If you have a question about this list, please contact: thwm100; Amir Chaudhry; Jan-Willem van de Meent; Johann Jakob Napp; Amir. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser.
0 upcoming talks and 330 talks in the archive.
Cambridge Network events
David Clark, High Growth Manager, Barclays; Andy Bentham, Partner, Patent Attorney, JA Kemp; Joe Watson, Signpost 2 Grow Navigator, Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough Enterprise Partnership (LEP); Sandy Findlay, Partner Manager, Jumpstart.
Hauser Forum, 3 Charles Babbage Road, Cambridge, CB3 0GT.
Thursday 28 September 2017, 08:00-10:00
The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN)
This event kicks-off our Annual Conference on Gas - An (Un)Conventional Pathway towards our Energy Future? Sign-up for conference and poster session via our website: http://www.cuen.org.uk/
Emile de Jong, General Manager Expertise and Deployment, Shell.
Judge Business School.
Wednesday 14 May 2014, 18:00-19:30
Enterprise Tuesday 2013/2014
Matthew Rock, Co-Founder, Real Business & Caspian Media; British Library BIPC Ambassador; Rob Forkan, Co-Founder Gandys Flip Flops; Andrew Laughlan, Global Head of Strategic Partnerships, blur Group; and Maria Kempinska, MBE, Founder and CEO, Jongleur.
Department of Engineering, Lecture Room 0.
Tuesday 26 November 2013, 18:00-21:00
Enterprise Tuesday 2012/2013
Sherry Coutu, Angel Investor & Entrepreneur; Jack Lang, Serial Entrepreneur and Business Angel; Robert Brady, Angel Investor and Non-Executive Director, Cambridge IP; Peter Cowley, Angel Investor and Director, Martlet; and Monish Suri, Partner, Prime .
Cambridge University Engineering Department, Lecture Room 0.
Tuesday 26 February 2013, 18:00-21:00
Entrepreneurship Centre at Cambridge Judge Business School
Dr Shima Barakat, CfEL; Claire Ruskin, CEO, Cambridge Network; Julie Barnes, CEO, Abcodia; Ann Clarke – Founder, Frozen Ark; Andrew Hatcher – MD, Applied Knowledge; Madhuri Warren – Founder and MD, Pathology Diagnostics.
Hidden Rooms, 7a Jesus Lane, Cambridge, CB5 8BA.
Monday 28 November 2011, 18:30-21:30
Enterprise Tuesday 2009/2010
Including: CfEL Entrepreneurs in Residence; Dr Darrin M Disley, CEO, Execute Technologies, Executive Chairman and Comercial Director, Horizon Discovery Ltd; Alan Williams, Director, Managing Resources Ltd; Ian Rhodes, Partner, P A Consulting Group.
Judge Business School.
Tuesday 02 February 2010, 18:00-20:30
Enterprise Tuesday 2009/2010
Dr Greg Winter, FRS, Co-Founder of Cambridge Antibody Technology and Deputy Director of the MRC's Centre for Protein Engineering; Dr Kevin Johnson, CEO PanGenetics BV Former Cambridge Antibody Technology Executive and General Partner at Ash Biotech Consul.
Department of Engineering, Lecture Room 0.
Tuesday 19 January 2010, 18:00-20:30
Enterprise Tuesday 2009/2010
Reid Hoffman, Executive Chairman and a Co-Founder of LinkedIn; Jonathan Kestenbaum, Chief Executive of NESTA; Dr William H Janeway, senior adviser at Warbug Pincus; Prof Andrew Gamble, Head of Department of Political and International Studies in Cambridge.
Cambridge Union Society Debating Chamber.
Thursday 19 November 2009, 19:30-20:30
Cambridge University Enterprise Network
Dr Tim Yates - Technical Director, Building Research Establishment; Mizi Fan, Brunel University; Ed Suttie, Director of Timber Division, Building Research Establishment; Professor Peter Walker, Dept. Architecture & Civil Engineering, University of Bat.
Hughes Hall, Mortimer Road, Cambridge, UK.
Tuesday 17 November 2009, 14:00-17:30
Please see above for contact details for this list.