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A personal list of talks.

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If you have a question about this list, please contact: Anna Toporska. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser.

5 upcoming talks and 170 talks in the archive.

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Steering the evolutionary dynamics of cancer through space and time

User Jeffrey West, Ph.D. Assistant Member, Integrated Mathematical Oncology H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute.

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre.

ClockMonday 03 February 2025, 12:30-13:30

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

The Roles of the Epilepsy-Associated Kinase CDKL5

UserDr Sila Ultanir, Francis Crick Institute, London.

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre.

ClockMonday 27 January 2025, 12:30-13:30

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Quantitative Biology Seminar

**Seminar cancelled**

UserDr Mohammed Lotfollahi, Wellcome Sanger Institute.

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre.

ClockMonday 30 September 2024, 12:00-13:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Cell size - A new hallmark of aging?

UserJette Lengefeld, University of Helsinki and Karolinska Institute.

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre.

ClockMonday 26 February 2024, 12:30-13:30

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute


UserFernando Santini, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.


ClockMonday 23 October 2023, 14:00-15:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Mapping somatic evolution with single-cell multi-omics

UserDan Landau, New York Genome Center | Weill Cornell Medicine.


ClockMonday 09 January 2023, 14:00-15:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

On the Evolutionary History of Metastatic Cancer

UserKamila Naxerova, PhD, Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Centre.


ClockMonday 28 November 2022, 14:00-15:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Combining multi-omics and biological knowledge to extract disease mechanisms

Please contact Ciara for further details

UserJulio Saez-Rodriguez, Faculty of Medicine of Heidelberg University, Director of the Institute of Computational Biomedicine and Group Leader at the EMBL- Heidelberg University Molecular Medicine Partnership Unit (MMPU).

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre.

ClockMonday 11 July 2022, 14:00-15:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Drug response and tolerance in normal and cancer cells

UserKlaas Mulder, Molecular Developmental Biology, Radboud University.

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre.

ClockMonday 25 April 2022, 14:00-15:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Causality, Perturbations, Gene Regulation, and Drug Repurposing

UserCaroline Uhler, Co-Director of the Eric and Wendy Schmidt Center at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard.


ClockMonday 28 March 2022, 14:00-15:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Accelerating drug discovery with the power of microscopy & AI

UserAnne E Carpenter, PhD, Senior Director of the Imaging Platform, Institute Scientist, Broad Institute .

House .

ClockMonday 28 February 2022, 14:00-15:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Genomic and digital pathology approaches to elucidate cancer dormancy

Hybrid seminar, please join at:

UserMaria Secrier, UCL Genetics Institute.

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre.

ClockMonday 31 January 2022, 14:00-15:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Artificial intelligence for prediction of genetic alterations directly from histology images

Please email to request the Zoom registration link

UserProf Jakob Kather is a physician/scientist and assistant professor at RWTH Aachen University (Germany) with additional affiliations at the NCT Heidelberg (Germany) and the University of Leeds (UK). .

HouseZOOM (live).

ClockMonday 04 October 2021, 09:30-10:30

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Visualizing Spatial Single-Cell Data with Vitessce

Please email by Friday 5th February to receive a ZOOM registration link

UserProf Nils Gehlenborg from Harvard Medical School .

HouseZOOM (live).

ClockMonday 08 February 2021, 15:00-16:15

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Deep learning in medical imaging - successes, pitfalls and challenges

Please email by Friday 11th December to receive a ZOOM registration link

UserProf Lena Maier-Hein from DKFZ in Heidelberg .

HouseZOOM (live).

ClockMonday 14 December 2020, 15:00-16:15

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Computational analysis of cancer genomes

Please email by Friday 6th November to receive a ZOOM registration link

UserProf Nuria Lopez-Bigas from Institute for Research in Biomedicine in Barcelona .

HouseZOOM (live).

ClockMonday 09 November 2020, 10:00-11:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Cancer Genetics Through the Lens of Mutational Signatures and the Two-Hit Hypothesis.

Please email by Friday 16th October to receive a ZOOM registration link

UserDr Paz Polak from Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York.

HouseZOOM (live).

ClockMonday 19 October 2020, 16:30-17:30

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Characterizing and forecasting tumour evolution

Please email by Friday 25 September to receive a ZOOM registration link

UserDr Robert Noble from City, University of London.

HouseZOOM (live).

ClockMonday 28 September 2020, 10:30-11:30

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Understanding regulatory systems and mechanisms of genetic interactions: from yeast to pediatric cancer

Please email to receive a ZOOM registration link

UserDr Patrick Kemmeren from Princess Maxima Center in Utrecht, Netherlands .

HouseZOOM (live).

ClockMonday 20 July 2020, 11:30-12:30

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Statistical challenges posed by heterogeneous data from immunology and microbiology

Please email by Friday 12th June to receive a ZOOM registration link

UserProfessor Susan Holmes from Stanford University .

HouseZOOM (live).

ClockMonday 15 June 2020, 10:00-11:15

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

“Focus on the Individual; The importance of chromosome-specific biology in generating aneuploidy patterns in cancer”

Please email to receive a ZOOM registration link

UserDr Sarah McClelland from Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London .

HouseZOOM (live).

ClockMonday 01 June 2020, 13:00-14:15

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute


UserDr Sarah McClelland from Barts Cancer Institute in London.

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre (Room 001).

ClockMonday 04 May 2020, 13:00-14:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute


UserProfessor Valentina Boeva from Institute for Machine Learning in Zurich.

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre (Room 001).

ClockMonday 30 March 2020, 13:00-14:00

Signal transducing long non-coding RNAs regulating Cancer Biology

Please email at least 24 hours prior to the talk if you are not based in CRUK CI and you wish to attend

Userprofessor Erwei Song from Sun Yat-sen University in China.

HouseRoom 215, CRUK Cambridge Research Institute.

ClockWednesday 07 August 2019, 12:30-13:30

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

A systems biology approach to identify perturbed processes driving cancer

UserProfessor Francesca D. Ciccarelli from King’s College London & The Francis Crick Institute.

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre (Room 001).

ClockMonday 25 March 2019, 13:00-14:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Learning Engines for Healthcare: Using Machine Learning to Transform Clinical Practice and Discovery

UserProf Mihaela van der Schaar from Department of Applied Maths and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge.

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre (Room 001).

ClockMonday 18 February 2019, 13:00-14:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Cancer Genome Evolution and Immune Escape

You must email prior to the talk if you are not based in CRUK CI and you wish to attend.

UserDr Nicholas McGranahan from Francis Crick Institute in London.

HouseRoom 215, CRUK Cambridge Research Institute.

ClockMonday 12 November 2018, 13:00-14:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Gone fishing. Machine-learning guided discovery from public data.

UserProfessor Casey Greene from the Perelman School of Medicine at University of Pennsylvania .

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre (Room 001).

ClockFriday 21 September 2018, 13:00-14:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Dissecting Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Signaling Networks by Quantitative Phosphoproteomics

UserProf. Jesper V. Olsen, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research (CPR), Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre (Room 001).

ClockTuesday 16 January 2018, 13:00-14:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Enhancers as regulatory hubs in mammalian embryogenesis and human congenital disease

All people external to CRUK CI needs to be booked as visitors. Please contact Kamila at least 24 hours prior the talk.Thank you.

UserDr Alvaro Rada-Iglesias, CMMC - Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne, Germany.

HouseCRUK CI Room 009/009A.

ClockMonday 04 December 2017, 16:00-17:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Inferring the Evolutionary History of Cancers: Statistical Methods and Applications

All people external to CRUK CI needs to be booked as visitors. Thank you.

UserDr Andrew Roth, Ludwig Cancer Research, University of Oxford .

HouseCRUK CI Room 009/009A.

ClockMonday 27 November 2017, 16:00-17:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Mutational heterogeneity in promoter regions in melanoma

All external guests should arrive to the room at least 5 minutes before the start of the talk.

UserA/Prof. Dr Erik Larsson Lekholm, University of Gothenburg, Göteborg, Sweden .

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre (Room 001).

ClockMonday 30 October 2017, 16:00-17:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Improving Openness and Reproducibility of Scientific Research

Please note that this event will be recorded. Guests should arrive to the Lecture Theatre at leat 5-10 minutes prior the talk, swich off their phones and minimise disruption and noise level to the minimum. Use of wi-fi is not allowed during the talk.

UserDr Timothy Errington.

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre (Room 001).

ClockMonday 23 October 2017, 16:00-17:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

To be confirmed

All people external to CRUK CI needs to be booked as visitors. Please contact Kamila at least 24 hours prior the talk.Thank you.

UserProf. Tomas Marques Bonet.

HouseCRUK CI Room 009/009A.

ClockMonday 25 September 2017, 16:00-17:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Coding and non-coding cancer mutations

All people external to CRUK CI needs to be booked as visitors. Please contact Kamila at least 24 hours prior the talk.Thank you.

UserProf. Dr Núria López-Bigas, ICREA Research Professor, IRB Barcelona.

HouseCRUK CI Room 009/009A.

ClockMonday 14 August 2017, 16:00-17:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Statistical Bioinformatics at Scale

All people external to CRUK CI needs to be booked as visitors. Please contact Kamila at least 24 hours prior the talk.Thank you.

UserProf. Alexander Schliep.

HouseCRUK CI Room 009/009A.

ClockMonday 22 May 2017, 16:00-17:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

To be confirmed

All people external to CRUK CI needs to be booked as visitors. Please contact Kamila at least 24 hours prior the talk.Thank you.

UserDr Paz Polak.

HouseCRUK CI Room 009/009A.

ClockMonday 15 May 2017, 16:00-17:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Building a bigger brain: genetic bases for the evolution of the human neocortex

All people external to CRUK CI needs to be booked as visitors. Please contact Kamila at least 24 hours prior the talk.Thank you.

UserProf. Gregory A. Wray.

HouseCRUK CI Room 009/009A.

ClockMonday 24 April 2017, 16:00-17:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Functional variation in the human genome: lessons from the transcriptome

If you have a question about this talk or would like to attend this talk but you are from outside CRUK CI, please contact Kamila.Lembrych-Turek. Please note that all external visitors have to be booked onto an internal visitors' booking system.

UserProf. Tuuli Lappalainen.

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre (Room 001).

ClockMonday 03 April 2017, 16:00-17:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Alternative splicing: widespread fine-tuning regulatory process or costly errors?

All external to CRUK CI people need to be booked at least 24 hours prior the talk. Please contact Kamila by email if you would like to come.

UserDr Laurent Duret.

HouseCRUK CI Room 009/009A.

ClockMonday 13 March 2017, 16:00-17:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Alternative splicing: widespread fine-tuning regulatory process or costly errors?

All external to CRUK CI people need to be booked at least 24 hours prior the talk. Please contact Kamila by email if you would like to come.

UserDr Laurent Duret.

HouseCRUK CI Room 009/009A.

ClockMonday 13 March 2017, 16:00-17:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

The blind watch-breaker: evolution at regulatory sites in cancer

If you have a question about this talk or would like to attend this talk but you are from outside CRUK CI, please contact Kamila.Lembrych-Turek. Please note that all external visitors have to be booked onto an internal visitors' booking system.

UserProf. Colin Semple.

HouseCRUK CI Room 215A/B.

ClockMonday 30 January 2017, 16:00-17:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Modeling cancer evolution from genomic data

Please note that all external visitors have to be booked onto an internal visitors' booking system.

UserBeerenwinkel, Niko, Prof. Dr..

HouseCRUK CI Room 215A/B.

ClockFriday 13 January 2017, 16:15-17:15

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Title to be confirmed

If you have a question about this talk or would like to attend this talk but you are from outside CRUK CI, please contact Kamila.Lembrych-Turek. Please note that all external visitors have to be booked onto an internal visitors' booking system.

UserProfessor Christopher Yau.

HouseCRUK CI Room 009/009A.

ClockMonday 21 November 2016, 16:00-17:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Transposable elements and epigenome evolution

If you have a question about this talk or would like to attend this talk but you are from outside CRUK CI, please contact Kamila.Lembrych-Turek. Please note that all external visitors have to be booked onto an internal visitors' booking system.

UserProf. Ting Wang.

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre.

ClockTuesday 15 November 2016, 16:00-17:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Evolution, genomics and mode of action of long noncoding RNAs in mammalian cells

If you have a question about this talk, please contact Kamila.Lembrych-Turek from CRUK CI.

UserDr. Igor Ulitsky.

HouseCRUK CI Room 215A/B.

ClockWednesday 19 October 2016, 16:00-17:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Non-coding genome function in pancreatic islets and diabetes

If you have a question about this talk, please contact Kamila.Lembrych-Turek.

UserProfessor Jorge Ferrer.

HouseCRUK CI Room 009/009A.

ClockMonday 19 September 2016, 16:00-17:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Sex chromosomes in development and disease

UserJames Turner (The Francis Crick Institute).

HouseCRUK CI Room 215A.

ClockMonday 13 June 2016, 16:00-17:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Gene-drug interaction screens in cancer

UserSebastian Nijman (Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research Oxford).

HouseCRUK CI Room 215A/B.

ClockMonday 16 May 2016, 16:00-17:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Title to be confirmed


UserOlivier Gevaert (Stanford University).

HouseCRUK CI Room 215A.

ClockMonday 24 August 2015, 16:00-17:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Title to be confirmed


UserSean Grimmond (Glasgow).

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre.

ClockMonday 27 July 2015, 16:00-17:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Title to be confirmed

UserIllés Farkas (Hungarian Academy of Sciences).

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre.

ClockTuesday 19 May 2015, 16:00-17:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Mapping tumor heterogeneity and developmental trajectories using 40 markers at single cell resolution:

Room change: 215 instead of lecture theatre (outside guests will need visitor ID)

UserDana Pe'er (Columbia University, NYC).

HouseCancer Research UK Cambridge Research Institute, Room 215.

ClockMonday 29 April 2013, 16:00-17:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Title to be confirmed

UserFrancesca D. Ciccarelli Professor of Cancer Genomics | King’s College London| The Francis Crick Institute.

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre (Room 001).

ClockThursday 25 March 2010, 13:00-14:00

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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