If you have a question about this list, please contact: Dr Christoph Schran; Prof. Gabor Csanyi. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser.
27 upcoming talks and 2468 talks in the archive.
Extra Theoretical Chemistry Seminars
https://zoom.us/j/98420964527?pwd=K2NzWXBWZjZLd2MzaktMOXcxV3pDUT09 Meeting ID: 984 2096 4527 Passcode: 933217
Professor Masayuki Ochi, Osaka University Japan.
Thursday 18 May 2023, 11:00-12:00
Theory - Chemistry Research Interest Group
1st Year PhD Report. Join Zoom meeting https://zoom.us/j/99862441719?pwd=OHc4d0hpczU4SVpEK0ppUHliUVRSUT09 Meeting ID: 998 6244 1719 Passcode: 373295
Yifei Wang, University of Cambridge.
Wednesday 02 February 2022, 15:00-15:30
Theory - Chemistry Research Interest Group
First Year PhD Report. Join Zoom meeting https://zoom.us/j/99862441719?pwd=OHc4d0hpczU4SVpEK0ppUHliUVRSUT09 Meeting ID: 998 6244 1719 Passcode: 373295
Kripa Panchagnula, University of Cambridge.
via zoom .
Wednesday 02 February 2022, 14:30-15:00
Theory - Chemistry Research Interest Group
First Year PhD Report https://zoom.us/j/97542686010?pwd=OHY3Mzd6NUptaHpzTDJkOUY2QTFzZz09 Meeting ID: 975 4268 6010 Passcode: 417918
Christopher Haggard, University of Cambridge.
via zoom .
Wednesday 26 January 2022, 15:00-15:30
Theory - Chemistry Research Interest Group
First Year PhD Report https://zoom.us/j/97542686010?pwd=OHY3Mzd6NUptaHpzTDJkOUY2QTFzZz09 Meeting ID: 975 4268 6010 Passcode: 417918
Ching Ching Lam, University of Cambridge.
via zoom .
Wednesday 26 January 2022, 14:30-15:00
Theory - Chemistry Research Interest Group
https://zoom.us/j/99705960225?pwd=VnB5WW9YWHNrUXRFZmFQOU1wQW5lUT09 Meeting ID: 997 0596 0225 Passcode: 198245
Dr Bin Zhang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
via zoom .
Wednesday 19 January 2022, 14:30-15:30
Engineering - Mechanics and Materials Seminar Series
Please register at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bioengineering-conference-tickets-54846325837
Mihaela van der Schaar, Somenath Bakshi, Sebastian Pattinson, Fumiya Iida, Rasha Rezk, Felice Torrisi, George Malliaras, James Ward, Roger Mason, Andrew Flewitt, Flavia Mancini.
McGrath Centre, St Catharine's College.
Friday 15 March 2019, 08:45-14:00
Chemistry Departmental-wide lectures
Dr Céline Merlet, Prof. Christoph Dellago, Prof. Iris Antes, Prof. Juan P. Garrahan, Dr Lester Hedges, Prof. Pieter Rein ten Wolde, Prof. Berend Smit, Dr Benjamin Rotenberg, Prof. Tuomas Knowles, Dr Ulf Pedersen.
Pfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.
Friday 13 April 2018, 11:00-18:00
Organic Chemistry
11.00 Prof Peter Leadley (Cambridge), 11.45 Dr Joseph Wright (UEA), 12.15 Dr Dieter Spiteller (MPI Jena), 1.45 Prof Timor Baasov (Technion, Isreal), 2.30 Dr Andrew Truman (Cambridge), 3.00 Prof David O'Hagan (St Andrews), 4.15 Prof Jin-Quan Yu (Scripps).
Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.
Friday 23 April 2010, 11:00-18:00
Please see above for contact details for this list.