University of Cambridge > > Theory of Condensed Matter > Kekule Spirals in Twisted Graphene

Kekule Spirals in Twisted Graphene

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One of the major challenges in the study of magic angle twisted bilayer graphene (MATBG) has been the understanding the insulating states that arise as a result of inter-electron interaction. A combination of recent theoretical [1,2,3,4] and experimental [5,6] work has now established the presence of a new type of order which we call “Incommensurate Kekule Spiral” (IKS) order. This order spontaneously breaks both the valley-charge conservation and moirĂ© translation symmetries, but preserves a modified translation symmetry which simultaneously shifts the spatial coordinates and rotates the U(1) angle which characterizes the spontaneous inter-valley coherence. This type of order appears ubiquitous in the presence of miniscule amounts of strain at temperatures above the superconducting transitions. In this talk I will give an introduction to the physics of MATBG emphasizing the strong coupling approximations. I will then turn to the Hartree-Fock calculations we used to predict the IKS order and I will explain the physics that drives the system towards this ground state. I will also briefly discuss the experiments that have observed this phase, the competing phases that are observed in ultra-small strain samples, as well as the closely related physics of magic angle trilayer graphene.

[1] Yves H. Kwan, Glenn Wagner, Tomohiro Soejima, Michael P. Zaletel, Steven H. Simon, Siddharth A. Parameswaran, Nick Bultinck, Phys. Rev. X 11 , 041063 (2021) [2] Glenn Wagner, Yves H. Kwan, Nick Bultinck, Steven H. Simon, S. A. Parameswaran, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 156401 (2022) [3] Yves H. Kwan, Glenn Wagner, Nick Bultinck, Steven H. Simon, Erez Berg, S. A. Parameswaran, Phys. Rev. B 110 , 085160 (2024). [4] Tianle Wang, Daniel E. Parker, Tomohiro Soejima, Johannes Hauschild, Sajant Anand, Nick Bultinck, and Michael P. Zaletel, Phys. Rev. B 108 , 235128 (2023). [5] Kevin P. Nuckolls et al, Nature 620, 525-532 (2023). [6] Hyunjin Kim, et al, Nature 623, 942-948 (2023).

This talk is part of the Theory of Condensed Matter series.

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