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Dr Michael Hastings: Circadian Rhythms

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Charlene Tang.

Come hear about Dr Michael Hastings’ search for a molecular genetic explanation for one of the most conserved and ancient forms of behaviour-circadian timing.

Dr Hastings is the Joint Head of Neurobiology at the University of Cambridge and is a group leader at the MRC -LMB. His group investigates the molecular machinery underlying circadian rhythm, and its relevance to neurological disease. Circadian rhythms exist in all organisms across the tree of life, and in humans are most evident in the daily sleep/wake cycle. Dr Hastings focuses specifically on how the central circadian ‘pacemaker’ in the hypothalamus keeps time and coordinates the rest of the ‘clocks’ distributed throughout the body.

Free talk, free drink, free food! Open to all!

Where: Old Combination Room, Trinity College When: 22nd February 2018 Doors open: 6.00pm Talk starts: 6.15pm

Also don’t miss the rest of our talks this term: Prof Chris Rapley 2nd Mar: Prof Kate Jones 8th Mar: link coming soon! Richard Horton 15th Mar:

This talk is part of the Trinity College Science Society (TCSS) series.

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