Comparison of selected models of heat transfer in perfused biological tissue
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Maciej Stanczyk, Polish Academy of Sciences
Monday 24 April 2006, 13:00-14:00
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Stephen J. Cowley.
The determination of temperature fields in perfused tissues is an important aspect of hyperthermia treatment planning. The heat transfer process is dependent to a large degree on the blood circulation in the area of interest. During the seminar, two numerical methods of approach to this problem will be presented: the DIVA (DIscrete Vessel Analysis) system developed at University of Utrecht and the alternative method developed by the author. The basic assumptions underlying the methods will be given, the similarities, differences and limitations will be highlighted and, finally, some results of the test simulation conduced with both methods will be compared.
This talk is part of the Monday Mechanics Seminars (DAMTP) series.
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