Prof. Jerome Neufeld
Name: | Prof. Jerome Neufeld |
Affiliation: | University of Cambridge |
E-mail: | (only provided to users who are logged into talks.cam) |
Last login: | Mon Feb 24 11:47:40 +0000 2025 |
Public lists managed by Prof. Jerome Neufeld
Talks given by Prof. Jerome Neufeld
Obviously this only lists talks that are listed through talks.cam. Furthermore, this facility only works if the speaker's e-mail was specified in a talk. Most talks have not done this.
Talks organised by Prof. Jerome Neufeld
This list is based on what was entered into the 'organiser' field in a talk. It may not mean that Prof. Jerome Neufeld actually organised the talk, they may have been responsible only for entering the talk into the talks.cam system.
- Tackling climate change - going beyond emissions reduction
- Frictional fluid dynamics and viscously stable pattern formation
- Physics-aware data-driven approaches for time prediction
- Tumor cell metastasis: Modeling the long and treacherous journey in the circulation and escape at the metastatic site
- The fluid dynamics of disease transmission: bubbles, droplets, and microorganisms (GK Batchelor Lecture)
- Changing reference frame: insights from unsteady fragmentation
- 2nd year PhD student talks - speakers listed below
- From neurons and sunflowers to elephant trunks: the fascinating dynamics of smart active filaments
- Active matter in inhomogeneous environments
- New perspectives on ocean interior turbulent mixing
- On the creation and evolution of quantum knots and links
- Utilising probability distributions in Earth observations
- Turbulence-mean-flow interactions: lessons from local 2D turbulence
- Hydrodynamic Black Holes
- Scientific Uses of Automatic Differentiation
- Horizontal film drainage: soap film elasticity, lubrication equation, line tension and instability
- Unsteady aerodynamics in large-disturbance flows: Gust encounters and maneuvering wings
- Theory of bubble tips in strong viscous flows
- Algal Phototaxis and the Evolution of Multicellularity
- Living Droplets Get to Work
- Motile bacteria in giant unilamellar vesicles: A cautionary tale
- APS DFD - no seminar
- The precessing vortex core instability in swirled jets
- Machine Learning for Scientific Discovery, with Examples in Fluid Mechanics
- From Olympic rowing to gunwale bobbing: Wave drag and wave thrust phenomena
- Instability to elastic turbulence; freezing soft particles; confined viscous flows
- Instability, mixing and fragmentation in planetary collisions
- The dynamics of super-absorbent hydrogels
- Excluded volume and order in a system of Brownian needles
- Translating aerodynamic features from insects and birds to bioinspired aircraft
- 2nd year PhD student talks
- Sinking droplet durotaxis, engulfment and yield phenomena
- Mixed active-passive suspensions: from particle entrainment to demixing
- Some like it hot, but not icebergs
- Coupling rheology and segregation in granular flows
- Bifurcations and control of bubbles in Hele-Shaw channels
- The impact of realistic topographic representation on the parameterisation of lee wave energy flux
- Control, coordination, and computation in ciliated critters
- Interannual variability in the tropical lower stratosphere
- Unsteadiness of Shock Wave / Turbulent Boundary Layer Interactions
- Data-driven identification of turbulent mixing in stratified flows
- Postdoc talks
- Verifying global stability of fluid flows despite transient growth of energy
- Connecting Atmospheric & Oceanic Boundary Layer Turbulence to Global Warming: Regional Mixed Layer Depth as an Emergent Constraint
- Nonuniform mixing: filters, swimmers, and floaters
- Engineering interfacial flows and instabilities in solidifying liquids
- Harnessing Computing for Societal Challenges – the Importance of Multiphase Flows
- Postdoc talks
- Indoor airborne disease transmission: fluid dynamical modelling and mitigation strategies
- Prediction of drag for rough wall boundary layer flows
- Submesoscale in the Texas-Louisiana shelf and its implications on the biogeochemistry
- Reflections on the Geodynamo
- Unmixing the Ocean: Double Diffusion and Turbulence in Polar Oceans
- Measuring and Modeling the coordination of cilia: from collective waves in the brain to information processing?
- Fingers and Fractures: Instabilities in Viscoplastic Fluid Films
- Fluid structure interactions of a microcapsule in flow: when numerical modeling meet experiments
- Modelling stratified turbulence in the ocean interior
- Fluid-mechanical models of ice-sheet sliding and dynamics
- A full-tensor approach for parameterising oceanic eddy tracer transport
- Are confluent cell layers extensile or contractile?
- Urban trees: how do they affect air quality?
- What ground deformation can tell us about sub-surface systems
- Stress coupling between Greenland supraglacial lakes during rapid drainage
- Un-mixing the Ocean: Double-Diffusion, Ice Shelves and Arctic Eddies
- The long term development of Triadic Resonance Instability for finite width internal wave beams
- The fluid mechanics of CO2 sequestration in heterogeneous porous media: a journey across scales
- Limitations of the Miles-Howard criterion
- Double-Diffusive Convection in the Arctic Ocean
- Jet Regimes and the Predictability of Euro-Atlantic Weather
- Dune-dune interactions: experiments and modelling
- From top to bottom: using surface velocity variations to look below glaciers
- The ocean’s transient conveyor belt
- Gravity-driven flows and mixing in layered porous media
- Hydrological networks and flow of the Greenland ice sheet
- Separating the forced atmospheric circulation response to Arctic sea-ice loss from internal variability
- How mixed is the ocean mixed layer?
- Impacts of surface-derived meltwater on ice motion in Greenland and the Antarctic Peninsula
- Quantifying irreversible mixing in stratified turbulence and breaking internal waves
- The ocean boundary layer beneath a melting Antarctic ice shelf: stratification, tides and turbulence
- Turbulence driven by tides in planetary cores: wave turbulence vs. geostrophic turbulence
- Zonal jet variability: insights from a framework of idealised models
- What sets the heat content of Southern Ocean mode water formation regions?
- Viscoplastic Droplets
- Motion of vortices with buoyancy
- Decoding the thermochemical and magnetic evolution of asteroids using thermal modelling
- Processes affecting climate model projections of stratospheric water vapour
- Simply simulating objects and phase change in fluid flow
- The role of lateral rheology contrasts in the evolution of mountain ranges
- Sources of hydrographic variability in Sermilik Fjord, a major glacier fjord in southeast Greenland
- From a steady plume to periodic puffs during confined carbon dioxide dissolution
- The formation of large impact craters
- Turbulence in Forced Stratified Exchange Flows
- Coupled ice-ocean interactions for the Amundsen Sea glaciers, Antarctica
- Turbulent leakage in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- On the dynamics of phytoplankton blooms in experiments and the real world
- Dynamics of volcanic outgassing and plume transport revealed by proximal Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) measurements
- Precessing flows: from geophysics to bioreactors
- Internal wave-induced mean flow
- Waves, turbulence and large-scale flows in mixed convective-stably-stratified fluids