseMR4, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 12 February 2019, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Special and Extra Special Groups

UserVladimir Vankov, University of Southampton.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 08 February 2019, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

A new proof of the lattice property of the Tamari order

UserNoam Zeilberger (University of Birmingham).

HouseMR4, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 05 February 2019, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Discrete and free two-generated subgroups of SL2

UserMatthew Conder, University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 25 January 2019, 15:00-16:00

Mathematical Physics Seminar

Radial excitations of superconducting (Witten) vortices

Note: MONDAY lunchtime

UserPatrick Peter (DAMTP, and Inst. Astrophys. Paris).

HousePotter Room, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 03 December 2018, 13:00-14:00

Category Theory Seminar

Univalent Universes of Sets

UserAndrew Pitts (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR4, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 27 November 2018, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Sheaves on Buildings, Homological Induction and Complexes of Groups

UserMark Butler, University of Birmingham.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 23 November 2018, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Towards an upper bound for the number of composition factors of Specht modules.

UserDiego Millan Berdasco, Queen Mary University of London.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 16 November 2018, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Univalent Completion

UserIeke Moerdijk (University of Utrecht).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 13 November 2018, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Cohomology of PSL(2,q)

UserJack Saunders, University of Birmingham.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 09 November 2018, 15:00-16:00

Mathematical Physics Seminar

Loop Correlations in Random Wire Models

UserCostanza Benassi (Northumbria).

HouseMR11 Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 06 November 2018, 16:00-17:00

Category Theory Seminar

A Model Invariance Problem in Homotopy Type Theory

UserAnthony Bordg (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR4, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 30 October 2018, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Computing With Permutation Representations of Finite Groups

UserRobert Chamberlain, University of Warwick.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 26 October 2018, 15:00-16:00

Mathematical Physics Seminar

Making Sense of the Standard Model: an Exceptional Quantum Algebra

Note -- on THURSDAY

UserIvan Todorov (Sofia, Bulgaria).

HouseMR11 Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockThursday 25 October 2018, 16:00-17:00

Category Theory Seminar

No-Go Theorems for Distributive Laws

UserMaaike Zwart (University of Oxford).

HouseMR4, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 23 October 2018, 14:15-15:15

Mathematical Physics Seminar

Kinks with Long-range Tails

UserNick Manton (DAMTP).

HouseMR11 Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 16 October 2018, 16:00-17:00

Peter Whittle Lecture

When Statistics Meets Computing

UserProfessor Tony Cai (Wharton, University of Pennsylvania).

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences MR2.

ClockWednesday 10 October 2018, 17:00-18:00

Mathematical Physics Seminar

Skyrmion Vibrations

UserChris Halcrow (Leeds).

HouseMR11 Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 09 October 2018, 16:00-17:00

Category Theory Seminar

Dagger limits

UserMartti Karvonen (University of Edinburgh).

HouseMR4, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 18 September 2018, 14:15-15:15

Category Theory Seminar

New methods for left exact localizations of topoi

UserMathieu Anel (Université Paris Diderot).

HouseMR4, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 24 April 2018, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Towards a Hecke algebra for fundamental groups of graphs of groups

UserRichard Freeland, Univserity of Cambridge.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 16 March 2018, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Elementary embeddings for category theory

UserAndrew Brooke-Taylor (University of Leeds).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 13 March 2018, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Height and relational complexity for finite permutation groups

UserBianca Loda, University of South Wales.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 09 March 2018, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Comonad cohomology of track categories

UserSimona Paoli (University of Leicester).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 06 March 2018, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Discrete and free 2-generated subgroups of SL(2,R)

UserMatthew Conder, University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 02 March 2018, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

What does it mean to be Hopf?

UserIgnacio Lopez Franco (Universidad de la República).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 20 February 2018, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

An Introduction to Cluster Categories of Type A

UserAmit Shah, University of Leeds.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 16 February 2018, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

A characterisation of the congruence biframe

UserGraham Manuell (University of Edinburgh).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 13 February 2018, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Holonomic D-modules, b-functions, and coadmissibility

UserAndreas Bode, University of Oxford.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 09 February 2018, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Univalent polymorphism

UserBenno van den Berg (University of Amsterdam).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 30 January 2018, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Local-global conjectures in modular representation theory.

UserStefano Sannella, University of Birmingham.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 26 January 2018, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Base sizes of almost quasisimple groups and Pyber's conjecture

UserMelissa Lee, Imperial College London.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 19 January 2018, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Sattler model structures

UserNicola Gambino (University of Leeds).

HouseMR11, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockThursday 18 January 2018, 10:00-11:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Towards a Beilinson-Bernstein Theorem for p-adic Quantum Groups

UserNicolas Dupré, University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 01 December 2017, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Skew monoidal structure on categories of algebras

UserPhilip Saville (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 28 November 2017, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Smooth representations, projective resolutions and cosheaves

UserKaterina Hristova, University of Warwick.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 24 November 2017, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

PhD in Algebra

UserCurrent PhD students.

HouseCMS, MR12.

ClockMonday 20 November 2017, 14:00-15:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Products of conjugacy classes in finite groups

UserCarmen Melchor, Universidat Jaume I de Castelló.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 17 November 2017, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Dimension estimates for coadmissible modules

UserRichard Mathers, University of Oxford.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 10 November 2017, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Two-Level Type Theory

UserNicolai Kraus (University of Nottingham).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 07 November 2017, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Equations in virtually nilpotent groups

UserMotiejus Valiunas, University of Southampton.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 03 November 2017, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

A New Normal Form for Thompson's Group F

UserNayab Khalid, University of St Andrews.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 27 October 2017, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Equilogical spaces and algebras for a double-power monad

UserGiulia Frosoni (University of Genoa).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 24 October 2017, 14:15-15:15

Category Theory Seminar

Enriched Internal Categories

UserEnrico Ghiorzi (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 17 October 2017, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

p'-branching for symmetric groups

UserStacey Law, University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 13 October 2017, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Ultrafilters, ultraproducts and ultracategories

UserRichard Garner, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockThursday 10 August 2017, 14:15-15:15

Category Theory Seminar

Magnitude homology

UserTom Leinster (University of Edinburgh).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 30 May 2017, 14:15-15:15

Category Theory Seminar

List objects with algebraic structure

UserPhilip Saville (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 23 May 2017, 14:15-15:15

Category Theory Seminar

Embedding theorems for (regular) Mal'tsev categories

UserPierre-Alain Jacqmin (Université catholique de Louvain).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 16 May 2017, 14:15-15:15

CMS Colloquia

Bose in Boxes

UserPersi Diaconis (Stanford).

HouseCMS, MR2.

ClockMonday 08 May 2017, 17:00-18:00

Category Theory Seminar

Hopf Formulae for TOR

UserJulia Goedecke (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 14 March 2017, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

A linkage principle for diagrammatic Soergel bimodules

UserAmit Hazi, University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockFriday 10 March 2017, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Fibration categories and models for higher categories

UserChristian Sattler (University of Leeds).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 07 March 2017, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Tannaka Duality for (Ind)Banach Spaces

UserCraig Smith, University of Oxford.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockFriday 03 March 2017, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Split extensions of bialgebras

User Tim Van der Linden (Université catholique de Louvain).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 28 February 2017, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Brauer Relations and Mackey Functors

UserMatthew Spencer, University of Warwick.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockFriday 24 February 2017, 15:00-16:00

CMS Colloquia

NATO: Hobbes to Trump - Motion and Emotion - Can Mathematicians help?

UserJames Bergeron, NATO.

HouseCMS, MR2.

ClockThursday 23 February 2017, 17:30-18:30

Category Theory Seminar

Abstract Systems and Sheaves

UserChristina Vasilakopoulou (Université Libre de Bruxelles).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 21 February 2017, 14:15-15:15

Category Theory Seminar

Metric spaces and synthetic differential geometry

UserAnders Kock (Aarhus University).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 14 February 2017, 14:15-15:15

Category Theory Seminar

Gluing models of type theory

UserSean Moss (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 07 February 2017, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Group distance

UserAlex Wendland, University of Warwick.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockFriday 03 February 2017, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Ringel duality of Schur algebras

UserStacey Law, University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockFriday 27 January 2017, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Logic programming: laxness and saturation

UserJohn Power (University of Bath).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 24 January 2017, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Fusion systems over $p$-groups with an extraspecial subgroup of index $p$

UserRaul Moragues Moncho, University of Birmingham.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockFriday 02 December 2016, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Globular: Higher categories, the easy way

UserJamie Vicary (University of Oxford).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 29 November 2016, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Classifying spaces for families of subgroups

UserVictor Gonzales Moreno, Royal Holloway.

HouseCMS, MR5.

ClockFriday 25 November 2016, 15:30-16:30

Category Theory Seminar

Minimal dense C*-embedded sublocales

UserPeter Johnstone (DPMMS).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 22 November 2016, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Galois characteristics of local fields

UserMarius Leonhardt, University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockFriday 11 November 2016, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Coordinatization of Countable MV algebras

UserPhilip Scott (University of Ottawa).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 08 November 2016, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Conjugation Modules for Symmetric Groups

UserWilliam O'Donovan, Royal Holloway.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockFriday 04 November 2016, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Displayed categories

UserBenedikt Ahrens (INRIA Nantes).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 01 November 2016, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Endomorphism rings of some Young modules

UserJasdeep Kochhar, Royal Holloway.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockFriday 28 October 2016, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Semi-Segal types in Homotopy Type Theory

UserPaolo Capriotti (University of Nottingham).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 25 October 2016, 14:15-15:15

Category Theory Seminar

Infinitesimal models of theories

UserFilip Bár (DPMMS).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 18 October 2016, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Flatness properties of p-adic Banach modules

UserAndreas Bode, University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockFriday 14 October 2016, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Effect Algebroids

UserFrank Roumen (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 11 October 2016, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Thompson-style groups coming from C* algebras of graphs of groups

UserRichard Freeland, University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockFriday 07 October 2016, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Using the internal language of toposes in algebraic geometry

UserIngo Blechschmidt (University of Augsburg).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 24 May 2016, 14:15-15:15

Peter Whittle Lecture

Dimers Day in Cambridge

UserBoutiller, Chhita, Dubedat, Laslier, Toninelli.

HouseMR12 Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 23 May 2016, 10:45-17:45

Category Theory Seminar

What does the universal measuring coalgebra measures?

UserDr Ignacio Lopez Franco (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 17 May 2016, 14:15-15:15

Category Theory Seminar

Operads as polynomial 2-monads

UserMark Weber (Macquarie University).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 26 April 2016, 14:15-15:15

CMS Colloquia

Publicising Surgeons' Performance: the Maths of Naming and Shaming

UserProfessor Sir David Spiegelhalter, Winton Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk, DPMMS.

HouseCMS Core.

ClockWednesday 20 April 2016, 14:50-15:15

CMS Colloquia

Computational Biology

UserDr Stephen Eglen, DAMTP.

HouseCMS Core.

ClockWednesday 20 April 2016, 14:25-14:50

CMS Colloquia

Seeing More in Images - a Mathematical Perspective

UserDr Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb, Director, Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information and Head of Cambridge Image Analysis, DAMTP.

HouseCMS Core.

ClockWednesday 20 April 2016, 14:00-14:25

CMS Colloquia

Calculating Implied Volatility

UserDr Mike Tehranchi, Statistical Laboratory, DPMMS.

HouseCMS Core.

ClockWednesday 20 April 2016, 12:35-13:00

CMS Colloquia

Quantum Computing

UserProfessor Richard Jozsa, Leigh Trapnell Professor of Quantum Physics, DAMTP.

HouseCMS Core.

ClockWednesday 20 April 2016, 12:10-12:35

CMS Colloquia

Extreme Universe Computing

UserProfessor Paul Shellard, Director, Centre for Theoretical Cosmology.

HouseCMS Core.

ClockWednesday 20 April 2016, 11:45-12:10

CMS Colloquia

Analysis of Motion Data for Healthcare and Rehabilitation

UserDr Joan Lasenby, Signal Processing and Communications Laboratory, Department of Engineering.

HouseCMS Core.

ClockWednesday 20 April 2016, 11:00-11:25

CMS Colloquia

The Particulars of Particulates

UserDr Nathalie Vriend, Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellow, DAMTP.

HouseCMS Core.

ClockWednesday 20 April 2016, 10:35-11:00

CMS Colloquia

New Materials by Design

UserProfessor Mike Cates, Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, DAMTP.

HouseCMS Core.

ClockWednesday 20 April 2016, 10:10-10:35

Topology Seminar

Khovanov-Rozansky homology and the flag Hilbert scheme

UserEugene Gorsky (UC Davis).


ClockMonday 04 April 2016, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Weakly globular n-fold categories

UserSimona Paoli (University of Leicester).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 08 March 2016, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

3/2-Generation of Finite Groups

UserScott Harper, University of Bristol.

HouseCMS, MR4.

ClockFriday 04 March 2016, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

An Algebraic Combinatorial Approach to Opetopic Structure

UserMarcelo Fiore (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 01 March 2016, 14:15-15:15

CMS Colloquia


This talk will be streamed to MR3 and MR15

UserDr Buzz Aldrin.

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockFriday 26 February 2016, 17:30-18:30

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Decomposing SL2 modules in prime characteristic

UserSamuel Martin, University of York.

HouseCMS, MR4.

ClockFriday 26 February 2016, 15:00-16:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Logical relations

UserSean Moss (DPMMS).

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 25 February 2016, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Syntax-semantics adjunctions

UserTom Avery (University of Edinburgh).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 23 February 2016, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Properly stratified quotients of quiver Hecke algebras in type A

UserKeith Brown, University of East Anglia.

HouseCMS, MR4.

ClockFriday 19 February 2016, 15:00-16:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Gödel's "Dialectica": Abstract and Concrete

UserEric Faber (DPMMS).

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 18 February 2016, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Another look at simple reflections

UserDr Ignacio Lopez Franco (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 16 February 2016, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Generation of finite simple groups

UserCarlisle King, Imperial College.

HouseCMS, MR4.

ClockFriday 12 February 2016, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Cartesian Essential Inclusions of Grothendieck Toposes

UserGuilherme Lima de Carvalho e Silva (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 09 February 2016, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Brauer's Main Theorems

UserStacey Law, University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS, MR4.

ClockFriday 05 February 2016, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

The involution width of a finite simple group

UserAlex Malcom, Imperial College.

HouseCMS, MR4.

ClockFriday 29 January 2016, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

A very gentle introduction to categorification

UserAmit Hazi, University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS, MR4.

ClockFriday 22 January 2016, 15:00-16:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Semi-abelian categories

UserNigel Burke.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 21 January 2016, 14:00-15:00

CMS Colloquia

The black hole information paradox re-visited

UserAndrew Strominger, Gwill E. York Professor of Physics, Harvard University.

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 18 January 2016, 17:00-18:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

An Introduction to Majorana Theory

UserMadeleine Whybrow, Imperial College London.

HouseCMS, MR4.

ClockFriday 15 January 2016, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Constructive conceptual completeness for regular logic

UserPanagis Karazeris (University of Patras).

HouseMR4, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 12 January 2016, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

The distance of large $p$ th powers in the Nottingham group

UserTugba Aslan, Central European University.

HouseCMS, MR4.

ClockFriday 27 November 2015, 15:00-16:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

The fundamental group from a Tannakian viewpoint

UserGeorgios Charalambous.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 26 November 2015, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Another viewpoint on cartesian theories

UserZhen Lin Low (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 24 November 2015, 14:15-15:15

CMS Colloquia

Langlands and arithmetic

UserJack Thorne (Cambridge).

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 23 November 2015, 17:00-18:00

Category Theory Seminar

A Synthetic Version of Lie's Second Theorem

UserMatthew Burke (Masaryk University).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 17 November 2015, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Frechet-Stein algebras and D-modules on rigid analytic spaces

UserAndreas Bode, University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS, MR4.

ClockFriday 13 November 2015, 15:00-16:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

An Introduction to Fibred Categories

UserSean Moss (DPMMS).

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 12 November 2015, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Abstract aspects of commutativity

UserIgnacio Lopez Franco (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 10 November 2015, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Invariant Rings of p-groups

UserKatherine Horan, University of Kent.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockFriday 06 November 2015, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Maximal subgroups of low-dimensional classical groups

UserDaniel Rogers, University of Warwick.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockFriday 30 October 2015, 15:00-16:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Elementary embeddings of the universe for category theory

UserDr Andrew Brooke-Taylor.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 29 October 2015, 14:00-15:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Auslander-Reiten Components of Brauer Graph Algebras

UserDrew Duffield, University of Leicester.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockFriday 23 October 2015, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Two dimensional Lawvere Theories

UserJohn Power (University of Bath).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 20 October 2015, 14:15-15:15

CMS Colloquia

Computation, Dynamics, Evidence, and Experience: Quantum Computing Colloquium

UserCharlie Bennett (Variously Principal Scientist, Fellow, IBM Research Headquarters, NY).

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 19 October 2015, 17:00-18:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

How to construct a rigid analytic quantum sl_2

UserNicolas Dupré, University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockFriday 16 October 2015, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Exact completion for fibration categories

UserBenno van der Berg (Universiteit van Amsterdam).

HouseMR4, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 29 September 2015, 14:15-15:15

Category Theory Seminar

Polynomial and Analytic Functors and Monads, revisited.

UserMarek Zawadowski (University of Warsaw).

HouseMR4, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 16 September 2015, 14:15-15:15

Extraordinary Category Theory Seminar

Homological algebra as a stable homotopy theory

UserZhen Lin Low (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 01 September 2015, 14:15-15:15

Extraordinary Category Theory Seminar

Small sheaves on large sites

UserZhen Lin Low (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 18 August 2015, 14:15-15:15

Junior Category Theory Seminar

On the solution of recursive domain equations

UserOhad Kammar (University of Cambridge).

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 11 June 2015, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Synthetic differentiation of species

UserRichard Garner (Macquarie University).

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 03 June 2015, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Quantum D-Modules

UserNicolas Dupré, University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 29 May 2015, 15:00-16:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Classifying toposes and forcing

UserEric Faber (DPMMS).

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 28 May 2015, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Closure operators and central extensions in the category of quandles

UserMarino Gran (Université Catholique de Louvain).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 26 May 2015, 14:15-15:15

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Categorical Logic Round Table

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 21 May 2015, 14:00-15:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Profunctors - An Introduction

UserGuilherme Lima de Carvalho e Silva (University of Cambridge).

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 07 May 2015, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Skew monoidal structures in 2-category theory

UserJohn Bourke (Masaryk University).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 28 April 2015, 14:15-15:15

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Models of Polymorphism

UserSean Moss (DPMMS).

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 23 April 2015, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Covariant fibrations and diagrams of spaces

UserIeke Moerdijk (Radboud University).

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 10 March 2015, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Introduction to Fusion Systems

User Valentina Grazian, University of Birmingham.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 06 March 2015, 15:00-16:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Polynomial functors

UserTamara von Glehn (DPMMS).

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 05 March 2015, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar


UserSean Moss (DPMMS).

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 03 March 2015, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Rationality of blocks of quasi-simple finite groups

UserNiamh Farrell City University, London.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 27 February 2015, 15:00-16:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

The semi-direct product of categories

UserGuilherme Lima de Carvalho e Silva (University of Cambridge).

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 26 February 2015, 14:00-15:00

CMS Colloquia

Purely Kinetic Lagrangians.

UserProfessor Nick Manton, DAMTP..

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 23 February 2015, 17:00-18:00

Category Theory Seminar

Algebraically coherent categories: definition, examples and basic properties

UserTim Van der Linden (Université catholique de Louvain).

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 17 February 2015, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Prime graphs, simple groups and Goldbach's conjecture.

UserElisa Covato University of Bristol.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 13 February 2015, 15:00-16:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Simplicial sets and their homotopy theory

UserSean Moss.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 12 February 2015, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

KZ diagonal fillers

UserIgnacio Lopez Franco (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 10 February 2015, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Soluble profinite groups

UserGed Corob-Cook, Royal Holloway.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 06 February 2015, 14:00-15:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

On the analogy between Galois and fundamental groups.

UserGeorgios Charalambous.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 05 February 2015, 14:00-15:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

The functor of points

UserZhen Lin Low (University of Cambridge).

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 29 January 2015, 14:00-15:00

Peter Whittle Lecture

An afternoon of talks exploring the links between classical information theory, probability, statistics and their quantum counterparts.

UserReinhard Werner (Hannover), Fernando Brandao (Microsoft Research), Robert Koenig (TU Munich), Renato Renner (ETH Zurich).

HouseMR15 Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 28 January 2015, 14:00-18:10

Category Theory Seminar

Universal geometric tensor categories

UserDaniel Schappi (University of Sheffield).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 27 January 2015, 14:15-15:30

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Rigidity of tilting modules

UserAmit Hazi, University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS, MR14.

ClockFriday 23 January 2015, 15:00-16:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Adjunctions induced by Kan Extensions between Grothendieck Toposes

UserGuilherme Lima de Carvalho e Silva (University of Cambridge).

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 22 January 2015, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

A non-abelian Verdier's hypercovering theorem

UserZhen Lin Low (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 02 December 2014, 14:15-15:30

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Discrete Objects in a Topos

UserGuilherme Lima de Carvalho e Silva (University of Cambridge).

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 27 November 2014, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Three notions of symmetric monoidal 2-category

UserNick Gurski (University of Sheffield)..

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 25 November 2014, 14:15-15:30

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

The Möbius function of the small Ree groups

UserEmilio Pierro, Birkbeck, University of London.

HouseCMS, MR4.

ClockFriday 21 November 2014, 15:00-16:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Some observations on cubical sets

UserEnrico Ghiorzi (University of Cambridge).

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 20 November 2014, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Functoriality of modified realizability

UserPeter T. Johnstone (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 18 November 2014, 14:15-15:30

CMS Colloquia

Wild and tame behaviour in group theory

UserHenry Wilton (DPMMS, Cambridge).

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 17 November 2014, 17:00-18:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Regularity for group cohomology with twisted coefficients

UserNic Clarke The University of Manchester.

HouseCMS, MR4.

ClockFriday 14 November 2014, 15:00-16:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Basic Concepts of Enriched Category Theory

UserNigel Burke.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 13 November 2014, 14:00-15:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

An Introduction to Toposes

UserSean Moss (DPMMS).

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 06 November 2014, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Categorical models of effects and resources

UserMarcelo Fiore (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 04 November 2014, 14:15-15:30

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Dehn's problems and Houghton's groups

UserCharles Cox Southampton University.

HouseCMS, MR4.

ClockFriday 31 October 2014, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Vanishing Elements In Groups

UserJulian Brough University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS, MR4.

ClockFriday 24 October 2014, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Reductive pairs arising from representations

UserOliver Goodbourn University of York.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockFriday 17 October 2014, 15:00-16:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Sets for category theory

UserZhen Lin Low.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 16 October 2014, 14:00-15:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Moore Factorization Systems

UserPaige North, DPMMS.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 09 October 2014, 14:00-15:00

Peter Whittle Lecture

Peter Whittle Colloquium

UserYuval Peres (MSR Redmond) , Bálint Tóth (TU Budapest/U Bristol) , Wendelin Werner (ETH Zurich) .

HouseMR12 Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockFriday 03 October 2014, 16:00-19:00

Category Theory Seminar

Lax orthogonal factorisation systems

UserDr Ignacio Lopez Franco (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 27 May 2014, 14:15-15:15

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Sequential Path Objects

UserSori Lee (University of Cambridge).

HouseCMS, MR3.

ClockThursday 22 May 2014, 14:00-15:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Monoidal Categories And More

UserChristina Vasilakopoulou (University of Cambridge).

HouseCMS, MR3.

ClockThursday 15 May 2014, 14:00-15:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Local Geometric Morphisms

UserGuilherme Lima de Carvalho e Silva (University of Cambridge).

HouseCMS, MR3.

ClockThursday 08 May 2014, 14:00-15:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Introduction to simplicial homotopy theory

UserZhen Lin Low - DPMMS.

HouseCMS, MR3.

ClockThursday 01 May 2014, 14:00-15:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Word Equations on finite nilpotent groups of class 2

UserAinhoa Iniguez Goizueta, University of Oxford.

HouseCMS, MR5.

ClockFriday 14 March 2014, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

The lfc Grothendieck topology

UserIeke Moerdijk, Raboud University Nijmegen.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 11 March 2014, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Generation problems in Wilson type groups

UserMatteo Vannacci, Royal Holloway.

HouseCMS, MR5.

ClockFriday 07 March 2014, 15:00-16:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Homotopy type theory and weak factorization systems

UserPaige North, DPMMS.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 06 March 2014, 14:00-15:00

CMS Colloquia

The Accelerating Universe

UserProfessor Anne-Christine Davis, University of Cambridge.

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 03 March 2014, 17:00-18:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Van Kampen's Theorem: classic, directed & generalized

UserTobias Heindel (University of Edinburgh).

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 27 February 2014, 14:00-15:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Regular, exact, and PERs categories

UserEnrico Ghiorzi, DPMMS.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 20 February 2014, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Title to be confirmed

UserDimitri Chikhladze, Coimbra.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 18 February 2014, 14:15-15:15

Junior Category Theory Seminar

A gentle introduction to Categorical Logic

UserFilip Bár, DPMMS.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 13 February 2014, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Hopf monads and Eilenberg-Moore completions

UserIgnacio Lopez Franco, DPMMS.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 11 February 2014, 14:15-15:15

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Descent in Category Theory

UserAdam Lewicki, DPMMS.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 06 February 2014, 14:00-15:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Toposes of group actions

UserAchilleas Kryftis - DPMMS.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 30 January 2014, 14:00-15:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Lambda Calculus and Cartesian Closed Categories

UserSean Moss (DPMMS).

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 23 January 2014, 14:00-15:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Affine Group Schemes

UserJohn Rizkallah Cambridge University.

HouseCMS, MR5.

ClockFriday 06 December 2013, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

A basis of the Gelfand-Graev algebra of a Chevalley group

UserAlessandro Paolini Birmingham University.

HouseCMS, MR5.

ClockFriday 29 November 2013, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Title to be confirmed

UserPaige North, DPMMS.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 26 November 2013, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

An introduction to modular representation theory

UserAmit Hazi University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS, MR5.

ClockFriday 22 November 2013, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

A functional interpretation of type theory

UserTamara von Glehn, DPMMS.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 19 November 2013, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Exploiting relationships between Foulkes modules

UserMelanie de Boeck Kent University.

HouseCMS, MR5.

ClockFriday 15 November 2013, 15:00-16:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Model structures and derived functors, minus homotopy

UserZhen Lin Low - DPMMS.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 14 November 2013, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

The homsets of 2-internalization

UserDany Majard, Brno.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 12 November 2013, 14:15-15:15

CMS Colloquia

Image reconstruction from corrupted and undersampled data

UserDr Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb, DAMTP.

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 11 November 2013, 17:00-18:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

The representation theory of Lie algebras: ordinary vs modular

UserLewis Topley Norwich University.

HouseCMS, MR5.

ClockFriday 08 November 2013, 15:00-16:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Abstract Sobriety and Equilogical Spaces

UserEnrico Ghiorzi - DPMMS.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 07 November 2013, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Towards categorical model theory

UserJiří Rosický, Brno.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 05 November 2013, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

A Deuring criterion for abelian varieties

UserChris Blake University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS, MR5.

ClockFriday 01 November 2013, 15:00-16:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Internal Category Theory

UserTamara von Glehn DPMMS.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 31 October 2013, 14:00-15:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Influence of Conjugacy Class sizes on Sylow Subgroups

UserJulian Brough Cambridge University.

HouseCMS, MR5.

ClockFriday 25 October 2013, 15:00-16:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Orthogonality and Factorization Systems

UserSean Moss (DPMMS).

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 24 October 2013, 14:00-15:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Mahler Measure and Weber's Class Number Problem

UserJack Lamplugh University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS, MR5.

ClockFriday 18 October 2013, 15:00-16:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

An Introduction to Enrichment in a Monoidal Category

UserGuilherme Lima de Carvalho e Silva (University of Cambridge).

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 17 October 2013, 14:00-15:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Ring Theoretic Properties of Affinoid PD-Weyl Algebras

Note time and venue

UserBenjamin Lewis (Queen Mary).


ClockFriday 31 May 2013, 14:30-15:30

Category Theory Seminar

Exponentiable Toposes

UserGuilherme Lima, DPMMS.

HouseMR11, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 28 May 2013, 14:15-15:15

Category Theory Seminar

Adjunctions between fibrations

UserChristina Vasilakopoulou, DPMMS.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 14 May 2013, 14:15-15:15

CMS Colloquia


UserPierre Cartier (Institut Des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques).

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockThursday 25 April 2013, 14:00-17:00

Category Theory Seminar

Internal algebra classifiers and their applications

UserMichael Batanin, Macquarie University, Australia.

HouseMR15, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 23 April 2013, 14:15-15:15

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Enrichment of categories of algebras and coalgebras

UserChristina Vasilakopoulou.

HouseCMS, MR4.

ClockThursday 21 March 2013, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

A categorical approach to loops, neardomains and nearfields

UserRudger Kieboom, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 12 March 2013, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Nilpotent approximate groups

UserMatthew Tointon, University of Cambridge.


ClockFriday 08 March 2013, 14:00-15:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Approximation in Domain Theory and some related Category Theory

UserSteffen Loesch - Computer Lab.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockThursday 07 March 2013, 14:00-15:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Spectral sequences

UserJohn Rizkallah, University of Cambridge.


ClockFriday 01 March 2013, 14:00-15:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

A Monadgerie

UserBen Millwood.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockThursday 28 February 2013, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Entropy is inevitable

UserTom Leinster, Edinburgh.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 19 February 2013, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Coset diagrams and their application to finitely presented groups

UserJulian Brough, University of Cambridge.


ClockFriday 15 February 2013, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Generalised Polynomial Functors: Theory and Applications

UserMarcelo Fiore, University of Cambridge.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 12 February 2013, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Sinnott's proof of Washington's theorem, and generalisations

UserJack Lamplugh, University of Cambridge.


ClockFriday 08 February 2013, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Monotone-light factorisation systems

UserTomas Everaert, Belgium.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 05 February 2013, 15:00-15:45

Category Theory Seminar

Universal central extensions in peri-abelian categories

UserTim Van der Linden, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 05 February 2013, 14:15-15:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Generating Sequences of Finite Groups

UserBenjamin Nachman, University of Cambridge.


ClockFriday 01 February 2013, 14:00-15:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Model Categories

UserPaige North - DPMMS.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockThursday 31 January 2013, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Some remarks on 2-star-permutability and descent in regular categories.

UserMarino Gran, Universite catholique de Louvain, Belgium.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 29 January 2013, 14:15-15:15

Junior Category Theory Seminar

What is ... a topos?

UserZhen Lin Low.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockThursday 17 January 2013, 14:00-15:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Growth of p-Selmer groups of elliptic curves in cyclic extensions

UserJulio Brau, University of Cambridge.


ClockFriday 30 November 2012, 14:00-15:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Polynomial Functors

UserTamara von Glehn.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockThursday 29 November 2012, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Topological Galois Theory

UserOlivia Caramello, DPMMS.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 27 November 2012, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Quotients of groups by torsion elements

UserDr. Maurice Chiodo, The University of Milan.


ClockFriday 23 November 2012, 14:00-15:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Fibrations and Adjointness

UserAnders Kock (University of Aarhus).

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockThursday 22 November 2012, 14:00-15:00

CMS Colloquia

Curvature, Sphere Theorems, and the Ricci Flow

To be followed by a reception in the central core

UserProf. Simon Brendle (Stanford).

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 19 November 2012, 17:00-18:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Cyclically presented groups and one relator quotients of triangle groups

UserMariano Zeron-Medina, University of Cambridge.


ClockFriday 16 November 2012, 14:00-15:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Quantum symmetric algebras

UserAlex Shannon, University of Cambridge.


ClockFriday 09 November 2012, 14:00-15:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Regular orbits of symmetric groups

UserJoanna Fawcett, University of Cambridge.


ClockFriday 02 November 2012, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Geometric morphisms between relizability toposes

UserPeter Johnstone, DPMMS, Cambridge.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 23 October 2012, 14:15-15:15

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Endomorphisms of generic models of classifying toposes

UserAchilleas Kryftis - DPMMS.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockThursday 18 October 2012, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Lie structure in Logic wiring

UserMarcelo Fiore, Cambridge.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 16 October 2012, 14:15-15:15

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Weighted Limits

UserGuilherme Frederico Lima - DPMMS.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockThursday 11 October 2012, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

A categorical view of classical lambda calculus

UserMartin Hyland, DPMMS, Cambridge.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 09 October 2012, 14:15-15:15

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Colimits in Toposes

UserRichard Garner.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockTuesday 18 September 2012, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Categories and profunctors via free cocompletions

UserRichard Garner, Macquarie University, Sidney, Australia.

HouseMR4, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 17 September 2012, 14:15-15:15

CMS Colloquia

The Topological Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality

Inaugural Lecture as Professor of Pure Mathematics

UserDanny Calegari (Cambridge).

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 28 May 2012, 17:00-18:00

Category Theory Seminar

The Algebra of Directed Acyclic Graphs

UserMarco Devesas Campos, Computer Laboratory, Cambridge.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 22 May 2012, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Decidability aspects of computing spectral measures


UserLukasz Grabowski (Imperial).


ClockFriday 18 May 2012, 15:00-16:00

Topology Seminar

Solving tangle equations and the tangle model for DNA recombination

UserMauro Mauricio (Imperial).


ClockTuesday 15 May 2012, 15:00-16:00

Topology Seminar

Links with splitting number one

UserMarc Lackenby (Oxford).


ClockTuesday 08 May 2012, 15:00-16:00

Topology Seminar

On realizing homology classes by maps of restricted complexity

UserAndrás Szűcs (Budapest).


ClockTuesday 01 May 2012, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Viewpoints on Homology

UserJulia Goedecke, DPMMS.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 01 May 2012, 14:15-15:15

Category Theory Seminar

The Herbrand topos

UserBenno van den Berg, University of Utrecht.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 17 April 2012, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Hopf algebras and duality

UserAstrid Jahn (University of Glasgow).


ClockFriday 16 March 2012, 14:00-15:00

Topology Seminar

Khovanov homotopy types

UserPaul Turner (Geneva and Freiburg).


ClockTuesday 13 March 2012, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Arithmetic of CM curves over abelian extensions

Note unusual time

UserJack Lamplugh (University of Cambridge).


ClockFriday 09 March 2012, 14:15-15:15

Topology Seminar

Topology of definite fold singularities

UserOsamu Saeki (Kyushu).


ClockTuesday 06 March 2012, 15:00-16:00

Category Theory Seminar

Classical Realizability

UserJaap van Oosten, Utrecht.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 06 March 2012, 14:15-15:15

Junior Category Theory Seminar

An Introduction to Weighted Limits.

UserRichard Garner.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockThursday 01 March 2012, 14:00-15:00

Topology Seminar

Stochastic Algebraic Topology

UserMichael Farber (Warwick).


ClockTuesday 28 February 2012, 15:30-16:30

Category Theory Seminar

Restriction categories as enriched categories

UserRichard Garner, Macquarie University, Australia.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 28 February 2012, 15:00-15:45

Category Theory Seminar

Multivariable adjunctions and mates

UserEugenia Cheng, Sheffield.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 28 February 2012, 14:15-15:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

The Fundamental Theorem of Category Theory

UserFilip Bar.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockThursday 23 February 2012, 14:00-15:00

Topology Seminar

2-strand twisting and knot homology

UserAndrew Lobb (Durham).


ClockTuesday 21 February 2012, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Injective Hulls of Trivial Modules

UserJonathan Nelson (University of Cambridge).


ClockFriday 17 February 2012, 14:00-15:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Weighted limits and homotopy limits

UserSori Lee.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockThursday 16 February 2012, 14:00-15:00

Topology Seminar

Taut depth one foliations and the sutured Floer polytope

UserIrida Altman (Warwick).


ClockTuesday 14 February 2012, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Higher Class Field Theory in Positive Characteristic

UserKirsty Syder (University of Nottingham).


ClockFriday 10 February 2012, 14:00-15:00

Topology Seminar

Pretzel knots with unknotting number one

UserJulian Gibbons (Imperial).


ClockTuesday 07 February 2012, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Injective Hulls of Trivial Modules


UserJonathan Nelson (University of Cambridge).


ClockFriday 03 February 2012, 14:00-15:00

Topology Seminar

Exotic monotone Lagrangian tori

UserAgnès Gadbled (Cambridge).


ClockTuesday 31 January 2012, 15:00-16:00

Topology Seminar

On invariants of contact structures

UserPatrick Massot (Paris-Sud Orsay).


ClockTuesday 24 January 2012, 15:00-16:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Simplicial Objects

UserDr Julia Goedecke.

HouseCMS, MR15.

ClockThursday 19 January 2012, 14:00-15:00

Topology Seminar

The Kakimizu complex of a link

UserJessica Banks (Oxford).


ClockTuesday 17 January 2012, 15:00-16:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Bases of primitive diagonal groups

UserJoanna Fawcett (University of Cambridge).


ClockFriday 02 December 2011, 14:00-15:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

Monoidal Categories (and much more!)

UserChristina Vasilakopoulou.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockFriday 02 December 2011, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Introduction to semi-abelian categories

UserJulia Goedecke, DPMMS.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 29 November 2011, 14:15-15:15

Junior Category Theory Seminar

An Introduction to Classifying Toposes

UserAchilleas Kryftis - DPMMS.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 24 November 2011, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Concurrent Games

UserGlynn Winskel, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 22 November 2011, 14:15-15:15

CMS Colloquia

Black holes and extra dimensions

UserDr Harvey Reall, DAMTP.

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 21 November 2011, 17:00-18:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Injective modules over Noetherian rings

UserRishi Vyas (University of Cambridge).


ClockFriday 18 November 2011, 14:00-15:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

A tiny introduction to realizability

UserTamara Von Glehn.

HouseCMS, MR13.

ClockThursday 17 November 2011, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Composing free Lawvere Theories

UserAndrei Akhvlediani, Oxford.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 08 November 2011, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Triality, two geometries and one amalgam non-uniqueness result

UserDr. Justin McInroy (Lincoln College, Oxford).


ClockFriday 04 November 2011, 14:00-15:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Structures on Quantum Koszul Complexes

UserAlexander Shannon (University of Cambridge).


ClockFriday 28 October 2011, 14:00-15:00

Junior Category Theory Seminar

What is... Geometric Algebra?

UserFilip Bár (visitor).


ClockThursday 27 October 2011, 14:30-16:30

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

An introduction to diagram algebras

UserChris Bowman (University of Cambridge).


ClockFriday 21 October 2011, 14:00-15:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

An Introduction to Classifying Toposes

UserGuilherme Frederico Lima de Carvalho e Silva (University of Cambridge).


ClockFriday 14 October 2011, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Biduals and finiteness conditions

UserIgnacio Lopez Franco, DPMMS.

HouseMR5, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 11 October 2011, 14:15-15:15

Category Theory Seminar

Twisting Structures

UserSteve Lack, Macquarie University, Australia.

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockThursday 15 September 2011, 14:15-15:15

Category Theory Seminar

The magnitude of an enriched category

UserTom Leinster, University of Glasgow.

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 14 June 2011, 14:15-15:15

Category Theory Seminar

Colimits of Monads

UserJiri Adamek, TU Braunschweig.

HouseMR12, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 13 June 2011, 13:15-14:30

Peter Whittle Lecture

An afternoon of Mathematics and Biology

UserRichard Durbin (Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute), Glenn Vinnicombe (Engineering Department), Ottoline Leyser (Sainsbury Laboratory).

HouseWolfson Room (MR2) Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 26 April 2011, 14:00-19:00

Category Theory Seminar

Protoadditive functors and abstract Galois groups

UserMarino Gran, Université catholique de Louvain.

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 13 April 2011, 14:15-15:45

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Brauer algebras with parameter two.

UserMark Colligan, University of Canterbury.


ClockFriday 18 March 2011, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Lex colimits

UserRichard Garner.

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 15 March 2011, 14:15-15:45

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Lusztig's unipotent pieces and geometric invariant theory

UserMatthew Clarke (Cambridge).


ClockFriday 11 March 2011, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

On the Functional Representation of Abstract Clones

UserMarcelo Fiore (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 08 March 2011, 14:15-15:45

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Largeness and deficiency

UserMariano Zeron-Medina (Cambridge).


ClockFriday 04 March 2011, 14:00-15:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Some different types of Universal finitely presented groups.

UserMaurice Chiodo (The University of Melbourne).


ClockFriday 25 February 2011, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

The Category Theory of Quantum Field Theory

UserJamie Vicary, Oxford University Computing Laboratory.

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 22 February 2011, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

A coalgebraist in Weierstrass country

UserMarjorie Batchelor (Cambridge).


ClockFriday 18 February 2011, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Infinity categories and infinity operads

UserProf I. Moerdijk, Universiteit Utrecht.

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 15 February 2011, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

BGG Reciprocity respects Loewy structure

UserChris Bowman (Cambridge).


ClockFriday 11 February 2011, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Relative Malt'sev and Relative Goursat Categories

UserJulia Goedecke, University of Cambridge.

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 08 February 2011, 14:15-15:15

CMS Colloquia

Solving Linear Equations

UserProfessor Arieh Iserles (DAMTP).

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 07 February 2011, 17:00-18:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Introduction to Coxeter groups

UserElena Yudovina (Cambridge).


ClockFriday 04 February 2011, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

On model theory, noncommutative geometry and topoi

UserBoris Zilber, University of Oxford.

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 01 February 2011, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Localisation of Iwasawa algebras

UserJonathan Nelson (University of Cambridge).


ClockFriday 28 January 2011, 15:30-16:30

Category Theory Seminar

A topos-theoretic approach to Stone-type dualities

UserOlivia Caramello, University of Cambridge.

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 25 January 2011, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Nothing Pithy

UserJonathan Nelson (University of Cambridge).


ClockTuesday 18 January 2011, 14:00-15:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Low-dimensional Galois cohomology

UserRachel Newton ( University of Cambridge).


ClockFriday 03 December 2010, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Three 2-categories

UserMike Prest, University of Manchester.

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 30 November 2010, 14:15-15:15

Category Theory Seminar

Unwirings and exponentiability in categories of multicategories

UserNathan Bowler, University of Cambridge.

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 23 November 2010, 14:15-15:15

Category Theory Seminar

A construction on strong homotopy algebras.

UserMarcelo Fiore (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 16 November 2010, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Permutation Groups

UserJoanna Fawcett, DPMMS.


ClockFriday 12 November 2010, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Duals and invertibility

UserIgnacio Lopez Franco (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 09 November 2010, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Two-dimensional algebra and origami

UserJames Griffin, DPMMS.


ClockFriday 05 November 2010, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Free monads in double categories

UserNicola Gambino, University of Palermo.

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 02 November 2010, 14:15-15:15

Category Theory Seminar

The unification of Mathematics via Topos Theory

UserOlivia Caramello, University of Cambridge.

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 26 October 2010, 14:15-15:15

Category Theory Seminar


UserNathan Bowler, University of Cambridge.

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 19 October 2010, 14:15-15:15

CMS Colloquia

The Pointless Universe

Inaugural Lecture as 18th Lucasian Professor of Mathematics

UserProfessor Michael Green DAMTP.

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 18 October 2010, 17:00-18:00

Category Theory Seminar

Title to be confirmed

UserProfessor Peter Johnstone, DPMMS.

HouseMR4, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 12 October 2010, 14:15-15:15

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Pure Symmetric Automorphisms of Free Groups

UserJames Griffin (Cambridge).


ClockFriday 14 May 2010, 14:00-15:00

Dirac Lecture

Phase Transitions: Scaling, Universality and Renormalization

UserProfessor Leo P. Kadanoff University of Chicago and Perimeter Institute.

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge.

ClockTuesday 11 May 2010, 14:45-16:00

CMS Colloquia

Dynamics of superfluid states of matter

UserDr Natasha Berloff (DAMTP).

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 08 March 2010, 17:00-18:00

Category Theory Seminar

Kernels and weak factorisation systems

UserRichard Garner (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR9, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 02 March 2010, 14:15-15:45

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

A Plan to Prove Broué's Conjecture

UserDavid Craven, Oxford University.


ClockFriday 26 February 2010, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

2-Monads for Differential Calculus

UserMartin Hyland, University of Cambridge.

HouseMR9, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 16 February 2010, 14:15-15:45

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Quine’s “New Foundations” Set Theory

UserZac McKenzie, Cambridge.


ClockFriday 12 February 2010, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Some observations on Tannaka duality

UserIgnacio Lopez-Franco, University of Coimbra.

HouseMR9, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 09 February 2010, 14:15-15:45

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Representations of Quantum Groups

UserJon Nelson.


ClockFriday 05 February 2010, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Unwirings and exponentiability.

UserNathan Bowler (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR9, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 02 February 2010, 14:15-15:45

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Wired groups

UserJames Griffin.


ClockFriday 29 January 2010, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

In search of the pythagorean tensor

UserTom Leinster, University of Glasgow.

HouseMR9, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 26 January 2010, 14:15-15:45

CMS Colloquia

Special values of L-functions - an Ariadne's thread in number theory

UserProfessor Don Zagier (College de France).

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 25 January 2010, 17:00-18:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Combinatorial Representation Theory

UserElena Yudovina, DPMMS.


ClockThursday 21 January 2010, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Iterated weak enrichments

UserNick Gurski, University of Sheffield.

HouseMR9, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 19 January 2010, 14:15-15:45

Category Theory Seminar

Composition in Categories of Games

UserNathan Bowler, DPMMS.

HouseMR9, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 01 December 2009, 14:15-15:45

CMS Colloquia

Integrability and String Theory

UserProfessor Nick Dorey.

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 30 November 2009, 17:00-18:00

Category Theory Seminar

The classifying weak omega-category of a type theory

UserChris Kapulkin, University of Warsaw.

HouseMR9, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 24 November 2009, 14:15-15:45

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Eigenvectors and actions of algebraic groups

UserDarren Kenneally, Cambridge.


ClockFriday 20 November 2009, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Quantum states as measures on the spectral presheaf

UserAndreas Döring, Oxford University.

HouseMR9, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 17 November 2009, 14:15-15:45

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Global dimension and completions

UserRishi Vyas, Cambridge.


ClockFriday 13 November 2009, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Relative commutator theory and the associator of loops

UserTim Van der Linden, University of Coimbra.

HouseMR9, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 10 November 2009, 14:15-15:45

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

A related Burnside problem

UserAnitha Thillaisundaram, Cambridge.


ClockFriday 06 November 2009, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

Remarks on punctual local connectedness

UserProf. Peter Johnstone, DPMMS.

HouseMR9, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 27 October 2009, 14:15-15:45

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Tilting Modules for Algebraic Groups

UserChris Bowman.


ClockFriday 23 October 2009, 14:00-15:00

Category Theory Seminar

The universal loop space operad and generalisations

UserEugenia Cheng, University of Sheffield.

HouseMR9, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 20 October 2009, 14:15-15:45

CMS Colloquia

The Cauchy problem in general relativity

UserDr Mihalis Dafermos.

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 19 October 2009, 17:00-18:00

Category Theory Seminar

The Comprehensive Factorisation and Torsors

UserDominic Verity, Macquarie University, Sidney.

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 13 October 2009, 14:15-15:45

Category Theory Seminar

Hochas and minimal toposes

UserPeter Johnstone (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 01 June 2009, 14:15-15:45

CMS Colloquia

QRT maps and elliptic surfaces

UserProf. J.J. Duistermaat, Utrecht.

HouseLecture Room 1 (INI).

ClockMonday 18 May 2009, 17:00-18:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

The Local Reciprocity Map

UserRachel Newton.

HouseMR13, CMS.

ClockMonday 18 May 2009, 16:00-17:00

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Topological Field Theories

UserAlexander Shannon.

HouseMR13, CMS.

ClockMonday 04 May 2009, 16:00-17:00

Category Theory Seminar

The homological role of measuring comodules

UserMarj Batchelor (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 10 March 2009, 14:15-15:45

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

On conjectures of Higman and Alperin

UserGerhard Röhrle (Ruhr-Universität Bochum and INI).

HouseMR12, CMS, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB.

ClockMonday 09 March 2009, 16:00-17:00

Category Theory Seminar

Some categories arising in the semantics of state and exceptions

UserPaul Blain Levy (University of Birmingham).

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 03 March 2009, 14:15-15:45

Category Theory Seminar

Of operator algebras and operator spaces

UserJeff Egger (University of Edinburgh).

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 24 February 2009, 14:15-15:45

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Orbit closures in the enhanced nilpotent cone

UserPramod Achar (Louisiana State University and INI).

HouseMR12, CMS, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB.

ClockMonday 23 February 2009, 16:00-17:00

Category Theory Seminar

Types are weak ω-groupoids

UserBenno van den Berg (Technische Universität Darmstadt).

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 17 February 2009, 14:15-15:45

CMS Colloquia

How to Sequence 1000 Human Genomes Efficiently

UserProfessor Richard Durbin, Sanger Institute, Hinxton.

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 16 February 2009, 17:00-18:00

Category Theory Seminar

Two cotensors in one

UserSam Staton (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 10 February 2009, 14:15-15:45

Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar

Degrees of Primitive Permutation Groups

UserDarren Kenneally (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR12, CMS, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB.

ClockMonday 09 February 2009, 16:00-17:00

Category Theory Seminar

Fraïssé's construction from a topos-theoretic perspective

UserOlivia Caramello (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 03 February 2009, 14:15-15:45

Category Theory Seminar

Two-dimensional models of Martin-Löf type theory

UserRichard Garner (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 27 January 2009, 14:15-15:45

CMS Colloquia

Genus-minimizing surfaces

UserDr Jake Rasmussen (DPMMS).

HouseMR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 26 January 2009, 17:00-18:00

Category Theory Seminar

Model category theory and quantum gravity

UserLouis Crane (Kansas State University).

HouseMR3, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 20 January 2009, 14:15-15:45

Category Theory Seminar

Hilbert categories and quantum logic

UserChris Heunen (Radboud University Nijmegen).

HouseMR9, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockThursday 08 January 2009, 14:15-15:45

Category Theory Seminar

Two 2-traces

UserSimon Willerton (University of Sheffield).

HouseMR9, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 02 December 2008, 14:15-15:45

Category Theory Seminar

Lawvere Theories for Nominal Equational Logic

UserRanald Clouston (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR9, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 25 November 2008, 14:15-15:45

Category Theory Seminar

Tensor products in higher category theory

UserMark Weber (Université Paris 7).

HouseMR9, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 18 November 2008, 14:15-15:45

CMS Colloquia

Reversibility, Chaos and Self-Organization

UserProf. J. Gollub (DAMTP and Haverford Coll.).


ClockMonday 17 November 2008, 17:00-18:00

Category Theory Seminar

Atomic toposes and countable categoricity

UserOlivia Caramello (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR9, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 11 November 2008, 14:15-15:45

Category Theory Seminar

Syntax graphs and substitution by pushout

UserRichard Garner (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR9, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 04 November 2008, 14:15-15:45

Category Theory Seminar

Synthesis of Second-Order Equational Logic

UserMarcelo Fiore (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR9, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 28 October 2008, 14:15-15:45

CMS Colloquia

D-branes and Derived Categories

This talk follows the talk by Dr D. Tong

UserProf. T.A. Bridgeland (Sheffield).


ClockMonday 20 October 2008, 17:15-18:00

CMS Colloquia

Uses of D-branes

Note early start. This talk is followed by a related talk by Prof T.A. Bridgeland. Dr Tong and Professor Bridgeland shared the 2008 Adams Prize.

UserDr D. Tong (DAMTP).


ClockMonday 20 October 2008, 16:30-17:15

Category Theory Seminar

Sums and tensor products of algebraic theories

UserMartin Hyland (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR9, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 14 October 2008, 14:15-15:45

CMS Colloquia

Maps and Graphs on Surfaces

UserProfessor C Thomassen (Technical University of Denmark).

HouseLecture Room 1 (INI).

ClockMonday 02 June 2008, 17:00-18:00


Chance is a Fine Thing

Inaugural Lecture as Winton Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk

UserDavid Spiegelhalter (Cambridge).

HouseMR2, CMS, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB.

ClockMonday 19 May 2008, 17:30-18:30

Category Theory Seminar

Homotopical aspects of type theory

UserSteve Awodey (Carnegie-Mellon University).

HouseMR9, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 13 May 2008, 14:15-15:45

CMS Colloquia

Astrophysical Accretion and Bright Black Holes

UserDr Gordon I. Ogilvie (DAMTP).


ClockMonday 28 April 2008, 17:00-18:00

Category Theory Seminar

What I don't know about the free topos

UserPeter Johnstone (Cambridge).

HouseMR9, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 05 February 2008, 14:15-15:45

DPMMS Pure Maths Seminar

Algebraic Set Theory

Category Theory Seminar

UserPeter Lumsdaine.


ClockTuesday 29 January 2008, 14:15-15:15

DPMMS Pure Maths Seminar

The Langlands correspondence: prime numbers, symmetry and algebraic geometry

CMS Colloquium

UserDr Teruyoshi Yoshida (DPMMS).


ClockMonday 29 October 2007, 17:00-18:00

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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