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If you have a question about this list, please contact: . If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser. 5 upcoming talks and 740 talks in the archive. Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Cell modules for the Temperley—Lieb algebra in mixed characteristic
The scaling limit of random planar maps with large faces.
How to win an election using Kneser Graph colourings
How to win an election using Kneser Graph colourings
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar On induced completely prime primitive ideals in enveloping algebras of classical Lie algebras
Branching random walk with non-local competition
Some problems in coarse graph theory
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Coherence dimension for simplicial rings
Height gap of the planar Brownian motion
A new algebraic approach to the wreath conjecture
A new algebraic approach to the wreath conjecture
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Tensor product functoriality via p-adic propagation
A switching property for percolation of Brownian loops
Mean Curvature Flow from Conical Singularities
Decomposing Latin squares into transversals.
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Unipotent representations in the local Langlands correspondence
Metric SYZ Conjecture
Expander graphs from Cayley graphs of groups where every generating set works
Expander graphs from Cayley graphs of groups where every generating set works
Divergence radii in quantum information theoryMR12 accessible through staircase in Pavilion D
Large transversals in Equi-n-squares
Large transversals in Equi-n-squares
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Simplicity in bounded skew-power series rings.
The Brownian loop measure on Riemann surfaces and applications to length spectra
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar A recursive formula for plethysm coefficients and some applications
The *-Edge Reinforced random walk, bayesian statistics and statistical physics
Mixing times for the open ASEP
Reconstructing a large subset of a point set in R from random sparse distance information
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar On the mod-p cohomology of certain p-saturable groups.
The point of view of the particle for 2D random walks in Dirichlet environment
Layered subgraphs of the hypercube
Layered subgraphs of the hypercube
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar On Arthur Multiplicity Formula for G_2
A reduction of the theta(pc) problem to a correlation inequality.
Random growth models with half space geometry
Optimally packing Hamilton cycles in random digraphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Canonical dimension and Iwasawa algebras
Rotationally Invariant First passage percolation - Scaling and Chaos
The structure of subset sums in higher dimensions
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Geometric realisations of affine Hecke algebras with unequal parameters
The number of monochromatic solutions to multiplicative equations
A geometric approach to Ramsey numbers
Universality of directed polymers in the intermediate disorder regime
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The quaternionic Nullstellensatz
Lower Bounds for Maximum Weight Bisections of Graphs with Bounded Degrees.
Lower Bounds for Maximum Weight Bisections of Graphs with Bounded Degrees.
Loop-erased random walk in three dimensions
Percolation through isoperimetry
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar A homotopical approach to smooth mod-p representation theory
Reinforced Random Walk and a Supersymmetric Spin System on the Tree
Scaling limit of high-dimensional random spanning trees
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Coadmissibility of global sections of Drinfeld line bundles
Tight anti-concentration of Rademacher sums
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Affine invariants of finite group schemes
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The Drinfeld Upper Half Plane and Smooth Representations of GL2(O_F)
Product-mixing in compact Lie groups
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Representations of GL_2(F) and Equivariant Vector Bundles with Connection on the Drinfeld Upper Half-Plane.
Matrix Concentration and Free Probability
Lagrangian cobordisms and Fukaya categories
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Elementary abelian subgroups: From algebraic groups to finite groups
Quantitative sub-ballisticity of self-avoiding walk on the hexagonal lattice
The Floer theory of Lagrangian cobordisms
Waring's problem with restricted digits.
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Endotrivial modules for finite groups of Lie type
Two-periodic weighted dominos and the sine-Gordon field at the free fermion point
Wrapped Floer theory and Viterbo Functoriality
Matchings and Loose Cycles in the Semirandom Hypergraph Model
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Composition multiplicities of Verma modules for truncated current Lie algebras
The Critical 2d Stochastic Heat Flow and other critical SPDEs
Symplectic Cohomology and Viterbo Functoriality
Junior Analysis and PDE seminar Linear Inviscid Damping in the Euler-Boussinesq equations
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Integral line bundles of weight -1 on the Drinfeld half-plane and De Rham representations
Excess Folding for Transient Random Walks, Simple or Branching
Spectral invariants, barcodes and Hofer geometry
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Jordan correspondence and block distribution of characters.
Distances on the CLE(4), critical Liouville quantum gravity and 3/2-stable maps
Infinite monochromatic exponential patterns
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Spin representations of symmetric groups in characteristic 2
The invariant measure of the 2D Yang-Mills Langevin dynamic
A Ramsey Characterisation of Eventually Perioidic Words
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The Metaplectic Representation is Faithful
Some aspects of the Anderson Hamiltonian in 1D
Dimension theory of groups of circle diffeomorphisms
Paradoxical Decompositions and Colouring Rules
Paradoxical Decompositions and Colouring Rules
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Skew power series rings
Weak coupling scaling of critical SPDEs
The trace reconstruction problem
The trace reconstruction problem
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Complete reducibility and subgroup structure of algebraic groups
Critical core percolation on random graphs
Spanning trees in pseudorandom graphs via sorting networks
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Representations and cohomology of profinite groups
A topological transition in the XY model
On the evolution of structure in triangle-free graphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar On Donovan’s conjecture and Picard groups
Phase transitions of the graphical representations of the Ising model
Recent progress on the hard sphere model
How long are the arms in Dielectric-Breakdown Model?
Monochromatic Sums and Products over the Rationals
Determinants of Laplacians of converging surfaces
Improved lower bounds for Szemeredi’s theorem.
Improved lower bounds for Szemeredi’s theorem.
Pancyclicity of highly connected graphs
Statistics Clinic Summer 2023 IVThe clinic takes place in MR12 at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences.
Counting graphic sequencesNote 2pm start
Counting graphic sequencesNote 2pm start
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Determination of characters of the symmetric and alternating groups
On an old problem of Erdős
On an old problem of Erdős
Some combinatorial applications of guided random processes
Some combinatorial applications of guided random processes
Spanning regular subgraphs of random graphs: sharp thresholds
New bounds towards the Erdős-Gallai cycle decomposition conjectureNote this seminar will start at 15:15
K_r-saturated graphs with large minimum degree
K_r-saturated graphs with large minimum degree
Generating random regular graphs quickly.
Odd distances in colourings of the plane
Forcing quasirandomness in graphs
Induced subgraphs of induced subgraphs of large chromatic number
The total domination game and the 3/4 Conjecture
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Some Partial Diagram Algebras and their Schur-Weyl Dualities
Small subgraphs with large average degree
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar p-Kazhdan- Lusztig theory
Anticoncentration in Ramsey graphs and a proof of the Erdos-McKay conjecture
Small subgraphs with large average degree
Monochromatic products and sums in N and Q
Monochromatic products and sums in N and Q
Divisor distribution of random integers.
The singularity probability of a random symmetric matrix is exponentially small
Transversals in quasirandom latin squares
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Equivariant D-modules on the Drinfeld upper half-space
An asymptotic minors property for ranks of higher-dimensional tensors
Mixing times for the TASEP on the circle
Testability of relations between permutations
Absolutely Continuous Self Similar Measures
Effective results on the size and structure of sumsets
Sharpness of the phase transition for level set percolation of long-range correlated Gaussian fields
Ramsey theory on homogeneous structures
The interchange model and related spin systems on two-block graphs
Large hypergraphs without tight cycles
** POSTPONED ** Linear configurations containing 4-term arithmetic progressions are uncommonThis talk is postponed until Thursday 10th February
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Boundary algebras arising from uniform Postnikov diagams on surfaces
The dimension of the divisibility order
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Extensions of Specht modules and p-ary designs
Infinitely Edge-Connected Graphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar De Rham Cohomology of Affinoid Spaces
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar General Jones-Wenzl Idempotents
Anti-concentration of Rademacher sums
Anti-concentration of Rademacher sums
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Non-linear Sylow branching coefficients for the symmetric group
Counting Hamiltonian cycles in Dirac hypergraphs
Sparse minors in graphs
On plectic conjectures in positive and mixed characteristic
Network change point detection
Rank-Based Independence Testing in Near Linear Time
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Character levels and character bounds
Joint distribution of spins and applications
Selection bias, missing data and causal inference
The concept of separable effects for causal mediation and competing risks analyses
Hamilton cycles in highly symmetric graphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Some exotic tensor categories in prime characteristic.
Posterior contraction rates for potentially nonlinear inverse problems
Dense induced bipartite subgraphs in triangle-free graphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Representations and subgroups of SL(4), with applications to physics
On Statistical Learning for Individualized Decision Making with Complex Data
Graphs with forbidden induced subgraphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Biset functors for categories
Convergence of Gaussian process emulators with estimated hyper-parameters and applications in Bayesian inverse problems
Inequalities on projected volumes
Optimal Transport: Fast Probabilistic Approximation with Exact Solvers
Stable isoperimetry in lattice-like graphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Higher local constants, local global principles and the Langlands correspondence for GL(n)
Higher local constants, local global principles, and the Langlands correspondence for GL(n)
Approximate Cross Validation for Large Data and High Dimensions
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Dimension series and homotopy groups of spheres
Halfway to Rota's basis conjecture
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Presentations for Brin’s higher-dimensional Thompson groups nV
On the Bloch—Kato conjecture for genus 2 Siegel modular forms
On the convergence of the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm and other irreversible MCMC methods
Generalised Knight Tours
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Leavitt path algebras and Thompson groups for graphs of groups
Optimal Transport for Machine Learning
An approximate version of Jackson's conjecture
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Total positivity is a quantum phenomenon: the grassmannian case
Multiscale Analysis of Bayesian CART
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Representations of reduced enveloping algebras for gl_n and restricted Yangians
Identifying Cointegration by Eigenanalysis
Intersection sizes of linear subspaces with the hypercube
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Twisted equivariant D-modules on rigid analytic spaces
Classification with unknown class conditional label noise on non-compact feature spaces
The (non-)concentration of the chromatic number
On Estimation of Unnormalized Density Models
Planar graphs: One graph to rule them all
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Decomposable Specht modules for Hecke algebras
Asymptotic normality of certain transformation averages
Cyclically Covering Subspaces in F 2 to the n
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Weakly holonomic D-modules on rigid analytic spaces
Distributed Statistics à la Economics
On the robustness of gradient-based MCMC algorithms
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Finiteness properties of simple groupsPart of Functor Categories for Groups meeting supported by LMS
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Constructing a Hecke algebra for Thompson's group VPart of Functor Categories for Groups meeting supported by LMS
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Regular Irrational Subdivisions and Common RefinementsPart of Functor Categories for Groups meeting supported by LMS
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The family of Richard Thompson's Groups: something for (almost) everyonePart of Functor Categories for Groups meeting supported by LMS
Regularized linear autoencoders, the Morse theory of loss, and backprop in the brain
Geometrizing rates of convergence under local differential privacy
Recent Developments in the Study of Single-Index Type Models
Nonparametric maximum likelihood methods for binary response models with random coefficients
MAP estimators and posterior consistency for Bayesian inverse problems with exponential priors
Degree conditions forcing oriented cycles
On distributed Bayesian computation
Monochromatic tight cycle partition for 3-graphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Affinoid Duflo theorem for primitive ideals with trivial central character
On the Consistency of Supervised Learning with Missing Values
[Special Statslab Seminar] Scalable methods for machine learning optimisation
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar On depth and the local Langlands correspondence
Successive shortest paths
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Linear characters of Sylow subgroups of the symmetric group
Nuisance parameters
Explicit stabilised Runge-Kutta methods and their application to Bayesian inverse problems
The graph Moran process
Analysis of Networks via the Sparse β-Model
The Graham-Pollak Problem for Hypergraphs
High-dimensional sign tests for the direction of a skewed single-spiked distribution
On the fundamental understanding of distributed computation
A stable arithmetic regularity lemma in finite abelian groups
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Indecomposable tilting modules for the blob algebra
Post-selection confidence intervals and confidence curves
Cycle-complete Ramsey numbers
Model selection with Lasso-Zero and a robust extension with an application to the problem of missing covariates
Analytic functions in Bernoulli percolation
Geometric MCMC for infinite-dimensional Bayesian Inverse Problems
On the hypocoercivity of some PDMP-Monte Carlo algorithms
The number of symbols that forces a transversal
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar A Beilinson-Bernstein Theorem for p-adic analytic quantum groups
Posterior concentration for Bayesian regression trees and their ensembles
Colouring the real numbers and sum-sets with repetitions
Families of permutations with a forbidden intersection
Concentration of tempered posteriors and of their variational approximations
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar On groups of finite upper rank
Phase transitions on community detectability for various types of stochastic block models
Stability results for graphs containing a critical edge
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar A Proper Mapping Theorem for coadmissible D-cap-modules
Towards a better understanding of early stopping for boosting algorithms
The largest K_s-free induced subgraph in a K_t-free graph
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Partition algebras and Deligne's category Rep(S_t)
Bayesian regression models for complex spatially or serially correlated functional data
Nonstandard Methods in Ramsey Theory
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Chain conditions in the enveloping algebra of the Witt algebra
Nonparametric Bayes for support boundary recovery
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar A counterexample to the first Zassenhaus conjecture
Uniform rates of Glivenko-Cantelli convergence and their use in Bayesian inference
Theorems of Caratheodory, Helly, and Tverberg without dimension
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The ideal structure of solvable Iwasawa algebras
Sketchy decisions: Low-rank convex matrix optimization with optimal storage
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Milnor fiber complexes and some representations
Bayesian estimation of the mean response in a missing data model
Multiple change point estimation based on moving sum statistics
Minimum saturated families of sets
Cross-intersecting families
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar On a theory of Dirac operators for rational Cherednik algebras
Graphons and Graphexes as Limits of Sparse Graphs: Part II
Graphons and Graphexes as Limits of Sparse Graphs: Part I
Polynomial configurations in sets of positive upper density
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The Saxl graph of a permutation group
On the gap between local recovery guarantees in structured compressed sensing and oracle estimates
Generalized sum-product phenomenon and group configurations
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Title to be confirmed
Approximations of the Restless Bandit Problem
Hypergraph Saturation Irregularities
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Title to be confirmed
Borel Local Lemma
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Basic Sets and Perfect Isometries
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Flatness and Completion Revisited
Hamilton spheres in 3-uniform hypergraphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar What has diagrammatic representation theory ever done for us?
Bayesian nonparametric estimation of the intensities in multivariate Hawkes processes
How many irreducible polynomials are there with 0-1 coefficients?
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Classifying the irreducible 2-modular modules of alternating groups and their double covers
Maximising the number of induced cycles
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The rationality of blocks of quasi-simple finite groups
From linear programming to statistics: Fast algorithms for sampling based on interior point methods
Optimal Sup-norm Rates and Uniform Inference on Nonlinear Functionals of Nonparametric IV Regression
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Reduction of cuspidal characters of finite reductive groups
Isoperimetry in integer lattices
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar New families of decomposable Specht modules
Accelerated Consensus via Min-Sum Splitting
Fractional decompositions of dense graphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Weight 2 blocks of double covers of symmetric groups
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Graded Lie algebras and representations of p-adic groups
Online nonparametric regression with adversarial data
Embedding simply connected 2-complexes in 3-space
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Representations of pseudo-reductive groups
Analysis of regularized inversion of data corrupted by white Gaussian noise
Long cycles in hamiltonian graphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Infinite primitive permutation groups and embeddings of profinite groups as open maximal subgroups
The Multicolour Ramsey Number of a Long Odd Cycle
On the chromatic number of a sparse random hypergraph
CCIMI Seminar: Kernel-based Methods for Bandit Convex Optimization
Two two categories of algebras and corresponding categories of coalgebras and their relationship with measuring coalgebras and comodules.
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Action of automorphisms on irreducible characters of symplectic groups
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Amenability, cellular automata and group-graded rings
Elusive problems in extremal graph theory
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Expanders, Beauville surfaces and buildings
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Generalizations of self-reciprocal polynomials
Minimising the Number of Triangles
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar RoCK blocks
List colourings and preference orders
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Dualizing Complexes in the Noncommutative Arithmetic Context
Tangles and the Mona Lisa
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Vanishing Class Sizes
Ramsey problems in directed graphs
Counting problems in additive combinatorics
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Plethysms: permutations, polynomial representations and Schur functions
Families with few k-chains
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Modular representations of p-adic groups and the Jacquet—Langlands correspondence
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Partial linear spaces with symmetry
Highly connected subgraphs in sparse graphs
Monochromatic Infinite Sumsets
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Characters of odd degree of symmetric groups
Forbidden vector-valued intersections
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Quantum character varieties and the double affine Hecke algebra
Tight Hamilton Cycles in 3-Graphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The profinite topology on groups
Induced Subgraphs of Ramsey Graphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Prime ideals in Iwasawa algebras
Finite reflection groups and graph norms
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Invariants of maximal tori of Chevalley groups in some of their representations
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks Lecture 2 - Sample Covariance Operators: Normal Approximation and ConcentrationShort Course
Decomposing Complete Hypergraphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The pre-duals of measuring co-algebras and co-modules
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar no talk
Increasing Sequences of Integer Triples
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar On branch groups
Symmetric Intersecting Families of Sets
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Derived localisation of algebras and modules
Induced subgraphs of graphs with large chromatic number
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Canonical dimension estimates for p-adic Lie groups
A Stability Theorem for Maximal K_{r+1}-free graphs
Sparse graph convergence and where it goes
Limits of some combinatorial problems
Polychromatic colouring and cover-decomposition problems in the plane
Extremal problems for cycles in graphs
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks Concentration InequalitiesThis course will run Tuesdays and Thursdays 10-12, starting 10 May. There will be 8 examinable 2 hour lectures followed by 4 non-examinable 2 hour lectures.
Noise sensitivity in bootstrap percolation
The Chromatic Number of Dense Random Graphs
Khovanov-Rozansky homology and the flag Hilbert scheme
Clique colourings of random graphs
Product mixing and product-free sets in the alternating group
Transitive Avoidance Games
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar A theory of the b-function in positive characteristic
Achlioptas processes and truncated stochastic coalescence
The sharp threshold for making squares
Matchings in random bipartite graphs
Additive triples of permutations
The multiplication table problem for bipartite graphs
Cutoff on all Ramanujan Graphs
Measurable circle squaring
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The catenarity problem in virtually nilpotent mod-p Iwasawa algebras
A Concentration Inequality for Product Spaces
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar A proof of De Concini-Kac-Procesi conjecture and Lusztig's partition
Edge-decompositions of graphs with high minimum degree
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Modular representations of gl_n
Tree-Decompositions of Infinite Graphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Character Values of Finite Reductive Groups at Unipotent Elements
Quantitative quasirandomness
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar New presentations for R. Thompson’s group V
Connectivity in graph classes
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Balanced semisimple filtrations for tilting modules
Bootstrap Percolation in the Hypercube
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Title to be confirmed
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Endotrivial modules
Clustering in preferential attachment networks
A stability theorem for approximate representations
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The Jacobson-Morozov Theorem and Complete Reduciblity of Lie subalgebras
Searching for hidden moving targets on graphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Higher preprojective algebras and superpotentials
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Invariant forms on minuscule representations
Edge-Decompositions of Graphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Mirabolic D-modules
Birthday Inequalities, Hard Spheres, and Independent Sets
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Recognising abelian Sylow subgroups in finite groups
Points in Almost General Position
Monochromatic cycle partitions
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The homological coloured sl3 invariant
Rigorous Analysis of a Randomised Number Field Sieve
Maximal clades in random binary search trees
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Garnir relations and Dyck tilings
Decomposition of multiple coverings of the plane
The Ramsey Theory of Ordinals
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The graded representation theory of the symmetric group and dominated homomorphisms
Cycles in Oriented 3-Graphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Kashiwara's Theorem for D-cap modules on rigid analytic spaces
Tiling the Grid
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Isomorphisms of affine Schur algebras
Colouring graphs with no odd holes
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Seminormal representations of the partition algebras
Coalescence on the Real Line
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Character degree graphs of solvable groups
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Nonholonomic simple modules over enveloping algebras
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Noether's bound for finite group actions
The number of maximal sum-free subsets of integers
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Simple groups which are almost of Lie type
Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks The low-frequency acoustics of drilling a boreholeIndustrial Seminar
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Invariants of Specht Modules
Balls-into-Bins via Local Search
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Classifying maximal subalgebras of exceptional Lie algebras over fields of good characteristic
Fast wins in n-in-a-row games
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Coloured Kac-Moody algebras
Random graphs on the hyperbolic plane
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar New Uniform Diameter Bounds in Pro-p Groups
On Graphs Defined by Some Systems of Equations
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Representation theory of diagram algebras
Universality for critical cellular automata in d dimensions
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar How to make E8 gravy with an OXO cube
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Veronesean representations of Moufang planes
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Orbit-coherence in permutation groups
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Title to be confirmed
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Arithmetic D-modules and locally analytic representations
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar A Rational Hilbert-Mumford Theorem
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Word maps on finite groups
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Maximal subgroups of exceptional groups of Lie type
An introduction to the Langlands programme 3: Langlands Programme for GL(n)
An introduction to the Langlands programme 2: L-functions for GL(n)
An introduction to the Langlands programme 1: Classical class field theory
The Method of Typical Bounded Differences
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Generating finite classical groups by elements with large fixed point spaces
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Conjugacy classes in congruence quotients of Chevalley groups
Disjoint Subgraphs of the Same Size
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Regular orbits of Sym(n) and Alt(n) on irreducible representations
Exactly m-Coloured Graphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Singularities in nullcones of exceptional Lie algebras
Local Maxima of Quadratic Boolean Functions
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Categorical cell decompositions of quantum symplectic varieties
The Ramsey Number of the Clique and the Hypercube
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Temperley-Lieb algebras and diagram algebras
Frankl-Rodl-Type Theorems for Codes and Permutations
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The partition algebra and the Kronecker coefficients
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Conjugacy classes and related topics
The minimum modulus of a covering system is at most 10^19
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The Ext algebra of a Brauer graph algebra
Forbidden submatrices
Bounded gaps between primes: The latest developments from a combinatorial perspective
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Finite subgroups of the Nottingham group and Katz-Gabber covers
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The local structure of G-varieties
Decomposing the cube into paths
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Verma modules for Iwasawa algebras are faithful
Orientations of Hypergraphs and Sparse Ramsey Theory
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Pyber's base size conjecture
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Irreducible subgroups of algebraic groups
Discrete Riemann mapping and the Poisson boundary
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Poisson and Hochschild cohomology and the semiclassical limit
Symmetric power functoriality for GL(2)
Conference on Mathematical Topics in Kinetic Theory Noiseless Vlasov-Poisson simulations with linearly transformed particles
Conference on Mathematical Topics in Kinetic Theory Fractional-Stokes limit for kinetic equations
Conference on Mathematical Topics in Kinetic Theory Explicit solvability and stability analysis of some particular solutions in swarming models
Conference on Mathematical Topics in Kinetic Theory Instantaneous filling of the vacuum for the Boltzmann equation
Conference on Mathematical Topics in Kinetic Theory Exponential convergence to equilibrium for the Landau equation
Conference on Mathematical Topics in Kinetic Theory Invariant Measures for a Kinetic Equation Modelling Schooling of Fish
Conference on Mathematical Topics in Kinetic Theory Regularity of the Boltzmann equation in convex domains
Conference on Mathematical Topics in Kinetic Theory Nonlocal transport equations and systems: from particle description to large time asymptotics
Conference on Mathematical Topics in Kinetic Theory Finite time blow up and condensation in the Nordheim equation for bosons
Conference on Mathematical Topics in Kinetic Theory Stability problem for the Einstein-Vlasov system
Conference on Mathematical Topics in Kinetic Theory Long time behaviour for the granular media equation
Conference on Mathematical Topics in Kinetic Theory A uniform ergodic theorem
Conference on Mathematical Topics in Kinetic Theory Stable stationary states for repulsive-attractive potentials
Conference on Mathematical Topics in Kinetic Theory Existence theory and asymptotic flocking dynamics of flocking particles immersed in fluid
Conference on Mathematical Topics in Kinetic Theory Uniformly accurate numerical schemes for highly oscillatory kinetic and Schrödinger equations
Conference on Mathematical Topics in Kinetic Theory Forward Semi-Lagrangian Method for Curvilinear Meshes
Conference on Mathematical Topics in Kinetic Theory Gyrokinetic simulation of magnetised plasmas
Small minors and subdivisions
Sets of integers with no large sum-free subset
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The geometries of the Freudenthal-Tits magic square
Hitting Times for Maker-Breaker Games
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Bounding cohomology
What can Kashiwara operators do for physics?
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Open problemsPart of a South England profinite groups meeting
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Applications of Pink's theorem to the study of linear pro-p groups over local fields of positive characteristicThird talk of a South England profinite groups meeting
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar On the representation and subgroup growth of F_p[[t]]-analytic profinite groupsSecond talk of a South England profinite groups meeting
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Analytic pro-p groups over pro-p domains - an introductionFirst talk of a South England profinite groups meeting
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Permutations and polynomial factorisation
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Euler characteristics of soluble Iwasawa algebras
Juntas, stability and isoperimetric inequalities in the symmetric group
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Small cancellation
Partition Regularity in the Rationals
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Synchronization and graph endomorphisms
Polynomial-time perfect matchings in dense hypergraphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Chevalley restriction theorem for vector-valued functions on quantum groups
Limits of Permutations: Forcing and Testing
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Deflating characters of symmetric groups and Foulkes' Conjecture
Proof of the 1-factorization and Hamilton decomposition conjectures
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Association schemes, permutation groups and their products
The Size of Capsets
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar HNN extensions and linear groups
A measurable version of the Lovász Local Lemma
Local algorithms on bounded degree graphs
Part III Seminar Series Michaelmas 2012 Part III Seminars (Algebra and Geometry)
Partition Regularity in the Rationals (POSTPONED)
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar From total positivity to quantum algebras
The Fundamental Theorem and Cauchy Completeness
Expansion in the group of affine transformations
Random graphs from a minor-closed class
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Tilings for symmetric groups
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Regularisation, homomorphisms and irreducible Specht modules
Point-Line Problems
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Residual deficiency and one relator quotients of triangle groups
How many real roots does a random matrix have?
Partitioning coloured graphs into monochromatic cycles
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar A closed formula for the Kronecker coefficients
Tiling Euclidean Space with Multiplicity by a Polytope
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Cohomological finiteness conditions for generalised Thompson groups
The phase transition in random graphs -- a simple proof
The Speed of Bootstrap Percolation
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Permutation groups and regular semigroups
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Injective Resolutions and Noetherian Rings
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Platonic polygonal complexes
Large and Judicious Bisections of Graphs
Hamilton Cycles in Random Cayley Graphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Beauville surfaces and groups
Possible Turán Densities
Explosive Percolation is Continuous
Maximal percolation time in bootstrap percolation
Bootstrap percolation with recovery
Analytical and Combinatorial Problems via Probability
Solving S-Unit Equations
Tensors, colours, and octahedra
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Characters of the conjugation actions of simple groups
Euclidean Ramsey Theory
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Some recent progress in algebraic group representations
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Cluster tilting in type A infinity
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Lie superalgebras and character formulas
Two Erdős problems on lacunary sequences: chromatic number and Diophantine approximation
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Multiplicity-free representations of the classical groups
Independent sets in hypergraphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Bases for primitive diagonal groups
Hypergraph containers and list colourings
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The quickest introduction to the Monster***Note the time.***
Well-quasi-ordering binary matroids (Aitken Lecture)
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar On Oliver's p-group conjecture
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Algorithms for matrix groups over infinite fieldsNote the new time***
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Algorithms for matrix groups over infinite fields
Convex chains among random points in the plane
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Generation and random generation: from simple groups to maximal subgroups
Belief propagation guided decimation for random k-SAT
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar No Seminar
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Higher order Fourier Analysis
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar BSO_2n as an extension of BO_2n by BSp_2n
Random Records and Cuttings in Split Trees
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Some Finite Groups associated to the zeta function
Sets without arithmetic progressions, and patterns in arithmetic progressions
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Sieve methods in group theory
Counterexamples to the Hirsch Conjecture
Judicious partitions of hypergraphs
Convexity Spaces and Extremal Set Theory
Triangle-Intersecting Families of Graphs
An Approximate Form of Sidorenko's Conjecture
On sumsets of convex sets
Matchings and packings in graphs, k-graphs and k-systems
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The integral homology of the automorphism group of a free product
Codegree problems for 3-graphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Delta-filtered modules and nilpotent orbits of a parabolic subgroup in O_n
Probably intersecting families
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Landrock's Lemma for Cellular Algebras and BGG Algebras
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Homological finiteness Bredon properties for groups
Graphs as Electrical Networks
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Embedding theorems for tree-free groups
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Product decompositions of finite simple groups
Every Prime Number has Property B
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Suzuki groups as expanders
Recent results on the edit distance of graphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Generating a group by coset representatives
Morphisms for Combinatorial Optimization
The density Hales-Jewett theorem (Part III)
The density Hales-Jewett theorem (Part 2)
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Computing nilpotent and unipotent canonical forms: a symmetric approach
Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar Classifying Finite Primitive Permutation Group
The density Hales-Jewett theorem (Part 1)
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Quantized enveloping algebras via finite dimensional algebras
The mod p local Langlands correspondence and supersingular representations of GL_2(F)
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar No seminar
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Harder's reduction theory for S-arithmetic groups over global function fields
On 3N colored points in a plane
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Minimal Fusion Systems
Hypergraphs do jump
Bootstrap percolation in two dimensions: recent progress and open problems
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The Gelfand-Kirilov conjecture for simple Lie algebras and related problems
Analysing card shuffling via coupling
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Kazhdan--Lusztig cells and unipotent classes
Expanders, Ramanujan graphs and random lifts
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The word problem for groups that are orderable
Graph limits for threshold graphs and interval graphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Archaeology of unipotent radicals
Random partial orders and random linear extensions
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Growth results for linear algebraic groups
A Sparse Regularity Lemma
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Multiplicity-free characters of the finite classical groups
Establishing Complexity of Problems Parameterized Above Average
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Locally s-transitive groups
Newton's Method for Finding Roots of Complex Polynomials: Complex Dynamics Between Combinatorics and Numerical Analysis
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Majorama representations of groups
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar SL(2,Z) , Dirichlet Series and the zeta function
Directed Simplices in Higher Order Tournaments
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Triangle generation and rigidity for simple groups
The maximal probability that k-wise independent bits are all 1
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Extremal elements in Lie algebras and 3-transpositions
Colliding Permutations
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The McKay conjecture and Brauer's induction theorem
Lion and Man -- Can Both Win?
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Representation zeta functions of compact p-adic Lie groups and arithmetic groups
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar No seminar
Strictly monotonic sequences in R^n
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Ultraproducts and the Atiyah conjecture
Approaching Kelly's Conjecture
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Octonions and the Leech lattice
Tiling with Triangles
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The Virasoro algebra and finite simple groups
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar $\zeta$-reversible profinite groups of rank two
On some fully nonlinear elliptic equations
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Character degrees and local structure of finite groups
Shadows and intersections: stability and new proofs
The structure of almost every graph in a hereditary property
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Khovanov's diagram algebra and Grassmannians
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Presentations of finite groups and cohomology
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Title to be confirmed
How to choose the best twins
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Brauer and Lusztig
Multigraphs with two weighted colours
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Unipotent and nilpotent elements in classical groups
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Descendant-homogeneous digraphs
Economical elimination of cycles in the torus
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Revisiting the classification of the finite simple group
Unfriendly Partitions
Random matrices: Universality of ESDs and the circular law
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar General theory of Specht modules for Hecke algebras
Differentiability in Null Sets
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Two boundary Braid groups, Hecke algebras and tantalizer algebras
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Higher level Schur - Weyl duality
Combinatorial theorems in sparse random sets
A short story on summability, ideals, and stable Kneser hypergraphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Classification results in the theory of buildings, II
The number of triangles in a graph
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The Hughes problem 50 years on
Intersecting Families of Permutations
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Classifying reducible Specht modules
Cycles in Oriented Graphs
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Frobenius algebras and surfaces
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Imprimitive irreducible representations of groups of Lie type
Laplacians, homology and hypergraph matching
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Groups and graphs: applications of quasirandomness
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar SL(2,Z) and Dirichlet Series
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Periodicities in trees associated with the classification of p-groups by width, rank and obliquity
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Applications of the classification of 2-groups by coclass
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Towards a classification of p-groups of maximal class using periodicity
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Zeta functions of the coclass trees
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Narrow graded Lie algebras
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar On the classification of p-groups by coclass: results and open problems
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Classification of finite p-groups by coclass and beyond: introductory talk
A Quadratic Bound for Subset Sums
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Isoperimetric functions and Bestvina-Brady groups
Graphs in locally 2-connected spaces
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The Ore conjecture
On the existence of certain generalized quadrangles
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter Equation
Inapproximability of the Tutte polynomial
Avoiding small subgraphs in Achlioptas processes
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Hochschild Cohomology and support varieties
Cores, hulls and synchronization
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar The blocks of the Brauer algebra
Quantum tori and Morita equivalence
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Quantum tori and Morita equivalence
Solubility criteria for finite groups
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Solubility criteria for finite groups
Generalizations of the Heilmann-Lieb Theorem -- with Proofs
A hypergraph regularity method for generalised Turán problems
Assessing the finite-dimensionality of functional dataStatistical Laboratory Seminar
Some model-theoretic classes of permutation groupsAlgebra Seminar
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Some model-theoretic classes of permutation groups
Birth and Death Markov processes in spatial ecologyProbability Seminar
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Normal subgroups of the multiplicative group of a finite dimensional division algebra, and valuations
Statistics in GovernmentStatistical Laboratory Seminar
An introduction to the Royal Statistical Society
Neither Finance nor pharma--life as an industrial statisticianStatistical Laboratory Seminar
Sampling convex bodies and random matrix theoryCombinatorics Seminar
Presentation invariants of groupsAlgebra Seminar
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Presentation invariants of groups
On proof of the Erdos-Sos conjecture
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Principal series types for p-adic general linear groups
Quantum randomness and Kolmogorov probability
Optimisation and Evolution of Networks
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Non-commutative Dunkl operators
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Counting conjugacy classes in parabolic subgroups of general linear groups
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Classification of maximal graded subalgebras of affine Kac-Moody algebras
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Character correspondences and the Alperin-McKay conjecture
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Quantum Groups and the Frobenius map
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar Constructing quantised enveloping algebras via finite dimensional algebras
Please see above for contact details for this list. |
Other listsThe obesity epidemic: Discussing the global health crisis Are there too may people? A head-to-head debate on overpopulation DNA, Cells and Cancer- A Symposium to Honour Professor Ron LaskeyOther talksProtein Folding, Evolution and Interactions Symposium Satellite Applications Catapult Quickfire Talks Mapping laboratory reports for molecular genetic testing to the National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS) HONORARY FELLOWS PRIZE LECTURE - Towards a silent aircraft Nonlinear nonmodal stability theory Diagnostics and patient pathways in pancreatic cancer Molecular mechanisms of cardiomyopathies in patients with severe non-ischemic heart failure Cyclic Peptides: Building Blocks for Supramolecular Designs Scale and anisotropic effects in necking of metallic tensile specimens Single Cell Seminars (November) Making Refuge: Calais and Cambridge |