Non-Photorealistic Rendering of Images
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact David Greaves.
Computer Scientists have been inspired by artists to develop many
non-photorealistic rendering techniques that can take an input image and
produce a wide variety of artistic effects such as oil painting,
watercolour, pointillist, etc. Their application can simply be for fun
(e.g. to make consumer photographs more interesting), but there are also
many other applications such as scientific visualisation, film
production effects, technical illustration, etc.
My talk will overview several NPR techniques, developed by myself and
Yu-Kun Lai, that aim to generate results that are relatively minimal
rendering, in terms of using a combination of refined lines and regions
and a small number of tones or colours. The aim is to achieve a
rendering that is abstracted but retains sufficient elements from the
original image so that (for example) it can be used to generate
recognisable portraits.
This talk is part of the Wednesday Seminars - Department of Computer Science and Technology series.
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