Forward Semi-Lagrangian Method for Curvilinear Meshes
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Morgane Bergot (University Lyon I)
Tuesday 18 June 2013, 10:50-11:40
If you have a question about this talk, please contact HoD Secretary, DPMMS.
To simulate a magnetized plasma in the ITER project framework, a Forward Semi-Lagrangian (FSL) method is developped as an alternative to the classical Backward Semi-Lagragian (BSL) method used to calculate the numerical solution of the 4D drift-kinetic equations for ion temperature gradient driven turbulence in a cylinder $(r,\theta,z)$. The method is numerically studied in the case of general curvilinear coordinates. Accurate schemes are described and numerical results in 2D and in a 4D realistic case are presented.
This talk is part of the Conference on Mathematical Topics in Kinetic Theory series.
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