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Number Theory Seminar
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The Number Theory Seminar usually meets on Tuesdays. Unless noted below, all talks will take place at 2:30pm on in MR13 . If you have a question about this list, please contact: Tom Fisher; HoD Secretary, DPMMS; Tony Scholl; Jack Thorne; Rong Zhou; Hanneke Wiersema; Jef Laga. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser. 0 upcoming talks and 424 talks in the archive. Galois groups of low degree points on curves
Computations of necklaces on elliptic curves
On the geometric Serre weight conjecture for Hilbert modular forms
On the geometric Serre weight conjecture for Hilbert modular forms
Close fields and the local Langlands correspondence
The exceptional zero conjecture for GL(3)
17T7 as a Galois group over Q through Hilbert modular forms
Squarefree values of discriminant polynomials
S_n-extensions with prescribed norms
Torsion Subgroups of Modular Jacobians
The leading constant in Malle's conjecture
The wild Brauer-Manin obstruction
The Grunwald Problem for solvable groups
Hasse principle for intersections of two quadrics via Kummer surfaces
Theta linkage maps and the weight part of Serre's conjecture.
Arithmetic Level Raising for U(2r, 1)
Integral Points on affine diagonal cubic surfaces
Explicit inertial local Langlands correspondence for GL_2 and arithmetic applications
Nearby cycles and cohomology of stacks of shtukas
Progress on local shtukas
Anticyclotomic $p$-adic $L$-functions for families of $U_n \times U_{n+1}$
Isogeny coincidences between families of elliptic curves
Local-global compatibility at l=p for torsion automorphic Galois representations
How often does a cubic hypersurface have a point?
Primes in arithmetic progressions to smooth moduli
A classification for reduction types of curves
Automorphic forms and higher algebraic cycles
Cycle relations in the affine grassmannian and applications to p-adic Galois representations
An introduction to the theory of Kimberlites.
Paucity of rational points on fibrations with multiple fibres
Computing p-adic heights on hyperelliptic curves
Endomorphisms of Gelfand-Graev representations
Diagonal Restrictions of Hilbert Eisenstein series
Intersections of the irreducible components of the Emerton-Gee stack for GL2
The geometry of the Humbert surface of discriminant N^2
Cuspidal cohomology classes for GLn(Z)
Congruences of modular forms and Tate—Shafarevich classes
On a categorical p-adic local Langlands for GL(2,Qp)
Modularity of odd two-dimensional Galois representations over totally real fields
Values of the Ramanujan tau-function
Distributions of unramified extensions of global fieldsRoom changed
Multivariable (φ, Γ)-modules and local global compatibility for the mod p cohomology of Shimura curves
On depth 0 local Langlands via global shtukas
Exceptional isomorphisms between Igusa varieties over function fields.
Prismatic Hodge—Tate crystals and p-adic Simpson correspondence
Elliptic curves: parity phenomena
2-descent for Bloch-Kato Selmer groups and applications
Weak approximation for del Pezzo surfaces of low degree
Modularity of elliptic curves over imaginary quadratic fields
Decompositions of the category of l-modular representations of SL_n(F).
Automorphy Lifting with Ĝ-adequate image
Title to be confirmed
Title to be confirmed
Multiplicity one and Breuil--Kisin cohomology of Shimura curves.
Density of rational points on del Pezzo surfaces of degree 1
Duality for p-adic proétale cohomology of analytic varieties.
The Gauss problem for central leaves
Formalising modular forms, Eisenstein series and the modularity conjecture in Lean
Average Ranks of Elliptic Curves After p-Extension
Effective bounds on S-integral preperiodic points for polynomials
Theta correspondence via C*-algebras of groups
Normalization in the integral models of Shimura varieties of Hodge (abelian) type
Hecke orbits on Shimura varieties of Hodge type
Canonical heights and the Andre-Oort conjecture
The formalism of Shimura varieties
Rigid meromorphic cocycles and p-adic variations of modular forms
Mordell–Weil groups of elliptic curves — beyond ranks
[Cancelled] Local Langlands in families for classical groups in the banal case
Arithmetic statistics via graded Lie algebras
[cancelled] Arithmetic statistics via graded Lie algebras
Understanding the Defect via Ramification Theory
Arthur packets for p-adic groups and the wavefront set
Optimal Diophantine Exponents and the Spectral Decomposition
Title to be confirmed
Title to be confirmed
Title to be confirmed
p-arithmetic cohomology and p-adic automorphic forms
Evaluating the wild Brauer group
Gaussian distribution of squarefree and B-free numbers in short intervals
P-adic L-functions for GL(3)
Congruences of Elliptic Curves Arising from Non-Surjective Galois Representations
Geometric L-packets of toral supercuspidal representationshttps://maths-cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/94361514318?pwd=eGprNC85SFBHL0FvaUlpMEdSdVlkQT09
(A)typical intersections and where to find themhttps://maths-cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/92192959944?pwd=OVJ3d0pJS3RRaWhKOVBuMFJIM3FiQT09
Recent progress on the formal degree conjecture
Affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties and Generalized affine Springer fibers
Hilbert's Thirteenth problem and moduli of abelian varieties.Please contact the organisers for registration details
An Asymptotic Local-Global Principle for Integral Kleinian Sphere Packings
Internal Preprint SeminarPlease contact the organisers for joining details
Towards an integral local theta correspondence: universal Weil module and first conjectures
Condensed MathematicsPlease contact the organisers for joining details
Semistable abelian varieties with good reduction outside 73
Exceptional primes of abelian varietiesPlease contact the organisers for joining details
Internal Preprint Seminar: The Taylor-Wiles methodPlease contact the organisers for registration details
Anticyclotomic Euler systems for conjugate self-dual representations of GL(2n)
Internal Preprint Seminar: A Deuring criterion for abelian varietiesPlease contact the organisers for registration details
Minimal weights of mod p Galois representations
Internal Preprint Seminar: Congruences of Elliptic Curves with Small ConductorPlease contact the organisers for registration details
Families of p-adic L-functions
Internal Preprint SeminarPlease contact the organisers for registration details
Automorphy of Hecke modules from geometry
On plectic conjectures in positive and mixed characteristic
Joint distribution of spins and applications
On some unlikely intersections for values and orbits of rational functions
On a generalization of Perrin-Riou's conjecture on Kato's zeta elements
Twisted orbital integrals and irreducible components of affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties
Distribution of Hecke eigenvalues
Higher local constants, local global principles, and the Langlands correspondence for GL(n)
On the Bloch—Kato conjecture for genus 2 Siegel modular forms
p-adic L-functions via higher Hida theory
Symmetric power functoriality for modular forms
Dyadic approximation in the Cantor set
Completed cohomology and the p-adic Langlands program
The Langlands-Shahidi method over function fields
Parity conjecture for abelian varieties
j-invariant and Borcherds Phi-function
Plectic weight filtration on Hilbert modular varieties
Families of Drinfeld modular forms for GL(N)
The eigencurve at Eisenstein weight one points
Self-dual cuspidal and supercuspidal representations
p-adic unlikely intersections and rational points on curves
Breuil--Mézard conjectures for central division algebras
On the geometry of the Hodge-Tate period morphism
Local non-abelian Kummer maps for curves
Supercuspidal representations modulo p
Selmer groups and some analytic quantities made from L-values for elliptic curves
Uniform irreducibility of Galois action on the l-primary part of Abelian 3-folds of Picard type
Application of (mixed) Ax-Schanuel to counting rational points on curves
Dynamical uniform boundedness and the abc-conjecture
Integer valued polynomials and fast equdistribution in number fields
On $(\varphi,\Gamma)$-modules for Lubin-Tate extensions
Finding three-term arithmetic progressions in dense sets of integers
Singular moduli for real quadratic fields and p-adic mock modular forms
Iwahori-Hecke algebras and measures for split Kac-Moody groups
Variation of Iwasawa invariants in residually reducible Hida families
Level raising for automorphic representations of GL(2n)
Where are the zeroes of a random p-adic polynomial?
Common torsion points and a uniform Manin-Mumford bound for a family of genus 2 curves
Averages of Characteristic Polynomials from Classical Groups and L-functions
Semisimplicity of certain Galois representations occurring in etale cohomology of unitary Shimura varieties
On the automorphy of 2-dimensional potentially semistable deformation rings of $G_{Q_p}$
Vanishing theorems for Siegel modular varieties of infinite Gamma_1-level
Representations of p-adic groups
Arithmetic of rational points and zero-cycles on Kummer varieties
Density of automorphic points in polarized Galois deformation rings
Cancelled due to industrial action
Character varieties and (\varphi_L,\Gamma_L)-modules
Minimal models for rational functions in a dynamical setting
Counting rational points on a bi-projective variety
On primes dividing the discriminant of genus 3 curves
Purity for the Brauer group
D-modules on rigid analytic spaces
Ordinary representations and locally analytic socle for GL_n(Q_p)
Variation under functoriality of geometrically-motivated classes of archimedean representations
Local epsilon-isomorphisms in families
Bernstein series of enhanced Langlands parameters
Strongly modular models of Q-curves
Zero-cycles on homogeneous spaces and the inverse Galois problem
Parity of ranks of abelian surfaces
Unlikely intersections in families of abelian varieties and some polynomial Diophantine equations
Finite subgroups of special linear groups, with arithmetic applications
Reduction of dynatomic curves
A class number formula for Picard modular surfaces
Pseudorepresentations and the Eisenstein ideal
The Weak Leopoldt Conjecture for adjoint representations
Iterating the algebraic étale-Brauer set
Rational Structures on Automorphic Representations and an Automorphic Analogue of Deligne's Conjecture
The relative trace formula of Jacquet-Rallis
Wild parameters and the Langlands correspondence for classical groups
Modular forms and p-adic L-functions
Galois Representations for the general symplectic group
Integral models for eigenvarieties
Galois action on units of rings of integers
Recovering a local field from its Galois group
Images of Galois representations in Hida families
L-functions of curves
mu-ordinary Hasse invariants and the canonical filtration of a p-divisible group
The nonabelian elliptic Fourier transform for unipotent representations of p-adic groups
S_5 Galois extensions of totally real fields and automorphy
Representations of p-adic groups via geometric invariant theory
Sansuc’s formula and Tate global duality (d’après Rosengarten).
Companion points and locally analytic socle for GL(2)
Patching and the completed homology of locally symmetric spaces.
Parity of Selmer ranks in quadratic twist families
Euler systems and deformation of Galois representations
Unlikely Intersections in certain families of abelian varieties and the polynomial Pell equation
An identity on class numbers of cubic rings
Hida theory over some Shimura varieties without ordinary locus.
Systems of forms of the same degree
Potential automorphy of \hat{G}-local systems
Automorphic induction for radicial p-extensions
Gál type GCD sums and extreme values of the Riemann zeta function
Euler characteristic of Selmer groups over global function fields
Strong approximation and a conjecture of Harpaz and Wittenberg
Geometrization of the local Langlands correspondence
Fibrations with few rational pointsplease note this seminar wil take place in MR12
Functional equations in the theory of positively ramified extensionsplease note this seminar wil take place in MR12
Irrationality proofs, moduli spaces, and dinner parties
Fourier coefficients of Siegel modular forms and applications
Additive problems and exponential sums over smooth numbers
Commensurability of automorphism groups, and number theoretic applications
Serre weights and wild ramification in two-dimensional Galois representations
Arthur's multiplicity formula for automorphic representations of certain inner forms of special orthogonal and symplectic groups
Parabolic induction and extensions
Overconvergent modular forms and perfectoid Shimura curves
Eigenvarieties for non-cuspidal Siegel modular forms
Ranks of quadratic twists of elliptic curves (Please note change in time)
The average elliptic curve has few integral points
Transcendental Brauer-Manin obstructions on Kummer surfaces
Analytic continuation on some unitary Shimura varieties
Shimura varieties and complex conjugation
An interplay between the p-parts of the Tate-Shafarevich group
Non-commutative q-expansions
The plectic Taniyama group
The what of p-adic L-functions
L-functions as distributions
Euler systems and the Birch--Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture
Asymptotic Growth of Torsion Homology of Arithmetic Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds
Stark points and p-adic iterated integrals attached to modular forms of weight one
Hasse principle for Kummer varieties (joint work with Yonatan Harpaz)
Bloch-Kato conjecture for Asai representation
p-adic cohomology over local fields of characteristic p
Moduli of mod p Galois representations
Anticyclotomic p-adic heights on elliptic curves
Plectic cohomology of Shimura varieties
Modularity and the Fermat Equation over Real Quadratic Fields
Regularized theta lifts and currents on products of Shimura curves
Selmer groups of elliptic curves in degree p extensions
Arthur-Selberg Trace Formula and Endoscopy
Darmon points for number fields of mixed signature
Automorphic forms mod p on the Z_p-extension of Q, a direct construction of base change, and Iwasawa theory
Theta lifts and evidence for paramodular conjecture
Effective proof of the theorem of André on the complex multiplication points on curves
A non-abelian Kummer congruence for L-functions of CM elliptic curves
Quadratic twists of elliptic curves
Completely faithful Selmer groups over GL(2)-extensions
Height of units and the cyclotomic Z_p-extension of Q
Coleman integrals, p-adic heights, and integral points on hyperelliptic curves
p-adic Hodge theory in rigid analytic families
Unlikely intersections in Shimura varieties and abelian varieties
E_6 and the arithmetic of some non-hyperelliptic curves
The arithmetic of hyperelliptic curves
Special numbers and special functions related to Ramanujan's mock modular forms
The number of conics in a family which contain a rational point
G-valued flat deformations and local models
A Deuring criterion for abelian varieties
Sharp bounds for moments of the Riemann zeta function
The integral Bernstein center for GL(n)
Elliptic curves over real quadratic fields are modular
Computational aspects of the proof of Goldbach's Ternary Conjecture
Symmetric power functoriality for GL(2)
An analogue of Washington's Theorem for elliptic curves with complex multiplication
Langlands' automorphic transfer and non-linear Poisson Formulas
Visibility of Tate-Shafarevich groups in abelian surfaces and abelian threefolds
Local-global compatibility in the p-adic Langlands program for unitary groups
Congruences in noncommutative Iwasawa theory and applications
Analytic continuation of Hilbert modular forms and applications to modularity
Equivariant D-modules on rigid analytic spaces
How frequently does the Hasse principle fail?
On some local-to-global phenomena for abelian varieties
On arithmetically defined hyperbolic manifolds and their Betti numbers
p-adic group rings and the equivariant Tamagawa number conjecture
A non-abelian conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer type
On the local mod p representation attached to a modular form
p-adic Geometric Langlands
What is a mod l Langlands correspondence for GL_n(Q_p) ?
Central values of modular form L-functions
Representation zeta functions
Studying L-functions via the trace formula
Towards the cohomogical construction of Breuil-Kisin modules
Classicality for overconvergent eigenforms on some Shimura varieties
Generalised Eichler-Shimura relations and cohomology of (some) Shimura varieties
Orthogonality of the Mobius function to zero-entropy flows
Reductions of local Galois representations arising from Hilbert modular forms
Geometric approach to the local Jacquet-Langlands correspondence
The class group pairing on elliptic curves
The Buzzard-Diamond-Jarvis conjecture for unitary groups
Dirac cohomology and a formula for dimension of automorphic forms
Divisibility of Chow groups of 0-cycles of varieties over local fields with algebraically closed residue fields
New perspectives on the Breuil-Mézard conjecture
Ranks of elliptic curves with prescribed torsion over number fields
Towards calculating the transcendental Brauer group
Number theoretic applications of the theory of types for p-adic groups
The conjectures of Tate, Beilinson and Bloch/Kato
An integral structure on rigid cohomology
On the structure and relations of Selmer groups
A simple trace formula for algebraic modular forms
The equivariant main conjecture via 1-motives, and applications
The relative Breuil-Kisin classification of p-divisible groups
Recent results on the arithmetic of Darmon points on abelian varieties
The Brauer-Manin obstruction to the local-global principle for the embedding problem
Explicit local reciprocity for tame extensions
Computations with classical and p-adic modular formsThere is code (in magma and sage) for the main algorithm in my talk on my webpage (www.maths.ox.ac.uk/~lauder/)
Regulator maps and Iwasawa theory over Zp^2 extensions
Non abelian p-adic L-functions and Eisenstein series of unitary groups
Computing Hilbert modular forms and modular elliptic curves
Calculations for twisted L-values of modular forms
Interpolating the Jacquet-Langlands correspondence - an example of p-adic Langlands functoriality
The surface of cuboids and Siegel modular threefolds
On the Iwasawa Main conjecture for abelian varieties over function fields
Non-abelian Stark-type conjectures
Remarks on non-abelian duality
A new approach to the Local Langlands Correspondence for GL_n over p-adic fields
Understanding the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer
Automorphic properties of combinatorial generating functions
Frobenius elements in Galois groups
Unfaking the fake Selmer group
The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjectural formula
A half-integral weight multiplier system on SU(2,1)
Brauer--Manin obstruction and integral points
The enigmatic Tate-Shafarevich group
Cuspidal representations in the l-adic cohomology of some Rapoport-Zink spaces
Special values of L-functions of motives and Euler characteristics
An Euler-Kolyvagin system machinery of rank r
Cohomology of the moduli space of bundles: from Atiyah-Bott to the Tamagawa number conjecture
Dimensions of moduli spaces of finite flat models
The mod p local Langlands correspondence and supersingular representations of GL_2(F)
Generalising Stickelberger: Annihilators (and more) for class groups of number fields
Resolution of singularities on the Lubin-Tate tower
Weil etale cohomology of regular arithmetic schemes
Density of rational points on certain K3 surfaces
Effective irrationality measures via Thue's Fundamentaltheorem and hypergeometric functions
R=T theorems for residually reducible Galois representations
Explicit Chabauty over Number Fields
Counting genus one curves over the rationals
The image of Galois l-adic representations for abelian varieties of type III.
On Artin representations and nearly ordinary Hecke algebras over totally real fields
On the valuations of p-adic L-values
The Sato-Tate conjecture for Hilbert modular forms
Special values of L-functions - an Ariadne's thread in number theory
Parity in positive characteristic
How we prove Fermat's Last Theorem these daysThis is the first in a series of three talks on the occasion of John Coates' 65th birthday: Teruyoshi Yoshida (14:15), Chris Wuthrich (15:30), Don Zagier (17:00).
Non-solvable Galois number fields ramified at 2, 3 and 5 only
A non-abelian Stickelberger Theorem
Modular forms of negative weight
Iwasawa theory for modular forms at supersingular primes
Special L-values for motives over Z
Leopoldt's conjecture: a relative extension approach using Baker theory
LMS Spitalfields Day "Potential Modularity"See http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/~td278/modularity/
Refined Iwasawa theory in the elliptic curve case
Automorphic representations of prescribed type
On the inductive construction of the p-adic zeta functions in non-commutative Iwasawa theory
mod p^n congruences between modular forms
Integrality of p-adic L-functions in characteristic p
Multiplicative functions (and pretentions)
p-adic multiple zeta values and motivic Galois groups of mixed Tate motives
Higher descents on an elliptic curve with a rational 2-torsion point
Physics in non-archimedean space-time
Euler's summation of the factorial series and a class of continued fractions
A gentle introduction to overconvergent modular forms
Kato's congruences for Katz p-adic L-functions
Counting Galois representations with Steinberg monodromy
Fundamental lemma and Hitchin fibration : the SL(2) case
Eisenstein cohomology and number theory
Trace formulas and moments of automorphic L-functions
Special cohomology classes arising from the Weil representation
More on the parity conjecture
Linear subspaces in the intersection of two quadrics
The Hasse principle: recent progress on obstructions and counterexamples
Cyclotomic nonvanishing of Rankin-Selberg L-functions
Topics from automorphic forms and Galois representations
Mod p Langlands correspondences for quaternion algebras
Numerical evidence for the equivariant Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture
Equidistribution of almost primes represented by binary forms
Hypersurfaces and the Weil conjectures
Selmer varieties
p-adic semistable representations and generalization of the Shafarevich conjecture
Congruences between L-values and Eisenstein series
Modular forms and Galois representations
A generalisation of Heegner Points?
A mass formula for mod p Galois representations
Iwasawa theory for modular forms at supersingular primes
Ranks of elliptic curves over function fields
Polynomial formulae for theta functions on Jacobians
On main conjectures in non-commutative Iwasawa theory and related conjectures
Saito-Kurokawa lifts, Harder's conjecture and ratios of standard zeta values
Functoriality of the Canonical Fractional Galois Ideal
Parity of the rank of an elliptic curve
Pairings and functional equations over the GL_2-extension
The Deligne-Gross conjecture and parity.
The p-adic local Langlands correspondence for GL_2(Q_p)
Heegner divisors and L-functions of weak Maass forms
P-adic families of automorphic forms
Bounds for the greatest common divisor of u-1 and v-1, for S-units u, v, and applications
Local units in non-commutative Galois extensions
Classifying spaces of degenerating Hodge or p-adic Hodge structures
Lifting Galois representations
On the non-commutative main conjecture for totally real number fields
Modular forms and Galois representations for imaginary quadratic fields
Skew power series rings - a survey
Hasse invariants and the I-adic cohomology of unitary Shimura varietiesNumber Theory Seminar
Local to Global Compatibility on the EigencurveNumber Theory Seminar
Please see above for contact details for this list. |
Other listsInstitute of Astronomy Seminars CIDC/Dept. of Veterinary Medicine Physics - Educational OutreachOther talksA polyfold lab report Overview of Research Process The Partition of India and Migration Propagation of Very Low Frequency Emissions from Lightning CPGJ Academic Seminar: "The teaching professions in the context of globalisation: A systematic literature review" mTORC1 signaling coordinates different POMC neurons subpopulations to regulate feeding Statistical Methods in Pre- and Clinical Drug Development: Tumour Growth-Inhibition Model Example Coatable photovoltaics (Title t o be confirmed) Atiyah Floer conjecture |