Derived equivalences for higher zigzag-algebras
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Gabriele Bocca, UEA
Friday 10 February 2017, 15:00-16:00
CMS, MR15.
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Nicolas Dupré.
A central problem in homological algebra is the classification of rings and algebras up to derived equivalence. If we are working with finite dimensional algebras over a field, it is useful to represent such algebras as bound quiver algebras.
In my talk I will first recall the definitions of derived category and derived equivalences, with particular attention to equivalences induced by Okuyama-Rickard complexes. Then I will define the main subjects of my research, “higher zigzag-algebras”, as bound quiver algebras. I will discuss how the underlying quiver of a higher zigzag algebra can change under a derived equivalence induced by an Okuyama-Rickard complex.
This talk is part of the Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar series.
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