University of Cambridge > > MR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences

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0 upcoming talks and 212 talks in the archive.


Expander graphs are globally synchronising

UserVictor Souza, Cambridge.

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 21 November 2022, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

The Teukolsky equation on Kerr black hole spacetimes

UserRita Teixeira da Costa (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 11 March 2020, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Resonances on asymptotically flat spacetimes

UserDejan Gajic (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 26 February 2020, 16:00-17:00

CCIMI Seminars

The Cycle of Statistical Research

UserQingyuan Zhao (Statistical Laboratory).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 19 February 2020, 15:00-16:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Liouville type theorems for fluid equations

UserSimon Schulz (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 05 February 2020, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Bumpy Metrics for Minimal Submanifolds

UserPaul Minter (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockThursday 30 January 2020, 16:30-17:30

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Collective sampling through a Metropolis-Hasting like method: kinetic theory and numerical experiments

UserAntoine Diez, Imperial College London and Grégoire Clarté, Université Paris Dauphine .

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 04 December 2019, 16:00-17:00

CCIMI Seminars

Collaborative Analytics and Education in Data Science

UserMartin Spott (HTW Berlin).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 04 December 2019, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Term Structure Model

UserThomas Du Toit, University of Cambridge.

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 27 November 2019, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

High-dimensional tennis balls

User Kasia Wyczesany, University of Cambridge .

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 20 November 2019, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Nonlinear reconstruction from binary measurements

UserLaura Thesing, University of Cambridge.

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 27 February 2019, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Pfaffian systems and the fundamental theorem of surface theory

UserFlorian Litzinger, Queen Mary University of London.

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockThursday 21 February 2019, 16:00-17:00

Applied and Computational Analysis

Explorative 3D imaging

UserJoost Batenburg (CWI, Amsterdam).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockThursday 17 January 2019, 15:00-16:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Quantitative regularity à la De Giorgi

UserJessica Guerand (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 28 November 2018, 16:00-17:00

Applied and Computational Analysis

Norm-Resolvent Convergence in Perforated Domains

UserFrank Roesler (Cardiff University).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockThursday 22 November 2018, 15:00-16:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

On some variational problems and L1-estimates

UserBogdan Raita (University of Oxford).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 21 February 2018, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Learning a regularisation functional

UserSebastian Lunz (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 07 February 2018, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Learning a regularisation functional

UserSebastian Lunz (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 06 February 2018, 16:00-17:00

Applied and Computational Analysis

Generalised Sampling Approximation Theorems

UserMaria Skopina (St.Petersburg University, Russia).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockThursday 01 February 2018, 15:00-16:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Convergence in relative entropy for kinetic equations

UserJosephine Evans (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 25 October 2017, 16:00-17:00

DAMTP Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics

Identifying Rossby wave packets using local finite amplitude wave activity

UserPaolo Ghinassi, Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, Universität Mainz.

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockThursday 28 September 2017, 12:00-13:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Physical Perspectives on Modern Computation

UserSamuel Power (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 14 June 2017, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Introduction to Bayesian contraction rates

UserKweku Abraham (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 10 May 2017, 16:30-17:30

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

An overview on Approximate Bayesian Computation

UserWenkai Xu, Gatsby Unit of Computational Neuroscience.

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 08 March 2017, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Mass transport principle and circle packing

UserGourab Ray (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 01 March 2017, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Unitary ensemble and Riemann-Hilbert problem

UserMo Dick Wong (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 22 February 2017, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Wasserstein distances and its Applications

UserSebastian Neumayer, University of Kaiserslautern.

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 25 January 2017, 16:00-17:00

CMIH Hub seminar series

MRI: How can we help each other?

UserMartin Graves, Cambridge University Hospitals.

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 16 January 2017, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Deep Learning on Geometric Data

UserDavide Boscaini (Università della Svizzera Italiana).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 03 February 2016, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

A fractional inpainting model based on the vector-valued Cahn-Hilliard equation

UserJessica Bosch (Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 13 January 2016, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Random projection ensemble classification

UserTim Cannings (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 18 November 2015, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Asymptotic Analysis of Reaction-Diffusion systems

UserHarsha Hutridurga (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 28 October 2015, 16:00-17:00

CMS Seminars from business and industry

Multivariate Analysis of Performance Parameters for Gas Turbine Health Monitoring Purposes

UserAndrew Appleyard and Anastasios Tsalavoutas, VISIUMLAB™ Controls and Data Services Part of the Rolls-Royce Group.

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 03 March 2015, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

On a question posed by G.I. Taylor.

UserDr Harsha Hutridurga (DPMMS).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 03 December 2014, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Compressed sensing of perfusion MRI

UserMarie Daňková (Brno University of Technology).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 12 February 2014, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

The ups and downs of oscillatory quadrature methods

UserAndreas Asheim (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 11 December 2013, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Factorization of Matrix Functions

UserSergei Rogosin (Belarusian State University).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 04 December 2013, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

A Fast and Well-Conditioned Spectral Method

UserAlex Townsend (University of Oxford).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 30 October 2013, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Singularities of Minimal Surfaces

UserSpencer Hughes ( University of Cambridge).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 20 February 2013, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Fractional diffusion limits for Vlasov-Lévy-Fokker-Planck equations

UserLudovic Cesbron, Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan.

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 06 February 2013, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Nonuniform Generalized Sampling

UserMilana Gataric, (Cambridge Centre for Analysis).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 05 December 2012, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Higher-order denoising of medical tensor images

UserTuomo Valkonen, (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 28 November 2012, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Optimal stopping of a Hilbert space valued diffusion

UserDr Tiziano De Angelis, (University of Manchester).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 24 October 2012, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Mild introduction to Geometric Measure Theory

UserKornel Maczyński (Cambridge Centre for Analysis).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 17 October 2012, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

Spectral analysis of the Fox--Li operator

UserGil Ramos, (Cambridge Centre for Analysis).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 10 October 2012, 16:00-17:00

CQIF Seminar

Quantum Limits on Noise in Linear Amplifiers

UserCarlton M. Caves (Center for Quantum Information and Control, University of New Mexico; and Centre for Engineered Quantum Systems, University of Queensland).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockThursday 19 July 2012, 12:00-13:00

CQIF Seminar

Different permutations are almost orthogonal

UserAram Harrow (University of Washington).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockFriday 13 July 2012, 12:00-13:00

CQIF Seminar

Preparing topological states on a quantum computer

UserToby Cubitt (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockTuesday 10 July 2012, 14:15-15:15

Quantitative Climate and Environmental Science Seminars

Downwelling in Basins Subject to Buoyancy Loss

UserClaudia Cenedese (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockMonday 12 March 2012, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange

In awe of Brownian motion

UserBati Sengul (University of Cambridge).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 05 October 2011, 16:00-17:30

CQIF Seminar

Almost Quantum Theory

UserMichael Westmoreland (Denison University).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 29 June 2011, 12:00-13:00

Category Theory Seminar

Protoadditive functors and abstract Galois groups

UserMarino Gran, Université catholique de Louvain.

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 13 April 2011, 14:15-15:45

CQIF Blackboard Talk

Symmetry, symmetry, symmetry!

UserMatthias Christandl.

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockFriday 25 March 2011, 12:00-13:00

CQIF Seminar

Can we derive quantum formalism from first principles?

Out of term informal talk

UserShmuel Marcovitch (University of Tel Aviv).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockThursday 01 April 2010, 14:15-15:15

CQIF Seminar

Indeterminism and Decoherence in Standard Quantum Theory

UserChristian Schilling, ETH Zurich.

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 25 November 2009, 14:15-15:15

CQIF Seminar

On minimum reversible entanglement generating sets

UserFernando Brandao, Imperial College London.

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 18 November 2009, 14:15-15:15

CQIF Seminar

Measurement process in superconducting flux qubit

UserSergei Strelchuk (Cambridge CQC).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 11 November 2009, 14:15-15:15

CQIF Seminar

Quantum Information and Computer Networks

UserJuan Carlos Garcia Escartin (Cambridge CQC ).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 04 November 2009, 14:15-15:15

CQIF Seminar

Bell-based Quantum Key Distribution

UserLluis Masanes, University of Barcelona.

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 28 October 2009, 14:15-15:15

CQIF Seminar

The Bohrification of quantum logic

This is not an official CQC Seminar

UserKlaas Landsman (Nijmegen).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockFriday 03 April 2009, 14:00-15:00

CQIF Seminar

Quantum graphity: a model of emergent locality in quantum gravity

UserFotini Markopoulou (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics).

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockThursday 08 January 2009, 14:00-15:00

CQIF Seminar

CQC seminar: Sandu Popescu

UserSandu Popescu.

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 06 February 2008, 16:00-17:00

CQIF Seminar

CQC seminar: Sandu Popescu

UserSandu Popescu.

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 06 February 2008, 16:00-17:00

CQIF Seminar

CQC Seminar: Joonwoo Bae

UserJoonwoo Bae.

HouseMR14, Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 18 April 2007, 16:00-17:00

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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