Odd Times for Triplet Pairing
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Gareth Conduit.
The majority of known superconductors have order parameters of either s or d-wave pairing symmetry, corresponding to spin-singlet Cooper pairs. However increasingly there is evidence that spin triplet pairing may occur in a number of materials. These are therefore solid-state analogues of superfluid helium-3. In particular the order parameter for triplet pairing allows a complex set of phases and textures, including topological phases. Here we discuss (1) the superconductor Sr2RuO4 which is a chiral paired system breaking time-reversal symmetry, (2) other systems including LaNiC2, LaNiGa2 and Re6Zr where time reversal symmetry breaking has also been recently observed, and (3) odd-time triplet pairing induced by proximity effects between a conventional s-wave superconductor and a conical magnet.
This talk is part of the Theory of Condensed Matter series.
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