University of Cambridge > > The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN) > NUCLEAR: CLEAR OR UNCLEAR? - CUEN Annual Conference 2012

NUCLEAR: CLEAR OR UNCLEAR? - CUEN Annual Conference 2012

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Olivia Nicoletti.

Sustainability, policy and prospects

NUCLEAR: CLEAR OR UNCLEAR ? Sustainability, policy and prospects

Nuclear power is playing an ever more fundamental role in energy strategies, providing about 15% of the world’s electricity. In addition to the ongoing debate about the sustainability of nuclear energy, nuclear power has come under the spotlight following last year’s accident at the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Plant and Germany’s decision to shut down all its nuclear reactors by 2022. After these events, experts, as well as common people, are eager to discover the truth about the sustainability of nuclear energy from an objective perspective. The goal of the CUEN 2012 annual conference is to deliver this perspective to its audience.

The conference will be divided into sessions: after a brief historical introduction, an overview on current and future technologies in nuclear power production will take place, followed by two sessions focused on safety & waste and on policy & finance, with a closing discussion on the sustainability of nuclear power.

For more information and a list of confirmed speakers, please visit the CUEN website

To buy a ticket to attend the CUEN 2012 Annual Conference NUCLEAR: CLEAR OR UNCLEAR ?, please follow this link

This talk is part of the The Cambridge University Energy Network (CUEN) series.

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