Gyrokinetic simulation of magnetised plasmas
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Eric Sonnendrucker (MPI Munich - TU Munich)
Tuesday 18 June 2013, 09:30-10:30
If you have a question about this talk, please contact HoD Secretary, DPMMS.
Turbulent transport in magnetic fusion plasmas plays a key role in the energy confinement time. It involves purely kinetic phenomena and thus needs a full Vlasov-Maxwell model. However due to the presence of a very large external magnetic field the Vlasov equation needs be reduced to a so called gyrokinetic model. This model will be presented and then we will focus on the different approaches used for its numerical simulation: purely Eulerian techniques in the GENE code, Particle-In-Cell in the EUTERPE code and semi-Lagragian in the GYSELA code.
This talk is part of the Conference on Mathematical Topics in Kinetic Theory series.
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