University of Cambridge > > Monday Mechanics Seminars (DAMTP) > Locomotion and Complex Fluids

Locomotion and Complex Fluids

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  • UserMike Shelley, The Courant Institute, New York University
  • ClockMonday 14 May 2007, 13:15-14:15
  • HouseMR5, DAMTP.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact jnm11.

A bacterial bath is a fascinating example of an active suspension where the forcing of the fluid microstructure drives larger-scale dynamics in space and time. In joint work with David Saintillan, we have adapted numerical tools for studying rigid rod suspensions to studying the dynamics of suspensions of self-locomoting rods. Through our simulations we demonstrate the instability of large-scale orientational ordering (predicted theoretically by Ramaswamy and Sinha), the persistence of short-range order, study the role of Taylor dispersion in this system, and examine some of the effects of boundary conditions and differing swimmer models. If time permits I will also discuss recent work on the effect of fluid visco-elasticity on the locomotion of an undulatory sheet.

This talk is part of the Monday Mechanics Seminars (DAMTP) series.

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