Looking for New (BSM) Physics at the LHC with Single Jets: Jet Substructure and Pruning
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Steve Chun Hay Kom.
At the LHC heavy particles (both known and unknown) will often be produced with enough energy to be observed in a single jet. We will discuss jet substructure in recombination algorithms for both QCD jets and single jets from heavy particle decays with the goal of distinguishing the two. We will see that the jet algorithm itself can introduce significant systematic effects into the substructure and that these effects, along with the contributions of the Underlying Event and Pile-Up, tend to obscure the presence of the heavy particle decays. We will address this issue by identifying a technique for Pruning jets (removing the soft, wide angle contributions), which serves to improve the mass resolution of jets reconstructing heavy particle decays. At the same time Pruning reduces the QCD background, reduces the systematic algorithm effects and reduces the impact of the Underlying Event and Pile-Up.
This talk is part of the HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar series.
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