Electrochemo-poromechanical interactions: the case of ionic polymer metal composites
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Hilde Hambro.
email hh463@cam.ac.uk for passcode
In this talk I present a thermodynamically consistent large deformation theory coupling electrostatics, ion and fluid transport, and mechanics. The mechanical stress, electrostatic stress, and fluid pressure contribute to the total stress. The total fluid flux results from the fluid pressure gradient and the electro-osmosis with mobile ions. The total ion flux is given by diffusion in a deformable body, migration in the electric field, and convection with the fluid. The proposed theory finds application in the study of porous materials saturated with a solution of fluid and ions. Here, I examine the case of ionic polymer metal composites, a class of electroactive polymers finding application as actuators and sensors.
This talk is part of the Engineering - Mechanics and Materials Seminar Series series.
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