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Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar
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The seminar will feature graduate-level talks in the general areas of algebra and number theory. Both original research and well-known results of interest may be presented. One of the aims is to give young researchers an opportunity to practise presenting talks. If you have a question about this list, please contact: Tom Adams. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser. 0 upcoming talks and 210 talks in the archive. Introduction to Representation Theory of the Symmetric Groups
Continuous linear endomorphisms of holomorphic functions
The SL(2,K) action on a tree, its decomposition and higher dimensional generalisations
A survey on enveloping algebras of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras
Realising The Smooth Representations of GL(2,Zp)
Representations of GL_2 and p-adic Symmetric Spaces
Locally analytic representations and D-modules on rigid analytic spaces
The derived category of a quiver
Deformations of diagonal Hilbert Eisenstein series
The diameter of the modular McKay graph of SLn(Fp).
How loud is an arithmetic drum?
Dimensions of Iwasawa algebras and their representations
The search for p-adic automorphic forms
The Smooth Representations of GL(2,O)
Quivers, the Ringel-Hall algebra and the cohomological Hall algebra
Title to be confirmed
Generation of Derived Categories for Groups Lying in Kropholler's Hierarchy
Faithfulness of highest weight modules for Iwasawa algebras
Several approaches to Kazhdan-Lusztig theory
D-modules on singular varieties
Kazhdan-Lusztig Positivity Conjectures - The Algebraic Viewpoint
Saturated fusion Systems on a Sylow p-subgroup of a rank 2 Lie Type Group
Abstract Regular Polytopes
Irrational Variants of Thompson's Group F
Ring constructions and generation of the unbounded derived module category
Embedding of PSL(2,q) in exceptional groups of Lie type
Finite Singular Orbit Modules for Algebraic Groups
Some Classes of Generalized Graph Groups
Random Walks on Groups: Shuffling Cards and the Cutoff Phenomenon
Tensor Product of Restricted Simple Modules of SL_4 over Characteristic 2
Homomorphisms between Specht modules of KLR algebras
The Structure of Induced Simple Modules for 0-Hecke Algebras
Simple Modular Lie Algebras, Non-graded Hamiltonians, and their Restricted Representations
Tame but not exactly harmless
Special and Extra Special Groups
Discrete and free two-generated subgroups of SL2
Sheaves on Buildings, Homological Induction and Complexes of Groups
Towards an upper bound for the number of composition factors of Specht modules.
Cohomology of PSL(2,q)
Computing With Permutation Representations of Finite Groups
A category O for quantum Arens-Michael envelopes.
Towards a Hecke algebra for fundamental groups of graphs of groups
Height and relational complexity for finite permutation groups
Discrete and free 2-generated subgroups of SL(2,R)
An octonionic construction of the group $^2\mathrm{E}_6(q)$.
An Introduction to Cluster Categories of Type A
Holonomic D-modules, b-functions, and coadmissibility
Local-global conjectures in modular representation theory.
Base sizes of almost quasisimple groups and Pyber's conjecture
Towards a Beilinson-Bernstein Theorem for p-adic Quantum Groups
Smooth representations, projective resolutions and cosheaves
Products of conjugacy classes in finite groups
Dimension estimates for coadmissible modules
Equations in virtually nilpotent groups
A New Normal Form for Thompson's Group F
p'-branching for symmetric groups
A linkage principle for diagrammatic Soergel bimodules
Tannaka Duality for (Ind)Banach Spaces
Brauer Relations and Mackey Functors
Derived equivalences for higher zigzag-algebras
Ringel duality of Schur algebras
Fusion systems over $p$-groups with an extraspecial subgroup of index $p$
Classifying spaces for families of subgroups
Galois characteristics of local fields
Conjugation Modules for Symmetric Groups
Endomorphism rings of some Young modules
Flatness properties of p-adic Banach modules
Thompson-style groups coming from C* algebras of graphs of groups
3/2-Generation of Finite Groups
Decomposing SL2 modules in prime characteristic
Properly stratified quotients of quiver Hecke algebras in type A
Generation of finite simple groups
The involution width of a finite simple group
A very gentle introduction to categorification
An Introduction to Majorana Theory
The distance of large $p$ th powers in the Nottingham group
Frechet-Stein algebras and D-modules on rigid analytic spaces
Invariant Rings of p-groups
Maximal subgroups of low-dimensional classical groups
Auslander-Reiten Components of Brauer Graph Algebras
How to construct a rigid analytic quantum sl_2
Minimal and invariable generation of finite groups and a conjecture of Pyber
Invariance of the restricted p-power in Hochschild cohomology of degree 1
Introduction to Fusion Systems
Rationality of blocks of quasi-simple finite groups
Prime graphs, simple groups and Goldbach's conjecture.
On the p-part of the Birch–Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for elliptic curves with CM by the ring of integers of Q(√−3)
The Möbius function of the small Ree groups
Regularity for group cohomology with twisted coefficients
Canonical filtrations of coordinate rings of varieties with non-reductive automorphism group
Dehn's problems and Houghton's groups
Vanishing Elements In Groups
Reductive pairs arising from representations
Word Equations on finite nilpotent groups of class 2
Generation problems in Wilson type groups
From Foulkes modules to the decomposition matrix of the symmetric groups
Domestic String Algebras and the Ziegler Spectrum.
The Loewy structures of the principal indecomposable modules (PIM's) for small alternating groups in characteristic 2 and 3
A basis of the Gelfand-Graev algebra of a Chevalley group
An introduction to modular representation theory
Exploiting relationships between Foulkes modules
The representation theory of Lie algebras: ordinary vs modular
A Deuring criterion for abelian varieties
Influence of Conjugacy Class sizes on Sylow Subgroups
Mahler Measure and Weber's Class Number Problem
A brief introduction to algebraic groups: their subgroup structure and representation theory
Ring Theoretic Properties of Affinoid PD-Weyl AlgebrasNote time and venue
Nilpotent approximate groups
Coset diagrams and their application to finitely presented groups
Sinnott's proof of Washington's theorem, and generalisations
Generating Sequences of Finite Groups
Growth of p-Selmer groups of elliptic curves in cyclic extensions
Quotients of groups by torsion elements
Cyclically presented groups and one relator quotients of triangle groups
Quantum symmetric algebras
Regular orbits of symmetric groups
Thar she blows - in pursuit of a classification of finite index subgroups of SL_2(Z) in terms of wallpaper groups
Decidability aspects of computing spectral measuresCANCELLED
Hopf algebras and duality
Arithmetic of CM curves over abelian extensionsNote unusual time
An automorphism of a model of set theory that moves a countable ordinal down but does not move any natural number down
Injective Hulls of Trivial Modules
Higher Class Field Theory in Positive Characteristic
Injective Hulls of Trivial ModulesPostponed
Bases of primitive diagonal groups
Decision problems concerning surjections and embeddings of groups
Injective modules over Noetherian rings
Largeness, Rank Gradient and how these relate to Deficiency and p-Deficiency of finitely presented (and generated where appropriate) groups
Triality, two geometries and one amalgam non-uniqueness result
Structures on Quantum Koszul Complexes
An introduction to diagram algebras
An Introduction to Classifying Toposes
A group theoretic approach for finding the ring of integers of a number field.
Brauer algebras with parameter two.
Lusztig's unipotent pieces and geometric invariant theory
Some different types of Universal finitely presented groups.
A coalgebraist in Weierstrass country
BGG Reciprocity respects Loewy structure
Introduction to Coxeter groups
Localisation of Iwasawa algebras
Low-dimensional Galois cohomology
Classifying Finite Primitive Permutation Group
Combinatorics of Weyl Groups and Kazhdan-Lusztig Polynomials
Pure Symmetric Automorphisms of Free Groups
Interesting Results in Recursion Theory, and their Applications to Decision Problems in Groups
A Plan to Prove Broué's Conjecture
On Lusztig's Classification of Irreducible Representations of Finite Groups of Lie Type
Quine’s “New Foundations” Set Theory
The Second Cohomology of Special Linear Groups
Combinatorial Representation Theory
Generalized Gelfand-Graev representations for finite groups of Lie type
Eigenvectors and actions of algebraic groups
A related Burnside problem
The McKay conjecture and Brauer's induction theorem
Euler characteristics, K-theory and Iwasawa algebras
An algebraist's introduction to spectral sequences
Relations between class numbers in Galois extensions of number fields
On conjectures of Higman and Alperin
Decision problems and orders on groups
Orbit closures in the enhanced nilpotent cone
A new norm related to the Gowers U^3 norm
Degrees of Primitive Permutation Groups
Group generators and relations, and making balls of triangles
Bismash Products and Group Algebras
Conditional decision problems in group theory
Hypergraph Ramsey numbers
Generalised Euler characteristics of finitely presented groups
Modular Representations of Finite Groups of Lie Type
Basic Aspects of Profinite Groups
Characters of the group of unitriangular matrices
Simplicial Complexes and the Homological Sylow Theorem
Natural Monoid Structures and Uniform Pro-p Groups
Channels: concrete level k representations of affine Kac-Moody algebras?
The Hardy-Littlewood circle method and Waring's problem
In search of a universal (measuring) bialgebra of endomorphisms of a set and what has this got to do with Littlemann paths?
Homology and Fixed Points
Fourier transforms and solving linear equations
Representation Theory of the General Linear Group
Group cohomology
Factorization in Some Interesting Integral Domains
Spectral sequences
Universal graphs
The Hajnal-Szemeredi Theorem and sporting events
One way cuts in oriented graphs
Constructing extensions of number fields with dihedral Galois group
Frobenius groups
Please see above for contact details for this list. |
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