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University of Cambridge > Talks.cam > Wednesday Seminars - Department of Computer Science and Technology
![]() Wednesday Seminars - Department of Computer Science and Technology
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The Computer Laboratory’s weekly seminar series, held each Wednesday during Cambridge Full Term at 15:00 in Lecture Theatre 1 of the William Gates Building (online during pandemic restrictions). See http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/seminars/ for more details. If you have a question about this list, please contact: Ben Karniely; Markus Kuhn; Stewart Carswell; hjf37. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser. 3 upcoming talks and 380 talks in the archive. Generative modelling for de novo design of therapeutics
Digital Money and Decentralised Finance
Probabilistic weather forecasting with machine learning
Hardware Datapath: For Machine Learning and Beyond
EU AI Act: A firsthand perspective
Green Algorithms, Green DiSC and GREENER principles: making computational science more environmentally sustainable
The first AGI will be Federated
Sensing human activities: from the lab to the home of the elderly
Computing for Climate Science and Programming for the Planet
Lean Learning: Applying Lean and Agile Techniques to Software Engineering Education
The Wheeler Lectures in Computer Science Wheeler Lecture 2024: Supercharging the Human Mind With AI
Iterative active learning for the rapid discovery of best-in-class multispecific antibody therapeutics
Exploring novel (bio)molecular spaces by design – a dialogue between representation and generation
Private Data Analysis over Large Populations
Distribution Shifts in Human-Centered Representation Learning
A Data-Free, Universal Prior Distribution for Syntactic Structures
Making Large Language Models Safe: A Case Study of Llama2
Graph Neural Networks for skillful weather forecasting
The Compilation Game: Unifying AI, Hardware Design, Quantum, Climate Modelling, and Verification
Quantum computing via the lens of additive combinatorics
A brief introduction to causal inference
Cross-lingual transfer learning with multilingual masked language models
The Wheeler Lectures in Computer Science Wheeler Lecture 2023: Beyond functional programming: a taste of Verse
Coherence Attacks and Defenses in 2.5D Integrated Systems
Pathfinding for 10k agents
An invitation to univalent foundations of mathematics
How can we make trustworthy AI?
Privacy in mobility measurements
Bayes in the age of intelligent machines
Learning the topology of complex systems from their dynamics
From the GUI to ChatGPT: a historical sketch of HCI research agendas and their applicability today
TALK CANCELLED: Explicit Weakening (A Functional Pearl)
Backdoors in Machine Learning Models
Data Science and Machine Learning in Context
Memorial Event for Alexander 'Sandy' Fraser
Using Everyday Routines as a Resource for Understanding Behaviors and Making Recommendations
Formalised Mathematics: Obstacles and Achievements
Financing Forests: A Credible Approach towards Halting Tropical Deforestation
CANCELLED: Turning the metaverse from myth to reality
Developing an artificial heart
Would you trust a cybercriminal?
Computational Inverse Design of Deployable Structures
Balanced Allocations: The Power of Choice versus Noise
AI Hardware and Real-World AI
The Wheeler Lectures in Computer Science CANCELLED: Wheeler Lecture 2022
Safe and accurate satellite navigation with non-Gaussian models
Graph Neural Networks through the lens of algebraic topology, differential geometry, and PDEs
Intelligent Systems of the People, by the People, for the People
AI x Mathematics
Improving Quality of Experience for Video Users in Cellular Networks
The Quarks of Attention
Self-Organization of Lifelike Behaviors
Remote sensing and computer vision – just analysis of images from different sensors?
CO2 Monitoring in the Department
A Retrospective on the 2014 NeurIPS Experiment
The Statistical Finite Element Method
Morello - Arm's research prototype using Capabilities
Computation, Composition
The Wheeler Lectures in Computer Science Wheeler Lecture 2021: Reimagining Robots
Programming languages for humans
Modelling syntactico-semantic composition for natural language understanding and generation
Data driven design for sustainable future cities: incorporating the intangible
Theoretical Foundations of Graph Neural Networks
The Compelling World of Augmented Perception - A Perspective on Sensory Wearables
Reconciling Temporalities in Relating Different Worlds
Graph Neural Networks for Biomedical DataThis seminar is part of the Artificial Intelligence Group Talk series too.
Haar Graph Pooling
Addressing Imbalance in Object Detection
The Wheeler Lectures in Computer Science Wheeler Lecture 2020: The Future of Microprocessors
Soft Aerial Robotics for Digital Infrastructure Systems
Climate, Carbon, and Computer Science
Machine Learning at the Extreme Edge - an Open Platform Approach
Digital Modeling of Reality with Machine Learning
Centre for Mobile, Wearable Systems and Augmented Intelligence Seminar Series Earphones: The Next Significant Platform after Smartphones
The Digital Architecture of Future Cities
Deep learning on graphs and manifolds: going beyond Euclidean data
StructureNet: Hierarchical Graph Networks for 3D Shape Generation
Security and Privacy in a World of Safety: Analysing Avionic Data Links and NextGen ATC Networks
The Principle of Least Cognitive Action
The Wheeler Lectures in Computer Science Combining Formal Methods and Machine Learning
How to design a programming language
Hand Tracking on HoloLens 2
Representation Learning on Graphs
DevOps and Cloud Native development in the University of Cambridge
Verified Probabilistic Reachability in Parametric Hybrid Systems: Theory and Tool Implementation
Make Switches Simple Again!
Perpetual Computing: Technologies for Banishing Batteries
The Magic of Machine Learning and Classifier ensembles
Imitation learning for structured prediction
From molecules to recurrent visual hallucinations: multimodal imaging and computational modelling of Dementia with Lewy bodies
Computational Imaging for Realistic Appearance Modelling
Failing with Style: Why and How we Should Encourage Humans to Fail with Highly Capable Systems
Scalable Intelligent Systems by 2025
Stylus input and the benefits of a standard
A journey into interdisciplinary research
Machine learning for medicine: Predicting, pre-empting and treating disease
The Wheeler Lectures in Computer Science The Wheeler Lecture In Computer Science: Language, Learning, and Creativity
Rule Control Of Teleo-Reactive, Multi-Tasking, Communicating Robotic Agents
A New Era of Open-Source System-on-Chip Design
Latent Variable Model, Matrix Estimation and Collaborative Filtering
No Seminar Today
Embedding Musical Codes into an Interactive Piano CompositionSadly, today's seminar shall not take place owing to strike action.
Part Ib Group Project Presentations
The Exposome in Epidemiological PracticeSadly today's seminar shall not take place owing to snowy travel conditions.
Exploring the mechanisms of haematopoietic lineage progression at the single-cell level
Kiwi Scientific Acceleration on FPGA
Private Statistics and Their Applications to Distributed Learning: Tools and Challenges
Amazon Alexa
THEMIS: Fairness in Federated Stream Processing under Overload
Hands-on Generative Programming: Write an Interpreter, Build a Compiler.
Using Modern C++ - stepping up to C++14/17
When Robots Hit the Road: New Challenges in Multi-Vehicle Coordination and Control
Open source – 19th C. capitalism re-invented ?
Programming Computers Without Processors
What if Computers Understood Physics?
(No Seminar Today)
Wireless community mesh networks: fresh connectivity for 7 billion people
Reigniting Innovation in the Hardware Industry
Can we make people value IT security?Wheeler Lecture – Please register for this session on separate web page.
Ubiquitous Sensing with Light
Pervasive Sensing for Lifestyle Monitoring and Urban Applications
Morphologically Computing Soft Robots toward Self-Organizing Machines
Are Sensor Networks a first step towards the Diamond Age?
Part Ib Computer Science Group Project Presentations
AI Meets Cancer
CHERI - Architectural support for software memory protection and compartmentalisation
Challenges in Human-Robot Interaction
Data Science for the World of Moving Things
Sequencing DNA Using Biological Nanopores
Architectural Impacts of the Silicon Performance Wall
Making Reactive Programs FunctionNote: Venue is LT2 (not LT1).
PYNQ - Enabling Software Engineers to Program Heterogeneous, Reconfigurable SoCs
Web search in an AI world: small, cute, distributed.
Graduate Studies Open DayThis is not a regular seminar. Please see separate programme.
End-to-end encryption: Behind the scenes
From Idea to Startup
Rethinking Auto-ParallelisationPlease note: All seminars in this series now start at 16:15
From EDA to NDA: Treating Networks like Hardware Circuits(Out-of-term, one-off extra seminar.)
The Wheeler Lectures in Computer Science A History of Virtualisation in Operating Systems.[14:30 Minute madness; 16:00 Main lecture; 17:00 Drinks reception.]
What does the operating system ever do for me? - Systems Challenges in Graph Analytics
No Littering!Please note: Unusual day of week and time.
Imaginary Engines: Lovelace, Babbage and the Analytical Engine.
Android: Mobile, Wearable and IoT devices - Designing Global, Scalable SystemsNote revised date.
From Human Affect and Personality to Social Robots: Affective and Social Signal Processing
Freedom to Innovate: Addressing Student Legal Risks at MIT and Queen Mary's Entrepreneurship and Cyberlaw Clinics
CST Part Ib, Group Project Presentations
Data Science at The GuardianThere is no 2:00pm Seminar this week, but the 3:00pm NLIP talk is a recommended alternative.
Communication with Artificial Intelligences
Predicting Psychology from Social Media Data
The Supercloud: Opportunities and Challenges
Synthetic Biology
Finding what is invisible through computation
Understanding and Verifying Javascript Programs.
Communication Technologies Research at the NPL
Talk Cancelled (was 'Synthetic Biology')This talk is cancelled.
Unpatchable: Living with a Vulnerable Implanted Device
Image-triage, Brain Computer Interaction and Deception Detection using EEG
Today’s and Tomorrow’s Camera Processing Pipelines
Cluster Management with Kubernetes
Clouds, Things and Robots: the need for innovation in Architecture and Software
Unweaving The Lexical Rainbow: Grounding Linguistic Creativity in Perceptual SemanticsWe only have LT2 for the hour, so please don't enter before 1pm and don't be late for the talk, as it will start promptly at 1:05 and we'll have to leave before 2pm.
Interaction + Graphics: Four Lectures By Computer Laboratory VisitorsThis is a cross posting from the Rainbow Group.
Probabilistic Programming; Ways Forward
The Wheeler Lectures in Computer Science Hints and Principles for Computer System Design
Cancelled : Full reduction in the face of absurdity.Talk cancelled for today - speaker cannot make it.
Cellular Systems Biology of Chromosome Dynamics
Toward Causal Machine Learning
Deep Learning of Natural Language SemanticsExtrodinary (out-of-term) Babbage Seminar
The Automatic Statistician - an AI for Data Science
Group Project Presentations
Digital by Default - A Paradigm Shift in Government
The Evolution of Sophos
Compressed sensing in the real world - Why and what actually works
Non-Photorealistic Rendering of Images
Interacting with Infrastructure: Home Networking and Beyond
The UK National Cyber Security Programme
Transitive leap frogging: how to avoid queuing up for work
Text Analysis of Social Media Beyond Twitterdome
Scientific Data Management
Kafka and Samza: distributed stream processing in practice
Payment System Security - Attacks and Defences
Structure and Dynamics of Mutlilayer Networks
Science Data Processor for the Square Kilometre Array Telescope
Fuzzy Optimisation of Reverse Logistics Networks
No Fixed Abode: Avoiding IP Address Blocking to Circumvent Censorship
Theory into Practice: the story of Incremental
The Wheeler Lectures in Computer Science Computational Thinking
No Babbage Seminar today owing to the Wheeler Lecture
Multitask Learning
Computing Cancer
*** The Weight of Gravity ***(Additional Talk: Week 0, Extended Duration 1.5 hrs)
Competitive Contagion in Networks
Part Ib Group Project Presentations
What We Talk About When We Talk About Types
Interactive Configuration Problems
Safer Healthcare by Better Computer Science
Talking About Shapes
Randomised Load Balancing For Networks
Evaluation Metrics and Learning to Rank for Information RetrievalPlease note new seminar start time of 2:00pm this term.
MirageOS: compiling a functional cloud
Compressed sensing and the art of subsampling
Research Issues in Computer Support for Collaborative Problem Solving
Towards Do-It-Yourself Networking
Pico: no more passwords!
Understanding Video and Audio at Google
Disciplined Approximate Computing: From Language to Hardware and Beyond
Towards Position-based Routing for Mobile Environments
Humans + Automation: Greater than the sum of the parts
Errors, Exploits, and Espionage - A tour of software vulnerabilities and their real-world impact
The Domain Name System in 2013 – The political and technical landscape
Digging into (Historical) Data: Tracking global commodity trading in the nineteenth century
Strongly-Typed Language Support for Internet-Scale Information Sources
Mind the Map - Modelling Sustainability of Urban Crowd-Sourcing
CANCELLED: Compressed Sensing and the Art of Subsampling
The Wheeler Lectures in Computer Science Could Computers Understand Their Own Programs
Student Design Project Presentations
High-Assurance Algorithmic Trading
Challenges in Computer Graphics Modeling
Privacy Challenges and Solutions for Data Sharing
Adaptive Runtime Verification
Replacing lectures with videos in the Computer Science Tripos
Computing at School: Tackling the ICT Education Crisis in UK Schools
One Bit is Not Enough: The Benefit of Reference Analysis in Virtual Memory Management
Every tweet counts: How statistical content analysis of social networks can improve our knowledge of citizens' preferences. An application to France and US presidential elections and EU leaders' popularity
Structural executable comparison, malware classification, and collaborative binary analysis - the formerly-zynamics tools at Google
Sentiment Analysis
Semi-local string comparison
Challenges and approaches to improving the accuracy of indoor positioning systems
Machine Learning Methods for the Detection and Prediction of Transmembrane Beta-Barrel Proteins in Prokariotes
Dart: A Platform for Building Large Web Applications
The Great Indoors: The Next Frontier in Location-Based ServicesNote unusual time, day and location
Behavioural Nudge or Technological Fudge?
A Bayesian Approach to Learning the Structure of Human Languages
Alan Turing as a computer designer
Energy efficiency and the design of brains
CANCELLED: Structural executable comparison, malware classification, and collaborative binary analysis - the formerly-zynamics tools at GoogleCANCELLED: will most likely be rescheduled for next term
Content delivery in the Internet: an infrastructure-oriented perspective.
The Wheeler Lectures in Computer Science C++11 StylePlease register; note 16:00 start time
A Communications Medium for the 21st Century : Towards Open Public Display Networks
Inclusive Design
Speech Synthesis at Google
Automatic Discovery of Patterns in Media Content
Search Based Software Engineering
Algebraic theories and computational effects
Notes on the Synthesis of Music
TIME: Transport Information Monitoring Environment
Probabilistic Graphical Models in Microsoft's Online Services: TrueSkill, AdPredictor, and Matchbox
Compiler Tools for MATLAB
Body Part Recognition: Making Kinect Robust
The Duality of State and Observation
Kernel Methods: the Emergence of a Well-founded Machine Learning
From deterministic finite automata to infinite games
Reflection on Java Security and Its Practical ImpactsJoint with the Security seminar series
Moose: an open platform for software analysis
Quantum computing -- theoretical prospects and relations to classical computationNote change of lecture theatre
Exhibition of Student Design ProjectsNote special event! Note unusual time!
Mobile Software Engineering - Characteristics and Challenges
Reasoning about Software Safety Integrity and Assurance
In the beginning God created tensor, ... then matter, ... then speech
Efficient Network-wide Flow Record Generation
Challenging Computer Science Problems at Ocado
Implementing a Distributed Event Processing Network
Detecting Network Traffic Anomalies
What is happening now? Finding events in Massive Message Streams
A Look Into Youtube - The World's Largest Video Site
A Survey of Classical and Real-Time Verification
Test Generation and Fault Localization for Web Applications
Hierarchies, Lowerarchies, Anarchies, and Plutarchies: Historical Perspectives of Composably Layered High-Assurance ArchitecturesNote unusual time and day (and LT2)
Multi-Target Data-Parallel Programming with Accelerator for GPUs, Multicore Processors and FPGAs
Some Uses of Hashing in Networking Problems
Executable Strategies for Cellular Decision Making
EXAMSNo Wednesday Seminar due to Exams!
Dynamical Grammars for Galaxy Image Recognition
Statistical problems in complex networks
Privacy in Advertising: Not all Adware is BadwareRescheduled from April 21.
From Separation Logic to Systems Code
Privacy in Advertising: Not all Adware is Badware
Aura: A Programming Language with Authorization and Audit
Exhibition of Student Design ProjectsNote special event! Note unusual time!
Generic Programming
Proving that programs eventually do something good
Third Generation Machine Intelligence
Automated Experimentation: Beyond Deployment and Execution
Graphical Reasoning in Symmetric Monoidal Categories
Models of large-scale real-life networks
Multipath TCP
Performance Comparisons of Hard Logic, Programmable Soft Logic, and Instruction Set ArchitecturesNote unusual out of term date.
A POPLmark retrospective: Using proof assistants in programming language researchNote change of speaker!
Elements of a Networked Urbanism
Insights from Expert Software Design Practice
On Quantitative Software Verification
Serializability Enforcement for Concurrent ML
Aggregated Security Monitoring in 10GB networks
Pushing JavaScript Performance
Reaching Out: how to engage young people with computer scienceWarning: the talk will include loud bangs.
Scalable Ontology-Based Information Systems
Reflections on merging the digital and the physicalNote unusual time
Evolving a language in and for the real world800th Anniversary of Cambridge Univ. talk
Toward Energy-efficient Computing800th Anniversary of Cambridge Univ. talk/Note unusual time
What can sequent calculus do for functional programs?
Concurrency Through the Ages800th Anniversary of Cambridge Univ. talk
No Wednesday Seminar today!
The 10 Cultures Problem800th Anniversary of Cambridge Univ. talk
Computational Creativity: A Different Future for AI Research
Model-Based Design: a New Landscape for Embedded Systems Development
Inventing the User: EDSAC in contextEDSAC 60th Anniversary talk/800th Anniversary of Cambridge Univ. talk/Note unusual time (Talk followed by Drinks Reception at 17:00)
Accounting for User Behaviour in Security
"Re-architecting Internet capacity sharing" aka "Putting far-reaching Cambridge research into practice"
Correctness by Construction of High-Integrity Software
Collective Intelligence Techniques for Pervasive Computing
Balancing the expected and the surprising in geometric patterns: an investigation inspired by Bridget Riley's early Op art
Privacy and HCISec: Notes From The Front
Modelling Quality Properties of Systems
IPv6: the basics
A Framework for the Analysis of Mix-Based Steganographic File Systems
Structured Hidden Markov Model: A General Tool for Analysing Sequential data
Statistical Parsing of Natural Language with Lexicalised Grammars
Second-Order Quantifier Elimination
MetiTarski: An Automatic Theorem Prover for Real-Valued Special Functions
Robust Networks
Defending Networked Resources Against Floods of Unwelcome Requests
The Manticore project
How to Protect your Data by Eliminating Trusted Storage Infrastructure
Forensic Genomics:Kin Privacy, Driftnets and Other Open Questions
Practical Dynamic Software Updating for C
Design, Compilation and Runtime Solutions for Energy-Efficient MicroprocessorsNote unusual date and time
Content Distribution based on Social Swarming
Acceleration of scientific computing using graphics hardware
How to prove that a communications protocol stack is up to the job
Citations and Argumentation for Better Information Access
Stylized Rendering for Multi-resolution Image Representation: Reconciling Efficiency with Aesthetics in Image Compression
Copyright vs CommunityPlease note the extended duration
Sustainable Energy -- without the hot air
Student Design Project Presentations
Delay Tolerant Routing in Mobile and Sensor Networks
High-Performance Processing with Field-Programmable Logic
Rethink and Arise!
Defence against the Dark Arts
Executable Biology: Successes and Challenges
Fine-grained differences and similarities in meaningsNOTE THE LATER TIME
Searching for Evil
Automation for Interactive Theorem Provers
Executable Biology: Successes and ChallengesCanceled
Software Defect Mining with Formal Concept Analysis
Birrell's distributed reference listing revisited
Multi-core programming with automatic parallelisation
TechTalk by Google - The Chubby lock service for loosely-coupled distributed systems
How Do We Know What to Design?
How to Write Bug-Free Code - A Live Demonstration
SQ Minus EQ can Predict Programming Aptitude
Smart-card based authentication on an insecure network
Electronics Revolution - driving pivotal change in Computer Science
New Directions for Navigation
Modelling Biochemical Pathways with Stochastic Process Algebra
“I want to tell you a joke. Are you ready?” – Implementing automated pun generation for children with complex communication needs.
DNA Microarray Technology at Agilent Technologies: Engineering, Manufacturing and ApplicationsHost: Pietro Lio'.
Church's Problem on the Synthesis of Nonterminating ProgramsHost: Anuj Dawar. NOTE: This talk is OUT-OF-TERM
Annual Presentation of Student ProjectsNOTE LATER TIME
Security and Cooperation in Wireless Networks
The Lixto Web Data Extraction Project: A Status Report
Computing for the Future of the Planet
From Pascal and ML to Perl and VB: Software Engineering in Postmodernity
Mechanising First-Order Logic: Technology, Decidability and Applications
Road transport data and their uses
Verification of fine-grain concurrency: Separation Logic for Floyd assertions in Petri nets.
New Challenges in Describing Digital Music
Safety checking in a domain of collaborative applications.
Automatic termination proofs for software
Security Applications and Aspects of Meaning-Based Computing
The Challenges and Thrills of a Young Industry
All-Optical Networks
Learning Probabilistic Sequence Models for Uncovering Gene RegulationThis talk was originally scheduled for October 4. NOTE THAT IT IS NOT AT THE USUAL TIME.
Semantics in broad-coverage natural language processing
Logics for Unranked Trees: An Overview
Learning Probabilistic Sequence Models for Uncovering Gene Regulation
Electromagnetic eavesdropping on computers
Please see above for contact details for this list. |
Other listsLinking Health & Sustainability Public Understanding of Risk Well-being Institute SeminarsOther talksCyclic Peptides: Building Blocks for Supramolecular Designs Making Refuge: Academics at Risk Big and small history in the Genizah: how necessary is the Cairo Genizah to writing the history of the Medieval Mediterranean? Can land rights prevent deforestation? Evidence from a large-scale titling policy in the Brazilian Amazon. Designer Babies or Children of Frankenstein? Genome Editing and its Side Effects DataFlow SuperComputing for BigData Crowding and the disruptive effect of clutter throughout the visual system The Global Warming Sceptic Cambridge - Corporate Finance Theory Symposium September 2017 - Day 1 The Galactic Centre: a template for understanding star formation and feedback in a high-pressure environment |